Wolf King Ch. 4

Story by Kendrick on SoFurry

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#4 of the wolf king

sorry it took so long! This is from Aiden's view. I will definitely get the next one out soon

Cedric moaned as Aiden's tongue moved along his, his mind had completely erased the little voice in his head saying this was wrong. After what felt like years Cedric felt his back make contact with the bed. Aiden slowly laying himself on top of him. Turning his muzzle to the side Aiden deepened their kiss, causing Cedric to moan louder and pin his. Suddenly Aiden pulled back. Opening his eyes Cedric looked up at Aiden only to see the same smile he had seen on him earlier.

"So I take it that you do like me?" Aiden said the smile never wavering. Cedric just nodded the inside of his black ears turning red. Bending down Aiden licked his ears and grinded his groin into Cedric. "I wish I could do something more you." Aiden whispered in his ear, "but you are already dressed and bathed for the party, so we will have to wait." Then with a small grunt Aiden pushed himself off from atop Cedric and began to move toward the door. "I will be back later after the party." The smile on his face was know a loving smile. One that told Cedric the time for playing around was over. "Use the time to think if you want this..." He gestured at the two of them, "...to go any further." With that he opened the door and left.

Cedric was still laying on his bed stunned. He and Aiden had just been making out, and he liked it! Not only had he liked but he had also wanted to submit to Aiden, as it was clear who the more dominant one of them was. Sighing Cedric pushed himself off his bed and walked to the mirror that was next to his wardrobe. Looking at himself in the mirror, it was interesting to see how just a few clothing adjustments could make him seem so different. He looked more like what he was supposed to be. He looked more like an alpha. He then noticed that his head fur was all messed up from where Aiden had pushed him down. Sighing Cedric grabbed the brush and began to comb his fur, trying to keep Aiden off his mind.


Aiden walked through the halls of the castle, his mind going a mile a minute. What had possessed him to act that way?! He had like Cedric since the day they had met but he never acted upon it. It was like another part of him had taken control. He had been so frightened when Cedric hadn't answered him when he called for him. He couldn't think straight all he wanted to do was break down the door and protect Cedric from whatever may have stopped him from answering. The only thing holding him back was the guards around him.

When Cedric had finally answered Aiden had felt a wave of relief wash over him, as well as something else. When Cedric had informed him that he was bathing Aiden couldn't help himself. He had turned to the guards saying, "I will help King Cedric get ready go back to your posts." With a nod the wolves left.

Aiden then took a deep breath and opened the door. The light from the hallway not penetrating the darkness even slightly. Stepping in Aiden quickly closed the door. A splash off to his right indicated that Cedric was really taking a bath. "Calm down Cedric I can't see you."

There was a some more splashing before Cedric said, "Wha- what are you doing in here?!" A smile threatened to cross Aiden's lips as he pictured Cedric laying helpless in the tub.

Seeing that Cedric still needed some reassuring Aiden ignored his question and said, "I can't see you it's still pitch black in here. I can't even see my paw directly in front of my face!" He then brought his paw in front of his face waving it around and honestly trying to see it. Aiden heard Cedric sigh and settle back down into the water. An idea popped into his mind and before he could filter it he said, "Besides is really that bad if I see you naked?" Aiden instantly wanted to kick himself, but he still smiled anyway. Why would he say that?! Aiden could barely here Cedric breath as he took in what Aiden had just said.

"Wh- what?" Cedric said, Aiden could tell he was more than shocked. Aiden wanted to reassure Cedric that he didn't need to be nervous but that other side of him spoke once again.

"Well I mean friends right? So is it really a big deal if I see you naked? It's not like we are going to have sex right?" Dam It! why was he acting like this! It's like the side of him that loved Cedric, just couldn't hold back anymore. Yes he loved Cedric, a werewolf would only choose one mate in their whole life. When they met someone they just knew that they would be their mate. Aiden had that feeling for Cedric. When they had met Aiden just wanted to be Cedric's friend. It had only taken a few days though before Aiden wanted to lay Cedric down on a bed and mate him.

Noticing he was getting side tracked Aiden shook his head listened. He could hear Cedric breathing heavily, smiling again Aiden quickly tried to lighten the mood. He pictured Cedric looking like someone had just told him he was a girl and burst out laughing. Through his laughing fit he said, "I'm... sorry... Cedric... I... just... couldn't... resist!" Aiden still had the image in his mind and laughed for a few more moments before calming down.

"What do you want Aiden?" Cedric asked in a rather bitter tone which surprised Aiden.

Looking in Cedric direction and quickly said, "Cedric you know I was only joking right? I didn't mean to upset you." While he said this Aiden was kicking himself for hurting Cedric. If he wanted to become Cedric's mate he couldn't upset him!

Cedric seemed to be getting out of the tub judging from the amount of water Aiden heard moving. "I know Aiden. I'm really sorry it was just the training." This made took Aiden by surprise and also worried him slightly. Kilyne had a habit of being too hard on those she trained.

