Deliverence. 5

Story by MagnumGit on SoFurry

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 "Was this really what

you wanted?" were her thoughts in those final years. As neglect and misuse

began to erode her otherwise immortal body. She moved little because she saw no

need to, she grew disdainful of her bastard children and disgusted at the acts

of their subjects. She refused to hear them or her worshippers; she went so far

as to refuse their offerings of souls.  She had ruled this plane for countless centuries now, her

mind growing bored as her body grew idle. She ignored the urges of bloodshed

and carnage now, instead focusing her Labyrinthine mind on more subtle tasks,

such as thinking, dreams, and memories. She thought back to the days when the Pantheon knew nothing

of such things like The Lamented, or thoughts of war. Yes, they had such petty

squabbles now it seemed, but back then they seemed to be crisis's. Who was

worshipping whom, or which Goddess was having an affair with a mortal or which

God was pursing what Angel or Champion of who and whom. She remembered When

Mi'E swooned over the saintly man of one of the Sea-Kings communes, It was much

to the Old Serpents chagrin when Mi'E gave birth to a beautiful Arch-Angel that

now resided over the city to this day, the palace flourishing under the

protection of dual gods. Yet she could still recall the many spats Mi'E had

with the Sea God over the heritage of the Angel, it had gone so far as to have

D'ruin intervene and name the Angels soul, much to the Soul-Carriers annoyance.

The reapers job was an endless one.  It made her smile, that pleasant memory.  She hadn't smiled for over a century.  The thought scared her.  So she retreated back into the memories of the past. She

remembered the day of her and her sibling's ascension by the Dying God Ordose,

the Great God of the Macrocosm. She remembered his decree, and how he split

apart his infinite soul and gifted them each with one fragment, that they

journeyed to make whole. She remembered how he told them that it was a seed

that would not grow until they nurtured it, and only then when it bloomed would

they be reborn.  She remembered the journey to awaken her God Seed. How she

traveled with her elder brother Ki'e whom she was madly in love with, and

younger sister Mi'e to far off and distant lands. How each of them encountered

different people, and gained a different perspective on life. She saw the beauty

in what could be made, and how short life could be, how it needed to be lived

to the fullest extent, like a candle burning its wick.  She knew how her sister learned of unquestionable mercy and unending

compassion. How she would help everyone who needed healing or care, regardless

of what they were, what they stood for, or what they believed in. She would

help them, she would be ill and sickly, and she would refuse aid until she had finished

giving aid, she could be wounded and she would still press on to deliver

healing herbs to those in need.  And then her brother... Oh how she loved him. The pranks he

would play, the games he created. He cared little for material things, although

he never seemed to be short of them. She once asked him how he could remain so

free of grief when it was all around him, and he simply shrugged, and said that

it was fun to be happy, and he was happy to have fun. He was simple, but wise

in that regard. And for that she loved him far

more then any sister should love a sibling.  The more she remembered, the clearer the voice became. That

nagging, urging voice that was always at the back of her mind, but whenever she

tried to locate it, it would skitter away like an insect in the night. She let her thoughts drift away from the untraceable noise,

the further she fled from memories the less she heard it, which was nice.  She hated the noise.  Her hands move of their own accord. She let them craft

trinkets out of nothing, for what more could she do? She let her hands and mind

craft impossible objects, liquid crystal balls, stairs that went on forever

with silver men climbing them, living glowing stones that coiled like snakes

and twisted around each other. She found joy in this simple exercise, but then the voices

and sound came to her forefront, angry at her, shouting, demanding that she

stopped, that she be still, careless. She recoiled at it first, but she pressed

on, how dare it make demands of a

God. She grew constructs of light, mechanical beings that danced

on the palm of her hand, birds made of water and animals made of metal, the

voice grew louder still, but she pressed on.  Until she came to a certain thing, an impossible sculpture

bending in onto itself, shimmering in the light like Crystal dew on the petals

of a flower early in the morning after rain.  She remembered everything at once now, no more could she shy

away from the past for the past now came at her. Now she ignored the voice

entirely, it's screams and screeches, she reached out within her mind and

crushed the insect thing with but a casual thought, it had came to0 far from

the depths, it could not retreat as it once had.  She remembered Ki'e, after the ascension, how he refused to

conquer through force, how he despised the Lord of Murder and the Lady of Chaos

for their cruel tricks that were no fun, how they warped their patrons and

slaughtered their followers, and how those same followers adored them all the

same.  She remembered how she stole the knowledge from the Lady, and

took up the mantel of the Lord she slew.  She had become everything He hated, and She did it in His

name.  She cast the stairs with the silver men down, the liquid

crystal bounced along the ground, it's impossible shape coming to a stop at the

base of the window, she looked out at the city, she stood on weak legs now, and

she cried tears of anguish at what she saw. Murder and rape, debauchery and carnage, monuments raised in

her name, a cruel grin on the stone mirrors. She fell back into the throne, her

weak heart felt as if it would break. Oh, how she loathed herself. She looked upon the sculpture

she still clutched in her hand. She remembered it. It was a gift she made for a young boy who loved to play

tricks. For her brother, Ki'e, after he had ascended.She made it for him the night after He made love to her, that

secret night that was secret to them, and them alone.  She let it fall from limp fingers, it rolled along the ground

stopping beside the silver men and the watery birds who took perch upon a tree

of sand with leaves of copper and gold. She clawed at her head; she screamed horridly with a cracked

and dry throat, her eyes bled tears as much as blood, and she as a whole was a

pathetic sight to behold.  She fell back into the throne she had built upon the

suffering of many, and she wanted nothing more then to rid this hideous skin of

hers, this smelly carcass of a murderous god, that's what she wanted, that's

what she needed. No.  It wasn't that. Run. She wanted to run.  She wanted to escape; she wanted to flee until her feet bled

black and the taint drained from her body.  But where could she run? She felt the muster of the Pantheon;

she knew the spear had been taken by one of her bastard children, Belrakier was

his name, she recalled. Her children... She had wronged all of them, and now they were

monsters. Or were they always monsters? Damned from the moment of conception?

