Chapter 68: Always Her Queen

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#68 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

From the world of the mating season

Always Her Queen

Chapter 68

Finding Tayanita's bedroom in the great hut was a simple thing: all Seleste had to do was follow the sound of the sobbing. Clad now in her white dress and beaded bracelets, Seleste paused outside the princess' bedroom and listened. She could smell Tayanita inside and . . . someone else! The princess wasn't alone. Great.

". . . now you know how empty and fruitless it is to pursue a mate who is female," a voice was saying soothingly - a female's voice. "She used you for her vile pleasures, then discarded you like nothing. You have been shamed this day, my daughter. We both have."

Seleste swallowed hard. Queen Liseli was comforting the princess. She could hear Tayanita sniffling, then she broke down sobbing. Her sobs were suddenly muffled, and Seleste knew the queen was holding her.

"There, there, child," Liseli whispered. "What would you have me do? I could order the whore stoned --"

"No!" Tayanita said at once and her voice was choked with tears. "Don't hurt Seleste, leave her alone!"

"But how can I?" the queen demanded in disgust. "She has disgraced you! Now you will be impure for your husband. Your Grandmother will be distraught - she won't eat for a week."

"To hell with Grandmother!" Tayanita sobbed.

"Oh darling," Liseli said soothingly. "You aren't thinking clearly, you're upset. You defend that little bitch because she still has you under some spell --"

"That's not true! The chieftess wouldn't do that, she wouldn't do anything to hurt me . . ." Tayanita's voice trailed off as she realized hurting her was exactly what Seleste had done.

Listening outside the curtain, Seleste's ears turned down miserably.

"That drunken skank," Liseli said. "Now you understand why female to female love is frowned upon. Had you given your passion to a male, you wouldn't know this heartache now."

Seleste scowled. She was glad when she heard Tayanita make a scoffing noise.

"As if you're so happy with Dad - you hate him!" Tayanita practically shouted. "Heartache comes in all shapes and sizes, Mom! It happens to pussy lickers like me!" she shouted, and Liseli gasped, appalled. "And it even happens to cock suckers like you!"

"Taya_nita_! Such language! Clearly this summer wolf bitch has been a terrible influence --"

"Stop calling her a bitch!" Tayanita warned.

"Clearly, I'm not getting through to you," Liseli said impatiently.

"Clearly," her daughter returned sarcastically.

"Tch! You are more like your father everyday. Fine. Chase your females, see where it gets you. I won't hold you when you come home blubbering and crying again --"

"Get out!" Tayanita shouted.

"The way you speak to your mother! I'll just go quietly drown myself in a basin. Would that make you happy?"

"Maybe," Tayanita said softly.


Seleste could hear Liseli marching through the room. She stumbled back just in time as the queen burst into the hall. She halted in shock to find Seleste standing there, then her face darkened, and Seleste didn't have time to react: she was slapped.

"If you ever touch my daughter again," Liseli warned, her black eyes burning bright with rage, "I'll kill you myself!"

Before Seleste could move, the queen had stamped away down the hall.

Seleste stood in the corridor a long time, letting the pain in her cheek recede. She turned to the bedroom, but before she had taken a step, Tayanita had jerked the curtain shut in her face. She could hear the princess sniffling and crying and her ears flattened wretchedly. With a heavy heart, she pushed the curtain aside and entered the room.

Tayanita was sitting at her vanity. She looked so miserable and disheveled. She had removed all her jewelry, and only the diamond studs remained in her sadly flattened ears. Her curly mane had tumbled loose from his partial bun, and now all of it hung wild, free, and rumpled around her face. Her jeweled circlet sat on the vanity with her other jewelry, and she sniffled as she slid off her bracelets. She was still wearing her silky pink top and skirt. The top had been tied on so clumsily, Seleste could see a great deal of cleavage.

Seleste came to stand behind the princess, and Tayanita glared at her through the mirror.

"Get out," Tayanita whispered and lowered her eyes to remove another bracelet.

"No," Seleste said simply.

Tayanita looked at Seleste through the mirror again, her incredulous eyes large with indignation. "Do you know who you're talking to? I am Princess Tayanita, future queen of the mountain tribe - an elder tribe! A tribe whose strength and power far surpasses your own. You will do as I say - get out!"

Seleste touched her curls. "You aren't a queen yet," she whispered fondly. "But tonight you were . . . tonight in my arms."

"Shut up!" Tayanita growled. She slapped Seleste's paw off. "And get out! I'll call my guards --"

"Didn't I make you feel like a queen?" Seleste whispered. "You certainly looked like one. Whispering my name, all these red curls tumbling in your pretty eyes --"

"Sh-shut up . . ." Tayanita muttered. "Please." She stared miserably at her lap, but this time, she didn't smack away Seleste's paw when it touched her mane.

Seleste knelt by her stool and peered up into her face. "I didn't know that you meant for us . . . I thought you just wanted to be with a female. To be honest, I never really stopped to think what you wanted. I just . . . saw what I wanted. I'm . . . sorry." She smoothed her paw up Tayanita's thigh and squeezed, and looking into her sad face, she thought, God, it's Talisa all over again.

Tayanita looked down her at, her silver eyes bright with anger. "You just wanted me? That was all?"

"Is that so bad?" Seleste said with a laugh. "Did you honestly want anything more from me? Can you really say you know the first thing about me?"

Tayanita shook her head. "Why couldn't I want you for my mate? Many of the males who want me don't know the first thing about me! But they come to my home, and they ask my father if they may fight to claim me. I don't want to be given in a mating season! Come winter, they will call the best warriors in the village and have . . . have them fight to be the one who gets . . . inside me. This will happen if I do not choose a mate. And things were going so well with Father's campaign to change the customs . . . I . . . I thought you . . ." Tayanita smoothed her paw over Seleste's and peered hopefully into her eyes.

