Chapter 26: The Indecent Proposal

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#26 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

The Last Shemale Queen

_A sequel to The Seduction of Seleste _

The Indecent Proposal

Chapter 26

Tala slowly lifted her face and froze. A boy. It was a boy! A teenage boy no older than she sat on the gold throne of Vi'sune. He wore a gold crown, through the center of which his white spiraled horn reached. His slender body was toned with muscles and clad in a long white robe that was open to reveal his hard chest and rippling belly. Under the open robe he wore a matching white skirt, and Tala could only assume there were holes in the back of the robe for his wings. His fur was tawny and so vibrant in color that it was almost gold. His mane and tail were paler shades, almost white. He sat on the throne with one leg crossed over the other, his fingers near this chin, regarding Tala with something between lust and delight. His eyes . . . his eyes were sapphire blue. She had seen such eyes before. Some females in her family had them.

"Thank you . . . your majesty," Tala said uncertainly.

"You kneel before me," he said in amusement, "but I should kneel before you."

Tala blinked, not knowing what to say. Behind her, she could practically feel Nizhoni's misery and fear. The fox was sniffling quietly, and each time she moved, her chained leash rattled. Tala almost felt sorry for her, but thinking of Yatokya, her heart hardened.

"I have waited a long time for you, Tala," continued the unicorn king, and Tala heard the soft clomp of his hooves as he rose from the throne. He came down from the dais, and her heart started pounding. The scent of him was overwhelming. It was a sweet, musky scent. "Rise," he calmly ordered.

Tala obeyed. She stood rubbing her arm, her head still down. She stole a glance at the king. He was standing before her, his paws behind his back, regarding her in amusement. He was pretty handsome for a unicorn. She had to wonder how one so young had come to rule here. One glance out the floor-length window nearby told her his kingdom was immense, spanning the breadth of the horizon in endless rows of rooftops.

"Do you know why I have waited?" he asked her quietly.

Tala hesitated. "Because I'm the Peace Bringer? I'm going to bring peace to the lands . . . or something . . ."

The king laughed. "I could give less than a shit about that."

Tala's head snapped up.

"Finally," he said, smiling, "I've got your attention!"

"Why am I here then?" Tala wondered. ". . . your majesty," she added as an afterthought.

"You have noticed I am hardly older than you."

"Yes . . ."

The king began to pace before the throne, paws still behind his back. Behind him on the dais, his servants had stopped fanning their palm leaves. They were two young boys. Foals. Tala thought they could have been ten or eleven. They were clad in white skirts and looked very sleepy. Tala smiled: it was bedtime.

The males who had escorted Tala remained on their knees, and glancing back at them, Tala noticed Nizhoni on her knees as well. The leash was still on her throat, and she knelt with her head down, hugging herself and trembling slightly.

"Many thousands of years ago," the king began, still pacing. His silver hooves clomped in a soft rhythm as he moved. "My mother and father discovered that . . . I liked males."

"You are a tail chaser," Tala said and nodded.

The king halted and laughed. "What the hell is that?"

"A male who likes males!" Tala blinked, shocked that he'd never heard of the term.

The unicorn king slowly smiled. "We call it gay here. Hmm . . . where was I? Ah, yes, my parents." He started pacing again, paws behind his back. Following him with her eyes, Tala thought he was gorgeous. She hoped he wasn't about to tell some story where he had killed his parents . . .

"They found out I was gay," the king went on, "and they were upset. Very. You see, during that era, it was not accepted as something that was . . . right. But sexuality is not right or wrong. It just is." He paused to look at Tala, as if he wanted to ascertain that she understood.

Tala nodded. "I understand, your majesty."

"Of course you do," he said at once and nodded his head at her soft penis. "You are shemale. You are a higher being, you are more than anyone or anything can imagine. You possess both sets of sexual organs, and thus, you can desire both sexes. You can see both sides of reason. But my father . . . my father's view on the flip side of reason was very grim." He went to the great window and peered out at the kingdom, his back to Tala. After a moment's pensive staring, he set his hoof on the cushion of a nearby chair and rested his elbow on his knee. He continued to stare out at the stars that twinkled over his kingdom, and watching him, Tala thought the pose made him look very dignified and handsome.

