Dragonstone Magical Adventures CHAPTER 5 - THE GOD QUEST PART 1,

Story by doomfond on SoFurry

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#6 of Dragonstone Magical Adventures

In this exiting chapter flame will go out on a quest given to him from the true God that created Dragonstone. to bring back a relic. but what great adventure will lay ahead for are hero. read and you will know.

Story Devised by Doomfond

Based upon an RP Session between Doomfond, and FireDrake85

Re-edited by FireDrake85

Flame © FireDrake85

Dark Dragon Knight, Rizna, Tanja © Doomfond

Flame and Rizna slept peacefully throughout the night, happily together in the bed, the dragon laying an arm over his love. But as they slept, the dream he had was changing, and soon he could hear a voice calling out to him, the dragon's surrounding he had been dreaming changed to empty realm where the voice seemed to echo.

"Come... Come, chosen one. It's time for you to know your task," it spoke, the voice calm and gentle. "Chosen one... come."

Flame heard the voice in his dream, and murmured in his sleep quietly in response, "Come? Come where? Who is this?" In the dream, his dream-self had shouted the words out all around him, his words echoing.

"...You will know in time..." he heard as a reply to his question, and just then, a flash struck Flame. It did not hurt him, but only made him wake up, to notice the sun was slowly rising up over the horizon and shining into his eyes.

Flame shot up like lightning in his bed the moment he was awake, blinking a bit, before covering his eyes from the rays of the sun with his hand, trying to think what he had just experienced. He knew it was not a dream that he had had, but a vision; one that had interrupted the one he had been having before it, a rather fun one with Rizna, and a rather naughty one at that. As he looked to her, seeing her sleep peacefully, he smiled lovingly before he realised something was amiss, and gulped a bit when he spotted his member erect through the sheet and poking into her ever so gently. He blushed immensely, and quickly pulled away from her, the sheet removed and kept over her sleeping form while he sat on the edge of the bed, trying to will it to go away, at least before she woke. He wasn't up for some morning fun today, not with what he had seen in his sleep.

But as he tried, he had muttered under his breath slightly, which inadvertently woke Rizna from here sleep. She blinked her eyes slowly for a moment, before looking around and noticing that her love was also awake, but sitting on the edge of the bed, somewhat deep in some form of thought.

"Good morning, my love," she spoke gently, smiling a bit, before wondering what was wrong, "Hmm... Is something bothering you?"

Flame yelped a bit as he jumped up off the bed, spooked by her voice, that he tried covering himself up a bit to conceal his arousal from sight as he stood up before turning around to face her. "No! No! Nothing's wrong!!!" he answered her rather quickly. He couldn't have done any better in letting her know he was not really being honest about that. Even more so, the way his member was throbbing a bit against his hands, still refusing to go away, as he did his best to conceal it.

Rizna giggled a bit at his attempt to lie; the way it had come out was quite cute in her mind. "You don't sound like it is nothing wrong Flame, but if you don't want to talk about it, then that is OK," she replied, smiling warmly to him as she continued, "But it will feel a lot better, if you tell me what it is that is bothering you."

"Well... There are two things actually, Rizna," he replied, still concealing his arousal from sight as he explained, "The first is something that came to me in a dream. A voice calling to me... It was saying something about a task that I had to know about..."

"A voice in your dream called to you?" she asked him, seeing him nod in response. "Well, I can't help you there, but maybe Knight might know what that means. He does know a lot of secrets and strange things." She stopped for a moment, wondering about the other matter, that she asked him about, "And what is the second thing, my love?"

"The second thing... well..." he blushed more, the scales of his cheek seemed to glow more red than they were, as he looked to her, "It's something I found when I woke up... erm... I'll show you..." He took a deep breath, as he finally pulled his hands away and revealed his erect member to her, the shaft throbbing with arousal. "I kinda must have dreamt about you last night and... I woke up like this," he replied, smiling a bit in embarrassment at the state he was in below.

Rizna blushed as she slowly viewed his hardened member for some seconds as her eyes fixated on his cock before feeling a slight bit aroused herself. Slowly she giggled a little before then looking up to his face and smiling gently, her reply being, "Well I can help you make your aroused member go down if you want."

"How exactly, my love...?" Flame asked, wondering what she meant by her statement.

Rizna blushed a bit more as she answered that, "Umm... Well I can simply suck on it until your member has had enough. Rizna blushed again, as she realized how awkward it sounded coming out of her mouth.

Flame looked to her face, and upon seeing the blush in her cheeks, chuckled a bit as he felt warmed by her idea, before bending down and kissing her, much to surprise. "My love... You would do anything to help me out with simple problems, wouldn't you?" he asked her, "I know I would always do the same for you."

The dragoness smiled, nodding in agreement, "Yes, I would help you any way I can, because you are my love and a wonderful hero. A sexy one too..." She giggled as she looked to him, seeing him take delight in that.

Flame smiled, kissing her again. "Well... if you think it will help to bring it down," he spoke before nodding to her to allow her to 'help' him with it, as he stood before her, offering his member to her like a treat for the morning.

Rizna smiled. "Trust me it will work for you," she spoke, before pondering something, "But... shall we both be in bed for this or do you want to stand up near the bed and I remain here on the bed to do this?" She looked to him, waiting for an answer.

Flame smiled, moving in closer to her. "The latter sounded good to me, Rizna," he answered, looking down to her, as he brought his erect cock close to her mouth to make it easy for her, before rather sensually rubbing the head gently over her lips, hearing her moan softly and gaze to it lovingly.

Rizna took a moment to place both her hands upon the dragon's hips, before she leant her head in and started to lick along his draconic shaft, her tongue gliding along it slow and softly, before her lips reached the tip and kissed it several times.

"Mmmm... it feels good, my love," he spoke softly, letting a hand stroke over her head affectionately as he moaned softly.

