Shell-Shocked - Collaboration with Minothebull

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#2 of Sgt. Horns

Paul comes back home, shaken and battered by what happened

Hey everyone!

Not sure if you remember the first installment of this story ^^ It was the story of a newbie cop, Paul, and his first day on the street, which turned rather differently from what he had imagined... I've got planned a bit more of this, thanks to avatar?user=322305&character=0&clevel=2 minothebull who devised with me the ropes of it and who gave the core elements. I hope I'll bring myself to write it the next part soon, bear with me if I don't :/ Still, hope you will like this sequel and such! And that you will show that with a fave, or comment, or a vote icon_inlove.gif

As always, thank you my avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou for being in my life! And also thank you Moomoo for your help in this story ^^

The first eight, excruciating hours of his cop career had finally passed, but Paul wasn't feeling as he had expected to. The tiredness wasn't surprising, sure, but it wasn't the content, prideful kind he had looked forward to, the one that came after a day doing something good for society and for his self esteem.

His head hang low, his ears staying in an incomplete position, not quite perked, not quite flattened; just his self control was keeping his tail from being in a submissive position, but it still lacked the usual wag. He had crossed the corridors of the police department without meeting the eyes of anyone, and I hadn't tried to talk to the other two newbies in his shift after the debriefing.

"How did that happened?" Was the question that he repeated in his head over and over again. The wolf had let another male control him completely, have his way with him, not putting even a fight. Paul was Kowalski, he was a top dog, an authoritative cop; he didn't bend to no one, but others bent to him!

_ _

Or so his dad taught him. Deep inside, he had enjoyed being utterly dominated by the burly bull, to be fucked in that alley in such a rough way; that had been one of his fantasies since he had hit puberty. But let commanding officer do that to him? It wasn't anything a good policeman should do. A cop must be strong, demanding, taking what he wanted, making sure law was respected, right?

_ _

The soreness in his ass reminded that he hadn't done anything like that. Sure, after he had fetched the donuts for the bovine everything had gone smoothly, they had kept patroling the street, the officer toning down the complaints too. At one point, they had even parked the car and walked through the streets, but nothing particular had happened for the whole duration of the street.

_ _

Even after eight hours of shift, and the steaming sex, Sgt. Horns remained a mystery. He had talked to him just to instruct the wolf on how to do things, always in the gruff tone that belonged to the equally gruff looking male; with others, the bull had always respectful and smiling, another break from the ideal image of cops the young canine had.

_ _

Having finally reached his car, Paul heaved himself on the driver's seat, a sudden spike of pain coming from his ass thanks to his uncarefulness. Supressing a groan, he initated the car, wanting to be home as fast as possible, his mind still occupied with the mystery that was Sgt. Fucking Horns.

_ _

The wolf couldn't still believe that his dad, the perfect cop, had submitted himself to the bovine. Hell, he couldn't believe his dad had sex with another male! Jim Kowalski had always been full of contemnt for those "queers", always berating the sissies; how could it be possible that the manly wolf had been one of them?

_ _

Driving through the traffic, the canine didn't know the answer to that question. Sure, he himself was a fag, but he never had the attitude his dad had displayed toward them; he wanted to ask him so many questions, but that fucking robber had taken away the chance from him. The only one he could ask was Sgt. Horns, but he had found it an impossible task; their lunch break had been shrudded in an awkward silence, neither cop talking.

_ _

Maybe he could ask his mother... But that would raise so many embarrassing question, and it would break the heart of the wolfess to know that her husband and her first born child had been as queer as a German burlesque show.

Finally, he arrived at his small suburb house, the pristinly green lawn colored a bright orange by the setting sun. Sighing deeply, he turned off the engine and exited the car, trying as hard as he could to gather some cheerfulness for his mom as he entered his house.

"Paulie, is that you?" His mother shouted from the kitchen, her keen ears having caught the sounds of his entrance.

"Yes mom!" He shouted back, taking off his hat and already walking to his room.

"Come to the kitchen, I want you to tell me all about your first day!" The wolfess comanded, and when she ordered something, her children had to obey without question. Even though Paul just wanted to go and get a much needed shower.

He found his mom setting some plates on the kitchen table, a dish full of fuming lasagna just waiting to be eaten. "Sit down and eat Paulie, I know you must be hungry. Jim always was after a shift!" She chimed, sitting herself and looking radiant.

"Where are the others?" He asked, taking his place slowly so to not upset his butt, even though the soreness had almost gone away by now. Before entering the room he hadn't been hungry, but the delicious smell of pasta and meat had awakened his hunger, his stomach almost growling for food.

