A Filthy Fling

Story by stinkin_weasel on SoFurry

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The following is a m/m romance, sex, watersports, scat story commissioned by the very cool Foxpiper Was a pleasure to work on this for him, he's a super cool guy. In this story a young rabbit named Kevin meets a good online friend of his to enact his dirtiest fantasies with, enjoy :)

Kevin's paw wrung each other nervously as he sat in the park bench, waiting for another text message from his online friend. He had been speaking with this 'Steve' for quite some time, having met him on an alternative dating site that focused on fetish interests. The younger white rabbit, just turned twenty hadn't expected any response to his rather 'unique' fetish requests but upon meeting his new friend online had been proving positively wrong.

Now that he was set to meet his online friend, he was left a nervous wreck, the rabbit continually looked at his cell phone, anxiously awaiting another message. He had travelled all the way to the town of Eldenboro to meet his kinky friend, and although he was super excited, the thought that he was about to trust a complete stranger had begun to sink in.

"Kevin?" a deeper, but kind voice called out behind the young rabbit.

"Y-yes?" the rabbit replied as he turned around, blushing as his eyes set upon a slightly chubby, gruffly sexy red fox, his auburn red fur brilliant in the rays of sunlight sneaking through the trees.

"It's Steve," he said as he reached his paw out, clutching the rabbit's, "Nice to finally meet you in the fur!"

The rabbit nodded as his stress seemed to alleviate all at once, and he stood up to hug his friend, awkwardly at first, but warm and caring. "It's so good to meet you finally," Kevin said as he snugged his close online friend, "After all that... heh, talk, I've been really excited to meet up with you."

Steve nodded as he looked over the adorable rabbit, "Couldn't agree more Kev, was up all night with excitement myself." He couldn't help but grin as the rabbit blushed deep red at the comment. "So Kevin, what do you want to do first?"

"Umm," the rabbit squeaked as he looked away shyly, "Well you own a video store right, and with my schooling and stuff, it'd be cool to see that." He poked his fingers against each other as he eluded to the film major he was working on.

Steve grinned as he reached out his paw, patting the rabbit on the head. "You sure a film buff such as yourself would be happy to see a boring old video rental store?"

Kevin giggled as his hair was ruffled, "I don't think it's boring, after all, what good is a film if there's no way for people to see it?"

The red fox smirked as the rabbit gave him the nice compliment, the younger male completely adorable in his shy, yet appreciative state. "Ok Kev, let's swing by the store!"


Kevin's eyes were wide with excitement when the pair entered the video store, shelf upon shelf filled with varying titles, many of which the rabbit had seen. Each was categorized by genre, their alphabetical stacks sprawled across the room. Kevin eagerly looked over some of his favourite titles, overjoyed when he saw they were all there. He was impressed with the store's size and selection, considering it was self-owned, and not a typical big chain. After a good ten minutes of exploring Steve walked back over to his companion, having quickly chatted with his employee about a few things. "So Kevin," he said warmly, "Wanna go back to my place now, get some dinner in our bellies?"

Kevin was shy again as the handsome fox offered him back to his home. He did however agree, nodding with a blush as he said "P-Please, I'm starving!"


The two only grew closer as they drove together to the fox's home, the rabbit working up just enough courage to lean against the driver in his seat. "...so my next project is all about using light effects in film," the rabbit continued the story he had been telling Steve about his schooling, "I'm thinking of doing a black and white piece, it leaves nothing to chance and shows lighting better as it would only deal in shades."

Steve nodded as he turned to a side street, the pair almost at his home, "Sound reasoning there I suppose, pretty adventurous too, you don't see too many black and white films anymore."'

Kevin nodded with a grin, "Well, my favourite comedy is Clerks, really showcases the dedication Kevin Smith showed to his passion in his early years of filmmaking, as an indie film it's a masterpiece, goofy plot or not!"

Steve laughed as he reminisced about a few scenes from the film in question, "Randal's video store, heh... sometimes I can very much relate!" Just as the two shared a chuckle, Steve pulled his car into a driveway, Kevin's eyes lighting up as he saw just how luxurious the fox's house looked.

