Chapter 2: First Rape

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#2 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

The Last Shemale Queen

A sequel to The Seduction of Seleste

First Rape

Chapter 2

Tala's room in the grand hut was right next to Rayen's. She resented the fact because she always felt as if Rayen was on the other side of the thin wall listening to everything she said and did. If Tala went through with her plan to run away, Rayen could easily tell on her out of sheer spite.

Tala was brooding at her vanity when a knock came near her curtain. She knew without having to turn that Keme had come. She had smelled him before he even reached her room. He always smelled like mist and heat and . . . hot water. Like the jungles Grandmother had often told her of. She loved his scent.

"Come in," Tala said, trying not to sound too miserable. She failed. Looking in the mirror, she could see Keme pull aside the curtain. It was after supper and he had removed his chiefly attire: the feathered cape and circlet were gone, and he stood in nothing but the feathered talisman he always wore on his bulging upper arm. His black mane was a long mess around his neck and shoulders.

"How are you, Little Bug?" Keme said, leaning in the doorway.

"I'm getting married in two days," Tala returned dully. "I'm crap."

Keme laughed sympathetically and entered the room. Tala pulled off her bracelet and set it on the vanity. Behind her, she could hear Keme settling on the edge of her bed. He wanted to talk to her. She seethed. As if a simple talk could make her ready for this! As if a simple talk could take back the memory of seeing her mother leave, those years of abuse at the paws of Sacnite! As if a simple talk could make her destiny seem less out of her control!

"Did I ever tell you I didn't want to marry Iniwa?"

"No," Tala said heavily. She looked down as she removed another bracelet. "But I can guess how it ended." She flashed Keme a sad smile.

Keme smiled back. He came up behind her and started removing the gold studs from her ears. She sat still as he worked, and he glanced at her through the mirror. His eyes were sad.

"Maybe it will end the same way for you. Maybe you'll like being married to Yatokya."

Tala sighed. "Yato and I _hate_each other, Dad."

"I know," Keme returned with a sad laugh. "Or maybe you just mask your true feelings with hatred . . ."

Tala scowled. "No, Dad. I really do not like him. Really."

Keme set the studs on the vanity, and he suddenly looked very tired. "Tala, when the sun wolves arrive, I need you to please try to get along with Yatokya. You haven't seen each other in five years. He may have changed. You never know."

Tala scoffed. "I've seen rocks change faster."

Keme laughed. His face softened with thought. "Are you sure this has nothing to do with . . . Yanaba? I know you and the princess were friends when you were children."

Tala's lashes fluttered. She suddenly scowled. "No! Never!" She took up a brush and started brushing her long straight mane, quickly and clumsily.

Keme blinked at her, and looking at his astonished face in the mirror, Tala suddenly hated herself: she had just made it perfectly clear that it was all about Yanaba.

"Like you said," Tala kept brushing and jerked her chin, "I haven't seen Yato and Yan for five years, Dad. Why would this be about . . . I barely know either of them!"

Keme didn't buy it. He turned Tala around to face him, and holding her by the shoulders, he peered hard into her eyes. "Are you in love with Yanaba, Tala? You have to tell me. You have to."

Tala's lip trembled angrily. "Why!"

Keme sighed. "Because I need to know the truth --"

"Why --!"

"So I can protect you, dammit!" His fingers tightened on her shoulders.

Tears started to Tala's eyes.

"Tell me," Keme repeated.

Tala threw his paws off. "Maybe I don't need your protection!" she roared.

They both heard an audible crack and looked down: Tala had snapped her mane brush in halves. More embarrassed than anything, she turned back to her vanity and set the pieces on it with trembling fingers. She could feel Keme behind her, watching her. He wanted to hold her, but he was holding back. For her sake.

"Please, Little Bug," Keme said patiently. "You have to talk to me about this."

