Chapter 66: Princess Tayanita

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#66 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

From the world of the mating season

Princess Tayanita

Chapter 66

Seleste couldn't help but think of Ahote's underground palace as they passed inside the deep passages of the mountain. Walking along behind the mountain wolves, she found herself marveling at the exquisite weapons their escort carried. According to her father, the mountain wolves were famous for their weaponry: they could make weapons like no other, and often collaborated with the moon wolves to make better crossbows and knives.

The village was beneath the mountains themselves, and true to her father's stories, the streets were lit with large, glowing mushrooms. The mushrooms came to an average wolf's waist and glowed a soft blue as Seleste and the others passed them. Drawing close, she could hear their gentle hum.

The village huts were made of wood and thatch, much like the huts of the summer tribe, but they were also reinforced with stone quarried from the mountain. As Seleste and the others passed through with the escort, they could see the huts stretching away against the looming ceiling of the enormous cavern. Towering above all was a great hut, its domed roof curling with smoke. Four large pillars surrounded the great hut and were connected by stone beams, a decorative contraption that seemed to make the hut all the more mighty in appearance. It was definitely the great hut of the chief. What else could it be?

Ah, but the mountain wolves referred to their chief as king. Seleste had to remind herself of this. As she sat on his lap, Misae had once told her that the mountain wolves were kings and queens because their tribe was one of the elder tribes. The mountain wolves had been around as long as anyone could remember, and their first king was still considered the very first ruler in a civilized world. For this reason, the mountain wolves commanded a great deal of respect from the other tribes, and should Seleste ever go there, her father cautioned, she had better remember his lessons.

"It's so . . . dark," Mio complained as they went along.

Indeed, it was. The gloom was unsettling. The mushrooms provided a great amount of light, but it was nothing compared to the warmth of sunlight, and as a result, the village seemed to lurk ever in perpetual darkness. It took Seleste's eyes a long time to adjust, and when they finally had, she could see curious pups peeping at them around mushrooms. Young females peered from windows or else stood on corners gossiping as they passed. A few male warriors sat on the stone stoops of their homes, smoking and glaring as the strangers passed them by. Others stood rigid with spears, their eyes glittering a warning.

Seleste felt a chill as those icy glares passed over her and was suddenly terrified of offending their customs. The mountain wolves stood still as the stone they lived in, watching the strangers and seething. Brooding.

Seleste saw Kilyan glance anxiously at Keeno, whose face was hard with anger. Seleste blinked. It was the first time in the weeks she had traveled with Keeno that she had ever seen him really angry. His throat tightened when he looked at the mountain wolves, and he glared back as hard they as gave.

They entered the great hut at last, and as they passed into the throne room, Seleste was relieved by how very bright it was. Fire burned hot in large stone basins, so dazzling it was almost painful after the dark streets outside. Everything seemed to be draped in black here, as if the village were in mourning. But for whom? A stone stairway curled against the wall, leading to the other floors and many rooms the great hut contained. More warriors lounged about, standing at ease near the doors as they listened with hooded eyes to the loud bickering that was taking place in the room.

Following the sound of the bickering, Seleste's eyes went up the long black carpet to the throne chairs. Much like the thrones in the moon village, the chairs were made of stone and exquisitely carved. They were also covered in black bear fur, and seated upon them were a male and a female.

Seleste looked at the male, who was more than obviously the king of the mountain wolves. He looked to be an older male, perhaps Kilyan's age, about fifty summers old. He was dark gray, tall, toned with muscles. And he was very handsome. Around his angry, weary eyes were black stripes that cut back to his ears. Holding his long, loose mane down around his ears was a silver circlet with a dark blue jewel, and around his shoulders was a cape of matching dark blue feathers. He sat slouched on the throne, one elbow on the armrest, muscular thighs spread wide. His lashes were thick and long, and his eyes were such a pale gray they were almost silver. They glinted as he snapped something sarcastic to the female seated beside him.

