Chapter 27: The Pleasure Barge

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#27 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

The Last Shemale Queen

_A sequel to The Seduction of Seleste _

The Pleasure Barge

Chapter 27

The following morning, King Eyrrothaz canceled all his appointments to take Tala on his barge. The vessel was a long, flat boat steered by two young stallions with long poles. Tala and the unicorn king played chess in the shade of a white canopy. Transparent curtains drifted from the canopy on the cool breeze as nearby, a young mare played the harp, her spiraled horn painted gold to match its gilding.

Other servants - all young mares - stood near with bare breasts and white skirts. On their nipples were gold tassels that swished each time they moved. They were all very young and pretty - and all very fascinated with Tala. They stood at the ready with trays of wine and delicacies, always leaping forward the moment they thought Tala needed something. They didn't seem able to take their giggling eyes off Tala, who in turn didn't seem able to stop following their high breasts and swaying silk tails as they walked.

King Eyrrothaz ordered the girls about and hardly seemed to notice their existence. But he noticed Tala's distraction and smiled when he caught her following one's backside with hungry green eyes.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" he said in amusement.

Tala frowned and looked at the chessboard again. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

King Eyrrothaz smiled. "You may have one if you like," he said, and behind him, the mares giggled wildly and twittered among themselves like birds.

Tala's bright eyes fluttered. "What!"

"If you stayed here with me," the king said, pinching a chess piece and lifting it, "you could have all the mares you wanted. You could have stallions as well. But there are a spare few that I keep for myself. Like this one here . . ." He called something in his language, and Tala saw a young boy hurry forward.

Tala had noticed him before. He was slender, about fifteen, and aside from the young stallions steering the barge, he was the only male there. Tala noticed right away that he lacked the musky scent of balls, and looking down, she realized that he had no balls! She looked at King Eyrrothaz in wonder.

"He lost them some years ago," King Eyrrothaz said calmly and cupped the boy's face, "when he insisted on fucking the mares. Got a fair few of them pregnant. I had to hire more than half the number to make up for it. Completely disregarded my rules. So he was punished . . . and assigned as royal cocksucker."

Tala sat still, not knowing what to say for her amazement. She had never heard of such a thing! She looked at the boy. He was silent and kept his eyes down, a dappled gray and white unicorn with a white spiraled horn. His wings were tucked tight to his back, and he wore not the usual white skirt the other servants wore, but a white thong that disappeared up his firm, muscular ass crack. The front of the thong, meanwhile, had a slit in it, and his soft brown cock hung out of the slit. His cock was enormous, even when soft. Tala was starting to think all the unicorns had the same huge dicks.

"His name is Vellax," the king said, smoothing down the boy's mane affectionately. His sapphire blues smiled at Tala. "Would you like to see something?"

Tala glanced at the boy again, who hadn't yet lifted his eyes. She was surprised when she heard herself say, "Yes."

King Eyrrothaz called in his language again and the mares went scrambling, giggling and whispering as they rummaged through a small chest on the barge. Eventually, one of them returned with an enormous blue feather. With sparkling eyes, she gave it to Tala.

Tala looked at the feather, then looked at the boy, who had squatted down in front of her with his paws behind his head. His long lashes were still angled down, and his hard thighs were spread wide. Tala looked at his cock and suddenly realized what she was supposed to do.

"Go on," King Eyrrothaz whispered. He was reclining in his chair now, the chessboard forgotten, his fingers cradling his cheek. His sapphire blues were fixed on Tala.

Tala leaned down from her chair and carefully tickled the boy's cock with the feather. He grunted and it started to stiffen. Tala paused in amazement. It wasn't even fully hard yet, and it was huge! She started stroking with the feather lightly and quickly. The boy's brows pressed together as it happened: he pumped up, firm and strong. She teased with the feather's tip, until - desperate to make his hard-on go down -- he was forced to thrust his hips against it. Tala loved the sight of his rippling belly crunching with each thrust, his strong thighs trembling, his hard cock stabbing at the air.

Vellax was so hard now, he was throbbing, and when Tala pulled the feather away, he shuffled in desperation after her. This was, apparently, a breach. King Eyrrothaz barked a warning and the boy shuffled back into place again, obediently thrusting his hips against the stroking feather with a helpless frown. His soft cries were sudden and loud, frantic and desperate the harder he became.