"Don't worry, Daddy," Tala snapped. "I'll play the role well. I'll keep my hideous shemale penis hidden . . . I'll smile and laugh and pretend to want this. And no one will ever be the wiser. I'll make you and Iniwa proud."

"Tala," Keme scolded and she saw him frown behind her in the mirror. "Is that what you think? That your penis is ugly?"

Tala sneered and hated herself when the unshed tears trembled in her eyes. "Isn't it, Daddy? Isn't that the reason why Yuri taught me to hide it?" she demanded angrily.

Keme shook his head. "Every part of you is beautiful, Tala," he vowed. "Every part!"

Then why doesn't Yanaba love me too? Tala slid her tiara off, willing herself not to cry. She couldn't. She suddenly broke down.

"Oh, Tala . . ." Keme moaned behind her.

Tala closed her eyes and hunched over the vanity. She hated the sound of her own sobs. Keme lifted her like a pup and carried her to her bed, where he sat rocking her. She laughed through her tears at this absurdity: he was rocking her like she was four and had scraped her knee. But she was sixteen, with breasts like apples and round little hips and a swishing tail that the royal protectors followed with their eyes. In that moment, as he rocked her and stroked her mane, she realized that she would always be four to him. Always.

"If it's so beautiful," Tala said miserably, "why do I have to hide it?"

Keme sighed. "The sun village has a long history of hatred with the shemales. You know this. Your grandmother told you."

"Yes . . ."

"In fact," laughed Keme, "they have a long history of hatred with just about everyone . . . the moon wolves . . . the winter wolves . . . They fought with the winter wolves over this land for many decades. Both tribes sought to claim us, make us their own. Originally, those of the summer were sun wolves."

"And that is why we have to appease the sun and the winter," Tala said dully, "so they don't start fighting over this land again."

"Yes," Keme confirmed with a nod. "And if they ever found out you were shemale . . ."

"Or that you were shemale," Tala added miserably. It wasn't like she wanted anyone to know anyway. Yatokya and Yanaba already thought she was disgusting . . . Once when they were children, she lost control of the spell Yuri had taught her, and her clit grew back into a pink penis . . . right in front of her friends as they were wrestling. Yatokya had been revolted and Yanaba was so horrified . . . she screamed.

When the royal twins visited after that . . . they never even looked at Tala, let alone played with her. Yanaba grew closer to Naira and Rayen and instead spent her time playing with them under the watchful and bitter eye of Sacnite. Yatokya avoided the girls altogether - which was custom in the summer village anyhow. The only time he paid attention to Tala was to pull her mane and call her names.

"So that's why we taught you to hide it," Keme said. "It wasn't because it's ugly or. . ." He pushed a strand of mane from Tala's wet eyes. "Never think you are ugly, Tala! All my children are perfect . . . dammit."

"Daddy, I want to be normal. I don't want to have to hide . . . Maybe if I was normal . . ." Tala looked away and her face darkened almost angrily. "Maybe Mom would have stayed."

Keme frowned. "No, Tala. Never think that. Sel - your mother had to leave us. But it wasn't because of you. Look at me." Tala obeyed. "Do you understand?" Keme said and peered hard into her eyes. "It wasn't because of you, Little Bug."

Tala dropped her eyes away. "I understand," she lied. She didn't understand. She would never understand until she could face her mother and ask her herself. She knew for a fact that her mother was still alive. Sometimes late at night, she eavesdropped on Keme and Iniwa talking in their room - because after growing up in court, Tala knew for a fact that eavesdropping was the only way to learn the truth. By lurking at night, she learned that her mother had gone far north, to a magical place. A place called the sea of ice. But she was alive. That was all Tala needed to know.

Keme cleared his throat. "So we're all clear? You're beautiful."

"I'm beautiful," Tala repeated with a nod.

"And you'll give this marriage a try."

"And I'll give this marriage a try," Tala repeated with a sad laugh.

Keme nuzzled his nose against hers. "Thank you, honey."