"My father called the court sorcerer," the king said at length, "and had a curse placed upon me. I would never age, never change, until I had taken a female for wife."

Tala frowned.

"I outlived my parents," the king went on, standing again. "I outlived my loved ones and my lovers . . . My father ruled my sexuality as childish and restricted me to the passions of an adolescent child. Once I take a female, the spell will lift, and I will begin to age. Others will succeed me. And I will finally die. And know peace." His pale mane swept forward to hide the side of his long face, but Tala could see his long pale lashes blinking languidly.

"And in all these thousands of years," Tala said slowly, "you never found a female to marry?"

"Not a female like you." He turned to face her, his ears going back as he smiled. "If I marry you, Tala," he said, and she stiffened, "the spell will lift!"

Tala's lashes fluttered. "But why me!"

He shook his head, as if she didn't understand. "It doesn't have to be you, Tala. I want it to be you. When it was foretold that you would come here, I knew I had to have you. You are perfect!" He smiled and gestured both paws at her penis. "Perfect! You are more, you are the Exalted One. A higher being."

Tala's eyes hooded as realization settled over her. The king wanted her because she had a penis! Just having a vagina and marrying him was enough for his curse to lift, but her having a penis . . . for him, it would almost be like getting to marry a male - a male that could possibly produce heirs. Tala stiffened at the very idea. What sort of monstrosity would she and the king produce with their mating!

"I know what you're thinking . . ." the king said and held up his paws, "but it's not as bad as it sounds. Wolves have been with unicorns before, Tala . . ."

"Stop calling me by name," Tala snapped. "As if you know me! You know nothing about me!"

The king's sapphire eyes regarded her calmly, and she was surprised when he humbly bowed his head and placed his paw on his heart. "What shall I call you? Honored Wife? Peace Bringer? Exalted One? Being of Perfection? Most Beautiful One?"

"You shall not call me wife," Tala said darkly, "because I shall not marry you. I am already married!"

The king looked at her, taken aback. Tala was surprised by his surprise: how could he not know? He seemed to think he knew everything about her!

"Already married," he repeated, as if the words didn't make sense.

Tala hugged herself. "Yes!"

"Ah . . . the one they carried in . . ." He looked at Tala and smiled. "I watched from the palace."

Tala watched, feeling a little guilty, as the king turned and went heavily up the steps of the dais. He sat on his throne again and regarded her sadly, his fingers stroking his chin. His body on the throne was taunt with quiet power. He sat with his knees wide apart under his skirt, and the sizable bulge between them almost made Tala blush. Remembering that she was naked still, she lowered her lashes and rubbed her arm. God, when was the last time she'd had proper clothing?

"What if I simply let your husband die? How much to do you love him?"

Tala's guilt and sympathy dissipated. "Let him die!" she repeated, aghast.

"Ah," the king said with a slow smile. "You love him then. I was hoping it was simply a marriage of convenience, that perhaps he beat you and raped you on a nightly basis . . ."

"As if any male could do that to me!"

"Indeed. But I was holding out hope. Any excuse to get him out of the way . . ."

"Do not harm Yatokya!" Tala practically shrieked and pointed a finger up at the throne.

The king held up his paws and laughed, delighted. "I can see your love for him is fierce. I won't harm a hair on his body." He rubbed his chin again, regarding Tala thoughtfully. "What about your mother? She's not married, I presume."

Tala stiffened. "You will leave my mother be!"

The king laughed again. "Anything you wish, Most Beautiful One."

Tala averted her eyes. "Don't . . . don't call me that."

"But it is true. If I am not allowed to call you by name, at least allow me this courtesy."

"Forgive me, your majesty, but it is late . . ." Tala cleared her throat. She was suddenly too tired to continue this conversation. She wished she never had to continue it.

"Of course," the king said and inclined his head with a glint of his horn. He smiled at her. "Goodnight, Exalted One."

As Tala was led away, she realized Nizhoni was still in the throne room. As she and her escort went up the hall, she was shocked to hear Nizhoni's sudden shrill screams. The screams became rhythmic and were accompanied by grunts. . . . and squelching.