Rizna kept on working on his length, alternating between licking it from tip to base and back, and kissing on the tip lovingly, but after some time had passed, she withdrew her tongue back inside her mouth. She held back for a moment to tease him a bit, seeing him squirm a bit then hear him whimper, before she pushed her mouth slowly over his cock and drew it in deep. When she couldn't push it in deeper, she stopped and began to suck upon it with sensitive, gentle blows, her mouth bobbing up and down on it.

The dragon moaned loudly, as he felt her suck upon it, feeling her tongue work along the underside, trailing along it teasingly, as he looked down to her, smiling lovingly to her. He could feel his shaft throb in her wet mouth, as it leaked out pre for her to savour, a reward for her help.

Rizna moaned over his length, the dragoness feeling it land on her tongue and allowing her to taste it. For such a sweet taste she felt like rewarding him by sucking him a bit faster. As she did, she went deeper with every new bob she made over it.

Flame moaned more and more, feeling her work faster on him. He was feeling himself getting close from it, as he felt more pre leak from the tip and into her mouth. His cock was pulsing a bit from the pleasure, as he stroked her head more. "Mmmm... Rizna... I think... I'm close..." he moaned out to her, panting a bit, and soon whining and whimpering in delight.

That was the sound she wanted to hear from him, grinning in delight, as she began to blow him harder and stroke her hand down to his balls, rubbing them in the palms of each hand, and all to push his pleasure to the max.

Flame grunted loudly in response, closing his eyes firmly shut, as he lifted his head, before crying out, "Oh... Riznaaaaaa...AHHHHHHHHHH!" He finally came, sending a large load of his cum into her mouth, while smiling in a mixture of relief, joy and delight at the immense pleasure that was soaring through his body.

Rizna gagged a little by the explosion of cum, forcing her to pull back to the tip. Her hands slowly drew to the shaft, and stroked over Flame's member slowly while she concentrated on swallowing the great amount of cum he was giving. She did well, but some of it escaped her mouth and dripped upon her breasts, though she did not mind; he was enjoying it as much as she did, giving his cock as much loving attention as possible.

Flame panted, trying to recover in the afterglow, as he smiled, feeling the last drops leak out, before his release was finally finished. He sighed softly as, despite her hand stroking it slowly, his member began to soften in her grasp, spent for the orgasm.

"Mmm... Rizna... Was it alright for you?" he asked, hearing her give a muffled "Mm-hmm" as she suckled gently on the tip. He felt better because of her, as he stroked her head, before the sound of knocking came to the door of the room. "Umm... who is it?" he asked via a shout to the door, quickly motioning to Rizna to finish things; he didn't know what the others would think of seeing them like they were now.

The dragoness did what Flame asked of her, as she quickly made one last suck before she pulled off, cleaning his cock quickly and then hiding the cum on her chest, taking a moment to savour some in her mouth.

Flame sighed, relieved his member had softened and retreated back into its hiding spot of his slit. He smiled, kissing Rizna quickly, before helping her to cover up under the sheet they used, before answering the door, opening it. "Yes? Am I needed?" he asked, seeing who it was on the other side that had called.

It was the same Dovahreich soldier as before that had met him, and like before, he seemed to be bearing a message for him. "Yes, Flame," he replied, "Knight wants you to go to his throne room, right now."

Flame nodded, and, while gathering his equipment, he gave Rizna a gentle kiss. "Thanks for the help, Rizna," he whispered softly to her, "I'll be sure to return the favour later." With that, he left the dragoness in the room so she could prepare herself for the day, and walked with the soldier to the throne room, where he witnessed Knight standing with Ignatius, the pair discussing something with each other before they noticed his arrival, the soldier standing to attention. "I'm here, Knight," he spoke, standing before them, "What do you need of me?"

"I need you to follow me, Flame," Knight answered, gesturing the dragon to follow him, "It is time for you to speak to the great power. It will reveal your true destiny, as it did with mine. Are you ready chosen?" While awaiting the dragon to answer, he told Ignatius to leave, who agreed before giving a courteous bow to Knight and left him and Flame alone in the room.

Flame nodded, though was curious about it. "Who or what is this great power?" he asked. His thoughts were thinking over the words he had heard, making him believe whoever or whatever it was, was likely the one who talked to him.

"The great power is just a reference to one of the dragon gods that created Dragonstone," Knight explained. As Flame thought that over, he walked over to a wall and then pushed a stone into it, activating a mechanism that moved one of the statues to the side to reveal a hidden staircase behind it. "After you, Flame," Knight spoke, gesturing to the staircase.

Flame was cautious; he wasn't expecting a hidden staircase, and he wasn't sure where it led to. But if Knight knew of it, then there was not much to do but accept that he knew where it went. He slowly moved onto the staircase, waiting for Knight to follow him. Knight did follow the dragon behind him and up the staircase they went, the stairs hugging the wall and spiralling in a square, until they reached a room where the sun lit it up through a glass dome in the ceiling. Flame noticed a statue of a very long and big dragon, which was wrapped around an object he could not make out. Knight pointed towards it, gesturing the dragon to approach it, and as he did, he noticed the object had an ancient language on it, just as the Dragonstone did. But when Flame was standing right in front of it, nothing seemed to happen. The dragon looked back to Knight, wondering what to do. He got no answer, just a simple nod of Knight's head, gesturing him to look back towards the statue. When he did, he noticed something about it that was different than before; it had slightly moved.

To his surprise, it began moving a bit more, before it then asked, "Who is standing in front of the god that created Dragonstone?"

Flame was speechless as he heard the statue speak to him, but the voice had some familiarity to it. Taking a deep breath, he looked up to it bravely. "The dragon, Flame, stands before you," he replied, keeping himself calm.