Seleste looked up at those pouting lips and wanted to kiss them. "You thought I could set you free."

"Yes," Tayanita admitted. "Because I thought you wanted to be free as well!"

Thinking of the sea of ice, Seleste frowned as she whispered, "My sweet princess . . . I'll never be free."

Tayanita shook her head slowly. "I don't understand."

Seleste touched her face. "I know. Goodnight, my princess." She rose and turned away. She had gotten two feet when the princess grabbed her paw.

"Seleste! Make me understand! Why can't you stay here with me? I want to know --"

"No," Seleste said calmly. There was no reason to tell Tayanita about the sea of ice, the frost wolves, all the madness she was caught up in. The princess had enough problems of her own. Her crazy family, for one.

"Seleste!" Tayanita's lip trembled and Seleste was pained to see a tear trickle free. "Please! You've done all this to me - only to walk away without a reason? Without a word? You're right, you made me feel . . ." She hugged herself and shivered. "A way no one has ever made me feel. I did feel like a queen tonight. I was your queen." She smiled. "Please tell me why. I could take care of LiAnh. He could choose a wife from our finest females and leave you here, with me --!"

Tayanita fell silent when Seleste put a slender finger to her lips. She took the princess' paws and they stood with their heads bowed. Tayanita was trembling miserably and crying in confusion. Seleste hated that she had done this to her. By knowing the princess in her arms, she had built up so much expectation and hope, she had stirred up so many emotions and desires. Tayanita probably thought she was in love. Seleste suddenly kissed her warm on the mouth. The poor, sweet thing.

"I live here lonely and afraid," Tayanita whispered. "Lonely because I'm forbidden to know another's touch . . . afraid that I'll wind up in a marriage like my mother's. For one moment in time, you took away the constant loneliness and the constant fear. If you stayed here with me, I - I could . . . be happy."

Seleste sighed.

"But you wouldn't be happy," Tayanita whispered as it dawned on her. "Oh god . . . you love someone else." She turned away and hugged herself sadly. "You're in love with someone! And here I've gushed my feelings like a fool."

"Taya . . ."

"Just leave me be!"

"I can't leave you be, don't you understand that?" Seleste growled impatiently, and the princess cried out when she swung her around.

"Sel --"

Tayanita was silenced when Seleste kissed her hard. The heat came through their noses from the press of the kiss, and then their tongues were twisting. Tears kept trailing from the princess' eyes, but she kissed Seleste warmly, ardently. Seleste backed her to the bed, where white bear fur was spread over the sheets. Their hard nipples grazed each other through their clothes, and Seleste felt her throbbing clit elongate into a cock. She lay the princess down, and pushing her skirt up her thighs, she made careful love to her.

They were lying breathless and naked for some time when Tayanita spoke.

"I love you dearly, my chieftess. I know I sound foolish and childish, but it's true." She looked over at Seleste from behind the sweep of her rusty auburn curls. Her expression was so helpless, so earnest, Seleste wanted to kiss her.

Seleste shook her head against the pillows. "You don't love me! It's just that . . . I'm the first female to . . . and the first male to . . ." She glanced down at her clit, which was mercifully back to its tiny pink self again.

"But I do," Tayanita insisted. She reached over and touched Seleste's face, her pretty eyes bright with adoration again. "I love your eyes and your mane . . . I love the way you look when you're looking at me . . . it's sort of soft . . . and warm. I love the way you sound when you're kissing me, when you're inside . . . I could love it for the rest of my life." She drew her paw away. "But you don't feel the same. You love someone else and I . . . I have to accept that." She looked away sullenly.

"Oh, Taya . . ." Seleste pulled her close and held her. Tayanita rested her head on Seleste's breasts as she whispered soothingly, "One day, you're going to meet a female, and that friendship will blossom into love, and you will forget all about me. Someone as sweet and as beautiful as you? It's going to happen. And this female, she will be able to love you in return. And she will stay with you. And you'll never feel lonely again."

Tayanita looked up at Seleste, and her eyes were warm with the same loving adoration. "Oh my chieftess . . . you just said everything my mother should have said!" Tears rose to her eyes.

Seleste hugged her tighter and kissed her head, reflecting on Avi's words about mothers and daughters. Yes. Little girls needed their mothers. Especially in times like this.

"Will you come back?" Tayanita whispered.

Seleste swallowed hard. She didn't know.

"You won't, will you?" Tayanita said in a small voice. "But I'll think about you. All the time. I think about you now, and the way . . . the way you make me feel."

"Others will make you feel this way, my princess."

"If you do come back . . ." Tayanita said, "we won't do this again, will we?"

Seleste shook her head. "No, my princess," she said sadly, "we won't."

Tayanita nodded, as if she could accept that. Seleste was startled when her paw smoothed down her belly to her clit. Her slender fingers massaged Seleste's clit carefully, and Seleste moaned as she felt it happening: her clit was elongating into a hard cock. It slowly stood upright, thick and firm. Tayanita's intense gaze locked with Seleste's, and she stroked slowly.

Seleste frowned with pleasure. "Taya . . . don't . . ."

"I will know you inside," the princess whispered with hooded eyes, "one last time. And you will call me your queen . . . for that is what I am to you."

Seleste smiled, "You will always be my queen."

Tayanita smiled at her warmly and pressed her palms to Seleste's. She rose with jiggling breasts, and with a toss of her mane, she straddled her lap. Her shapely thighs were exquisite as she slowly lowered her pussy on Seleste's rigid cock, and as the wet warmth of that sheath enfolded her, Seleste closed her eyes and whispered, "Oh, my queen."