A siren and an incubus chapter 3

Story by MyNamesWASABI on SoFurry

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#3 of A siren and an incubus

A siren and an incubus, chapter 3


-Chapter 3 already?

-I need a life

-a new character would be fun.

-it's time to play, Wheel. Of. Names!

-actually I've already got a name picked out.


We never found Cyril's body, but the river flowed directly out to sea, so there was no reason to think he had survived. Even so, I searched for weeks. I never found any trace of him.

"Sir. You're spacing out" Phillip said, interrupting my thoughts. I shook my head. There's too much work to do. I went forward to the safe. No lasers guarding it. Surprising.

"I reached the safe with ease, but such is to be expected from a master thief like m-" "sir, you're narrating again" Phillip interrupted. Darn. I do that a lot for some reason. "I sighed and went back to wor-" "sir" "sorry"

Let's see. The safe was big, made of metal, high lead content based on the flavor. "Sir, stop licking everything you break into" Philip sighed.

"A fool who persists in his folly will become wise" I retorted. The safe had rust on the hinges, indicating a lack of chromium in the metal. Makes it easier to blow it up, but it hurts me to ruin such finely crafted iron. Such cold and... Beautiful... iron...

"Sir, you're staring at iron again" Phillip interrupted. I shook my head again. Iron is the king of metal, and I tend to get a little obsessive over it sometimes. But back to the safe. I could blow it up, but that leaves a ton of evidence behind, and evidence is bad.

Sir, I know what you're thinking... Do it" Marx laughed maniacally. His psychologist classified him as "psychotic with extreme violent tendencies." So in other words, he's the blow stuff up guy.

"I wouldn't recommend it" Phillip muttered. Much as I like a good explosion, I had to agree with him. Especially when I would have to destroy such beautiful iron, lead contaminated though it may be.

"Ok, we've got a four dial spin lock, so we've got a few different options. We could sit here and try every possible combination, 9999 in total. Or we could break it open." I muttered. I could try a few of the most common combinations and hope to get lucky, but for the most part...

"You're gonna have to break it open boss" Orion said. "you're gonna need a wrench" he continued. I immediately asked someone else.

Breaking it open would leave evidence, but there didn't seem to be any other way. But first I put in a brilliant combination. One so perfect it couldn't possible fail.

"You put in 1234 didn't you" everyone sighed in unison. Then the safe opened. "HAHA, I KNEW IT WOULD WORK ONE DAY!!" I laughed, before shutting up because this is a robbery. Happy as I may have been, one has to wonder, how stupid or negligent can you be to set the combination of a safe at 1234. Almost as if a god of some sort had gotten lazy when he set the combination.

"Sir, please stop making money angels" Phillip sighed, as did most of the others. "Oh come on. We successfully "liberated" the cash from the safe and got it back here. Let's celebrate!" I chuckled.

"MoneyMoneyMoneyMoney" Orion laughed and jumped into the pile of cash, and we both made more money angels. Phillip sighed again. "I love my job." Me and Orion laughed.

Oh god. Of all the days to be in heat. How am I supposed to enjoy a peaceful day when guys for miles around are gonna be trying to fuck me?

"Sissel's coffee? That sounds interesting" I muttered. I could use some coffee, since I woke up at three in the freaking morning with a burning sensation in my cunt. A bunch of people at their tables looked up and sniffed the air, before going back to their drinks.

"Hey there Ms. I'm Sissel, what can I get for you?" Asked a friendly looking black cat in a collar and a bandanna. I groaned and fought to tear my eyes away from his cock. Stupid heat.

"Yeah. I'm having a... Problem... I was wondering if you had anything that could help me with a uh... Heat issue" I blushed. Why I was opening up to a stranger, I have no idea. "I was wondering what that smell was. But I'm sorry, I don't have anything for that" he smiled warmly. I sighed. Why did I expect a coffee shop to be able to help?

"Fine. I'll just get a large coffee with extra sugar" I muttered. "Sure thing. Hey Roy, large co-" "yeah yeah, I heard her" the plant man, apparently named Roy, called back.