Seleste looked at the female and knew she was the king's mate and queen. She was the same age as her king, with full breasts and round hips to tell of her maturity. Her lush fur was silver, and her silver mane was piled atop her head as her diamond studded circlet hugged it. She was clad very richly in a white fur shawl, rings, necklaces, and a ring was even through her pink nose. Her pretty eyes were so dark they were practically black, and they burned with indignation at whatever insult her husband had just hurled at her. Seeing that guests had arrived, she straightened up imperiously and closed her shawl at the throat. Her eyes passed over Seleste, dark with derision.

"Your majesty . . ." began the leader of the escort and knelt down, "the visitors have arri --"

"Who is this rabble, Talib?" said the queen over him. Her eyes went to Seleste again and she seemed determined to hate her. "More skinny whores for your harem?"

The king's lips tightened.

"You obviously queen in name only to act so shamefully to guests," Avi said at once, and everyone gazed at her, startled. She stared the mountain queen down with pure ice in her gaze, and Seleste wanted to laugh when the queen swallowed and cowered on her throne.

The king smiled. "You are most welcome," he said in great amusement. His entire demeanor seemed to change after Avi's challenge: he sat up straight on his throne and was practically grinning from ear to ear.

"TalIB: " croaked a voice, and glancing around, Seleste noticed for the first time that an old female was standing hunched beside the king's throne. She was so small, it was quite easy to miss her, and she stood partly back in the shadows. Her fur was a rusty auburn, and her wild curly mane fell loose behind her shoulders. Her breasts were sagging in her black shawl and she was shriveled up and thin as a broom, but Seleste could see she had once been a great beauty. She was also wearing a silver circlet, with a red jewel in its center. Her dark eyes passed over Avi with cold derision as she hissed, "Will you let these strangers speak to your wife so!"

The king snorted with laughter. "Mother, if they can succeed in shutting Liseli's mouth, they can say whatever the hell they want to her!"

The king's apparent mother tightened her lips and her breasts heaved. "If only your sister had lived. She would have made a better ruler! She would have shown some dignity and strength --"

"But she's dead, isn't she mother!" the king snapped, and it was apparent his mother had hit a nerve. He went very still on his throne, and his long lashes snapped angrily.

"Migisi," muttered the queen miserably, "you know better than to mention Teesa, you know how he gets --"

The king's mother snorted. "I'll mention whoever I want! She was my child! Mine! Murdered because her failure_brother insisted we step down from _our_throne because of some _fool prophecy from some fool wolf --"

"Mother . . ." the king warned through his fangs.

"--who probably made the whole thing up just so he could mooch off us for five years!" went on Migisi viciously. "And who did the council listen to? My son! I was _queen_and I was forced to step down on the word of my stupid fool son - and now Teesa is dead!"

"Enough!" Talib growled and slammed his fist on the armrest. "It's been twenty years, you old cow. Twenty years! Let it go!"

The hunched old female drew herself up, happy to have touched a nerve. She folded her skinny arms and regarded the king in disgust. "My daughter lies dead because of you, boy. Somehow, I always knew it would be because of you --"

"Get out," Talib sneered. "Both of you. We shall not carry on this way before my guests --"

"And after everything I've given you," went on the old female, and she looked miserable now. Her eyes watered with tears and she gestured angrily. "I gave you Liseli for wife, never touched by a male, pure as snow in the moonlight --"

"And cold as it too," Talib muttered.

Hearing this, the queen's throat tightened. "I don't have to listen to this!" she snapped. She lurched up from her throne, mane and jewelry bouncing. She glanced miserably at Seleste again, then looked at the king and cried, "Have fun with your new whore!"

Seleste was shocked when the queen ran dramatically from the room, crying ridiculously loud as she fled up the stairs.

"You are a fool," Migisi whispered behind the throne. "I should be sitting on that throne. Hopefully, my granddaughter will make a better ruler --"

"Yes, yes, so you've said a thousand times," said the king in a bored voice, "or are you getting so over the hill, you've forgotten how you berated me only an hour ago? Leave, Mother. I'll not hear this right now."

Seleste was surprised when Migisi looked at her son with a genuine apology in her eyes. The king could not see it, of course, but it was there. She reached as if she would touch his mane, but her lip trembled and her face darkened. "You'll never be the son I wanted," she whispered, as if to herself, as if she was realizing.

The king closed his eyes wearily.