Tala's heart beat furiously. Why were the unicorns raping Nizhoni! She wanted to ask the guards who escorted her but was frightened of the answer. All she knew was that they had to escape this place! Then she remembered with a burning heart that it was Nizhoni's fault they were trapped here - it was Nizhoni who had played with Yatokya's life! -- and her sympathy for the vixen vanished.

Tala had half-hoped she was going to share a room with Seleste. Her heart sank when they brought her to a room that was devoid of her mother's sweet smell. It was beautiful. And under any other circumstances, she might have merely stood for ten minutes with her mouth open. But she was too miserable and too tired to care. Wondering if Yatokya was back to normal yet, Tala went to the canopied bed and sank on her face. She fell asleep.

Tala had been sleeping for perhaps an hour when she felt a tongue in her ass. Her eyes sprang open, and pushing her long mane back, she twisted to look over her shoulder. King Eyrrothaz was holding her ass cheeks apart and licking her anus with his large, rough tongue. He moaned with every lick, his eyes were closed, he was frowning with delight. She squirmed against the pleasure and twisted to get away. Sitting up, she blushed to feel the slobber that plastered her: he must've been going for a good ten minutes before she awoke!

"How dare --" Tala stammered, dragging the sheet up to cover her breasts.

The unicorn king smiled at her, his blue gaze intense as he crawled across the sheets. He was rock hard, and the size of his erection behind his skirt made her mouth fall open.

"I've made a decision," the king said. He knelt in front of her.

Tala's eyes narrowed. "I hope it involves letting us go!"

The king's answer was to peel her arms from her naked breasts.

"What are you doing!" Tala squeaked when he touched her nipple.

In the darkness, she could only make out the line of his muscular body. Moonlight came through the high arched windows but did not reach through the closed curtains of the bed. She could see the gleam of his eye as it hooded and he moaned. He was thumbing her nipple and pinching it. She smacked his paw off.

"Don't you understand?" he whispered. "Perhaps if I simply slept with you, it would break the spell."

Tala squeezed her thighs shut at once. She was surprised when the king laughed.

"No, Tala - I mean . . . . no, Most Beauteous One. I didn't mean your little pussy. If I took you under your tail, maybe . . ."

Tala's eyes widened as his meaning became clear. "What? No!"

"We could try. Don't you want to go home?"

"Yes . . ."

"And I want to be free of this! I will take you under . . ."

She felt his paw on her hip in the dark. His fingers squeezed and he peered at her hopefully.

Tala swallowed hard. "And then you'll let us go?"


"And Yatokya . . . . you'll still help him?"

"I'm already helping him."

Tala nodded thoughtfully. She hugged her breasts and regarded the king, who seemed earnest and sincere. And so young and handsome. But his cock . . . she glanced down at the bulge in his skirt. Oh, god, it was huge. She had never been taken under her tail before. She was afraid.

"I'll be gentle," he promised, cupping her face.

Tala nodded again, her long lashes blinking. "Okay."

"Help me undress . . ."

Tala did as he asked, gulping as his sculpted pectorals and ripping belly were revealed. He helped her, shrugging his way out of his white robe and letting it fall. Heart beating hard, she helped him remove his skirt, and as it fell away, his huge erection was revealed to her for the first time. It was of an odd shape, with the tip being almost square. It pulsed with veins. She looked at him as he sat waiting, and she knew he wanted her to suck it.

She did. Carefully and tenderly, her tongue worked him, sliding up and down the shaft as he sighed with pleasure. His cock was pink and tasted salty. As she began sucking the tip, she suddenly realized she had never gone down on Yatokya.

"Deeper," he whispered, placing a gentle paw on her head. "Deeper, pretty girl."

Tala choked. His cock was so huge, her mouth hurt, and she sputtered helplessly as the drool seeped from her lips. Her lashes pressed up tight and leaked tears from the strain. He pushed down on her head, and his cock admitted further in her throat. She sputtered again. He moved her mouth up and down on his cock, and this seemed to go on for so long, she was terrified he was going to come. When it seemed like he was, she pulled free.

Tala gulped for breath, trying to get her bearings. She noticed the king staring at her lap, and when she looked down, she was horrified to see her cock was hard.

He smirked at her. "So I'm not the only one enjoying myself. That's good. Here . . ." He took her paws. "Hold my shoulders . . ."