"Is this where you live?" Kevin asked with excitement, "Wow!"

The fox chuckled as he slipped the keys out of the ignition, putting on the parking breaking before undoing his seat belt, "Yeah, it's mine... not too bad though, this area is pretty cheap all things considered." Kevin smiled, following the fox as he led them both inside. Steve yawned and stretched as he entered his home, both men tossing off their shoes. "Right this way!" he spoke gently as he led his friend into the kitchen.

"How kind of you" Kevin giggled as he took the offered paw. The kitchen was as impressive of the rest of the house's interior and exterior, the fox offering a chair by the dining table for the rabbit. As he sat patiently Steve stepped over to the fridge, pulling out Tupperware containers of spaghetti and meatballs. He quickly shuffled around through the shelves, getting two plates full of the tasty looking dinner before heating them up in the microwave.

"You want anything to drink hon?" he asked Kevin as he opened the fridge once again, grabbing himself a can of something.

"Umm, sure please, just a soda for me thanks!"

He smiled as he sat down at the opposite side of the table, passing the rabbit a Cola before sipping at his own. It didn't take long for the food to finish cooking and cool, the two soon enjoying a warm, home cooked meal. After a short period of silent eating, Kevin spoke up, his blush returning as he gazed at the handsome fox, "Your store was quite impressive Steve, I-I really liked it."

The fox smiled as he slurped up a noodle, soon nipping at one of his meatballs, "You liked it huh? Yeah, it's an alright little shop."

Kevin giggled as he chewed his own forkful of pasta, "Maybe one day you'll carry one of my movies, I'm really hoping to make it in the industry one day..."

Steve gave his friend an encouraging smile as he sipped some of his cola, "I'm sure you will, you seem very passionate Kevin, and that's all it takes to follow your dreams!"

Kevin's face flushed fully red as he looked away, whispering out a little, "Y-you really think so?"

"I know so!" he retaliated triumphantly, covering his muzzle with his paw as he gave a little burp, his plate picked clean.

As Kevin finished up his own helping he couldn't help but notice the fox grab something from the counter, his paw opening a small pill bottle before gulping down a few small capsules with the aid of his drink. "Umm S-Steve, pardon me for asking but, w-what are those?" the rabbit asked inquisitively.

"Oh these, heh..." the fox grinned a little wickedly, "Laxatives, help me get all this food moving for later!" He winked at the rabbit after that sentence, gulping down the rest of his pop.

Kevin gulped as he pushed away his mostly finished plate, clearly full, "I umm, I'm still need to y-you know... sc-scat and stuff, not that I don't want to, it's just, I..."

"Shh..." Steve said as he reached over the table, patting the rabbit's paw, "Everyone needs to start somewhere, you've at least tried your own and liked it, so I promise... I'll go slow and make sure it's a wonderful experience for both of us."

Kevin nodded as he shook a little from nervousness and excitement, his cock lumping up in his pants as he thought about all the raunchy videos they had been sending each other. "I-I trust you Steve... I-I want to do this... for you, for u-us..."

Steve gave his companion a soft smile before getting to his feet, giving the rabbit's mind a moment's reprieve as he cleared the table and washed the dishes they had used. As Kevin sat there and stewed, he flipped through several pictures in his phone's photo gallery, slide after slide of lewd photographs getting him all heated up. He looked at pictures of himself eating his own scat that he had sent to Steve, and picture of the fox himself, covered in his own crap. He scanned over each pic with his eyes, slowly reminding himself of the bitter taste of his own waste as he mentally prepared himself, paw grinding over the front of his pants.

As Steve returned from his short dishes duties he was barely able to say a word, the rabbit stepping over to him and locking his muzzle into him, taking a brave stance and giving his new found lover a short, sensual kiss. "That was nice!" the fox growled as the rabbit finished, gripping the younger male's backside as they locked into a hug.

"St-Steve..." Kevin said with another deep blush, "I'm ready!"