"You're welcome, Daddy . . ." Tala climbed off Keme's lap and went behind her screen, where she started undressing.

Keme took the hint. "Goodnight, Little Bug," he said, rising from the bed. He paused at the curtain and Tala knew what he was waiting for.

"Goodnight, Daddy. I love you."

Tala waited until the grand hut stood silent, until nothing could be heard but the crickets chirruping. Usually, Uruta's screams would have echoed down the hall as Keme attempted to get her with child again - that or the wails of little Dawae, who was prone to wake up screaming from nightmares.

When all was still and silent, Tala climbed from bed naked, breasts trembling as she held them. She had decided against escaping in her long skirt, as the garment would have hindered her ability to climb and run. She even discarded her bandeau top. She was going to flee and she was going to flee naked, unhindered, and unstoppable!

As she lay waiting for the hut to fall silent, she had also plaited her mane into a single long braid. Now standing naked at her window, devoid of jewelry or garment, she looked like a young peasant girl from the village. If anyone saw her, they would hopefully think so.

Tala's eyes were fixed on the tree that grew so conveniently outside her window. A normal wolf would not have been able to reach it, but the shemale strength in Tala's legs would allow her to jump. She perched on the sill, and as a sudden gust swept tendrils of mane back from her eyes, she remembered once more that she was naked. She was about to go into the world with bare breasts and hard nipples, with pussy lips visible to anyone who glanced below her midriff, and if she lost control and her clit sprouted into a cock . . . everyone would see.

Tala took a breath, willing herself not to care. It was this or marry Yatokya! She flung out her arms and sprang. She barely managed to grab the distant tree branch and bit her lip to keep from crying out when another branch slapped her across the cheek. Down below, a pacing guard halted to listen, and Tala cursed quietly as she pulled herself into the shadows of the leaves. Why hadn't she timed that jump? She should have waited until the guard had passed!

Below, the guard stood listening a long time, his ears pricked forward. Another guard met him and they conferred in soft whispers. Hiding up in the tree, Tala moaned, wishing they would go on. When they finally had, she climbed to the ground and looked around.

When Tala was a little girl, she had often run away from the grand hut where her family lived, but she never got very far. It was because she never quite knew where to go, and somehow or other, Sacnite always found her. This time, however, she knew exactly where to go and there was no Sacnite to stop her! She knew the rounds of the guards like clockwork, she knew which direction the gates were from her father's hut, and most importantly, she knew in which direction the sea of ice lay.

Tala moved slowly through the village, keeping her head down and avoiding the eyes of any of the wolves she passed. It wasn't so late that wolves weren't still sitting in front of their houses, smoking, laughing, rocking tiny pups. Tala avoided looking at them all and walked as quickly as she could. She had to wonder how she was going to get out. She didn't think she could climb the wall without breaking her neck. And what if the gate guards recognized her?

Tala made it to the northern gates, beyond which the northern forest loomed. The two guards on duty looked her up and down appreciatively. One cocked an eyebrow, the other grinned liked a fool. Tala tried not to scowl.

"Lost, little one?" the guard on the left said.

"I left something in the forest," Tala lied, her head still down. "I must go and get it. My father will be so angry . . ."

The guard on the right shook his head. "No, can't let you. It's too dangerous."

"Go on home," said the other.

Tala scowled, suddenly impatient. They never saw it coming when she punched their lights out. They collapsed like ragdolls, and glancing around, she took up ones spear and strapped on the other's canteen. These would definitely come in handy in her travels!

Heart pounding hard, Tala hurried out the gates and closed them behind her. She had propped the guards up with the hope that someone would think they were simply sleeping on watch . . . which they kind of were. Now she ran full tilt into the forest, perky breasts bouncing, tail swishing, leaping over fallen logs, ducking under low branches. She was startled by her own speed and grinned, suddenly feeling as lighthearted and carefree as a pup! She hadn't been allowed to run like this in so, so long! She flung her arms open as she pelted through the darkness and grinned, grinned as happy tears trailed behind her on the wind.