As Migisi was speaking, Seleste saw another wolf enter the throne room from the stairs. She was young and very pretty, with the same auburn fur and wild curly mane as Migisi. Her round hips swayed with her tail as she glided into the room, her breasts rode high, and Seleste's lusting eyes followed her to the king. She stopped at the king, and after glancing curiously at Seleste and her companions, she regarded the king anxiously. She had his pale silver eyes and thick lashes, and they fluttered as she sat on her mother's throne, reaching over to rub the king's arm.

Seleste licked her lips. This young female was obviously the princess - her attire made that plain. She wore a silky pink top that criss-crossed over her breasts and a matching pink skirt that fell to her feet and was slit at the thighs - in fact, the outfit reminded Seleste a great deal of Talisa's wedding attire. Her throat and wrists sparkled with jewelry, and much like her mother, a ring was through her pink nose. Part of her mane was piled atop her head while the rest tumbled down her narrow back in a red mass. A silver circlet was around her forehead - she wasn't just the princess, she was the crown princess and heir.

Seleste bit her lip as she felt something happening in her skirt. Don't get hard, don't get hard, don't get hard . . .

Diamond studs glinted in the princess' ears as they flattened sadly. "Father . . ." She suddenly smirked. "Mom just ran to your room crying again."

The king looked at her and smirked back. "What else is knew, Tay?"

Seleste was surprised when the king and princess suddenly started laughing.

"Ugh," sneered Migisi. "You'll ruin her! She's already just like you - stop laughing at your mother's woes, girl!"

The princess bit her lip and fumbled guiltily with her fingers.

The king sighed. "This has gone on long enough," he said wearily to his daughter. He gave the princess a nod that meant something only she seemed to understand. The princess nodded back, then looked at Migisi.

"Grandmother?" the princess said sweetly and fluttered those pretty lashes. "I was thinking of finally choosing a suitor and I needed your help."

Migisi brightened. "So your head is finally on straight, girl! I knew that talk with your mother would pay off. Come, come!" She hobbled from behind Talib's throne chair. The princess rose to take her arm, and they went up the stairs together, talking quietly.

The king seemed to sag with relief. He looked at Seleste and her companions apologetically, and glancing down, Seleste was startled to realize that their escort had knelt patiently through that entire ordeal. Even with the royal family having finally dispersed, they remained on their knees, awaiting Talib's command. Talib bid them to rise, thanked them, and dismissed them. Seleste saw the looks on their faces and laughed quietly to herself: they looked very happy to be getting away at last.

"Sorry for all that," Talib said and pinched the flesh between his eyes. He lifted his face and looked directly at LiAnh. "Ah, you are chief? Come forward then, my friend. Tell me, what business have you here?"

Seleste glanced at LiAnh and remembered he was wearing a circlet not unlike Talib's. She was as well.

LiAnh came forward as asked, and Seleste was surprised when he took her arm and brought her with him. He bowed slightly as he said reverently, "Greetings, your majesty. I am Chief LiAnh of the summer tribe and this is my wife Chieftess Seleste. We only seek shelter from the rain. It has made our travels . . ."

"A pain in the ass?" the king finished for him and laughed. "I am King Talib, welcome and well met. You met my wife and daughter. I wish it had been a more pleasant meeting, but there's no such thing when it comes to my wife."

"I'm not picky," LiAnh said with a shrug, and the king laughed.

"Good," Talib said, "then we will get along famously." He rose to his feet and lifted a happy paw. "Come. I will have a warm meal prepared, and you will find rest and comfort here."

"So you'll be more . . . _accommodating_than last time?" Keeno said from the back.

"Keeno!" Kilyan hissed.

Talib froze to hear Keeno's voice. His eyes darted over the group until he had found him. He stared for a long time, and as recognition finally clicked in his eyes, he came down from the stone dais toward Keeno. Seleste could see the misery in both their faces when Talib and Keeno stood face to face. She stared at them and had to wonder what had happened here. From the way the others spoke, it was clear Keeno had been here before. And the angry look on his face when they were coming to the great hut . . .

"How are you?" Talib asked and his brows pressed together. "Zaldon and I corresponded for years afterward. We still do. He told me the girls survived - Talisa is chieftess over there now! My niece," he added when Keeno didn't seem to understand, "Teesa's daughter."