Kevin was flush with excitement as he entered the fox's bedroom, the whole room furnished nicely with various masculine affects. He remained clothed at first as he let the fox strip down first, Steve slowly unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his bare chest. Before going for his pants he stepped over to an impressive looking stereo system, fiddling with the controls as he put on a rather groovy, relaxing piece of music.

Kevin's heartbeat increased as he felt the mood pick up, the drums and synth pulsing in the room telling his body what he was about to experience. Steve stepped towards Kevin with a seductive grin, his underwear falling to the floor, along with his pants as he winked to the rabbit, yanking them off as he asked, "See anything you like?"

The rabbit gulped as he looked over the fox's handsome body, toned in the right places, a cute little chub in others and above all else, blessed with an impressive cock. "I see a lot of things I like!" Kevin said nearly in a pant as he looked over the red fox, his eyes squinting curiously as he noticed a rather odd detail. "Umm S-Steve, what's that?" he pointed towards the canine's tailhole, his rump stuffed with something big and purple.

"That my friend, is a butt plug," Steve chuckled, shaking his tail about to show off the thick clogging toy, "I put it in there before I met you at the park... I've had to shit all day, and that's sort of been keeping it all in there!"

"W-wow, that's impressive!" the rabbit said in earnest, "Can't believe you can train your body that well!"

The fox smiled as he leaned a little closer, stroking the side of the rabbit's muzzle, "I did it for you hon." Kevin blushed profusely as he was told that fact, the taboo sexiness and flattery filling him with more warmth. "Why don't you get more comfortable?" the fox said with a wink, Kevin knowing exactly what he meant.

He gave his companion a wordless grin, silent and seductive as he peeled his shirt off. He was deliberately slow when he got to his pants and undergarments, slowly sliding everything off of his soft, white fur as his fox friend played with himself. Steve stroked his cock slowly, his palm sliding over his entire shaft as he looked over the adorable rabbit before him, sighing out as the rabbit's erection was finally exposed.

"Damn you look good Kevin," he complimented the young rabbit as he walked over to the bedside stereo, starting a playlist of the most relaxing, seductive music he owned, "I can tell you take good care of yourself, you look wonderful!"

"Th-thank you" Kevin said as he twirled his hair a little bit, shy from the wonderful compliments.

"Why don't you come over here and join me?" the fox offered as he plopped himself down on the bed, patting the space on the sheet beside him. It made the slightest crinkling sound and on closer inspection, Kevin could tell the fox had prepared a small protective sheet, in case their activities got a little too messy.

The rabbit's nerves cued in again, but he joined Steve, crawling up to him on the bed so the older fox could hold him. They embraced each other in a gentle, warm hug, lips pressing against one another as their muzzles locked in an almost romantic display of needed passion. Their tongues danced and entwined as their paws brushed against each other, their hearts fluttering all the way up until the moment their muzzles parted.

As their kiss broke, Steve draped his paw along Kevin's chest, his fingers wrapping around the rabbit's cock as he began to slowly the stroke the lapine's hard length. His stomach let out a let rumble as his tail twitched, his body clearly getting more and more desperate to relieve itself. "I've been holding this in all day," the fox mumbled as he kissed the rabbit's neck, "So many laxatives, it's gonna gush like a river when your lips finally meet my ass!"

Kevin shivered at the teasing words, his hard cock twitching in the fox's paw as precum squirt out over the soft palm. "I can't wait to feel it gush all over me!" Kevin moaned as the fox's paw stroked him harder, the vulpine giving him a toothy grin as he pushed him softly down onto the bed. He rearranged himself to stand over the rabbit in a 69 position, his cock above the rabbit's muzzle as he began to plant soft kisses on the lapine's cock. He dragged his tongue gently across the length of his shaft, teasingly dampening the aching hard member before wrapping his muzzle around it.