I sighed and headed off for home. I could probably spend the day masturbating. "Hey Ms." Sissel called after me. I turned and expected him to offer to sleep with me like all the other men do.

"The place next door has a great alchemist. You should go ask him" he smiled. I was surprised. It's not often you find a man who thinks clearly around a woman in heat.

"Hey, you there" I caught the attention of a big wolf guy. He turned and smiled. It was a friendly smile, despite a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. His one eye was creeping me out.

"What can I do for you ma'am?" He asked. I noticed his nose twitching. "Yeah, I'm having a bit of a... Heat problem" I blushed and rubbed my thighs together. He sniffed at the air, and his eyes seemed to lose focus for a second, before he snapped back to reality..

"Uh, yeah. Go see Orion in the back" he muttered. I could tell he was having trouble controlling himself, and his cock was stirring. Canines have a harder time than most when it comes to heat, on account of their amazing sense of smell.

"Hey there. You're Orion, right? Your boss said you could help me with a problem I'm having. I'm... in heat, and I was hoping you could give me something for it" I groaned.

"Well, I think I can help you with your problem" he grinned, his cock hardening. A board flew through the air and nailed him in the head.

"You shut yer mouth ya perverted equine" said some old falcon. He went back to his work and muttered something under his breath.

"Yeah, here try this" Orion muttered and handed me a vial full of some orange liquid. It was almost frothing, trying to get out of its container.

"Yeah, thank you" I spun and went to go, before I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Owww" I groaned. I bumped into some mouse guy. His head landed in my lap. He was breathing heavily.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I apologized and helped him up. He had on a full face blush, and his glasses were hanging lopsided from his face.

"I-I-I... I'm P-P-Ph... Phi-Phillip..." He stammered. He had a tent in his pants. Of course. His head landed in my lap, so he got a strong whiff if it. Hmm...

"S-sir... I'm g-going" Phillip called, as I dragged him off to my apartment. "Don't overdo it Philllip" the wolf guy called back, before he burst out laughing.

"Sir, I think we have a problem" Orion muttered. "Is it wrench related?" "No" "ok what did you do" I sighed. Sometime Orion can be a handful. "You know that mouse woman that ran off with Phillip?" He asked. "I have a vague recollection" I chuckled. It's hard to imagine Phillip as anything other than a shy mouse guy, so imagining him with a woman is just hilarious.

"Well that's the issue. I was supposed to give her a heat suppressant, but I sort of, kind of, accidentally... Gave her a powerful aphrodisiac" he muttered. I spit out my coffee. "She's gonna eat him alive"

"I-I'm s-starting to fell b-better..." Phillip stammered, sitting nervously on my couch. He was absolutely adorable. Short white fur, disk shaped ears and a twitching nose, not to mention those scratched round glasses that didn't seem to fit him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You see, I'm in heat, and I was going to get a potion for it. Until I ran into you that is" I grinned. He gulped.

"Y-you mean you w-want t-to have... S-s-sex with me" he stammered, covering his crotch with his hands. "I've never been with a woman before" he blushed. I found that surprising. "A cute guy like you? No way" I laughed. I was rather surprised the women weren't all over him.

"Well then I'm gonna have to make your first time something special" I grinned and licked my lips. "Take off your clothes" I told him, pulling my shirt off and revealing my breasts. He stared like a deer in the headlights, and I could tell he was aroused.

"I c-can't... I'm n-nervous" he muttered. I laughed. I don't know what I expected from him. I grabbed his head and kissed him, his tongue fleeing from mine in a shy embrace. Minutes must have passed.

"how about now" I grinned. His face was flushed and his glasses had fogged up. He nodded and slowly pulled off his shirt. He was a mix of handsome and adorable. Lithe, no real muscles to be seen, almost smooth looking.

"Now the pants" I grinned. I found myself licking my lips again. _I wonder what he's packing. _I thought. For a mouse as shy as him, he probably didn't have much. Then he dropped his pants.