Seleste's heart skipped a beat. This was Talisa's family! She'd never mentioned that her uncle . . . was king of an elder tribe!

"Ah," Keeno said and nodded.

"I . . . tried to correspond with you. You never answered my letters. And you didn't answer my question now."

Keeno smiled. "I know."

Talib sighed miserably. "I just wanted you to know I did try to stop them. God help me, I tried. The village council ordered the stoning when some guards started gossiping and . . ." Talib looked down and swallowed hard.

Keeno clapped a paw on his shoulder. "Talib," he said with a sad laugh, "I don't blame you for what happened to Enya. I never blamed you."

Talib looked at Keeno, relieved.

"I didn't answer because I don't believe in living in the past," Keeno went on. "Enya's alive and she's happy. That's all I care about. But you . . ." He glanced around the throne room, which was draped in black mourning. "You need to move on. And stop blaming yourself for Teesa's death."

Talib shook his head. "I'm trying, though Mother isn't making it easy. She's the one who insists on wearing black and draping everything in it. I tried taking all the shrouds away and she pitched a fit . . . literally. Foamed at the mouth and everything."

Keeno lifted his brows and laughed. "You have my sympathies."

"The wife is just as mad," Talib said and rolled his eyes. "She hated Teesa but wailed like a pup at the funeral. Would you like another wife? Take her. Please, god, take her."

Keeno laughed. "No, thanks. I'd rather live to a ripe old age."

They smiled at each other.

"You'll be safe here," Talib told Keeno. "No one will harm you. It's been years, and believe it or not, I have made some progress - even if the Golden Age is a bunch of shit."

Keeno's ears pricked forward. "What?"

Talib smiled sadly. "You heard my mother. Some crazy old wolf came here years ago, trying to convince her of some vision he'd had about a Golden Age. She didn't buy a word of it, but I did. And a female's voice - well, it's never heard. I became convinced the prophecy was true and our bloodline abdicated the throne in my favor. I really believed Enya could bring this Golden Age. I believed . . . I believed she could help my tribe. Make things better."

"And you don't believe it now?" Keeno said. He frowned. "Why? Didn't what happened here change everything? Don't tell me it didn't. Yuri killed a lot of your boys that day on the cliff. No doubt when you became king, you had to replace a lot of warriors, and I'm assuming you chose warriors with an open mind like yours."

Talib shook his head. "But was it worth my sister's death for this change? If I hadn't listened to some crazy old wolf, Teesa would be on that throne now!"

Keeno rolled his eyes. "Will you listen to yourself for a moment? What happened to Teesa and Enya . . . it was going to happen. And not because of anything you did, but because of the customs and ways here."

"You mean the ignorance and the hatred," Talib said with a dry laugh. "I bought into that Golden Age bull_shit because I was trying to so _hard to make things better for my sister. Females have it so difficult here. . . . and now I find myself striving to make these changes for my daughter. If what happened to Teesa and Enya were to happen to her . . ."

"It won't," Keeno said at once. "If anyone touches your daughter, Avi there will snap them in half. Or Seleste will explode them like Yuri. Don't you know me by now? I always travel in good company."

Talib grinned.

That night, they had supper in a grand hall built as an extension on the side of the hut. The hall was lined with stone pillars, and the great table itself was made of a dark, smooth stone. Sitting at the long table as everyone ate, Seleste could only remember seeing such tables in the moon village. The moon village had a large walled garden at the heart of it, and it was there that the village's prominent held garden parties and luncheons, chattering away at their stone tables and benches while sex slaves made love in the flowers for their amusement.

Everyone was relieved when Talib's wife did not attend supper but took it in her room. They were doubly relieved when the dowager Migisi did likewise. But Princess Tayanita - as she introduced herself - attended supper with her father and gracefully dined on the opposite end of the long table from him.

In fact, Seleste was seated beside the princess, and her heart skipped a beat when this seating arrangement occurred. The princess licked her lips and smiled at Seleste when dinner began, the sweet scent of her maddening, the jutting of her hard nipples through her silk top more than distracting. Looking at the princess furtively as she ate, Seleste had to wonder if she hadn't arranged things so they would find themselves near each other.