Or damned by a mother who knew no better. No, she was lying to herself. She knew she knew better, she just didn't

care. She did now though. But pity and remorse could do nothing,

and even with her powers she couldn't reverse such damage, it was far beyond

her power. Unless she were to invoke the power of the void once more... NO! Never again, forever shall she distance herself from the

wretched void! Never to be it's slave again! Only one child of hers could be- and had been- saved,

Belrakier. The Angel of Repentance. One of her most sadistic children, taught

away from his nature, and risen again as a warrior of light against her.

Destined to destroy the evil God Queen with a Spear of light born from shadows. She wondered briefly. Only for a fleeting moment, she

wondered. She wondered if she could be forgiven? Even by the most slight of

chances if it were at all possible, if it were, she would take it, she would

throw away everything, even her god-hood if it could be done, she would die if

it meant she could be redeemed. No, she couldn't. Her sins were so many, and

the deaths so great and all of them tragic, each one a chance quashed from

existence, all possibilities stolen away from them. . She would have to suffer and die over a thousands deaths just

to make up for but a handful.She had not a hundred lives to give she had only one immortal

one. But whoever said they would be merely content with her death?

Perhaps they had 'other' plans in mind, other 'methods' at their disposal to

enact retribution on her body. They would cut her, flay her, burn her, she knew

this to be true, and she had once witnessed their wrath before. She would be

ill fated to suffer it herself.  She shuddered, a chill ran through her, grief and guilt were

set aside, in favor of fear and self-preservation. She would survive; she

wouldn't let it end like this, not before she sought a chance at redemption.  Exile. To run, self-imposed ostracism, she doubted that any

being on this place would raise their voice against her immolation or being

cast into the depths as she had to so many others.  So she would run, she would flee and cower in the shadows,

waiting until the time for the song of return to be sung once more. She doubted

that it would be short, perhaps eons upon millennia before one would speak her

name in casualty. If there ever were a chance for that to happen, for a chance

for her to return home again, then she would gladly take it, and if it meant

exile, then so be it.  She could not run in this realm, they would sense her

presence if she were to ever leave this castle of cursed wards. There were very

few options of escape left to her, destroying herself and denying them there

chance at seeing her suffer was one, discarding her Godhood was another, but

she suspected they could still find her regardless, and she would be powerless

to stop them. Then there was the last option. The forbidden Arts. The dark secrets she swindled from the

mind of the Mad Lady of Chaos. The secrets of The Depths, the Damned knowledge. Hypocrisy... But she refused to let her soul be flayed alive by

the Pantheon. She let it's knowledge embrace her One. Last. Time. Ci'e knew much of the hidden knowledge, but she had forgotten

much as well, when she purged the denizen of The Depths from her mind, it took

with it all its secrets and misbegotten arts. She held onto what little she could, and the precious gems

that she snatched away from the creature were fascinating to behold, she felt

the long lost thrill of discovery fill her once more.  She had to act fast. She could feel the Pantheon muster its

forces, it would storm her wretched empire soon, and as she wouldn't mind

seeing it fall, she would rather live to see what came after.  She chanted the damned litanies, steeling her mind against

what she was about to summon. She reached out into the ethereal realm

surrounding her, she required more strength then she had at the moment to do


Her cursed followers would suffice... She plucked many wicked souls that day, and she felt no

remorse as she cast them into oblivion, a mercy in comparison to what Belrakier

would sentence them to. She used their dying screams to fuel the gate she had

created, it's black luster doors imprinted themselves upon the wall before her,

corporeal energies sucked at the air, and light seemed to bend and distort

before it.  She let fall her hand, a quick breath was all she needed as

she then let her spirit float free of her mortal form, the shell let light fade

from it's eyes as her godly essence seeped from its being. Taking her true form

she grasped the handle to the cursed door with a shining golden hand, and

pulled it open.  She was flung into the swirling mass of black and impossible

colors, creatures swarmed around her, hungering for her soul as they had not

feasted in never and at the same time always, they had no reason or meaning,

nor any physical being to speak of, so that was why they sought hers in the

beginning, now, they sought it only out of malice.   There was no real way to comprehend them; even the Mind of a

Goddess such as Ci'e couldn't understand their nonsensical existence, or

non-existence, or something in-between.  So she shielded herself from them, her powerful radiance

casting them aside as she fell through the place between realms.  And then it was over. She broke through a hole in the

non-reality. An invisible scar that allowed madness to pass through, without

thinking she sealed the rift, disallowing the 'things' passage into this new

and innocent dimension, she would not let this corruption of the void fall onto

her temporary sanctuary, she was only a guest, after all.  And so she drifted, through the endless void of space. She

was glowing, too resplendent to look at, floating through the path between

worlds. Stars glittered all around her, diamonds in the eternal night-sky. She

let her true form recede back into her, taking on a more mundane yet just as

immortal body, she did not wish to leave a trail of breadcrumbs leading her kin

to her. It was not yet time for a reunion.  She relaxed at last, the song of planets played over and over

caressed her ears, the night-sky of infinite potential filled her eyes, and the

caress of nothingness on her shoulders. Her hair fanned out all around her,

floating as if in water, she closed her eyes, and fell back into

unconsciousness, letting the void carry her.