Worriedly Aiden asked, "Why, what happened? Was Kilyne to hard on you?"Aiden waited impatiently for Cedric reply. He worried that Cedric may have gotten hurt. While he did have regeneration, if the wound was bad enough, it could still cause some problems such as weakness in the area for about an hour.

"What?... No the training was fine. I'm just a little tired... What was it that you wanted?" Aiden starred in Cedric's direction wishing he could see the black wolf. Something told him that Cedric wasn't telling him everything he wanted to know.

Sighing Aiden just starred at the floor and said, "If you say so." Lifting his head Aiden once more looked in Cedric's direction. "The reason I'm here is to help you get ready." Knowing the general layout of Cedric's room Aiden moved over to the wardrobe. Opening it Aiden tried to pear in side and asked, "So, what would you like to wear?"

"How am I supposed to know? I don't even know where I'm going." Cedric said in a slightly aggravated tone.

Aiden turned to Cedric and wondered why he would say something like that. He had told Kilyne to hell Cedric where he was going for the rest of the day. "What do you mean you don't know where you're going?" When Cedric Aiden got annoyed, as he figured Kilyne must have ignored him and not told Cedric. "Didn't Kilyne tell you?" He thought he already knew the answer but he had to be sure.

"No she didn't. Now can you please tell me where I am going?" Cedric asked in a rather pleading tone. Aiden remembered that Cedric had told him he did not like surprises.

"Well I will have to have a talk with her." He said dryly. Than ignoring his annoyance he pulled out the only clothes in the wardrobe and held them up. "You are going to a party."

"What is the party for?" Cedric asked in a quizzical tone. He did not seem happy as Aiden had thought he might.

"The party is to celebrate you Cedric. The fact that despite your father being killed you are still here to lead us. Most thought that when you father died it was the end of the alpha lineage. Yet here you stand as our king." Aiden smiled knowing that Cedric would see it. "It's also a custom to throw a party whenever a new alpha takes charge. By the way before we get started I suggest you dry off. I can smell your wet fur from over here!" Aiden added in a comical tone, even waving his paw in front of his nose. He heard a faint shuffling and figured Cedric must be getting a towel. Laying the clothes on the bed Aiden laid them out as best he could without seeing them.

"So the party will start at around noon. That gives us just about two hours to get you already..." Pausing Aiden waited whether he wanted to ask his next question. If the training with Kilyne hadent gone well then Cedric might take offence. Shaking it off Aiden asked anyway. "Do you mind if I light the torch so I can see?" After a moment of silence Aiden was about to say he didn't need it when the room was suddenly light by a torch above the fireplace. Cedric stood by the torch wincing as the light hit his eyes. Aiden quickly moved toward him putting his paw on Cedric's shoulder.

. "Are you alright? we can put out the torch if you like." He was didn't like that he had just caused Cedric pain. He felt Cedric shrug and he turned toward him his eyes slightly watered but after a blink they were back to normal.

"Yes I'm fine, it just takes a moment for me to get used to the light." Sighing with relief Aiden moved back over to the bed and began to properly organize Cedric's clothes. While he was doing this Cedric was moving around the room lighting the rest of the torches, and candles. Within a minute the room was lit and Cedric came over to Aiden. He stared at the clothing, as if judging whether he liked it or not.

"It was specially made for you, ever since you have arrived the tailors have been working round the clock to make you a complete wardrobe for every occasion. In fact they are still at work." Aiden said trying to ease of the look Cedric was giving the clothes. It seemed to work as Cedric's attention changed from the clothes to what Aiden had just said.

"Wont they be coming to the party?" Cedric asked in a baffled tone. It Aiden a moment to realize Cedric was talking about the tailors.

With a shake of his head Aiden said, "No why would they join the party? The only other's that will be at the party are upper class citizens, the lords and ladies. Members of the royal court, and a few of the army generals." Aiden looked at Cedric wondering why the shorter wolf would ask such a thing.

"Why? Shouldn't everyone be able to come? If this is a celebration about a new alpha than shouldn't all who serve under the alpha be able to come?" Cedric sounded just like his father there. With a smile Aiden decided to see just how much like his father Cedric was.

"Would you like everyone who is available to come?"

"Yes, I would." Cedric said firmly. A smile touched Aiden lips as he heard this. Cedric was practically the spitting image of his father. Well except for the size, fur, and eyes. His attitude about politics was similar, but their personalities were different.

"You remind me of your father, he thought the same way you did. Always hated being in a higher status than others, and would act just like you do when people call you 'your majesty.'" Aiden saw Cedric give a slight shudder, but he paid it no mind as he walked to the door and opened. Looking to the right Aiden saw one of the newer members of Cedric's guard. Aiden thought that his name was Kendrick, but he pushed the thought out of his mind. "Guard I want you to tell lord Sif that King Cedric would like everyone to be able to join the celebration. Whether they be middle, lower, or upper class citizens. Anyone who wishes to attend may do so."