For the first time in a long time, she felt free! And then . . . she tripped over her spear.

Tala cried out as she went down in a toss of leaves. Her fangs clicked in her head and she tasted blood. The twigs poking from the earth cut her and she moaned. As she was squirming with aches, she heard a voice somewhere in the darkness - voices. Lying on her belly in the underbrush, she went very still and listened. There were wolves lurking out there but no sign of a fire. Lone wolves? They were most active this time of year, in the Spring, when the mating season was only weeks away and young females everywhere were in heat.

". . . heard a noise over here," a voice was saying.

"I smell pussy," said another voice. "But . . . it don't smell right."

Tala scowled. Her paw inched slowly for her spear. She could just make out the glint of the blade in the dim moonlight.

"Yeah, I smell it too. But it's kinda musky like . . ."

"Like my dick," laughed the other. "Must be a male out here somewhere."

"Think we're surrounded?"

"Just shut up and follow me."

Tala clenched her teeth. Their steps were coming her way in the darkness, slowly, precisely. She could smell them now. Two males. Perhaps three. The scent of the earth and flowers under her nose was making it hard to decipher. Her heart pounded even harder when one stopped by her thicket. She went still all over.

"I smell her," he whispered. "Over here . . ."

The second drew near. She could hear them sniffing. The gleam of an eye in the darkness. Tala swallowed hard: they'd found her.

"There you are, missy," said one. "A pretty little bitch. Lost out here?" he mocked. "Get separated from daddy?"

They laughed darkly.

"Gonna enjoy fucking this one . . . first cunt of the season!"

A paw reached down into the thicket. Tala grabbed it at the wrist and twisted. A crack. A scream. The male sank with a crash to the leaves as Tala let him go. The other cursed and called her a slut. He reached into the thicket and Tala rolled her eyes. Was he really that stupid? He was. He grabbed Tala by the arm and hauled her out. She dropped the spear as she was dragged to her feet.

Tala could hear the other male sobbing in the underbrush and suddenly didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. She tried to get away instead. She was astonished when the male grabbed her tit and squeezed hard. She squirmed. She screamed. His other paw pulled at her braid and her mane tumbled loose as she struggled, falling in straight tendrils across her horrified eyes. He pulled her close by the neck and lifted her tit to his lips.

"Be still, pretty thing!"

"No - stop!"

"I'm gonna taste you all over . . ."


The male's lips suckled her, his moans muffled when he sank his mouth in the mound of her breast. Tala's head fell back. She could feel it coming on strong: her clit was shivering violently. The pleasure was so paralyzing, she couldn't move. Then the loner made the mistake of massaging her clit.

"No . . ." Tala whispered. Her small fingers curled in the loner's matted mane. "Don't . . . not there . . ."

"There," whispered the loner. His fingers pinched her clit and twisted. He cursed when her clit sprouted into a cock.

Tears trailed from Tala's eyes as her cock stood upright, thick and strong. The loner backed away in horror. She hated the look of horror on his face. Wanting to remove that look, she grabbed his neck and squeezed. It cracked in her paw and he slipped away. She stared at his body, astonished.

The other lone wolf was still on the ground, still sobbing over his shattered wrist. Seeing his dead friend collapse, he screamed and twisted on his back. He looked at Tala in terror when she approached him.

"Stop screaming!" Tala sobbed. "I'm not a monster!" Tears trailing down her face, she lifted her foot and was about to crush the loner's windpipe when someone grabbed her from behind.

"No - stop! What are you doing!"

Tala stiffened. Another male! The male grabbed her around the middle and hauled her off her feet. He was yelling like she was some wild beast that had to be put down. He thought the lone wolves were the victims here! Perhaps they were his friends!