"Oh my god" my jaw fell open. Twelve inches of cock sprouted from his loins, and it wasn't even hard yet. "W-what?" He blushed and attempted to cover his groin with his hands again, with absolutely no success whatsoever. I practically drooled.

It just didn't seem possible. Mouse men have five inch cocks on average. To see any mouse, especially such a shy one, with such a big cock, was almost ironic. I pushed him down onto the bed, until he was sitting on the edge.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked, still trying to cover his crotch with his hands. I moved his hands aside and wrapped one of my hands around his shaft. He moaned, throwing his head back. Could he really be that sensitive?

"What, haven't you ever tried masturbating before? It's even better when someone else does it for you" I grinned and gave him a quick stroke. He moaned again, louder than you'd expect for someone who'd barely been touched.

"M-masturbating?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion. I wasn't entirely sure if he was kidding or not, before I realized he was serious.

"How have you never masturbated, did you grow up in a church or something?" I muttered, rather dumbfounded. It just didn't seem possible for someone his age to have never done anything before, especially considering his size.

"W-well, I did grow up in a church actually. Till I was sixteen." He blushed. That explained a lot. The church, of course they would be like that. Telling kids to ignore the urges that their supposed god is making happen in the first place. It's ridiculous.

But then again, that just made his first time all the more fun. Discovering sex with a horny mouse in heat, there's no better way. I stroked once across his entire length, and a large drop of pre slicked my hands. For someone his age to go without release his whole life, he had to have a big load stored up.

"T-this feels... W-weird" he groaned. I pumped his shaft again. "Did you want me to stop?" I grinned, perhaps a bit wickedly. "N-no!" He said, a little too quickly.

"Then sit back and relax" I smiled. He nodded and leaned back on his hands, spreading his legs in the process. He had such a huge cock, I honestly wasn't sure how to go about this, so I just dove in, taking his tip into my mouth.

"Aah!" He cried and thrust his hips forward unintentionally. His tip bobbed against the back of my throat. He honestly looked like he would explode at any second, which was a cute look. He kept moaning and squirming, newly discovered pleasure keeping him from sitting still.

"P-please..." He gasped, with wide eyes. I looked up at him and smiled cutely, before I swirled my tongue around his tip. He thrust unintentionally again, losing his words, instead letting them devolve into moans. I pulled back, till his tip was in the open air, and a strand of spittle connected it to me.

"D-don't stop. Please..." he looked at me with a pleading look. The desperate look of someone who's never experienced such pleasure, and doesn't want it to end.

"Hmmm, I don't know, maybe I'll just do... This" I dove down and forced him down as far as I could take him. Oh god it was massive, like trying to swallow a baseball bat. He screamed in pleasure, with his entire cock being massaged by my throat.

I felt something warm go down my throat, and I pulled back. Spurts of cum got all over my face and breasts. He came, but it seemed a bit light, and he showed no signs of softening afterwards.

"That was weak. I guess we didn't quite open up the floodgates." I smiled, which, with cum on my face, must have looked either weird or sexy as hell. His cock still looked painfully hard, and he looked very much unsatisfied.

His cum was salty, with just the faintest nutty taste that all mouse men seem to have for some ridiculous reason. I grabbed his cock again and stroked him, which brought forth loud moans. He was quite sensitive, though I imagine this didn't feel nearly as good as my mouth. As if reading my thoughts

"C-can you... S-suck on it again..." He blushed. I grinned and licked his tip, which made him jump. But that was as close to a blowjob as he was getting, because I decided I'd finish him by hand, if only to tease him.

"Mnnnn" he groaned, a drop of pre beading his tip. He looked so cute, squirming and moaning. Something about that innocent nature just turns me on. But all good things must come to an end. I had come up with a better idea.

"Phillip. I want you to spank me." I groaned and rubbed my thighs together. It turned me on just thinking about it. "W-why?" He asked. Of course he didn't get it. Sometimes pain is pleasure.