At the same time, Kevin admired the hard vulpine cock overhead, the firm shaft pulsing as precum shot occasionally from its tip. A few drops hit the rabbit's cheek and he reached his tongue out, catching little spurts of the salty spray. He sucked gently on the tip as Steve began bobbing his head up and down over the rabbit's cock, his paw massaging Kevin's balls as he worked his tongue delicately over the surface of the delicious prick. As the rabbit was expertly serviced, he kept looking at the butt plug hidden under the fox's wagging tail, thoughts of the dirty act to follow only bringing him to climax faster.

Without warning Kevin let out a high pitch moan, gripping Steve's legs as the fox's cock lay over his face. Steve let out a low murmur as he gulped down shot after shot and warm rabbit seed, his cheeks bulging as he was rewarded with a heavy muzzlefull. He swallowed it down lovingly, his cock throbbing with excitement as he tasted the wonderful, salty pool of cum as it made its way down to his belly. Steve gasped for air when he was finished, Kevin dropping back for a breath as he reeled from his first orgasm. After giving the rabbit a moment's reprieve, the fox got off of him, grinning as he commanded, "Get on all fours for me cutie!"

Kevin nodded silently as he obediently followed his partner's orders, spreading out all four appendages as he bent over with his rump up on display. The fox crawled up behind his companion, paws eagerly spreading his tailcheeks as he rubbed his damp nose against Kevin's warm, pink pucker. The rabbit sighed as he felt the tickle of the fox's breath, Steve inhaling the musky scent of Kevin's rear before plunging his tongue in. He sucked and slurped at the tight, soft backside, running his tongue across the rippled flesh and along the furry cheeks, before plunging back down inside him.

"Oh Steve that feels great!" the rabbit moaned as he felt the slick, tickling slide of the fox's damp muscle, his muzzle only taking a break to temporarily suck on of his balls.

"I love the way you taste Kevin!" the fox complimented his partner, lapping at the tight musky hole before submerging his whole tongue deep down into its warmth. He kept sliding it back out, only to push it back in, the fox slowly working up a steady rhythm of tongue-fucking. The rabbit moaned and whimpered as he felt the fox's chin smack against the bottom of his butt, his tailhole loosened and damp as it was constantly pleasured.

"Mmm I can't get enough of this!" Steve murred as he kept kissing and lapping at the fox's backside finally stopping when he could wait to longer. He pushed his paws down on lapine's cheeks, spreading the slick hole open before pressing head of his cock against it.

Kevin turned his head around to look back at his lover, his eyes

Kevin grunted out in mild pain as the invading cock cause stings to shudder through his rear. "Ah, Steve, it-it's so big, it feels like it's filling my entire insides up!" the rabbit moaned as he ignored the initial pain, gripping the bed sheets as he let the fox slide into him, using the saliva from all his rimming as lube. Steve was slow, careful, and precise as he sunk into his lover's backside, pulling back out gently before sinking back in. As Kevin's muscles began to relax, Steve began to push harder and faster, eventually working up a smooth, steady rhythm as he began thrusting into the warmth of the rabbit's rump.

"Oh god, that feels so good!" Kevin moaned loudly as the fox fully hilted himself, plunging deep into his tight ass, his balls slapping against his furry tailcheeks.

"You have no idea how good it feels for me Kevin," the fox groaned out as he kept thrusting into his mounted pal, "So tight and warm!" As he kept up his deep, heavy assault he reached between the rabbit's legs with his paw, gently stroking Kevin's member as he felt a tingle in his lower body. "I'm real close Kevin!" the fox sighed as he let go of the rabbit's cock, gripping both of his hips as he thud his entire length as deep as it would go. He gave one last lunge into the rabbit before letting out a long desperate sigh, Kevin moaning out loud as he felt shot after shot of warm, slick cum fire out inside him.

Steve lay back as he caught his breath momentarily, his cock limping only for a few seconds before getting hard again. "Impressive!" Kevin noted as he poked at the hard cock, sucking on it for a moment to taste the musky warmth of his own ass.

"Did you like that Kevin?" the fox asked as he scritched the rabbit's ears.

"Mmm, I did, I loved it Steve" the rabbit nuzzled the fox's paw affectionately.