"Ah, yes... The chosen one," it responded, the statue's head tilting to look at him, its eyes somehow glowed a gentle white. "I was expecting you to meet me. As you have demonstrated that you can control magic, I believe it is time to prove yourself worthy by taking on a quest. One in which you will find a holy relic that belongs to me, that I have hidden somewhere. No-one but you will be able to find it, and only your unique powers will know where to look for it. But for this task, no-one will be joining you, for only you will be able to find it. Is your quest clear to you?"

Flame thought for a moment, before answering, "It is, all except for one thing. Must I do this on my own?" He looked to the statue; a part of him believed he could, but another wondered if he was ready enough to do this on his own.

"Yes, chosen one, you must do this on your own," it answered, the statue looking to him carefully, "You must learn to be better on your own, not to believe that others will be there to help you, but there is nothing wrong with allies; yet you must be able to have the strength to face your own challenges yourself. But remember that you are never defeated unless you believe so. This belief can be used at many other references and times, and as long as you hold this belief close, you will be strong. One more piece of advice before you go. If you are to go on this quest, it will be a good idea to get some better equipment to be better prepared. That is all for now, that you need to know and hear. I will see you when you return... if you do so at all." Flame felt his head lower, before the statue responded, "But I know you will... Flame..." And with that said, Flame watched, as the statue returned to its former position, the eyes having stopped glowing, while it became silent.

Flame felt more questions surface, but his mind buried them away before his voice could speak them, knowing it was futile to ask them, now that the statue had returned to being what it normally was; silent as stone. "A holy item..." he spoke to himself, before looking round to Knight, "Better equipped... is there anything here that is better than the equipment I have, Knight?"

"Yes there is. I sensed you might be heading out, so I have made some better stuff for you then what you are carrying around," Knight replied, "Downstairs is where you find that, in the forge. Go and pick whatever you want from there, and Arrancard can give you potions if you need some. Don't forget to pick up some rations at the food hall as well, in case you get hungry on whatever journey you are undertaking."

Flame nodded, and returned to the stairs quickly, walking down them steadily. He was soon back quickly within the throne room, and quickly walked out to the corridor and to the forge, to find the improved equipment Knight had mentioned.

Flame noted that there was some new amour and weapons on display, all looked much more improved then the previous ones he had seen. But so many were on display, it was hard to decide on what to choose and not choose. Flame looked over the armour carefully. There were some plate mail, chainmail, studded leather, all made from a mixture of different materials ranging from leather, iron, steel, and some metals he could not make out. Even the weapons looked much better to his sword, as he checked each one. After a while, he choose some plate mail for his chest, chainmail leggings, and some leather gauntlets, while he looked to the swords that were better than his, and chose one that was just as more balanced as the old sword, but looked much more stronger. After choosing his new armour and weapon, he went to the training room to ask Arrancard if he could give him some potions to use.

"I need the potions for an important task. Knight said you would have some if I asked you for them," he spoke calmly, flexing his armour a bit.

"Yes I have some you can use..." he spoke, the snake pointing to them. Flame moved to pick some up, before being stopped by Arrancard. "But... because they are hard for me to get the right ingredients to make them, all I will ask of you is if you could get some materials to replace them. So if you agree on those terms, only then will you get to keep those potions of mine you wish to use."

Flame thought over it, before nodding. "I agree, Arrancard," he replied, "What ingredients will I need to collect for you?"

"Only three; they're on this list and if you don't know what they are, there is a picture of each with the list," the snake replied, before handing over some bottles, "Here is ten potions for magic and ten potions for health and finally, ten potions for stamina. That is all I can give you, I'm afraid."

Flame nodded, collecting them into a pouch he had picked up, before thanking Arrancard, taking the list and the pictures of the ingredients. With that done, he made his way to the kitchens, where he heard talking, laughing, and singing going on. As he entered, he spotted a number of Dovahreich soldiers, including the one from earlier, eating and drinking at the tables. He sighed softly to the sight, before sitting down, collecting some food for rations, before eating some meat for himself, wondering whether Rizna was up and about.

Flame thought about going and see if she was going to be alright, but Knight suddenly reminded him in his mind, that the faster he left for the quest, the more better it would be for all. Besides, as he thought on it, Knight could go and find Rizna and tell her that he was going to be gone for a quest and the seriousness of it all.

The dragon quickly finished his food, before asking the soldier from before to pass a message to Knight to let his love know he would be away for a while, before stepping out into the hall. He took a deep breath, before strolling towards the entrance and once outside, he stretched out his wings, just to ease the muscles in them, before walking out into the land.

After walking for some time, the dragon was soon nearing a forest, which Flame was cautious about as he approached it, taking a moment to rest by a tree. Whatever he was searching for, he would have to find it with his powers. As he lay back against the tree, he cleared his mind, closed his eyes, and concentrated hard.

As he concentrated, his powers seemed to become active, for he suddenly was seeing a path in his mind for him to follow to the thing, whatever it was he was searching for, a path leading into the grouping of trees and other plants.

Flame opened his eyes, keeping that image in his mind, as he began following it, finding himself walking into the forest before him. After walking a bit, he noticed it was getting darker the deeper he went in, and that there were spiked vines everywhere.

'Hmmm... How many of these vines are there?' he thought, looking to them all, as he pushed on, finding it getting even darker still, as he walked on. The canopy was quite thick with leaves and vines, making it difficult to see the sky above. Then he noticed some that had no spikes on them.

'Hmm?' he thought, 'These ones look different to the others...' He stepped close to them to examine them.

They were green and were not doing anything, but as he came close to examine one, another similar one drop down very silently behind him, and quickly wrapped itself around the dragon's foot, before it suddenly lifted him upwards, flipping him upside down in the process. It dragged him high up towards the tree tops.

"AHHH!!!" he cried out, struggling in its grip. He tried moving his hand to his sword, to try and unsheathe it, but the vine shook about as it moved upwards and around the trees, making it tricky for him to grip the pommel of his blade.