He slapped my ass with his hand, though so lightly I wasn't sure is he had it in him. I was bent over in his lap like a kid who just broke a vase.

"Harder. I've been naughty and I need to learn a lesson." I moaned. He slapped my ass again, harder this time, as if discovering the limits of this new fetish. smack! He brought his hand down particularly hard.

"Ah" I moaned. My rear stung, and my pussy was dripping. "That's right. Spank me, I've been bad" I moaned loudly when he smacked my other cheek. Each slap was harder than the last, and each one felt better. He was apparently enjoying this, as I could feel his cock still hard under my belly.

"YES!" I screamed when he delivered a really hard smack. I practically came right there. My buns were on fire! God it felt amazing.

"Oh yes, punish me. I was naughty and I need to be spanked" I moaned and wiggled my rear for him. He didn't seem to understand the reason for my words, but he played along regardless.

"I'm a dirty little girl who needs discipline." I wiggled my bottom for him. He brought his hand down with a an audible crack. I almost came again. I almost thought I saw him smile.

"M-my leg is wet" he seemed confused. He looked and saw juice dripping from my pussy. I moaned when he touched it suddenly.

"It's lubricant. It's supposed to be like that." I said. He dropped the issue and spanked me again. I squealed in pleasure, pain, and that wonderful feeling inbetween. My ass was on fire, and I'd be sore in the morning, but god I was wet. He raised his hand up, and brought it back down with amazing force.

"Oh god. Smack me harder, make me squeal like the bad little girl I am." I moaned. He then brought down his hand in a slap with as much force as I think he could physically manage.

"AAAHHHH!!!" I screamed and I orgasmed, hard, my cunt fluttering and juices running down my leg and soaking his lap.

"Ph... Phillip... That was... The best orgasm... I've ever had." I panted, having trouble catching my breath. He smiled, seeming proud of himself.

"Ok wise guy, don't go getting cocky." I grinned and got up, taking great care with my movements. Spanking is hot as hell, but it leaves my ass feeling equally hot.

I completely forgot about Phillip, till I turned and saw him sitting there with his cock dripping pre. He was squirming uncomfortably, his member obviously bothering him for its own release.

"Well big stuff, I've got a fantasy I want to try out, and I think you're the perfect person for it." I grinned. Sexual fantasies. You gotta love em.

"W-what?" He asked, looking at me curiously. Rather than answer, I laid on my back on the bed and spread my legs. He wasn't sure what exactly I wanted him to do, till I grabbed his head and pulled his face up against my cunt.

"Wht er u don?" he asked, his voice muffled by my soaking wet cunt. My point was to have him get as much of the scent of my heat as he could. Enough of it, and he'd go nuts and start rutting me like an animal, which is exactly what I wanted. He stopped struggling and started taking slow, deep breaths.

"I think that'll do." I let his head go, and he sat up. His cock was letting loose a constant stream of precum, his glasses were lopsided and hanging off his face, and his breathing was ragged. On top of all that, he looked an instant away from throwing me down and fucking me into the ground. Perfect.

I spun around, got into doggy style and waved my rear at him. Despite his apparent desperation, he was still waiting for my approval.

"I'm ready for you Phillip, so be a good boy and mount me." I grinned. He needed no further encouragement. He hopped on top of me, grabbed my hips and slammed himself to the hilt inside me in one big, rough thrust.

"Oh god... Be careful Phillip, yo-AH!" I gasped. He had his hands on my hips and he was fucking me with reckless abandon.

"Phillip... Slow down, you're hurting me." I winced, tears forming in my eyes. He was going fast, slamming in from tip to base in fast, rough thrusts. He was being a bit too rough, and it was hurting now. I wasn't built to fit such big things in my cunny.

"Please stop..." I said him, putting on the most commanding tone I could. He seemed to take no notice and kept on fucking me. He was getting faster too.

"Phillip, stop it!" I groaned in pain. My face was up against the bed and he was forcing himself into me with such power that I could barely sit up.