Throughout supper, the king, Kilyan, Keeno, and Avi conversed contently. Talib and Avi even fell to joking about Queen Liseli, and pretty soon, everyone around the table was laughing heartily.

As the chatter rose above the candlelight, Seleste realized the princess was eying her. She looked up and her heart skipped a beat again.

The princess was holding her fork over her plate, having paused in lifting a speared bit of meat to her mouth. Her lips were twisted in a slight smirk and her slanted silver eyes regarded Seleste with an intensity that made her swallow hard. She tilted her head, and a lick of curls spilled down around the side of her face.

"So you are the chieftess of the summer," Princess Tayanita said. "Tell me, what's it like to marry?" She nodded down the table at LiAnh, who was sitting beside Kilyan and laughing heartily at something Talib had said.

Seleste was suddenly very glad that it was Mio and Zee who were sitting nearby and not Keme or LiAnh. She nervously lifted her goblet - then drank the whole thing down. The wine swirled down her throat, and a servant stepped forward at once to refill her goblet to the brim. She blinked, feeling a little lightheaded.

"I was . . . unhappy at first," Seleste admitted honestly and shrugged. "I'm not in love with my husband and I wanted . . ."

"Someone else?" Tayanita finished wisely. Her long lashes blinked slowly, and without shifting her gaze from Seleste, she pulled the morsel from her fork with her lips. She did this in such a slow, seductive way that Seleste nearly dropped her own fork.

"Oh!" cried the princess when a piece of the morsel fell into her cleavage. She plucked it out and her breasts jiggled. The strap of her top slipped down, and with blushing cheeks, she quickly pulled it back up.

Seleste took another gulp of wine to ease her growing discomfort. Under the table, something was happening. She was terrified she would feel the sudden slap of her cock against the underside of the table and started her mantra: Don't get hard, don't get hard, don't get hard . . .

Princess Tayanita sighed. "I ask because Grandmother is pressuring me to wed. I don't see why I should have to," she said with a frown. "Father has been ruling impressively for years now. Those of the mountain adore him. There is no rush for me to succeed him or produce an heir."

Thinking of the children she would one day have to produce, Seleste's eyes hooded. "I know exactly how you feel."

Tayanita smiled at her. "I thought you would. You seem to know a lot of things." She cocked an eyebrow and eyed Seleste as she ate.

Seleste blinked as her meaning became clear. "Why . . ." She cleared her throat and returned to her plate. "Why do you say that?"

"It's the way you eat, my chieftess," Tayanita answered in amusement. "You lick your fork with a certain finesse of the tongue."

Seleste felt her cheeks color up slightly. "God, you remind me of someone."

Tayanita halted, surprised. "Really? Who is that?"

"Your cousin Talisa," Seleste said in amusement. She reflected on her own words, and it hit her for the first time that . . . Talisa had been a princess all along.

"Ah," Tayanita smiled. "Father speaks of her often. He is very proud of her. She is a great warrior over in the sun village, they say. And now she is married and a chieftess as well. Grandmother uses this to push me to marry, saying I should follow my cousin's example. You know her. What do you think?" She waited, regarding Seleste calmly.

Seleste was startled to realize the princess was genuinely seeking her opinion. "I think you should do exactly what you want to do," she answered at once. "You're beautiful and intelligent and you seem capable. If you wanted to, you could probably do anything - even reshape the customs here." She took another gulp from her goblet and realized the wine had loosened her tongue: she was flirting. But she looked over at the princess and suddenly didn't care.

Tayanita smiled under the praise. "My chieftess is too kind. I feel . . ." She swallowed and looked at her plate thoughtfully. "I feel I could love a female."

Seleste looked over at her, startled. She gestured and the servant behind her stepped forward to refill again. "You could?"

"Yes. I mean . . ." Tayanita went on slowly, "I feel I should be able to. I want to rule with a female at my side, but I fear breaking custom. Father says it may be some time before such a thing could come to pass . . . before it would be accepted."

"He's probably right," Seleste cautioned her. "My father once told me of your tribe's customs. Change will happen here -- but gradually. Keep that in mind."

Tayanita's pretty eyes searched Seleste's face, then she suddenly smiled. "I like you. You're unlike any female I've ever known here. All they care about is sucking their husband's dicks and adhering to custom. None of them care about change."