After some time had passed, it stopped, before it turned him around. The dragon soon saw what was holding him, his eyes seeing a big pink plant before him with sharp teeth and no eyes, though it seemed to be looking back at him. The plant licked its teeth with its plant-like, fleshy tongue, like it was going to eat Flame as its caught prey. Flame could sense it was trouble. Unable to get his blade, he had to think of something quick to escape from it.

Clearing his mind, trying to calm himself, he concentrated on creating fire, and soon, his mouth opened wide, as a breath of fire was spat out at the plant. And it worked, as the plant released Flame and concentrated on putting out the fire on its vines and leaves before the flames burned them up. The dragon found himself having to grab a branch to right his body the right way up before he landed, and when he did, he began moving away quickly before the plant tried to grab him again.

Flame ran as fast as he could to get away from the plant, but soon lost track on where he was going. It took a while, until he was clear from the plant, before he realised he'd stray from the path he had been following, and was now in a place he didn't recognise well. 'Great...' he thought, 'I need to refocus my mind on that path again...'

But before Flame could concentrate his mind, he heard a noise coming from a nearby bush. He quickly unsheathed his sword quickly, and pointed it to the bush. "Show yourself!!! NOW!!!" he called out.

After he called out, something emerged; from a bush nearby, came out a yellow spider thing. Flame looked at it, not knowing what might happen, as he pointed his sword at it. Seeming not to be scared at all, it just walked a little closer and then it stopped, just standing there to watch him.

"Hmm...?" Flame uttered, the dragon not sure what it was doing. He thought for a moment, and wondered if it might be friendly, though it would be something if it was; he hadn't seen anything to show friendliness, except perhaps snakes, but that was with the dragonesses he had seen. It started to walk closer to Flame and as it got closer it got more regardful on if the creature in front of it was harmful to it.

Flame took a moment to think about this, before shaking his head and leaving it alone, walking on and trying to refocus on the path he had been following. Yet the creature kept following him. As he kept on walking, he could hear the spider creature follow him. 'Why's it following me?' he thought, glancing back to it. It just continued walking after him.

Flame looked back to it. "Why are you following me?" he asked it, frowning to the spider as if expecting it to answer, which it didn't. It just stopped and did nothing, just as it did not understand Flame at all.

Flame shook his head, before walking on, his mind finally recalling the path for him to walk on. He glanced back to the spider, wondering what species it was.

It was not any normal eight legged spider; that he was sure of. But it more resembled an alien facehugger in its form and shape. He hadn't been sure of whether it had more friends, but he could see more of them ahead, one of them being much bigger than the rest of the spiders, with a stinger on its tail and claws and it had a head with tusks. Overall, it was more dangerous looking then the other ones.

"Okay... this does not look good," he spoke to himself, drawing out his sword, "And somehow, now that I think of it... I'm sure I read of these in the library..."

Yes, Flame did read about them; they were a species called Sniders, and they were relatives with Wrickers, both being a type of alien spider bug. Sniders often scout for supplies and what they find they collect, females of any kind included, but they are very defensive when defending a captured female because they use females to breed more creatures of their kind. They don't have their own females so they steal them whenever they can. Their weapons are mostly their mouths and tails; the tail can shoot a strange looking pink liquid slime that is strong and sticky on contact. But the bigger creatures, they were called a "Capturer", and they had a paralyzing poison in its tail. Useful for it, in paralyzing its victims with if needed.

'Oh boy...' he thought, 'I'm not a female... so the only thing they might want from me... is...' He gulped a bit, the thought of such a thing he was thinking of, making his stomach turn a bit, as he decided to step back from them, not eager to know what they might be like if the bigger one got close and paralyzed him.

But the creatures had seen him and they had already made a defensive wall around him to trap him. As he tried to think of a plan, he began to hear some muffed moans coming from somewhere over behind where the spiders were. His eyes soon caught sight of a red bra and a pair of red pantie on the ground next to a tree where there was a lot of sniders before it. The sound of the moans sounded all too familiar to the dragon; there was someone that needed his help!

"What the...?!?" Flame uttered. The clothing made him realise something; it was not food they wanted from him, it was his removal from the area or possible elimination, either would work. He must have stumbled on them by accident, which was why he had been followed by one of them. It had been probably scouting the area, and wanting to know where he was going in their territory. "Hey!!! Who's here???" the dragon called out, seeing that the Sniders and their Capturer weren't going to let him leave. He had to wonder where the caught female was. His eyes soon spotted them, trapped just around the other side of the tree. "Hang on!!" he shouted, trying to move around.

The Capturer took a few steps closer to him, acting aggressive to his movements; if Flame wanted to get past to save the dragoness, he'd have to past the capturer first, and then a small wall of sniders awaited him after he got past it.

Flame had to think carefully about his moves. He could have used his flame breath, but he was concerned it might have hit the tree, and brought harm to the dragoness. So instead, he chose to hold back, and use his magic more wisely, along with his sword; it was raised ready to defend against anything, as he stepped closer to the Capturer. Whatever the holy item was, it would come second to rescuing the dragoness in trouble. The creature gave out a fierce scream and then charged towards dragon, jumping and folding its arms forward to stab and cut Flame.

Flame had little time to react. He barely just missed being stabbed by it, but had no chance to counter, only to watch as it landed just behind him, screaming in what sounded like frustration, as it prepared itself for another one.

'Sheesh!!' Flame thought, 'No books mention how they fight...'

This time, it charged as before, but now instead of claws ready to strike, it had prepared to strike him with its paralyzing tail; if it hit him now and then, it would all be over. Flame had to dodge quickly, but this time he was more prepared to counter it, and his sword struck it hard, the blade cutting into its tail. The Capturer screamed a little in pain as it now was bleeding from its cut in its tail, but it still wanted to fight, so it charged him again, this time not to jump at him, but to dodge anymore of Flame's attacks, its plan was to sting him when he least expected it.