Snarling, Tala easily threw her attacker off. She heard him go flying back through the trees, heard the grunt when he fell. She stomped toward him, kicking aside leaves and logs. Dark as it was, it wasn't hard to find him. His eye gleamed in the moonlight, and she could just make out the shape of his muscular body. He was dazed from the impact: he'd hit his head on a tree. Good. Tala grabbed him by the arm, and flipping him onto his belly, she mounted him.

It was her first time. It was her first time doing anything. Keme was so protective. And the royal protectors who guarded her were terrified of the rage of their super strong chief. But now was her chance to know . . . now was her chance to use this thing that had always been regarded with horror and disgust . . . this thing that everyone wanted her to keep hidden so desperately.

Lying on his stomach, the male drowsily came to and began to struggle as he realized what was happening. He tried to get up, but Tala slammed him by the neck to the foliage and kept riding him - raw and hard. She had no doubt that he was in pain, which was exactly what she wanted. He was suddenly pitiful to her, lying under her so helpless and weak, unable to escape, his screams muffled when she pressed his mouth in the leaves. He and his friends had actually thought to rape her and now they would pay!

Perky breasts rolling, Tala slammed the male hard, and his tight, clenching ass was exquisite. She closed her eyes and felt her cock swell thicker. He felt it too: his muffled cries intensified. As a cloud pulled away from the moon, she saw his auburn fur in the light, the tight muscles of his back and his broad shoulders. His ass was hard and firm. She squeezed it and was surprised to hear him moan. He . . . liked her touch? Suddenly determined to hurt him, she grabbed him by the tail and banged in hard.

"Ah-ahhh! W-Wait . . ." he sputtered. He was trying to get up. He managed to prop himself up on one elbow and turned his head, trying to look at her.

Tala immediately slammed him down again by the neck. "Shut up," she whispered.

She was surprised when the male did shut up. He took it quietly, grunting low and long every now and then as she rocked against him, making the bushes shake. She noticed blood seeping down his ass crack and felt a sudden surge of satisfaction. He had meant to do this to her, after all. He had meant to rape her with his friends, tear her pussy, make her bleed. And now she had done it to him!

"If you let me explain . . ." he began again. "I thought you were - I didn't realize --"

"I said shut up!" Tala shouted and slapped his ass hard.

He fell silent with a pained grunt, but somehow . . . she knew he enjoyed being spanked.

Triumphant, Tala leaned down close. Her small body lay flowing with lovely curves along his back. Her breasts were pressed between her arms as she peered at him curiously. Down in the leaves, it was too dark to see anything but the gleam of his eye. She could tell he was biting his lip, trying not to cry out. He was stiff and determined not to show that . . . he was liking it. He liked her breasts on his back; he liked her hot pussy lips slapping his balls; and he liked her cock inside!

Suddenly embarrassed, Tala dropped her face in his neck and humped him faster, harder. She wanted it to be over. She wanted to climax and then run, disappear into the forest and never see this male again. His scent was familiar, and she liked the hard press of his muscular back beneath her. She was astonished when he reached back to touch her. His fingers grabbed her ass, and as if this had confirmed something, his eye widened, and he shouted, "Tala!"

Tala scrambled off at once. Her foot hooked in a fallen tree branch, and as the male was sitting up, she fell over on her back. To her horror, her legs went up in the air, splayed for him to see everything between. She tried to put them down as his face appeared between them. With him sitting up, she could see him clearly in the moonlight, and her heart about stopped.

"Yatokya!" Tala wailed. She clamped her arms over her naked breasts like there were springs in them and scooted away, shuffling through the leaves and mud, her frightened eyes fixed on the male that crouched before her, her mane in her face.

It was indeed Yatokya. The last time she'd seen him, he'd been a scrawny eleven-year-old boy. He was tall now, all muscles and height, with a deep voice she did not recognize. He wore a silver circlet with a glittering jewel, and his mane was pulled back in a low tail, with the tie almost held on at the tips of his curly tresses. He rubbed his ass cheek and regarded Tala sullenly -- but she did not fail to notice the impressed eyebrow that went up when he looked over her body. She blushed furiously and looked away.