"I said stop!" I groaned. Tears flowed freely now, wetting my cheeks and dripping onto the bed. Either he didn't hear me or he didn't care in his lust addled state, but either way, I was being raped.

"Please Phillip, stop. It hurts." I whined, full on crying at this point. His cock was pistoning so quickly that the friction was starting to burn.

"Phillip, you're raping me. Stop it, now." I cried. He went on regardless, until he pushed in one more time, his tip forcing itself up against my cervix, and he came.

The floodgates opened, and he spurted jet after jet after jet of thick cum, so many shots of it that it filled up my womb and started pouring out of my pussy as much as he put in. I was positively full, with no more room to fit any more of his cum, but he showed no sign of stopping. He kept on cumming, letting out all those years worth of build up. By the time he stopped, my sheets and that entire section of my bed were absolutely soaked in it. I felt a last bit of extra thick cum harden and form a plug like all mouse men do, holding all that cum in my womb like it was designed to.

He collapsed, curling up and sleeping peacefully on the floor. I just lay there, cum dripping out my cunt. I know it wasn't his fault, he wasn't thinking clearly, he probably didn't even realize what he was doing, but I still felt soiled. Filthy.

I honestly had no idea what I was going to do. It wasn't his fault, but that didn't mean everything was going to be fine. I just...

"Hhhmmm" he yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes and pulling himself out of sleep. He pushed his glasses back up onto his face and looked over at where I was laying. He blushed and looked away.

"A-are you... o-okay?" He asked, looking extremely embarrassed, though whether because of the sex or because he remembered, was uncertain.

"Just leave Phillip. I don't want to talk to you right now..." I muttered. He had gotten dressed and he was standing outside my door.

"B-but, w-what did I do?" He asked. It's honestly a good thing that he didn't remember. It was so much easier that way.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to be alone for a little while" I sighed and went to shut the door. He stuck his foot in and stopped it.

"W-wait... At least tell me your name so I can find you again" he blushed. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to see him again, but I guess I owed him my name, at least. "My name is Madeline"

"So Phillip... How did it go?" I asked, sipping my coffee. So far the team's coffee bill is somewhere around a hundred and fifty dollars. We really need to stop drinking so much of the stuff.

"I don't know Mr. Wasabi. She doesn't want to talk to me and I don't know why." he muttered. He'd been sitting there with his head face down on the table for about an hour. He seemed genuinely depressed.

"What did you do?" I asked. He just sort of sighed and started banging his head against the table.

"That bad huh." I muttered. I'm not sure what I expected, but this wasn't it. Sure, Philip's first time wasn't going to be anything to write home about, but it certainly shouldn't have been bad enough that she won't talk to him. Then again, my first time wasn't all that good either. But that's a story for another time.

"Well Phillip. The best advice I can give you is to just chill and wait for her to calm down. It can take some time, but eventually she'll come to you." I muttered and sipped my coffee.

"I just... I don't know what I did... At least, I don't think I do... It's all sort of blurred." He sighed. That seems to be the typical situation with women.

"Sir... Can I tell you something?" He asked. "Sure" I said. I like being helpful... When I'm not stealing everything that isn't nailed down...

"I don't really remember it that well, and most of it is sort of blurry... I'm getting bits and pieces... And I'm not sure if it happened at all, but... I think I raped her..." He muttered, tears in his eyes.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" I yelled, probably way louder than I needed to. He flinched, and I think he was crying. It was hard to tell with him face down on the table.

"I don't know!" He cried, loud enough that I'm glad we were in the store's basement. It's soundproofed, for obvious thief-related reasons.

"She was in heat, and... I think I just sort of went crazy on her..." He was openly sobbing at this point. I sat down next to him.

"Phillip. I'm gonna be brutally honest with you right now." I said. It's rare I do this, but sometimes no amount of comforting lies will help someone. Sometimes the complete truth is the only thing that they need.