Seleste almost laughed when Mio choked on his wine and she didn't blame him: the last word she expected to come out of prim, proper Tayanita's mouth was "dick."

"And Father is so frightened something will happen to me if I . . ." Tayanita blushed a little as she looked at Seleste. She lowered her voice and whispered, "I have never known a female's touch."

"You . . ." Seleste cleared her throat. She didn't know what to say. Under the table, she could feel it coming on stronger. Looking over at Tayanita's plump high breasts behind that thin bit of silk, she was starting to regret having ever learned to grow a cock. Arousal as a female was so mercifully easy to hide! She glanced down the table at all her male companions and had to wonder how they kept it down. Years of practice, no doubt. But she'd only had her magic cock for a few weeks. This was going to require more wine.

"Sometimes Father would catch us kissing or . . ." Tayanita let her voice trail away. "Are you quite alright, my chieftess?" she asked in concern.

Seleste didn't think she could breathe. She lifted her goblet and took a long gulp. Glancing at Tayanita's high breasts again, she thought to hell with it and drank the whole goblet down again. Ah, that was better. She felt a little woozy looking over at the princess and smiled stupidly.

Tayanita laughed. "You are getting . . . My chieftess, perhaps you should --"

Even as the princess was speaking, Seleste gestured the servant forward and he refilled her goblet.

". . . stop?" Tayanita finished uncertainly.

"You were saying something?" Seleste said and crammed her cheek on her fist. Her eyes darted over the princess and she smiled dreamily. "You're . . . beautiful. Would you like to break custom with me?"

Tayanita's lashes fluttered and she put a paw to her bosom. "Oh! My chieftess . . ."

"And you smell," went on Seleste dreamily, ". . . divine. I bet you taste divine too."

Tayanita adjusted her jewelry and curls, and she was clearly flustered now. "My chieftess . . . shh! Such things you say!" she whispered, scandalized.

"Mmm, such things I wanna do! My lips want to kiss you in such places. . ."

"My chieftess!" Tayanita cried when Seleste took her paw and kissed it. She shrugged her shoulder up as if to hide behind it, and her lashes fluttered as her pretty curls swept down. "My heart is pounding, I - Chieftess!"

Leaning across the table, Seleste kissed her right up her arm. She plucked a flower from the table display and gave it to the princess, whispering, "Break custom with me, beautiful."

Tayanita's lashes fluttered again and she took the flower as she whispered, "Chieftess, I . . . I don't know what to say . . . truly, you are beautiful. More beautiful than any female I've --"

"Say yes," Seleste whispered huskily.

"Should I call for LiAnh?" Mio wondered.

Sitting across from him, Zee shook his head. "What good would that do? Li is drunk too."

Glancing down the table, Seleste could see her husband leaning against Keme in a clumsy stupor. Keme was helping him up from the table, and Kilyan and Avi were rising as well. Seleste was mildly shocked to see Kilyan close Avi in his embrace . . . then kiss her, tongue and all! They tongued standing right there at the table! Keeno and Talib were also drunk: they leaned close, arms around each other as they lifted their goblets to the ceiling and sang.

Inden, Mio, and Zee seemed to be the only ones who had kept their composure.

Inden cleared his throat uncomfortably when Kilyan and Avi's wet tongues continued to wrestle. He was visibly relieved when they stopped. He rose from his seat and went to them, no doubt to urge them to bed. Mio and Zee followed.

"Will you to bed now, my chieftess?" Tayanita asked. She looked a little worried, as if she wanted Seleste to stay. How cute. "I see that your husband is retiring. . . ."

"Mmm . . ." Seleste's eyes raked over the princess' high breasts, over her nipples and that long, completely kissable neck. "How 'bout this?" Seleste said. "I'll go to bed . . . if you come with me."

Princess Tayanita's pretty eyes fluttered, and Seleste licked her lips again when the girl's little tits heaved behind their fabric. She was gorgeous, all those red curls falling around her. The jewel in her circlet glinted in the candlelight above those bewitching silver eyes.

Her slanted eyes hooded with desire, Seleste slid her paw across the table and smoothed it over Tayanita's. Their fingers locked and she whispered, "Come with me."