"Ann is at Beth's for a sleepover, Jimmy and Dan are in their room playing some game with guns and blood." The brown furred canine answered, her eyes fixed on her son and filled with love and pride.

"I see. Sorry if I missed dinner time." The wolf apologized, his fork diving and taking out a good chunk of lasagna.

"Don't be, you had to work, we know that." She dismissed the apology, her smile turning a bit nostalgic. "It reminds me of when Jim was still here..."

"If you say so." Paul said before stuffing his mouth with the combination of tomato, cheese, meat and pasta, slowly chewing on it and savoring it. Mom said she got the recipe from her own grandmother, which had a secret ingredient she swore would give in only to little Ann on her wedding day.

He ate his lasagna siltently, interupting himself only for taking gulps of cool water to wash it down. His mom didn't say a word, she just sat there, her face set over her paws, looking at her eldest son while basking in her maternal pride. She knew better that it was better to wait for him to finish and not put any pressure on that, after all he wasn't going nowhere.

Swallowing the last mouthful, Paul cleaned his muzzle with his napkin, ready to be submissed by questions from his mom, as he had been expecting now.

"So, how was your first day Paulie?" She predictably asked while raising from her chair to clean up the table.

"It was... fine. Nothing special, just patrolling and such." The wolf answered, faking some joy in it. No use to make his mom worry, nor to confess how the day really turned.

"I told you it would be like that." She giggled, her paws busy with the dirty dishes, giving them a quick pass under hot water before putting them in the dishwasher. "Jim always lamented that 70% of the work was just driving and walking around."

"We did just that, for the whole shift. So dad was right." He sighed, not being able to hide his discontent. Maybe his dad should have added being pounded by a thick bull cock in the list of activites, he thought bitterly.

"You have a romantic idea of the cop life, dear. It's not every time that there are chasing and shootings..." The wolfess trailed off, surely thinking of that one shooting, the one that robbed them of a husband and a dad. But she wasn't the kind of woman to let an idle thought ruin her mood, so she sat down again, a smile on her long muzzle.

"Did you meet some of Jim's old buddies? Or made some new friends?" She continued her smothering interrogation.

"We... we were out of the department all day long, didn't have the chance to do both." Paul explained, trying hard not to flick his ears. He wasn't really lying, but he would rather not say what he really did to socialise; that thought risked to turn his cheeks and the inside of his ears read, so he steered his mind away from the hot alley sex.

"Awwww poor Paulie! But I am sure you will make up with that in the next few days." She smiled brightly, being the positive mom she was. She always supported her children, being always there for them, unlike dad; but dad had always been busy working, so the wolf couldn't hold a grunge on him. Or at least until that day, because now he wondered how many times his father had used the excuse of work to hide his other.... activities.

"If you say so mom." He agreed with her, snapping out of his grim thoughts. "It was the same at the Academy."

"Of course dear, you have to come out of your shell, just that." The matriarch of the Kowalski household waved away the small issue. If she only knew how he had made friends in the Academy... One late night in the showers....

Without warning, his mom stood up and went to the fridge, taking out a slice of the apple cake she had made the other day, to celebrate the beginning of his career, along with a spoon.

"Thanks mom!" He exclaimed, taking the offered cake and the spoon, not wasting time and scooping a good part to it.

"You're welcome Paulie. So, who is your supervising officer?" She asked innocently, the sudden question almost making him choke, which earned a scolding. "Small bites! How many times I have to tell you?"

"S-sorry mom. What did you just ask?" The lupine repeated, buying himself some time drinking from his glass.

"Who is your supervising officer? He, or she, probably was friend with Jim, after all." The brown canine asked, full of curiosity and totally oblivious on what the simple question had caused in her son.

"It's a Sergeant. Sgt. Horns." He answered, hoping that it would sufficent.

"Horns? Mark Horns? A bull?" She asked, crushing his hopes that she would stop with just the name.

"Yes, it's him. Do you know him?" Paul just said, taking another, small bite of the cake, masking the inner turmoil the name brought.

"Of course I know him, he was Jim's partner in.. the last years of his career." His mom explained, her bright smile wavering a bit just in the end.

"Really? I don't remember him..." The wolf said, his curiosity piqued. The bull hadn't looked familiar at all, which was strange since he remembered the series of partners and friends his dad made. Always very subdued and respectful to his old man, and to his family too, having an healthy fear of the big wolf; such a male specimen as the Sergeant would have been noticed, especially since it had been during his teenage years....

