Yoru's Story: Prologue

Story by LiraEnchanted on SoFurry

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Any comments or advice will be welcomed

It is just something I work on in my free time about some of my characters. And since I don't have a name yet, the story will be named after the main character for now


Day after day. Night after night. Two to three times in a twelve hour period the woman would be called on for a variety of exotic torture from the king of the slave house. The females, about thirty and all between sixteen and twenty four, were groaning and weak. Each female was a rare and exotic breed, or what most call freaks and hybrids. Ribs and hips could be seen from a distance. No beds minus flea infested rags on the cold, damp, cement floor. No place to do personal business so once majestic fur of the young ladies where dingy and wet from urine and feces.

Time was pointless to these young women as there was no light minus the light bulb that was placed every ten inches and barely bright enough to read paper work the guards always carried. The cells where only big enough for two as when the females were summoned, it happened in the cell for the other women to hear the cries and suffering. Everyday, they wished for someone to save them but everyday, no one shows up and they fear it may be their last day.

Sometimes, a young woman gets her wish. Once a woman hits twenty five, the 'king' will order the woman to be killed and left to rot in the cell for weeks before it is cleaned up for another younger woman to take her spot. Most woman only have deal with it once cause of their age or being sold in the yearly slave sell off. Only one has dealt with the smell more then once. She was kings favorite girl and never put up for sell or blindfolded. No one understood why but they all hated her with a passion greater then the hatred for the king.

Whenever she was summoned or touched, which know one knew about, this young woman would kick and bit so much to the disbelief of the others, the 'kings favorite' was really untameable and unsellable. She just paces in her cell, worried and scared of the other woman yet the one that was sicker then the rest. She got food less then others and had nothing to lay on, not even flea covered rags. Her cell door was not caged but padlocked cement door with no window or anything, just a vent for fresh air to get in and old air to leave. Strong willed and untameable, no wanted a woman like that and she knew that sooner or later the unsellable ones were thrown to the wild for the animals to feed off of once over aged.

But this year was different. No one had been put down, even though some girls managed to speak that they were over the set age and scared for the day they are put down without even seeing daylight or their family again before moving to sit in the corner and hide their faces as they cry silently so they didn't get whipped for showing emotion. Everyone was on high guard for they knew something was up but not sure what till the day it started.

The guards had hoses and buckets. Without the smell of blood in the air, the females begin to try to move to a corner. They hated today. Bath day. Means soon it would be sell day. One by one, each female was washed in ice cold water till the smell of urine and feces was out of their fur. The guards don't even use soup or clothes to wash them. The looks of hatred and poison could be seen on the faces of the ladies whenever the guards walked in the cells. When snarls could be heard from the freezing temperatures of the water and being left to air dry, they ladies where then groomed with a wired tooth comb then pulled more fur out then anything.

After fourteen long hours, everyone one minus one girl had gotten the bath. A woman that looked to be in her early twenties yet getting up there in age. She had neon looking fur that was blue-green to a very bright green on paws and tips of her ears. There was four neon green bands on her arms and two, about two three inches apart, on her upper thigh just below her buttocks. Heart shape markings midway on her upper arm. Over both her hips, a heart with a line that split into two to make two hooks on each side of it as well as coming from her eye down her cheek a bit. On her legs, just over the ankle was the same looking lines that blended the blue green and green together. Her collar was hidden by a thick teal fur collar. Two strips laid over her nose bridge. The women's hair was short in back but long in front, laying to the right side, covering her right eye hiding her majestic bright green eyes. Folded back against her back were bat wings that were the same blue green to neon green in color. They were tied to her back so that she couldn't escape which the guards had just done few days prior.

Looking up as the door was opened, she sees that she was getting a bath today too, meaning they were going to try to sell her. Standing up, she eyes them with much detest but allows the ice cold water to hit her fur, sneezing, coughing and shivering as they left her to air dry. Sighing, the female looks down and closes her eyes, scared for the first time for her own safety. Having a cold and eye infection, she could barely stand and see. Ear mites and fleas made it hard to not itch and even harder to get comfortable.

After what felt like forever, the door opened to her cell and clothing was thrown at her before the door shut again. Feeling for the grown, she slips in on but stayed sitting. She knew what to do and just waited till the time and the guards to get her.

'So I am being sold.. again.. I guess I proved to be too much for him as well.. No one will be able to tame me or make me bow..' Opening her eyes, she knew what to expect and do at these events as she stood up, hearing the other female's struggle and cries. 'I guess it is time.'

She waited and waited but no one came to get her. Her senses where on high alert as she knew this wasn't normal. Something was wrong and that was when it happen. A long blast could be heard from way above her but the vibrations could be felt where she was and caused her to fall to the ground, hitting her head on the wall, knocking her out.

Stirring, her ears perked up as she looks up weakly at a young looking person. She couldn't see right due to her eye infection and just bowed her head, knowing what was coming. The same thing that happens day after day. She could hear the commotion behind him but couldn't make out the words. Rustling. Scrapping. Running. All new sounds and the other cells were getting antsy as at some point the other women had been brought back to their cells. It was all new to them. Normally it was dead and uneventful.

The person in front of her finally managed to move the cell door all the way open. Rushing out, they look around and makes sure it was empty before rushing back, picking her up and running out of the cell holding area to a long, narrow hallway. Without making a sound, the person made their way to the outside and a carriage that was pulled but two black stallions. Without a word, the person calling the girl nodded to the driver as he got in and they were off.

The female had passed out and shivering before they even hit the surface. Her savior put her under blankets and give her some IV medicine to help her start feeling better.