Slave worlds: Chapter 2- Test

Story by canndyman on SoFurry

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#1 of Slave Worlds

so it starteds

One last things get much better after this chapter not tht this is a bad chapter.

I went whit my slave to the door open my slave she setp to the back of me and follow me in. The room had 2 people in there they look at and walk of the to the table on the far side of the room. then the one that look like a dragonwith wings said "come sit we have much to talk about."

I said ok and walk over to the table and sit on the other side fom them.

Then the other said "do you know what we are".

I look at both of them and said " your the Hillin and the Villin if i had to gust."

The hillin wich look like a husky said, "can you gust with one is what."

yes i can i point to the dragonand said you Villin and the point at the Husky your the Hillin."

The Villin stard at me and said "are you sure and only get to anwser one time?"

yes i am i can tell becasue of the clothes your wereing on the right shoulder the is a rank mark and i gust a highter one because you don't look borad and that show that you been to meeting like this and that also show that find this intesting. the last reson I think you are is went I first walk in you garb your gun that show a unconis habit."

The Villin just basted out lalfing and said "man he good he look us and know what about who we are can you gust?'

I look hard looking for any dealtail to tell me went I saw that my slave was at the door was cousfed only for monment and said come sit with us. I Walk over and look very worry.

The villin then said, " a slave will not sit with us."

I then said quitly, "why not" in harsh manner.

He look with agner but the hillin dufse it by saiding "that not what he means she will not sit in a chair but neeling at your side is ok" my slave then neel at my left side.

The Villin then said so what are name like the fight did not happen. I look at him And said "no way to know no name tag."

the Hilin then said, "You ment no ID, Name tag are only for slave."

I saw what he was do and ageed with him.

So what do you know about said the Hillin went the Ship AI said vairafil Capin Telly And Commaner Jason and the door open.

Two jet black humman looking being both have tails and have no fur and red eyes that i saw the leach in the commander hands. following was a feiln that had all black fur and what look like blue jens and a red T shirt. The Commaner walk over to the wall and cilp the leach to a ring that was on the wall and walk over the other side of Capin how was sitting infort of me comman was to her right and other in there spot Captin. Just then the girl secrm and pain as she reach for the cilp the that was cilp to the rind. She hit wall and sild down and bord her needs the ceask and cry silty to her self.

The capin was a a young girl she was 18. to me she she seem a littlie to young to be a capin of a ship, but that show that she know what she doing her age put persh on her. The Commder seem young himself he at less 24 year old. I woulder why there so young. the Capin shoke First her viose young but her word wise. "So Cody you seem to have come use to the impanls."

I look at her and little anger at getting them with out be ask. she then say "sorry about not asking you but it is part of the test." Cody we need to know your thought on slavey."

I look a liitle coufes then hide it and said that depain on what kind I don't like the ideal that someone just buying someone to beat them.

She look sad and said, "Cody is that what you think the markit is about." She stop and turn and look at the commander and said, "bother you did not give him the one with the sarce did you."

The commander look worry and ask my slave stand she look up at me for pumistion and I said it i ok. she stand up.

He said, "ya I did sorry sister"

It ok Bother Cody do you think that we beat slave."

so what do you call it then with a lot of anger showing.

the Capin look at me with a unreadble face Cody do you know the job of the Vex.

I look at her and said mostly.

She then Said do you know what the slave protect act said the a own can't overly beat them with out reson. Cody slave are vable and are protect, slave do have a have a few rights like they have the right to life as long as they do not teaen their owner they have the ring of their own genaits, they have the right to the have their body intal.

So are you trying that she a slave that recove from someone I repail in a more coame voise.

Yes that what we are saying the capin said.

do you have a proble with slavey or will you give a chane, the capin said.

look at the ciling think and they started to worry and then I said, so what happen to me if i refuse.

the capin look a my with a sad face and you will return unhurm are you saiding that you don't want to be a Owner.

I look down and said, "I will do it but my way."

of couse you first test is to tried a slave."

the slave in the coner gratinging and gabing collar and yell something in her natevie laegue. Commander look at her and said, "slave be quiet". She enore him and then cry out in pain. She fell over and went back to crying silently to herself.

I look back to capin and said is that the one I will be triening. The capin look over at the slave and then back at me and said, " is there sothing about her you don't like feel free to pick a diffen one form the hold.

what no there nothing wroge with her at all. The slave look up a me with worry and agner. I stand up and look over at her and clearly afiad what I was going to do. I look back over to the capin and said, "if don't mind if I look her over do you?"

She said, that can wait intill end of the meeting.I set back down and she said the room you awack in is go to be your room, good size room with it size you can havfe up to 4 owned slave at one time, and in time be able to buy things from it."

The comander then said, "you can only go in Ciz area Mark in write and the ones and red are resiceit and the ones are Black are Do not enter.

Then she said if you have probles just ask the A.I. E.K. for help and she will be more then happy to help, Last but not less the master inmpalse are you are you on full power.

I look at her and said, "nothing is happening"

she laft and said to look and my slaves. I did and I could see thing like computer srice. I first look at the slave next to me and cloud see heart rate and normle blood preeser normle and see what look other things ut did know how to beage them up. the capin as she walk out the room said it use the thought you want to know do sothing it well reson try tell a comman in your head. I look back over to the slave on the walk who was know stading and puting at her leach again and her heart rate was rising and blood pester. get up and walk over to just out side of her reach and said, It ok you don't have to worry I'm a kind person."

The slave spit in my face and said, "fuck off" and then look like she was waiting for something and then look me with more worry and regart. My slave nkeeling at the side of the chair that was just seting in and was skaking out of fear.

I wipe the spit off my face and walk up to her and wipe it into her face and look her in eyes and said in a very tating voice, "Don't ever do that againg, I well let it slide this time. "Now say your sorry."

She look in my eyes and bit her limp and said, "I'm sorry" and look away in deffect.

I reach up and uncip the lich and said, "i was going to take this off of you." I walk over to the door and the slave following and call out to the slave neeling she stand up and walk over to me. The door open and i walk back to my room. I stop infort of it and thourght that there no going back now. The door open I walk in and saw that there was two desser and boxs of stuff. I look back at the salve on the lach saw her pulling on it with evrthing she got and getting no where. My unleach slave you nesfist and said in a wisper, "master leach use a system of force which mean if she try to pull aginst the leach pull against it so she pull with all her strought and the leach and pull againg with same force. A Hillin and Vexen ideal the leach only take force form one side, the one on the leach stop pulling.

I walk over to her and unleach her as soon as she was unleach kick me to floor and jump on me amd yell " Die fucker"

chapter one:

Chapter 3: Coming soon