"He never came to visit us like the rest." The female lupine chimed, though she didn't sound offended by that as he would have expected. "We went out to dinner a few times, such a pleasant fellow."

"He seems quite stern to me..." Paul said before he could stop himself.

"That's because he has to be in front of you, silly. He is a fine man, he always made me and your father laugh." She was almost lost in her memories, her eyes fixed in the distance.

"Dad laughing? Really?" He exclaimed in shock. His dad had always be so serious, so collected at home, almost keeping the distance from his kids; the wolf wasn't even sure he ever heard him laugh in his whole life.

"It was shocking for me too, dear. You know how your father was, never an easy man to live with." His mom sighed at the hard times and the fights she had with her spouse, her son assumed. "But he changed when Mark entered his life. He was more easy going, more relaxed... He really bonded with the bull."

"I see..." The young cop saying, not really understanding. For him, his father had always stayed the same... Then, a doubt sprout in his head. "Wait, if they were so close, why didn't he come to the funeral?"

The middle-aged woman stayed silent for a minute, sadness appearing on her features. "He was hit pretty hard by your father's death. He came to me a few days after, blaming himself because that day he was off duty."

"That doesn't excuse him at all." The wolf pointed out, almost growled. The bull probably had used his dad for his... filthy needs, and didn't want to face his family.

"You didn't see how he was, dear. He feared we hated him for that, silly as it sounds." She said, sighing lightly before standing up again. "Finish your cake, then go and take a shower dear."

Taking that as an invite to leave her alone, to think about the past, Paul did as told, wolfing down the rest of the dessert even if his appetite had fled him. Putting the dirty dish in the sink, he bolted upstairs, feeling like he really needed to wash himself after all the emotional up and downs he went through.

First stop was his room, were he carefully undressed so that his uniform didn't end up wrinkled; it still bore the signs of being ironed, even his pants, who luckily enough hadn't gathered any dirt after being lowered on the dirty floor of the alley.

Having only his white undies to cover his midly muscled body, the wolf cringed a bit when he saw the stains on it where semen had dried, both on the front and behind. His hole gave a spasm at the visional reminder of his activities, but such an evidence couldn't finish in the paws of his mom, never!

Hiding it in his usual place under the bed, where no one dared see for ancient tradition, he padded to the bathroom barenaked, not worrying about being caught; his brothers wouldn't care less, Ann wasn't present, and his mom was occupied downstairs.

Locking the door behind him, he had the shower running in no time, soon followed by his fur being soaked by the hot water. He let it run for a while, wanting to relax a bit, standing there and enduring the continous waterfall like a zen warrior; but he had learned so much, too much about his dad, and the knowledge was stopping him from full relaxing.

Jim Kowalski had been happy thanks to the bull, or so his mom affirmed, without thinking too much of the reason behind such happiness. The bull was a mystery, not ever showing up at their place, and treating him in such a way that morning; though, he had really snapped only once he had showed his insolence...

And thinking about that, the bovine did had told him that his father was a jerk before he met him... What did he meant by that? And did he really blackmailed him into having sex? On the moment the wolf had thought he had, but now he wasn't sure anymore. Was that some kind of training?

Shaking away the doubts, he started to soap his fur, his paws going over his muscles and massaging them as they passed; giving just a quick pass at his groin, he remembered to lether his ass too, considering that juices had soaked in the fur back there.

Slowly, he groped his own buttcheeks, his fingers passing lightly on his hole and, despite himself, such a breif contact awakened some sensations in him. Even if the bull had been rough, Paul was a big and mean wolf, so his hole wasn't feeling that bad right now; the finger pressed back there actually reminded how it had felt to have a heavy, big bovine member down there, spreading and hitting and...

And the recalling was causing some reaction, his until then dormant sheath peeling up to show the growing erection. Paul knew what was happening, it always happened after he got fucked: he was craving for some more, to be stuffed again by a cock. And that urge wouldn't leave him until it was satisfied in some way, to his utter misery.

Growling in annoyance for his body' weird workings, he quickly rinsed off the soap, turning on the dry to full speed, the artificial wind making his hard cock slap against his tights. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around his hips, trying his best to hide his erection; after unlocking his door, he peeked out his head, looking if some family member was around.

Luckily for him, no one was in sight. Taking advantage of the moment, he stealthily run to his room, closing the door lightly behind him, dropping his towel right after it, his cock jumping free of restraints in the air, hard and red.

Kneeling on the floor, the wolf retrieved the special wooden box he used to hide his toys and complimentary tools. He had used it for that reason since he was twelve, the age when he had began to make his own bed, when it wasn't risky to hide the prohibeted material; or so he had thought back then.

