Bad dog, good wife

Story by CrimsonStar on SoFurry

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#1 of Adult Commissions

An 18+ story describing the unfortunate situation of a man who dabbled with forces he didn´t understand, and ended up having sex with a furry creature that was once his wife.

Bad dog, good wife.

He closed the door as quietly as he could, while the damned beast he was holding below his left arm shaked and groaned as loud as it could under his muffled muzzle. He hated the goddamn thing: For the past three years it had been keeping him awake at nights with its infernal barking... But, oh boy, would it all end tonight. He grinned quietly and took it to the living room, there he slammed it against the back of the cage he had prepared for the cursed animal. He took a very sweet delight in having that beast cry and beg in that cage in front of him. It had even tried to bite him once, at the time he had answered with a kick right into the animal´s flank, but it had left him unsatisfied, he wanted to see the goddamn dog suffer.

Its name was "Tommy", and its was his neighbor´s golden retriever. Its light-brown mane was slightly illuminated by the faint moonlight that crept into the room through the eastern window. This space was a massive library, inherited by him from his grandfather; it was here that he had found his most valued treasure: From the outside it looked simply like a ragged piece of paper, something you would find in the pocket of a random man; it was only when opened and read aloud that it revealed its magic. Literally, magic. It was a very simple spell in concept, but with with seemingly unfathomable results. It allowed the caster to merge two items, of any nature, together.

At first, he had tried it out with inanimate objects, he merged together a cup and a plate, a clock and hat, and finally one of his wife´s dildos with a toothbrush. It had worked flawlessly every time. Then he moved on to vegetables, then, on to insects, and this morning he had merged his own dog with the mailman, just to try it out. After that he locked up the poor maildog in the basement, it had stopped whining a couple of hours ago.

He grinned again. Slightly giggling under his breath, opening his eyes wide with excitement. He kicked the cage and fake-barked at the dog while moving away to his desk, looking for the crumpled piece of paper that would make this night... quite magical.

Now it was time to have fun and vengeance at the same time. He glared once more at the golden retriever in its cage, and then and the trapped squirrel he had on his desk. A kid had captured it for him this morning; little had that kid known about the destiny that awaited that grey squirrel. He wet his lips in anticipation: What would a dogrell look like? Would it retain the dog´s fur? Would it be as small as the squirrel?

As he had discovered in his earlier attempts, the spell required very precise pronunciation and a clear mind. He needed to steadily focus his consciousness in the two objects that he wanted to merge, while reciting the chant in that rugged old paper. He continued to smile while he extended his coarse, hairy arms in front of him, staring deeply into the stained old parchment. The words were not in any language he knew and their ink had faded with time, however, by this point he had no doubt about their workings, or furthermore their results...

He had begun to recite the spell when his eyes caught a reflection in the window in front of him, accompanied by the terse and seductive voice of his wife.

  • Come on honey, you have been here all night... Don't you wanna have some fun with me?... Why don't you cum upstairs?

His eyes completely lost focus of the paper and shifted fully into the reflected pagan goddess that stood under the umbral at the entrance of the room. Her sleepy long blonde hair flowed downwards next to her dainty face and blue eyes, through her well-fed shoulders and led into her massive breasts, beautifully white and so full of sensuality, that no man could ever resist the maddening desire of burying his face between those two massive mounds. His body urged with the desire to fondle them, caress them, suck them... He wished to get lost inside the skimpy lingerie that she wore, just to tear it apart and indulge his lowest desires with that body. His penis quickly followed in his excitement.

Then it struck him! He had taken his focus off the two items he wanted to merge! By the time this awful realization came upon him, the room flooded with purple light, the windows shaked with flowing currents of magic and what started as a feminine screech soon turned into some sort of monstrous howl that filled the room and his mind with horrendous nightmares of the creatures that would come out of his terrible mistake.

Soon the was confounded with the truth as he turned around to find a creature that had once been his wife and "Tommy" breathing heavily under the grim moonlight. Whatever traces of the separate entities remained, had either disappeared, or had been swallowed by the creeping darkness in the trashed room. It seemed as if the only thing left for him was this creature that now walked slowly towards him.