Flame could see how much it was trying to dodge his blade, his sword swinging and missing it, as he did his best to dodge its attempts to sting him when he missed. 'Think, Flame, think!!' he thought, 'Need some way to strike it...' His thoughts seemed to manifest in some form, for when he swung again at the creature, a beam formed and moved away from the blade towards the creature, grazing its left side.

It backed of a little as it limbs on its left side were scratched by the beam he made. The creature stopped for a moment to think if it was worth fighting him more, but it made up its mind quickly and it charged Flame as fast as it could for its final attack. The dragon had barely enough time to react. Its charge caused him to be knocked off his feet as it collided with him, putting him in peril. As the creature saw the opportunity it had to strike at him, this time the position he was in meant he could not withhold from using his fire, as the dragoness was no longer in the line of fire. His mouth opened quickly, as he breathed out a stream of flames at the Capturer. The creature's skin was caught by the fire and it screamed in pain and agony, as it slowly burned to death. The other Sniders were a little shocked in a way, with their leader dead; even some of them ran away because of the power that Flame had shown. But some were determined to defend the captured female they had until reinforcements came.

Flame managed to recover from this, shifting the dead body of the creature off of himself, as he drew his blade. Seeing a number of them running was good, but not those that still remained. He had to do something, and so, focusing his magic, he used more blade beams to cut through them, cutting through some of them that were not organized enough to be dangerous, but as he got closer to the helpless dragoness, those that stood had built a defensive wall around her. They had one final plan before they would give up and flee the battle. As the dragon approached, the behaviour of the Sniders concerned him, so, remaining cautious, he brought himself towards the tree, his sword ready in his hand.

When Flame got close enough to them, they circled around him really fast then from all directions they sprayed their pink slime at him to immobilize the dragon. The first shots hit Flame's arms, his legs, and his blade, successfully immobilizing them. The more time that past, the harder it would be to escape the Snider's little trap. Flame couldn't believe he had forgotten about that. He tried to struggle free, but the trap was well and truly snapped; he was stuck. As he thought of what to do, he remembered, and quickly he focused, creating flames in his hand. He hoped the stuff couldn't resist them. But one of the Sniders noticed what he was doing, so it shot slime onto Flame's hands and made it impossible for him to create magic from them. Slowly, more slime engulfed the dragon; time was running out for him.

'No!!' he thought, trying his best to recreate them again. 'No... No... No!!!!!!' Something inside him grew; a fear of dying, and failing everyone, Rizna the most. His thoughts grew to just surviving and proving himself to be a hero, and with it, he focused harder to create some magic that could free him.

In his desperate state, Flame created a powerful energy force within his body and suddenly released it at once, creating a shock wave effect that broke and destroyed the Snider's trap and sent them flying through the air. But, thankfully, it didn't damage the tree or the dragoness tied to it. Flame, who had had his eyes closed, opened them, to see the Sniders were gone, while he felt himself panting, feeling the freedom on his limbs and body. His thoughts soon turned to the dragoness, as he moved round the tree to her, to ensure she was safe.

"Are you... you... alright?" he asked, panting a lot, before blinking a few times, realizing she was naked, and looked away, blushing, "Erm... sorry..." Whatever had bound her to the tree was gone as well, exposing her body to him.

"I'm fine," she answered, "...but it was going to be worse until you came out of nowhere and saved me. Thanks." After she answered Flame, she picked up her bra and panties and put them back on. "You don't need to look away when I am naked and stuff."

"Sorry," he replied, as he looked back, "Just being honourable, since... well... I have a love I don't want to feel like I'm... cheating on." He smiled warmly to her, feeling a little embarrassed, while checking around. "May I ask for your name, please?" he asked her.

"Tanja. My name is Tanja," she replied. She was a dragoness with green scales and an even dark greener scales on her underbelly, with a belt around her waist. She also had long red hair and two horns that pointing out through it, sweeping backwards, with a long tail coming out behind with two pointed scales and tail of hair. "What is your name? I have never seen you here before."

"I'm... I'm Flame," he replied. He was unsure if he should, but she had asked, and he didn't want to refuse the request. "What were you doing out here, Tanja?"

"A friend and I were heading towards this area to collect food and water, but we got split up, and after I walked a few steps over here, I was suddenly attack by those spider creatures that captured me. That is it about it, I'm afraid. What are you doing out here all alone?"

"I... erm..." he hesitated for a moment. He couldn't explain his quest in detail, but a little truth could not be bad, "I'm searching for something important. But I can't explain what it is. I can't risk it." He looked to the dragoness curiously; he only just registered something in her words, "Friend? Wait! You mean your friend was with you??? They could be in trouble as well!!"

"Oh no, you are right!! She could be in danger!!" she exclaimed, gasping, "We must find her, but I don't know where to look for her. The only thing I can show you is where we got split up at. So come with me, please!"

Flame nodded, sheathing his sword, and followed Tanja along the path she had taken; whatever he was searching for would have to wait... again. Not when someone was in danger.

While they were walking Tanja asked Flame something that was on her mind, "Why do you search for something important out here? What is it and what does it do?"

Flame was uncertain if he should. To explain it to someone he had just rescued, he was unsure. And his quest required him to work on his own, perhaps to avoid bringing risk to others. "I'm... I'm not sure," he answered. That at least, was true. He did not know what it was, or what purpose it had, "I don't even know what it does. But I do know that it is important for the future."

"Then maybe it will be most important that you find it after we find my friend," she responded, before her eyes perked up and she spotted something, "Ah hah! Here it is." Here, where she stood, the road that split in two different ways. "I know that my friend did take this way," she spoke, pointing down the other path, "And because you have all the weapons, I would feel safe if I let you go in front of me."

Flame nodded, cautiously taking the road Tanja pointed out. "Stay close to me, okay?" he asked her, smiling back to her, as he led the way.

Tanja answered with a simple "OK!" and followed behind him. After some minutes of looking for someone in the forest, anyone who looked like the dragoness' friend, the road stopped, and a tall grassy field lay ahead of them. "I don't like this field. It can be crawling with nasty creatures around it," she spoke.

