Surgimorphs Chapter One: Under The Knife

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#2 of Surgimorphs

Well here is chapter one. Hope everyfur enjoys it.

This story contains sexual content betsween two males if you find this offensive or if you are underage and it is illegal for you to be viewing this story in your state or country of residence LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!


I slammed my fist into my alarm clock and it gave a death cry as it shut off. I quickly got out of bed and thought to myself "today is the day." I smiled for the first time in a long time as I glanced around my room.

Today I was going to become an entirely different species. I couldn't wait to be free of my old existence. To be rid of this body and claim the one I was meant to have since birth.

I turned on my tablet and while it loaded I carefully picked out the new clothes I would be wearing after the surgery. The special order for the clothes had cost me $500.00 and today's transformation was going to cost me $2000. The combined total of $2500 only left me with 500 in my bank but it was well worth it.

I saved three years for this operation and I had gone through endless hell as I waited. Now that I was 18 I could legally qualify for the surgery and so I jumped at the chance and filled out all the forms and everything.

I glanced at my tablet to read the time(7:00 am) and the date (07/13/2054) and I typed in my password. Then I accessed the Facebook app and typed in a quick status.

"After 9:00am today I will be a nine tailed fox. Have a great day." Then I logged out of the app and started to collect my clothes for a shower. The hot water relaxed my muscles and I sighed and started to bathe.

Ten minuets later I dressed in a blue hospital gown that was provided to me and stepped outside to walk to the Hub.

The Hub was a series of teleporters that could take you anywhere as long as you could picture it in your mind. If you couldn't form a sufficient picture the machine would prompt you to type it in and suggest the place you wanted to go if you were still unsure it would spit you out at the nearest information terminal so you could get on the bus.

I lived about ten blocks from the hub and since it was early in the morning very few people were about. The occasional runner would pass me on their morning jog and look back at me in askance but they never stopped to ask.

From the houses around me I sensed that people were waking up and the unmistakable scent of coffee was carried on the breeze.It made my mouth water in longing as I had not ate breakfast this morning.

I swallowed my hunger and kept walking trying to ignore the way my stomach twisted in knots in protest from the lack of food.

About 5 blocks from the Hub I decided to check my e-mail on my mobile and pulled it up. There were a few reminders about today's surgery and a few more from my bank showing receipts from my current transactions. I smiled briefly at those and moved them to my finance folder.

I also saw a message from a friend that must have seen my early morning Facebook status update because, they had wished me good luck and said they looked forward to meeting the new me.

I smiled at that and thumbed in a reply thanking them for their kindness and sent it on its way. Along with my new clothes I had all my electronics in that same bag so that after the surgery they could be upgraded to better fit my new form. Also in the bag I was carrying was new ID papers that would be made official after the surgery.

While my attention was occupied with my phone I must have reached the Hub without realizing it because when I put my phone away and glanced up I was just outside the main entrance.I glanced at the digital clock just over the teleporter banks and saw that it was 7:20am I really needed to push it if I was to get to my appointment early like I planned.

I paid a fee of $20.00 to be transported to the Surgimorph Medical Center with my stuff and closed my eyes as I was converted into energy and then there was nothing.

A few seconds later I stumbled out of the receiving terminal in the lobby of the center. The squirrel lady behind the counter looked up from her computer and gave me a smile before asking "Do you have an appointment?" "Yes. Its at 9:00am. Look under Kyle Owen." She traced her paw down a list of names on the screen and tapped one highlighting it. She moved it onto a portable tablet and handed it over the counter to me.

"Here are the details of your appointment and if you have any questions please ask the surgeon." I nodded and asked "When I go under where do I put my stuff?" "Did you already sort it and put it in the color coded baggies we provided?" "Yes ma'am" She pointed to a drop chute behind her that I didn't notice before. "Down the chute Mr. Owen" I dropped my bag down the chute and then went to find a chair to sit down.

On the tablet I saw a picture of my fursona. I clicked here and there on various parts like the sheath and the knot. I grinned wide after I was finished and then I checked the special data just to make sure they did what I asked. "YES!" I thought as I hastily read the information then it deleted itself soon after I finished reading it.