Tala held to his shoulders and blushed as he guided her by the hips. Following his lead, she knelt over his lap, knees spread. He smoothed her tail from under until it flicked up. He was peering into her eyes with an affection that surprised her. His fingers grabbed her ass cheeks in fistfuls and spread them. He eased her hips down, and her eyes widened as the tip of his cock plunged her anus.


He halted when she gasped. Her breasts heaved against him. She bowed her head and was startled when he kissed her cheek - then brought her hips down on him hard. They cried out together as his enormous cock punched its way inside. "A-Ahhh!" Tala's nails cut his broad shoulders as it was happening, and he grunted but did not stop. He moved her hips up and down on his cock, and she clung to him, eyes wide and unseeing, as the pleasure thrilled through her. She was suddenly very glad he had eaten her ass. Very glad.

She looked at him, and he was helpless, weak with pleasure. With his mane streaming in hooded eyes, he panted unevenly and whispered to her, "Your ass is so tight, pretty girl . . . the tightest ass I've had in . . . shit . . ." A tremble went through him, and he frantically hugged her close.

Trapped in the hard wall of his arms, Tala's head fell back as he punched his cock in. Her breasts rode, slapping him with every sharp jerk of his hips. He reached down between them, and his paw closed on her cock.

"Your m-majesty . . ."

"Shh . . ." He kissed her mouth, and as he fondled and fucked her, she thought with longing of Yatokya. When he was well, she would do this with him: she would sit in his lap, and he would fuck her in the pussy and stroke her cock . . . and he would whisper words of pleasure . . . words of love.

King Eyrrothaz laid her down with a grunt and stabbed himself in deeper, harder. He showered her neck and breasts with frantic kisses, then he suddenly grimaced and she knew what was happening. It was happening to her too: she felt her cock twitching in his paw. She clung to his neck as they cried out together and they both came. He sagged on top of her as his hot seed seeped from her ass. His wings were fluttering weakly.

"I . . . I want . . ."

"Your majesty . . . pull it out . . ."

"No! I want . . ." He panted, chest heaving, and showered her breasts with kisses again. "I want to sleep . . . with it there."

"Your majesty! No, I must ask you to leave and allow me to rest . . ." Her voice trailed off at the smile on his face.

"Look around, my beauty. You have been brought to my bedchamber."

Tala did look around. She noticed for the first time the glass cases containing the king's many different crowns, as well scepters and other ceremonial jewelry. She scowled. He had always meant to sleep with her!

He was still smiling. "I thought maybe you would like it if we made love," he whispered, kissing her neck and breasts again, "and that maybe . . . you would stay . . ." He looked at her. "Forever."

Tala's heart leapt. "No! No, your majesty, I can not stay --"

"What if I fucked you in the pussy? You'd have an orgasm there. I can give you a good one there. My mare servants, they have taught me how. To prepare me for the day when you would come. I also know females like their nipples suckled . . . and their clit . . ."

Tala blushed furiously. "I said no, your majesty! Get off me please!"

"As you wish . . ." King Eyrrothaz slowly and carefully pulled his cock free, and when he had, Tala felt as if her anus was beaten and defeated. He rolled over on his back, still smiling at her with a soft affection she suddenly couldn't stand.

Tala hugged her breasts and looked away. "I can not stay here! I do not understand why you seem to think I should. You could break the spell with any female --"

"You are shemale."

"So find another shemale!"

He laughed. "Tala! You are the last shemale. . . . the last young shemale."

Thinking of her grandmother, Tala's heart seized up. He knew more about her than she'd ever realized.

"Did you mean _anything_you said?" she demanded. "You won't hurt Yatokya --!"

"I won't hurt Yatokya," he vowed. "But maybe I can . . . get you to love me. I'm not so difficult to love. I'm pretty great." He grinned. "And you'll forget all about your husband. You'll see."

Tala looked at him incredulously. "You ego_tistical_ - I am married! Married! Does that mean anything to you!"

"No," he said quietly. "I want to break the spell. And I want to break it with a shemale. I am more, I have more to offer than your husband ever will. In time, you will see that." He turned his back, and Tala watched angrily as he gathered pillows to himself. He pulled the coverlet over them both, his wings folding. "Goodnight, Most Exalted One."

Tala turned her back and seethed. What had she gotten herself into now?