Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 9

Story by GraveyardGreg on SoFurry

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#9 of Welcome Back to Cappuccinos!

Now Serving:

Filling in the Blanks

"Okay," Otis said as he and Ted walked down the sidewalk, "can you explain to me what your dad meant by meeting Venti's biological father?"

"Reggie met his biological father a couple of days ago, and Dad's all worried about it."

Otis looked down in surprise at Ted. "Venti met his birth father? How?"

"The magazine article, duh. Don't you remember you and Venti being in it?"

"Don't be sarcastic, and yes, I remember it. But Venti didn't tell me his birth father showed up."

Ted shrugged. "When was the last time you talked to Venti before today?"

Otis had to give the question more thought than he expected. "About four days ago. I guess it would've come up the next time we talked without sudden hyena appearances."

Ted nodded. "It's been a bit crazy for Reggie, I guess. I mean, here he was, going home from the gym, then he gets a message from who he thinks was Dad, only it was his other one."

"The one he's never seen."

"Reggie meets him at that cafe, and gives him some sob story about how he wants to make up for lost time or something shady like that."

Otis raised an eyebrow. "You sound cynical. Have you met this guy?"

Ted shook his head. "No, but I don't trust him. He's going to try to hurt my big brother, you just wait."

Otis chuckled. "Venti's a big guy, so I bet he can handle himself."

Ted thumped Otis on the arm. "Reggie's sensitive. He'd never admit it, but he cries at the sappy parts of a movie or TV show."

Otis frowned. "Hey, I've been known to get misty eyed at those parts too."

Ted shook his head with a sigh. "Great, I'm dating a shorter version of my brother."

Otis smirked. "Very funny."

"Thanks, I thought so too. Anyway, Venti would probably give his biological dad a chance, and then the guy would treat him like a doormat." Ted's expression darkened before Otis' eyes. "Dad and me won't let that happen."

Otis felt moved by Ted's determination and love for his older brother, and he drew the hyena in for a hug. "You're a good guy, Ted."

"Don't tell Reggie I'm sentimental for him. He'd use it against me."

Otis chuckled, and hugged Ted once again. "I promise, because I know he would."

Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 10

Now Serving: Psychic Lions "Hey there, Art," Ted said the moment he entered Cappuccinos and laid eyes on the lion. "Surprise!" Art, to his credit, didn't seem too surprised. "Ted? When did you get here?" He then looked past Ted at the giant otter...

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 8

Now Serving: A Losing Battle "So I want you to arrange a nice, little meeting with you, me, and your biological father," Venti's dad said in the too-familiar tone of voice of someone used to getting his way. Venti steeled himself for the backlash...

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 7

Now Serving: Nicknames and Football "So are you going to put on a shirt anytime soon, son?" Venti's father asked. "I was just about to do that, Dad," Venti said, "but I had to answer the door, remember?" "I'm old, not senile. But you already...

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