Flame scanned the field carefully, his hand ready upon the handle of his blade. "Don't worry," he spoke calmly, "If anything jumps us, I'll fight it off."

"Yeah, you are right. If something attacks us, you will be here to fight it off. So are we ready to walk into this grassy field?" she asked.

Flame looked once more, before he nodded, "Yes, especially if your friend came through here."

"She must have walked through here, I'm sure of it," Tanja spoke, pointing to the ground, "There are also some footprints going off in... that direction." Her hand followed the prints, and pointed in the direction they went.

Flame saw them, and began leading the way, remaining alert for any possible trouble, with Tanja following shortly behind him, closely following his every move and not losing sight of him. Who knew what hid in ambush within the field. Flame remained cautious, making certain Tanja did not fall behind, as he followed the footprints through the grass. There wasn't much sign of her friend, but he didn't want to give up. Suddenly, the dragon saw something in the corner of his eye; he saw the grass moved a little.

"Shhh..." Flame shushed Tanja keeping her quiet, while stopping them, as he looked to where the movement had come from. Nothing happened at first, but then the grass behind them rustled a little. "Hmm...?" He looked round, wondering what was in the grass, still keeping his hand on his blade, as he unsheathed it.

It became quiet for a moment, once again, before three snake/worm hybrid monsters appeared from the grass. They had a long dark red colour along their body and a mouth like a snail, that drooled a little with tentacles that covered their mouths, while they also used a tentacle to grab and hold on with, resting upon their head.

"This is not good," Flame remarked, keeping Tanja protected from them. He had a feeling he knew what they might be after, and was wondering if her friend might have encountered them. "Stay behind me, Tanja," he asked her, readying his blade.

The three snake/worm hybrids began to surround both dragons, focusing on dealing with Flame, since he had a weapon upon him. Tanja would be no challenge for them. Flame watched them, remaining alert. His sword ready before him, pointed at one of the creatures. He could sense they wanted to deal with him, just to get at Tanja.

'No... not like the Sniders were beforehand,' he thought, glancing around, 'Have they got Tanja's friend with them, though?' His eyes tried checking, not letting them out of his sight.

One of the Snake/Worm creatures made for an attack on the dragon, crawling in a zigzag pattern towards Flame, and when it was close it swung its head and reached out with its tentacles towards him, trying to grab his sword. Flame had barely time to react, just managing to keep his sword out of reach, though it seemed in doing so, it put it in reach of another, as he tried stepping back from the first one. Then when the third snake/worm creature saw that Flame was busy with the other two, it moved toward Tanja. The second one had decided to wrap around Flame's legs, to make him unable to move, while also now reaching for the sword as he still struggled with the first one.

"AHH!!" he called out, finding himself being trapped. His eyes soon saw the third one heading for Tanja. "Tanja!!! Look out!!!" he cried out to her, as he tried to keep the second from his blade, while struggling to deal with it and the first one.

Tanja tried to run but it was too late, as the third snake/worm hybrid quickly wrapped itself around her foot, tripping her up, before it wrapped itself around her to immobilize her. "No!!! It is too strong, I can't break free," she cried out. Then she saw the creature bringing its mouth closer to her head. She tried to pull herself free from it but the creature was too strong. "No, please don't!!"

Flame could sense her trouble, and not wishing for her to experience further suffering for today, he growled menacingly at the creatures, creating flames in his open hand, and using them to force the two snake/worm creatures on him away. The fire burned the two creatures, but they recovered, and did not give up, attacking him once again.

Meanwhile the third snake/worm hybrid forced its mouth inside Tanja's, with the tentacles holding onto her head, while it slowly sent something nasty down her throat in huge loads, that made her moan softly and gag every time she was forced to swallow it.

Flame snarled, and, feeling himself becoming free and loose now, slashed back at the creatures with his blade, the sword cutting into one of them, as he tried bravely to reach Tanja. The snake/worm hybrids evaded his attacks and count-attacked them, while the third continued to force Tanja to swallow, what was its poison; not harmful, but designed for a special purpose. Soon it moved its tail down her body, removing her panties and exposing her now, moist slit to the open, letting the tip play with her vagina, forcing Tanja to give out some loud moans around his mouth from the forced, unwanted pleasure.

Flame tried his utmost to push them back, swinging and slashing his sword at them. It was a futile effort, as they dodged and avoided it more and more. He couldn't believe how much frustration he was feeling; mostly from how he just gotten a dragoness from one lot of creatures and into another lot. "Come on, Flame..." he spoke to himself, trying his utmost, before he thought of an idea, and quickly channelled magic, forming a barrier over the two snake/worm creatures, trapping them within it. Both of them tried to smash trough the barrier, but to no use; they were trapped. By then, the third hybrid was pumping one last load into Tanja's mouth before it pulled its mouth away. Tanja's lips were messy, all covered in its green fluid, some of which she spat out, but it was no use, too much of it was in her and she could feel it effecting her. It was making her horny and she couldn't help it. The creature pulled its tail back, before opening the tip of it, to reveal a harden cock readying to use on her. Tanja's eyes went wide, going wider as its member got closer and closer to her now aroused slit. Her body wanted it in her but her mind did not want it, but she was too aroused to do anything to stop it now.

Flame managed to sustain the barrier, and quickly moved over to Tanja when he saw how close she was to being taken, grabbing the snake/worm creature and tossing it away quickly before it could react, and then using his magic to create a ball of flame and firing it at the creature, hitting it on target. "Not again, you horrid creature!!" he snarled at it, watching it land quite a distance away, before looking to Tanja, concerned for her, "Tanja... are you alright?"