My fursona is a nine tailed fox with midnight blue fur with cherry blossom tattoos. The fur shimmers in the moonlight and the tattoos hide a special power. My blood is the cost of activation of that power; The power can be activated by a single thought. After the cost is paid my cherry blossom tattoos would come to life as a sentient organic metal strong enough to deflect bullets. This modification was a secret one that was off the books Only I and the doctor knew of its existence and the doctor was a fellow Surgimorph to begin with so he wouldn't tell.

I filled out my new ID documents listing my name as Sukura Owen and my species of Furry as well as my gender and the color of my fur and such.

truth be told I was wary of filling out the information about my species and my fur color. When I finished I sighed and gave the tablet to the squirrel woman behind the counter and after clicking through a few things on her computer she waved me to the door down the hall to meet the doctor before I went under the knife.

The doctor started a physical soon after I opened the door and I went through the motions of the exam feeling a little nervous but mostly I was excited. After he was done the doctor (a dragon) gave me a toothy smile and pointed me towards the bed. I hopped on and the paper crackled as I shifted my weight.

He left for a few moments so I leaned back all the way on the bed and closed my eyes. I heard his footsteps as he came back so I just turned my head towards the door and yawned as it opened hastily covering my mouth in embarrassment. "I hear that often enough, Its nothing to be ashamed of." he said chuckling and I smiled weakly in return. In his paws was a needle full of green fluid. He swabbed my left arm with a cotton ball and injected me with the fluid. "It's a sedative it will make sure you don't feel a thing during the surgery."

I blinked and then I was out cold. I felt my body being moved and then that was it. As I dreamed I saw myself in my old body moving throughout my life just a silent shadow that no one really noticed. I observed my life from afar reliving the good times and the bad. I whimpered as I relived what my old ex had done to me and the fall out from that. It had been a year and i still felt empty and emotionless. Ever so slowly the sedative began to wear off as the surgeons finished their work. As each new sensation caught my attention I examined it thoroughly and moved onto the next.

The cool air blew over my fur and I savored the new feeling while my body slowly started to wake up. I moved my paws and felt the new muscles stretch and coil. I rolled my shoulders and heard them pop. I rolled onto my side and carefully put my wait on my feet while leaning against the bed with my eyes still closed. I slowly stretched my tails and kept my breathing even as I did. Then I slowly opened my eyes and looked at myself in a full body length mirror.

A midnight blue fox stared back at me in the mirror. A trail of cherry blossom tattoos trailed down my fur and my gaze continued downward and I looked at the new additions to my manhood. The sheath looked foreign to me but I'm sure I would eventually get used to it. Still I couldn't resist resting a paw against the spot and blushed before quickly removing my paw.

This body was as perfect as I thought it would be. I noticed a colored sack near the edge of the bed and smiled as I started to undo it. Inside was a a size 9 fox shirt and the jeans had to be heavily modified to accommodate my tails. I looked into the bag and pulled out the new pair of boxers and slipped them on and adjusted myself as needed.

The jeans came next and after slipping those on I made sure that my boxers will still sorted out then pulled on my shirt and then looked back in the bag and decided to open the next bag. I turned on my modified phone with some difficulty and after checking to see that I didn't have any messages I pocketed it and then slipped my watch onto my wrist. There was a knock on the door and someone asked "Are you decent?" "Yes" the door opened and a Fox stepped into the room.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I took a quick step back suddenly weary and on edge. "Whats your name?" I asked. The fox gave a small bow and said "My apologies my name is Luxray and I was asked to help you get adjusted to your new life." I felt myself relax slightly and offered Luxray my paw "My name is Sukura. Its a pleasure to meet you Luxray."

Luxray led me outside to the reception area and I heard an audible gasp from the lady behind the counter but pointedly ignored it as I was taken outside. The light seemed to be brighter and I still felt a little unsafe as I step outside. I feel like a baby that is just learning to walk and my tails constantly distracted me as we headed downtown.

I actually had to focus on putting one paw in front of the other as we moved and I gritted my teeth and walked on with grim determination. Luxray didn't talk much as he led the way down the street and for that I was grateful. When I finally seemed to get a rhythm going Luxray spoke. "I'm bringing you to an apartment I share with a wolf. He just went under the knife an hour ago. Once we get there I think we will have time to make supper and get to know each other. The wolf's name is Pengu and he has black fur with green eyes and has some green hair on top of his head."

I nodded at this and asked "How long can I share the apartment with you?" he smiled "As long as you need too" I was confused by the sudden generous offer but I tried not to show it.