Its body was a mixture between humanity and prominent canid features, it was completely covered in the light brown fur of the golden retriever yet it seemed almost capable of bipedal locomotion. Its face resembled that of the dog, yet its hair-covered eyes retained the blue humanity of his former female partner. When it lifted its massive body and stood upright, he noticed that whatever was left of his wife's lingerie had been torn apart by the voluptuous body of the creature, what was more, as the creature raised he noticed eight sets of round breasts covering the beast´s abdomen, each and every one of them as great as those of his wife.

However, his gazing towards its breasts was short lived as he noticed that between the monster´s legs a massive shaft began to protrude from within a skin bud, inflamed red with blood.

-Honey... You coming to bed? -growled the massive creature- I´m horny darling. I want to mate with you. -The creature took two steps forward shaking the very house with its walking- I mate with you now. I love you.

Before the man could react, the monster plunged itself towards him and forced him to turn around with the strength of a single of its paws, smashing his face against the desk. He could feel the other claw ripping away his pants and underwear, barely cutting into his skin.

-No! Wait! Honey wait! -he yelled.

-Who is Honey? -the creature replied, as it moved its muzzle close to the man´s posterior.

The man uselessly struggled against the weight of the paw holding him down and as he clenched his outer sphincter, he felt the warm wetness of an animal tongue invading the space between his buttocks. After having his rear explored by the sticky and slippery tongue of the creature for a few minutes, he finally felt its breathing moving away from his anus. However a realization of fear soon came upon him, as he could feel the hairy body of the creature rising up behind him and its animal instrument orbiting his entrance as a red hot rod.

-No! Please! Stop please! -he begged once more, while trying to shake himself off with all the strenght he could muster.

As the creature adopted a penetrative position, the man used all his concentration to close his sphincter as hard as he could, hoping he would be able to keep the massive penis outside him. The pain of doing so was mind-numbing, as the creature began aimlessly pounding the man with fast, strong stockades as if it were trying to pierce into the man, rather than trying to mate. There the creature lay, shaking its tail in a repetitive motion, panting, almost howling in fake pleasure, as all it did was cover the man's lower body with its sticky and pungent-smelling fluids. After a few minutes, the futile siege stopped. As if suddenly realizing that it wasn´t actually penetrating the man.

The creature lifted its torso very slightly and picked up a nearby plastic bottle, the man had a hard time making out what it was, but it was probably something he himself had brought down from the bedroom. Soon, he felt its content being emptied in between his buttocks right over his anus while the creature began to salivate profusely over him in anticipation, dropping two big bubbles of viscous fluid over his head.

Then the pounding resumed, but this time he felt the creature´s dick pierce right into his intestines, splitting aside his anus´ muscles and making its way into his interior like a spike entering rubber. The man left out a deafening scream and then let himself go, surrendering his being to the creature behind him, as it continued to mount him in an insatiable heat. He could feel the creature repeatedly entering and exiting his body, growing bigger and bigger with each attack.

The creature began to carve its claws into the shoulders of the man, as its penetration deepened and its breathing became heavier. Faster. Faster. The monster began howling in pleasure as the man´s tears rolled into the desk, and with one final stroke, the creature offloaded its seed into the man´s intestines, pushing the desk against the window with its final hit, as if wanting the world to see the man´s agony during its climax.

The man´s hopes of having the nightmare end as the creature ejaculated were shattered, as a wave of pain ran though his body as the creature´s penis enlarged and became nested in his interiors, blocking even a drop of its sperm from dripping out of its new mate.

The man lay there paralyzed in shame. Defeated in silence as the room quieted, only being able to feel the pounding heartbeat of the canine dick stuck inside his rear. The beast seemed also exhausted, it had covered the man in saliva during those last few instants but now its breathing was returning to "normal". It lifted its body and carefully caressed the man´s scratched back.

-Good mate. -the creature whispered- We mate now forever. We make love every day.

The man let a few more tears go, as the monster lifted the bonded body of its new favorite mate, and took him upstairs into the bedroom, still being unable to take its penis out. Yet once again dripping saliva in excitement.

If you liked this story and would like to see more, a fave, watch and comment would be really appreciated!