"Yes sir." The young man said looking brave as if he had just been assigned a very important mission. With that Aiden turned and closed the door as the guard hurried off.

With a smile Aiden walked back over to Cedric."So shall we get you dressed?" As he finished saying this Aiden realized that Cedric had changed out his towel for a pair of pants. Aiden was about to tell Cedric that he would need to take his pants off, but another idea came to mind. With a smile Aiden reached forward and untied Cedric's pants letting them fall to the floor. Before his crotch could be exposed though Cedric quickly covered himself with his paws, and tucked his tail between his legs.

"A-Aiden what a-are you doing?" Cedric asked, his voice shaking.

"What does it look like I am doing? I'm getting you dressed for the party." Aiden said his smile never waning. He then picked up the black dress pants with purple sticking and handed them to Cedric. After a moment of Cedric just holding the pants Aiden said, "Well hurry up... or would you like me to help you get into them?" He mentally kicked himself for the last part. Could he be any more obvious about his feelings for Cedric. In an attempt to give him some privacy, Aiden turned back to the wardrobe, and reached for the brush on the small shelf on the right side. When he turned back to Cedric he had the pants on and was standing looking a little meek.

With a gentle smile Aiden gestured across the room to the chair by the table."Go and sit in the chair over there so I can comb your fur." At first Cedric looked like he may not do it, but he then turned and slowly moved to the chair. As he sat down his tail laid across the chair and bent causing him to sit on it. Seeing this Aiden couldn't help himself and burst out laughing, while he was concerned that Cedric may be hurt, the idea that Cedric would make a mistake that even most children new naught to do was hilarious.

After a minute of laughing Aiden spoke up. "I'm... so sorry." He gasped out trying to catch his breath. "That was just too funny." He was failing miserably.

"Just get over here so that I can finished getting dressed." Cedric replied sounding slightly offended. Aiden to another minute to compose himself before walking over to Cedric and begging to brush the front of him. As he brushed Cedric's fur he couldn't help but admire how soft it was. He imagined the two of them laying in bed, Cedric's head resting on his chest as he ran his claws through the soft midnight black fur.

Once more cursing himself for letting his mind drift off into fantasies, Aiden looked at his progress and saw that Cedric's front was done. Getting up he moved behind Cedric and said, "Turn your head forward so that I can get your back, than we will move to your arms. Your chest want really need to be done except for your neck, but we will save that till your fully dressed." Aiden made sure that he kept all thoughts of Cedric out of his mind, which was easier said than done given the circumstances. After a few minutes Aiden stood back and admired his work.

"That should do it." He said carrying the brush over to the bed. He picked up the grey shirt and held it up. Motioning for Cedric to put it on. Next came the vest, and finally the trench coat. Aiden himself had requested this piece. Once Cedric was fully dressed Aiden gave him a once over appraising how he looked. Giving and small sigh of happiness Aiden picked up the brush and began to comb Cedric's face.

As he ran the brush over the contours of Cedric's face, Aiden locked gazes with Cedric. He could see the want in Cedric's eyes. What that want was Aiden wasn't sure, but he had an idea. Taking a few deep breaths to comb his nerves Aiden slowly leaned forward.

It felt like an eternity before his lips touched Cedric's. For a moment he feared that Cedric may pull away as he seemed frozen in place. On an impulse Aiden pushed his tongue into Cedric's mouth. Licking along his teeth as if asking for entry.

It only took a moment before Cedric let him in, and actually started kissing him back! Aiden let himself get lost in the kiss. He was so happy, not only was he kissing his mate, but he could also feel Cedric's need pocking him in the thigh.

Smiling Aiden pushed Cedric down onto the bed. He was going to take Cedric. He would mate him, and mark Cedric as his. He continued to kiss Cedric and slowly moved his paw to Cedric's chest only to feel Cedric's clothes. Aiden suddenly realized he would not be able to take Cedric even if he wanted to. Cedric had to attend the party. Even if he took all of Cedric's clothes off and mated him someone would come looking. Sighing he removed his lips and paws from Cedric and stood up.

Cedric opened his eyes a look of longing on his face. "So I take it that you do like me?" Aiden asked he was still smiling joy in his eyes. Cedric just nodded the inside of his black ears turning red. Bending down Aiden licked his ears and grinded his groin into Cedric. "I wish I could do something more you, but you are already dressed and bathed for the party, so we will have to wait." He then slowly moved away from Cedric and walked to the door. He knew that Cedric wanted him to come back just as much as he wanted to.

"I will be back later after the party." Aiden said a gentle smile on his face. "Use the time to think if you want this..." He gestured at the two of them, "...to go any further." Than with that he opened the door and left, which brought him to the here and know.

Aiden realized that he had been walking in the direction of the kitchen. An idea suddenly played across his face as an idea formed in his mind. After the party he would take Cedric as his mate, but he would do it in the most loving way possible. He would not let the hormone driven side of him ruin his first time with Cedric with a smile he quickly set off to prepare not only for the party, but to make sure Cedric had the most romantic night of his life.