Tanja quickly put her panties back on and cleaned her mouth with her hand, before she replied to him. "I'm ok, but I can't help feeling a bit... aroused, thanks to that monster," she spoke, as the creature that Flame had thrown was heading back with angry hisses while the other two were quickly beginning to break the barrier down. Flame had to think of way to stop them, but the fact that all three were recovering, made him think of something else; it was not noble, but it would be better than staying put to endure more trouble.

"Tanja... listen to me," he spoke calmly, "I'm going to take flight with you, get us in the air, and try to get us away from these creatures. It's not noble... but I don't want to let you be subjected to them again and..." His speech was cut off, as the one he flung away got close and jumped at him. He was forced to quickly use his sword and slashed it at the creature.

The creature dodged his blade but it had no chance to hit him. Fortunately for it, its two friends had now become free of the barrier and begun crawling towards him. Tanja thought for a second, and then made her reply, "Yes, take us out of here! I don't want us to lose!" Flame nodded, and using the moment he had, grabbed her, and flew her up with him into the air, taking a look down to the hybrids as they hissed at him; hissed him for taking 'their' female away.

"Phew..." he looked to her, smiling calmly, "I'll get us away, unless... you think this might make it easier to find your friend, to see them from the air..." He checked her quickly, "And... I hope nothing bad came out of that encounter..."

"It would not be," she replied, "...if it was not so dangerous, walking through a forest full of grabbing tentacles or other grabbing monsters in it." She shivered a little in discomfort.

"Even so... No matter what, I will still help you to find your friend," he replied, looking to her calmly. "We shall find them, and then I will get you both somewhere safe." He looked calmly around himself, thinking for a moment. 'It would be easier if I could sense them somehow, like the item I was searching for,' he thought, 'Plus... I hope that creature's earlier actions haven't left her with anything... problematic. I wonder how badly aroused it got...' He shook his head, 'She's in control, Flame... she wouldn't let her body control her. Especially when we're in the air...'

But in truth, it was actually harder for Tanja to control her body. The wind made her sensitive skin and her other parts tingle, as she was carried in the air and she had it even harder to hide her arousal. Suddenly, without warning, a bunch of tentacles from the trees, shot out at them both.

"What the...?!?" Flame exclaimed, holding Tanja tighter to him, as he swayed from side to side, dodging them as best he could. "What else is coming for us???" He had it hard trying to avoid them; he had one close call, and another, just barely missing the tentacles.

"Flame... Flame they will not reach us if we land," Tanja told him, her voice different, sounding odd, almost aroused.

"Erm... Tanja... you sure?" he asked her, looking to her, whilst still dodging the tentacles that tried to hit them.

"Yes... I'm sure," she replied, "Birds are their natural prey, therefore they will stop attacking us... if they don't sense an airborne target. If we land, they will not... attack.... AAHHHHMMMmmm!!!" Tanja blushed as a moan escaped from her mouth.

"Erm... Okay..." he answered, a little uncertain, as he quickly looked for a spot and then landed on the ground, letting her down gently. He looked carefully around the,; they were quite some distance from the snake/worm hybrids from earlier, but even so, he was unsure if the tentacles would leave them alone. "I hope they don't come back," he spoke calmly, sniffing a bit. His nose slowly caught something in the air, but he thought nothing of it.

Sure enough, as Tanja had explained, the tentacles could no longer feel an airborne prey so they slowly return back where they came from. However, unbeknown to flame, Tanja's arousal had gotten out of hand, and without him knowing what was happening, she had suddenly undressed herself and lied down upon the ground, before quickly starting to play with herself. He only knew something was up when she moaned out, "I... I can't help it... Oooohh.. god!! My body feels so hot! Ahhhhh!!! Mmmmmmm..."

"Tanja? What is wro-!!! Whoa!!!" Flame watched in surprise, when he saw her upon the ground, "What... What are you... doing??" He tried looking away from her, gulping a bit. 'Rizna... You are Rizna's love...' he thought, trying to picture something else, '...Don't be aroused... Don't be... I hope she doesn't try anything on me... That would be bad...'

"Those creatures' fluids... (Ohh...!) ...that it did pump into me, are making me horny... Ahhh!!! Please you have to make it stop or I... I don't know what will happen... to me..."

"How?" he asked when he finally heard her plea, moving to her to check her. He was not sure what her body might make her do. "I don't know what to do about it, Tanja. Other than... erm..." He gulped at what he was thinking of as a solution; to take away the arousal in the only way, while trying to think of a way of staying loyal to his love.

Tanja continued rubbing and fingering her slit, trying to deal with it herself but failing, and told him what to he could only do, with a sudden cry of, "Fuck... me! Arouse me... I will not tell anyone... please. You have... to... Ahhh!!!"

"I... I..." he stuttered a bit, as he was unsure of what to do, but if it would ease Tanja from what the hybrids had done to her, then he would do it. He hoped Rizna would forgive him for doing this, but he had to help her, in case something bad did happen to the dragoness; he could never forgive himself if Tanja suffered without his help. "Okay, I will do so... I only hope my love will understand what I did here... for your aid..." he spoke, shedding his armour, slowly, before he finally stood before her. He might have been willing to do what she needed him to do, but his heart wasn't exactly in it; his member was out of his slit, but it refused to stiffen, to erect for mating. 'Darn it! My heart is trying to be loyal to Rizna... Oh, if only I could speak to her, and ask her about this,' he thought, closing his eyes.

"I think... (Mmm...) ...she will understand... (Ahh!!) She probably must be a very understanding dragoness, but... Flame... I would also think that this is wrong," she spoke. He could hear her voice, her heart, sympathizing with the conflict in his own. "I... don't... I neither, want to do this to a loved couple but if we don't sterilize the fluid inside me, who knows what will happen... (Mmmm!!!) I might turn to change into one of those things. Can you live with that, Flame...?"