After one last deep breath, Steve got back up to his knees, smiling to his lover as he asked, "So, ready for more?"

Kevin nodded as he kissed the fox on the cheek, "You know it!"

The fox's smile turned a little wicked as he stood up, holding his cock forward as he positioned himself over top of the rabbit, "Well then open your pretty lips, time to get a little dirty!"

Kevin licked his lips as he opened his muzzle up, squinting as he watched the fox's cock shake a little just before a shower of yellow poured out. The rabbit murmured out happily as the salty sour taste flooded his mouth, his cock raging hard again as he gulped down his lover's urine. He sucked on the first few inches of the fox's cock, pressing his lips to the head as it splashed down more of the salty waste down his throat. "Mmm yeah!" Kevin said lustfully as the fox slipped his cock out of the rabbit's muzzle, letting it rain piss down his chestfur and over his crotch.

Just before he was done his piss, he held his shaft upward, straining himself so the last bit shot up into his own mouth. He swirled it around in his muzzle, sampling its taste before swallowing it down, the rest of the stream dripping out onto the plastic covering the bed sheets. "That tasted wonderful," Kevin sighed as the acrid taste still lingered on his tongue, "I could drink that every day!"

Steve smiled as placed his paw on Kevin's chest, pushing him back down onto his back. He raised his leg over the rabbit, positioning himself carefully as he gripped the end of his plug with his fingers. He grunted as he slid it out, the slightly dirty plug discarded onto the plastic sheet as he kept his pucker carefully clenched, "God I'm so full, don't know how much longer I can hold it... are you ready?"

Kevin watched as the bright pink pucker opened and closed with involuntary pushes, a hiss of a fart escaping, the scent causing the rabbit's cock to get even harder. "Lay it on me," he spoke confidently, "I'm ready."

"Ok" the fox said as he stopped straining, his pucker stretching out, as nearly liquid shit splashed out over the rabbit's face. "Oh god finally!" he grunted out in relief as he slowly moved his rump down, tail raised as his mucky waste splash over the rabbit's white chest, staining it a murky brown. Kevin whimpered out lustfully as he inhaled the stench of his own fur, equally queasy and horny as lay covered in the fox's digested meals. Just as he began to stroke his cock, Steve moved his rump a little lower, spraying liquid crap over his crotch until he was completely lubed in a dirty brown spread.

Kevin's paw shook wildly as he lathered the crap over his cock, pawing off as he groaned low and lovingly. "Lay on your stomach Kevin" the fox whispered into the rabbit's ear, standing up as his friend did as asked. He strained himself again as more of the watery waste gushed out over the rabbit's back, by now all of his fur making him resemble a smelly chocolate Easter bunny. The fox chuckled as he leaned down, sliding his rump back and forth on the rabbit's back. He spread the mucky water all over him in a gentle butt massage, groaning out as he said, "Who's my little shit slut?"

"I... I am" Kevin moaned, precum squirting from his cockslit as he lay in filth.

"Mmm, good boy, you're enjoying being covered in my shit then?"

"Uh, uh-huh!"

He smiled as he moved to lay next to the rabbit, grabbing his legs as he winked to Kevin, "Would you like to see a little trick? I still have some shit left."

"You do?" Kevin asked incredulously, "How is that even possible?"

"Well, when you hold it in as long as I did... here watch!" The rabbit stared in amazement as the fox lifted his legs nearly behind his head, his back slightly raised as his ass bubbled up another pile of shit. It gushed down over the fox's face and into his muzzle, the canine chewing the little bit of solid waste mixed in the liquid as he swallowed the bitter mess down. "How was that for a neat trick Kevin?"

"Th-that was crazy, you're really flexible!" The fox smiled at the compliment and the rabbit began to blush as he thought to himself, "H-how did it taste?" Kevin asked, referring to the fox's scat.

Steve giggled as he turned onto his side, raising his leg and spreading his ass cheeks, "Why don't you put your muzzle in there and find out for yourself?"