Opening the box, he wondered if the bull had been truthful, if his dad had discovered the contents the box. Back then, it held only some magazines and videos, the ones that he had dared to buy after psyching himself up; now, a small collection of dildos rested along with the relics of his youth, mostly canine shaped, except for one that had been modeled after Buck Bullcock's endownement.

The lupine didn't have to decided, his paw grabbing Bullcock's dildo right away, along with the much needed lube. He applied the dildo on the wall, just over his bed, its sunction cup at one end making sure that it didn't fall from it; from the experience, he knew that the toy would remain there for a long time, almost as if it was glued.

Lettering his fingers with the sticky lube, he went immideately to town, ramming one of them in his tender hole, the muscle easily giving away to the intruder. Paul looked at the toy while his digit was busy preparing his ass, going in and out without trouble and stimulating him; the dildo seemed to be about the same size as the Sergeant's cock, albet of a jet black color.

That consideration amazed him, he wouldn't have ever thought he could take something that big without preparation, and without causing much discomfort afterwards. Maybe he was more of a bottom than he had thought...

Jamming in another finger, he moaned at the feeling of being stretched and poked, his fingers scissoring to cause even more pleasure. Even if it had confused him, he couldn't deny that the sex with Horns had been hot and amazing, hitting at buttons he had denied having all of his life; giving in completely wasn't something a cop should do, but he had liked it, oh boy if he had.

Thrusting his fingers a couple of times more, he deemed his hole ready for something bigger and more satisfying. Extracting his digits, the wolf put some lube on his paw, then spread it over the toy, to make it slick and ready to enter a tight place; the thought of that made his cock throb, while his wagging tail was pulling the muscles in his rear end in a pleasant way.

Getting on his paws and knees, his tail high in the air, he turned, the tip of the toy kissing his hole every so lightly. The lupine had done this so many times that he had it down to an art, not needing his paw to guide the thick dildo in his depths, just a little push from his hips

With a muffled growl, he did just that, moving his body against the wall, his tailhole giving in first to the head of the toy, then to an increasing number of inches. Paul was in control now, so he set his own face, the invading length being swallowed by his ass slowly enough that it was pleasurable without being uncomfortable, shivers shaking him once the thick toy pressed against his prostate.

Finally, he felt his furred cheeks pressing against the wall, the whole dildo now embedded in his ass. He loved the fullness of a dildo, how his insides stretched and adjusted to the girth of it; he would have loved more if the thing had been a cock, radiating with warmth and spurting pre in him, but circumstances didn't give him much choice on the topic.

Then again... It had felt marvelous to be fucked, even by a soulless toy. Slowly, he moved the thick fake cock out of his bowels, the toy leaving them with ease, then he rammed it back in, the sudden filling making his own untouched cock shoot pre on his bed. He repeated the ordeal, one, two, three times, building up the pace with his hips, air escaping his lungs every time he bottomed up completely.

However strong he fucked himself on the dildo, it didn't feel quite the same as with the bull. The Sergeant had rammed himself in his ass with passion and strenght, with an almost animalist power, ravaging him like no one before. The wolf had had his share of partners, but he had always been in charge, even when he had been the bottom.

Now he was replaying the things the bovine had done to him, imaging that it was his cock penetrating his tailhole, working its magic with him, pushing the right parts inside him. Then, the fantasy evolved, they switched position, his legs being raised and on the massive shoulders of the bull while he pounded the canine to oblivion.

His pace grew frantic, the toy getting in and out of his ass quicker and quicker, while Paul felt his climax fast approaching; he never had managed to achieve a paw free orgasm with a dildo, but today, thanks to the mental images of Horns, he found himself to be about to explode.

With one push, biting his lip so to not howl, he rammed the dildo deep in himself, the pressure inside triggering his climax, so powerful that his body shook while his big wolfhood shoot rope after rope of white seed, making a mess of the covers of the bed. His ass spasmed around the toy, almost like wanting to extract the precious cum out of it, while he tried to muffle his moans and pants, his body covered in sweat.

Shivering, Paul went to lie on his belly, the toy getting out of his ass still glistening with lube; his mind was at ease, riding the afterglow, so much that he didn't care if his seed was coating his freshly washed fur, nor that he needed to wash the covers along with the soiled underwear.

He drifted to a content sleep, where there were no thoughts or worries about his dad, about his Sergeant and how he made him feel, about his work. The warm and relaxing darkness covered him, giving its merciful gift.