"No, Tanja..." he answered, shaking his head, "I couldn't live with myself if something bad happened to you..." He sighed softly, looking to her. "I... I will do my best to prevent that..." he spoke, slipping a hand down his body and grasping his cock, trying to encourage his penis to harden, stroking it softly, and getting it ready. "I hope Rizna will understand this..." he spoke to himself softly, "Maybe Tanja could visit the castle, and explain what happened here... if needed..."

Despite speaking softly, Tanja heard his words and let him know she had agreed on doing that if needed. When he wanted to confirm it, she nodded, before then deciding to help get his member stiffer, noticing how flaccid it was in his grasp. Slowly, she brought her tail close to flame member and then she began gently rub it with her hairy tail to tickle it and arouse him.

"Ohhh..." he moaned out softly, feeling her stroke it, "Tanja... You don't have to... to... to do that, if you don't want to... don't want to..." He found it hard to concentrate with his words, her tail making his member grow stiffer and proudly erect before her, her tail somehow teasing the underside just enough to get the blood pumping into it.

After she saw that his member was ready, she stopped and pulled her tail back, before she spread her legs a little. Her vagina was dripping wet; actually she had never felt this wet before in her life.

Flame took a deep breath, as he lined himself up. She certainly was well aroused, in his eyes, and he wondered how she would be like after this. He looked to her, to check to see if she was ready for him and when he saw she was, he began pushing into her vagina, his member sliding in smoothly into her passage, her slick fluids making his cock enter without problems. As he penetrated her wet vagina she moaned and grabbed the grass on the ground beneath her, between her fingers, as she felt a satisfying wave of pleasure pass through her; the satisfying wave only increased, the deeper flame got inside her.

It was hard for Flame not to moan in response to the feeling of her wet passage around his shaft, but eventually, a soft one passed over his lips, followed by another and another, as he went in deep, before he slowly pulled back, and began sliding in and out of her in a steady rhythm. His hands gently held onto her, as he worked his member into her slit, hoping to ease her arousal. Tanja did not hold back her arousal and she give out several moans and even gasped, as she felt the dragon begin to slide in and out of her. The feeling of his dragonhood going in her and out of her was so good, that she began to move her body as well; even her tail moved behind Flame, but not to disturb the good moment.

Flame moaned more, working his shaft in and out of her, wishing to take it easy with her, before he felt her move with his thrusts, and her tail brush behind him. He looked to her, watching her face, and hearing her moans of pleasure, as he slowly began to increase the pace a bit. 'Rizna... Please do not hate me for this...' he thought, closing his eyes slowly.

As Flame increased the pace, so did Tanja's moans become more constant, as her body started to react on its own, sending further waves of pleasure throughout her body, while she began to push her vagina deeper onto his cock, working harder on it.

"Mmmm..." Flame moaned out, feeling her slit sink more over his cock, the inner walls beginning to squeeze on it. The pleasure for him, that he had tried to ignore, was finally making itself more noticed, and he had to accept it, finally moaning loudly in delight, before looking to the dragoness he was mating with. "Tanja... Is this helping?" he asked her between his moans, the dragon slowly thrusting faster.

"Ah, yessssss...! It does! Please... ahhh... continue!" she responded. She could feel him thrusting faster inside her, and it and it made her moan even faster while her slit began to slowly heat up. Her body seemed to love it a lot, and she began more and more to take control of her own arousal from what the Snake/Worm creatures had done to her.

Flame nodded, keeping the pace, as he worked his member faster and firmly into her slit, hearing his crotch slap against hers each time, while her walls rubbed and stroked over his length, making him moan more as her passage milked his cock to free it of what he had within it. His tip soon began to respond, leaking pre into her, and mixing it with her juices that she was releasing, as he felt himself growing steadily close to his release. Tanja's body continued to heat up as she began to feel the pleasure in her vagina growing bigger and bigger. It made her gasp as she understood it was the dragon leaking pre-cum into her; the feeling was satisfying as she then knew that Flame was close to release but so too, was she as well.

"Tanja... I... I... getting close..." he moaned out, feeling himself pant with each thrust he gave. 'Rizna... I don't know... would she.... would she... ever enjoy sharing her true love with others?' he thought. 'I really wish... I could speak to her... To ask her about this...' He thrust more into her, feeling himself on the peak of his pleasure, ready to give her his seed.

"Ahh!!! I'm close too!! Give me your best shot," she cried out. Tanja could soon no longer hold her pleasure in, but she felt like it was to be Flame who had to be the one to cum first, just for her act on instinct soon.

That seemed to do it for him, to spark his pleasure over the breaking point. Before he knew it, he was groaning loudly in pleasure, as his cock thrust in deep and finally shot several loads of his creamy seed into her, filling her up greatly, while he pumped gently but quickly to fill her good; the pleasure of release made him slowly smile in bliss. Tanja could feel him shooting his loads into her soft passage; it was satisfying, how good the pleasure was that it made her gasp as she finally came as well. The whole experience of pleasure and bliss she had, it all made her exhausted and sleepy. But hopefully it had done its trick; soon Tanja could no longer feel herself being forced to be aroused.

Flame panted a bit, as his release slowly began to end. Feeling drained, in a manner of speaking, both in his balls and his energy, he pulled out from her, checking her over. "Tanja... is it over? Does your body feel... better?" he asked her between his pants, his body trying to recover.

"Yes... I can feel it... going away... and my body feels... better now," she replied, panting as well, "But I'm feeling... sleepy... and I'm exhausted. I think... I will rest for a moment." And with that, she put her hands under her head, with her tail close to her body, and slowly began to relax in the grass.

"Agreed," Flame replied, lying down next to her, as he felt his member soften and retreat back into its hiding spot, "I just hope it will help."

His thoughts turned to a few things as he lay there beside her. First, to Tanja's friend, and whether she was alright, and secondly to Rizna, and wishing he could just speak to her, at least so he could ask her, and talk to her about what he had just done, with great hope she would understand and still love him, since he had done so to save someone from something worse.

Slowly he began to drift into a peaceful rest, unaware of how long the day was still to be...