The rabbit was still blushing as he looked over at the brown stained pucker, "O-ok." He nuzzled his face into the furry cheeks, the crap on them smearing over the little bit of his face that wasn't already covered. He moaned as he was forced to breathe through his nose, the scent of feces all he could smell. His tongue darted across the fox's pucker as he licked it smoothly, the bitter taste filling his taste buds just before it stretched open again. His muzzle was absolutely engulfed in shit, the rabbit forced to swallow not to choke. His entire senses were tantalized with bitter, rich flavour, the fox seemingly nowhere near finished.

Despite the overpowering odour and flavour of the fox's waste, he managed to swallow down with relative ease, his lips pressing eagerly against Steve's pucker as he dragged his tongue along it needily, digging in every time it opened and shot out more slippery chunks of crap. He let out muffled moans and sighs of breaths every time he was gifted more of the bitter treat. The rabbit finally sighed with disappointment when the fox seemed finished, kissing the dirty pucker as it rasped out a little fart.

He let out low satisfied grumbles as he lay back and rubbed his full belly, pawing off his shit covered dick as he smiled at his partner. "How'd ya like that Kevin?" Steve asked with a gentle smile, scritching the rabbit's chin.

"That was delicious Steve, thank you, I could eat your shit any day!" He reached over to lock their muzzles, their tongues dancing momentarily to share the stench of each other's breaths.

"I take it you're having a good time then?"

"Of course I am Steve!" the rabbit giggled as if the fox had just asked a rhetorical question.

"Well good," he let out a hearty laugh before rasping out another gassy little fart, "Looks like I get just a little bit left Kevin, where would you like it?"

The rabbit smiled as he pat his chest, "I see a little bit of clean fur on my stomach, and we can't have that!"

Steve chuckled as he squat above the rabbit's centre, carefully balancing as he clenched up, spreading his cheeks as bundles of half liquid, half solid crap showered Kevin's chest. Kevin let out various murrs and groans as he spread the waste over his chestfur with his paws, occasionally dropping some into his mouth to chew. As soon as Steve finished, he helped spread the muck around with a rub of his butt, his paw wanking his own cock as eyed the rabbit's thick erection.

With a moment's thought he dropped himself down, the head of the hard cock pushing his pucker open, using the shit coated on it as lube as it swallowed the hard shaft up. "Oh god Steve!" Kevin moaned out as he felt his prick be consumed by tight warmth, the fox bouncing on his lover's lap, riding the hard cock.

"C'mon Kevin, don't be shy, fuck me!" Steve barked as he kept bouncing, his butt making a lewd slapping sound as it smacked against the rabbit's waist.

"Oh god Steve, you feel so good!" Kevin groaned as he bucked his hips, thundering his shaft down deep into the fox's backside.

"Kevin, I'm c-close!" Steve cried as he kept pawing off, feeling a tightening in his balls as he edged himself to climax.

"Me too, Steve, me-ahh!" the rabbit whimpered as he gave several hard bucks, the fox slamming his rump down as he felt Kevin shoot a massive load into his backside. Mere moments after the rabbit lay back in exhaustion, the fox let out a low, passionate growl, his fist firmly encircled around his shaft as he fired several volleys of cum onto his partner's crap coated chest.

Steve let out a long sigh of relief as he slipped the cock out of his rear, dropping down over the rabbit in a hug as he pulled him into a passionate kiss. The two twirled their tongues together, embracing each other lovingly as they let a warm afterglow fill each other's bodies. "That was wonderful," Kevin said faintly as their kiss broke, "Thank you for everything, I have never felt so good in my life."

Steve hummed out a happy little murr as he nipped the rabbit's ear, "I'm very glad you liked it, I really enjoy your company."

"Umm S-Steve?" the rabbit asked.


"Can, can I see you again?" he looked to the fox with a shy, blush filled smile.

"Kevin," the fox said in a low, caring tone, "I wouldn't have it any other way!" He locked their paws together as he held the rabbit in another kiss, long, slow, and loving. A fitting finale to a most wonderful evening.