Let Mommy Help (Story)

Story by SesshaXIII on SoFurry

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    After a bad break up with his girlfriend Jason had been spending more time at home. Bored, he decided that now would a been a good time to tend to his own needs. He slipped out of his clothes and layed on his back before gripping his already rock hard cock and starting to stroke it. Not as good as making love with his ex or his sister, but better than boredom.    Downstairs, his mother, Leaf, could hear creaking coming from upstairs. Curious, she went to investigate the sourse, though since only recently regaining the ability to walk it took her a bit of time. As she approached her middle son's room she started to feel off, as if she was being control. She peered into the room and could see her son masterbating away. Normally she would of just walked away and never said a word about it, but today was different. She could feel herself become aroused as she watched. As if by command she soon slid her hand into her pants and began to rub herself. Two fingers, then three fingers, rubbing harder and deeper but not feeling any kind of release. Only a stronger disire to please and to be pleased.    Jason, no closer to climax himself, he gave up in frustration. Leaf pulled her soaked fingers out of her slit and walked into her son's room. "Having some trouble?" She said to her unknowing son. "Mom!?" he yelled, before pulling his tail in to cover his engored bits. "Can anybody knock!?" He added. She just smiled and looked down. Jason just looked at her, embarassed and confused, "Is there anything that you need Mom?". "I just want to help make my baby feel better" she said before kneeing down. "H-help me? Wh-what are you doing? Mom?" he asked, though it seemed she couldn't hear him.    She gently gribbed his tail and carefully peeled it from his front. "My my, you are your father's son." with a hint of excitement in her voice. Jason, face bright red at this point, "I-is that all mom? Can you go now? Please? This is very weird and awkward." "But baby..it's a mother's duty to help her baby." she said before giving a long lick up her son's shaft. Jason's eyes widened, now well beyond confused. Before he could say a thing his mom had taken the tip into her mouth and began to bob her head up and down. Jason tried to push her off but his body, but his body felt like lead. He wanted to look away but he could watch his mother, he didn't feel incontrol of his body.    "M-mom..." He said feeling like he was in a daze. Leaf pulled her head back, and kissing her son deeply. "Let mommy help make you better." she asked before standing up. "P-please..mama" He replied eagerly. Leaf, happy to hear this stood back up and began to undress for her son. Naked and still wet she climbed on to her son. She cried as she impaled herself on her son. Jason put his hands mom's thighs and helped her stay balance as Leaf. She began to  up and down, her son's face between her breast. "Oh baby..you're just like your father!" she said panting

hard. "Th-thank you..m-mom." he said and his mother started to go harder and faster. Both approaching there limits. "In me! Please baby!" Leaf begged before going down a final time. As Jason cums deep into her, Leaf cried out in pleasure before cuddling with her son. "mmm, feeling better baby?" She asked. "Yes mom" he answered, laying his head on her breast. Leaf gently stroked on his head as they both dozed off. Without a single memory of what had transpired.