"I can't say that this your fault. I imagine you didn't mean it, you weren't thinking clearly. But that doesn't absolve you of guilt. It doesn't mean that she is without guilt either, but it's most certainly not her fault. Maybe it was just an unfortunate accident on both parts, or maybe it was a fantasy gone wrong, but this I can say with absolute certainty. Phillip, you need to apologize. Now."

"Hey Sissel, ready for our date tonight?" I smiled and ordered my standard coffee. Nutmeg, with a touch of cinnamon.

"I've been waiting all day." He smiled. That charming smile again. It just makes you want to melt. Sometimes I wonder how it took me this long to find him.

"Hey there Sissel. Enjoying some time with the lady friend I see" Lucas laughed and punched Sissel in the arm. Seeing Lucas though... It sort of left me feeling depressed. I hadn't forgotten my feelings for Lucas, and I still wanted him, but that just left me feeling confused.

"Yeah yeah, now get lost ya deadbeat" Sissel chuckled and pushed him aside. It was a friendly sort of shove, like best friends do.

"What was that all about?" I asked. Sissel laughed. "Lucas and me go way back. Knew him since he was eight." He laughed again. Hard to imagine those two as childhood friends. Hard to imagine them having sex too, but that's happened, so what do I know.

"So, what were you planning on doing with me today?" I asked, grinning. Sex jokes. They never stop being funny.

"I was thinking maybe we could head down and spend some time at the park. Watch the birds, or something." he grinned. We both laughed.

"So, the park... You got your birds, your squirrels, some fish over there... God this place is boring" I sighed. "I know. This isn't at all what I thought it'd be like." Sissel muttered.

"Soooo... Now what?" He asked. Good question. "We could go over to the Egyptian district. Mop has that new batch of candies I ordered, so I figured we could stop over there or something." I said. Sissel seemed to ponder it for a moment.

"I've got a friend over in the Egyptian district. Her name is Lucile. You should meet her while we're over there." he smiled. I agreed. It would be nice to meet some of Sissel's friends.

"So, what's your friend like, this Lucile woman?" I asked. May as well know something about her before I meet her. Sissel smiled. I couldn't help but feel like that smile was a bit too happy.

"She's a bat. With the wings and all, you know." He chuckled. "I know what a bat is" I sighed, loudly. He laughed again.

"She's honestly about the only other woman I've dated other than you." He grinned. That would probably explain quite a lot.

"Don't go getting any funny ideas you horn-dog." I muttered and elbowed him in the arm suggestively. He just laughed again.

"Hey wait, didn't you date that one girl, Lisa?" I asked. That would make it three women, not two. Then again, who really cares about the number.

"I didn't really date Lisa... We got married right off the bat." He said. He seemed depressed all of a sudden. I could understand why. He lost the woman he loved. I can't imagine what that's like.

Finally we arrived at Mop's shop. It was a rather small place, on the corner of the intersection. He had a sign on the door. "If you make the kid in a candy store joke, I will cut you." It said. It's actually pretty hilarious.

"Hey there Sarah, I imagine you're here for your new batch of caracinn mints?" Mop grinned, sucking on a lollipop, his completely untamed hair covering half his face. That's why everyone calls him Mop.

"You bet." I chuckled. Mop gave me one of his hair flips. He thinks it's endearing, but it just makes him look ridiculous.

"And may I say... Oh... Who's your friend?" He asked, forgetting whatever he was about to say. I put my arm around Sissel's shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"He's my boyfriend." I smiled. Mop seemed almost crestfallen. "Oh, well... Ok then" he muttered, his voice sounding disinterested, or perhaps upset.

"Mop. Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked, grinning. He shook his head and walked off to the back, but not before dropping the candies in a bag on the counter.

"I think he had a crush on you." Sissel said. "Agh. Why does everything have to be so damn complicated." I sighed. Sometimes I wonder what I'm gonna do with these people. It seems everyone either has a crush on me, or I've got a crush on them.

"Well... Thanks for the candy Mop. I'll see you next week." I called back to him. He muttered something unintelligible.