"The first time I see you in five years," he said angrily, "and you rape me!"

Tala scowled. "I didn't know it was you!"

"And . . ." he laughed flatly, ". . . that makes it okay? What the hell are you doing out here killing lone wolves? Or were you just going to rape them? Or perhaps kill them and then rape them?"

Tala's scowl deepened. "Why don't you just go to hell."

Yatokya snorted. "This _is_hell."

"What are you doing here?" Tala demanded. She huddled with her arms over her breasts still. Yatokya kept glancing at what bits of cleavage were visible, and she suddenly wished she'd run away with clothes on.

"Running away from this fool marriage," Yatokya answered at once and Tala glowered. "My escort isn't far from here. They are camped out in the woods just south of your village. I ran to the northern forest first chance I got. . . . I'll assume you were doing the same."

Tala curled her toes miserably in the dirt. Yatokya had been running away because of her. Because he didn't want to marry the thing with the penis . . . That's what he called her when they were children: Thing.

"Your father came early," Tala accused.

"He was eager to get here. He loves visiting. You know that. Our dads are great friends, otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Yes," said Tala in mock sympathy, "you'd be marrying some pretty little thing from the sun village with normal genitalia . . ."

"Who knows how to cook. Let's not forget that," Yatokya added dryly.

They fell silent. Tala suddenly didn't know what to do. She couldn't bring herself to go back to the summer village, but she was damned if she took Yatokya along with her. She needed to say goodbye to him and keep going. Her mother was waiting on the sea of ice. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the quiet sobbing of the lone wolf with the crushed wrist.

"Well. . ." Yatokya cleared his throat. "Seems you can take care of yourself. I'll just take my sore ass and be on my way." He rose to his feet, and Tala was surprised when he helped her to stand. He held her paws a moment afterward and stared at her with soft eyes.

Tala scowled and snatched her paws free. "Stop staring at my breasts!"

"I wasn't," he protested at once. "Alright, I was . . . But I was also looking at . . ." His eyes went to her again.

Tala slowly looked down and wanted to die: her cock was hanging limp over her pussy lips. She covered it at once and glowered in the opposite direction, tendrils of mane falling into her angry face.

"You still have the Thing."

"Shut up! Don't call it that!"

He laughed. "Why are you so ashamed? I have one too? See?"

Tala refused to look, but she knew he was holding his own cock, offering it for her to look at. She had pointedly avoided looking at him there, and he knew it. "I said shut up!" she repeated crossly.

They started off up a path, Tala marching hard and fast, not paying attention to where she was going. Yatokya walked beside her, and she hated the look of satisfaction on his face. He loved to tease her and was very proud of himself anytime he succeeded.

". . . Yanaba came with Dad and me," Yatokya said slowly, carefully, as if he was testing for Tala's reaction.

Tala looked at him quickly. "What! Why?" She didn't understand it when something sad flickered in Yatokya's eyes.

He scowled and moved past her. "What does it matter, Tala? You were running away."

Frustrated, Tala followed him. "Why would she come here?" she demanded. "Did she say anything about me? And you're going the wrong way!"

They were on a path that led back toward the summer village. Tala suddenly realized that they had been heading that way for some time.

"No, I'm taking you home. I can not allow you to traipse around in the wilderness like a fool - and naked to boot?"

"But you were running away!"

He smiled at her. "I'll run away later."

"Ooo!" she cried angrily. She grabbed his arm and forced him to stop.

Yatokya's eyes glinted angrily. "Don't use your damn shemale strength on me! And I'd advise that you put that away," he said, nodding at her cock, "before we reach the village. Once my father realizes I'm gone, he'll enter the village and alert every --"

"You're right, Yatokya. He entered the village and alerted everyone."

Tala froze and her heart sank: Keme and Chief Honiahaka were standing in the trees, backed by several armed warriors.