"So, you wanted me to meet this woman Lucile." I smile. I was actually sort of freaked out by meeting one of Sissel's old girlfriends. I wonder if she'd be jealous? Or maybe just pissed off.

"So, where does she live?" I asked. Typically bats live in the darker areas of town. It's a simple fact. Much like how opposites attract, and how I'm the hottest woman alive. Facts.

"She lives over on the edge of the district, but she always hangs around the antique store at this time of day." He said. Interesting. I've never been much of an antique lover. I do like Greek things, but that's probably pre-programmed into my brain, being as I'm a siren and all.

"That's her over there." Sissel pointed over to my left. A beautiful bat woman in a short-ish skirt and a dark red jacket and dark orange shirt, was browsing antiques. Smooth brown fur, a pink upside down heart shaped nose and wings furled up under her jacket. She had a white ribbon bow on her tail, and one around her neck. She was absolutely stunning.

"Jealous much?" Sissel grinned and elbowed me suggestively. She turned and saw Sissel. "Hey Sissel! How are you!?" She yelled, running over with a big smile on her face.

She hugged him, craning her one leg back. "Who's you're friend?" She asked with a smile. "His girlfriend." I muttered, crossing my arms. She let go of him quickly.

"Haha, sorry about that." She said. "Didn't know he was seeing someone." She smiled, a big friendly smile. She seemed nice enough, if a bit clingy.

"So, have you two done anything yet?" She asked. I wasn't sure if I heard that right. "Well that's hardly any of your business." I huffed. Sissel laughed.

"Well as his former lover, I feel like I'm entitled to that information." She grinned. "Former lover? You never told me you slept with her." I said. Sissel just shrugged.

"Wait a second... Roy said you've only ever been with one woman before. And that was Lisa. So that doesn't add up." I muttered.

"I wouldn't trust Roy. He's a joker." Sissel said. Lucile blushed. I wasn't quite sure what to make of that.

"Well Lucile, I'd very much to learn more about you. Would you and Sissel like to come back to my apartment for some tea?" I asked. She gasped happily and hugged me. A hug that made me feel sort of... Dare I say it... Aroused...

"Well she's a happy one." Stacy chuckled, though I could tell she was suppressing one of her upset moods. I could almost hear her voice. Now he's introducing you to his old girlfriends? Her voice seemed to say. I shook my head. Stacy is a bit overprotective sometimes, but she means well.

"So, how did you meet Sissel?" I asked. Lucile and Sissel both got red in the face, which seemed strange. Where did they meet that could warrant that reaction?

"We met in a strip club." She blushed. That almost seemed a bit too obvious. Like something I should have seen coming.

"What exactly were you doing at a strip club?" I asked her with a grin. It's very possible she was just bi, but messing with her was fun.

"I like women too. Is there someone wrong with that?" She huffed, crossing her arms rather defensively. "Not at all." I said.

We all relaxed and decided to get drunk. I was on my fourth beer before I started to feel lightheaded. Sissel was on the edge of passing out, and Stacy passed out ten minutes ago. She's a lightweight.

"Sho, whadda yu like n wemen?" I grinned, my head swimming. My words were heavily slurring. "Theyr curves?" I purred and ran my hands down along my body. "Or ther breashts?" I gave a lewd moan and cupped my tits. Lucile blushed and crossed her legs in what I presumed to be embarrassment.

"Yuu shul... Yu shuld... Prolly..." Sissel slurred, before he finally succumbed to the alcohol and passed out. Lucile was actually handling herself pretty well, seeming very level-headed. Surprising.

"Maybe yuud like ta show me wut yu like abot me" I grinned, walked up to her and sat in her lap. In any ordinary situation, I wouldn't have even considered this, but I was drunk and probably not thinking as clearly as I could have been. Or anywhere close to that actually.

"S-Sarah... I don't think that's a good ide-EEP!" She squeaked when I pulled her skirt down. Her panties were dainty and frilly. They were a pretty pink. And they had a bulge in them.