Eventually, King Eyrrothaz beckoned. The gelding crawled to the king and squatted beside his chair, rock hard and suffering and red in the face. The king stroked his mane soothingly.

Tala noticed with a jolt that the king was hard. A generous bulge was in his skirt, and the fabric was taunt, as if his dick was straining to get free.

"Unlace me," he whispered to Vellax. "No!" he warned when Vellax lifted his paw. "With your teeth. You know the routine. I'd swear you were showing off for Tala!"

The boy blushed and unlaced the skirt with his teeth and tongue. Tala watched in amazement as he completed the task with effortless ease: he really had done this before! King Eyrrothaz's white skirt tumbled open around his erection. It was so huge, it reached over the chessboard and Tala thought he could have smacked the pieces off with it.

Tala waited, willing herself to stay soft. She fully expected for Vellax to suck the king's dick, but he was gestured back into his squat. One of the mares was called instead, and Tala watched with large eyes as the girl straddled the king's lap. Smiling at Tala over the mare's shoulder, he took her ass in fistfuls and smashed her pussy down on his cock.

Tala squeezed her eyes shut as the girl's rhythmic cries began. She could hear her tits flapping as the king lifted her up and down, the squelching noises of her wet pussy clenching on his hard passion . . . When Tala looked again, they were gasping and sighing, moaning as they fucked in the chair. The girl's shiny hooves glinted in the sunlight as she knelt on the king's dick, knees spread. Her silky tail was flapping everywhere, slapping her own narrow sexy back.

As Tala watched, she slowly realized the king was trying to remind her of the night before. He was showing her what she had looked like in his lap . . . he was showing her that he had the power to please her - please her as deeply as the mare who was braying and gasping in his arms.

Tala shot up from her chair with a hard dick. She almost ran away but halted when she remembered they were sailing across the lake. The other mares stood near, watching her hopefully, as if they thought she would grab one of them and bend them over the chessboard. Vellax was eying her pink erection as if he wanted to suck it, and the boys steering the barge were doing the same.

Red-faced and humiliated, Tala covered her erection and ran to the opposite end of the long barge, wishing someone would give her some clothes already! Behind her, she could hear the king fucking the mare in his lap. She was gasping and squeaking, "Oh, your majesty, I shall come! I shall come!"

Tala hugged herself, willing her erection to go down as she looked out across the water. The barge floated lazily around the immense lake that surrounded the king's palace, and on the far shore, Tala could see the beginning of Kingdom Vi'sune, the gold-paved streets and the buildings and houses. Sometimes she saw the silhouettes of unicorns flying across the sky, other times she heard distant braying and neighing.

It was beautiful here, the trees with their white flowers, the breathtaking sunsets, the water like glass. If Tala wasn't married to Yatokya, she might have just said yes and stayed. It was such a remote place, so cutoff from the hatred and strife she had known in her own world. After thousands of years under the rule of King Eyrrothaz, the unicorns did not now discrimination. In fact, it was a foreign concept to them. King Eyrrothaz - who was often referred to by his subjects as the Eternal One - was the only unicorn old enough to remember a time of hatred, when males were not permitted to love other males nor females other females. The Eternal One. Tala had to wonder what it was like to be so old . . . and yet so young. Trapped in an adolescent's body with an adolescent's libido for all time!

Tala heard King Eyrrothaz and the mare scream together. They were coming. She hugged herself and flattened her ears, trying to drown the screams and the brays out as they echoed across the water. They were so loud that several swans swimming nearby took flight in a fluster.

"Oh . . . oh, your majesty," the mare panted. "Fuck me again . . . I beg of you, your grace . . . Oh, Eternal One . . . suck my titties . . ."

King Eyrrothaz laughed softly. Tala heard him say something in his language, and then there was movement. He had given an order and the mares were obeying.

Tala stiffened when she felt someone cupping her breasts from behind. A hard cock slapped her ass, and she knew it was Vellax. He massaged her breasts and whispered huskily in her ear, "I'd fuck you if I could get away with it. Oh, Most High One, shemale, Peace Bringer and Exalted One . . ." He started kissing her neck as he massaged her, slowly and wetly.

Before Tala could react, three mares had crowded her. Vellax offered her breasts to them, and two started suckling her at once. Vellax continued to massage as the mares moaned and tasted Tala's nipples. Tala trembled as they surrounded her, and then she felt a mouth on her cock and slumped against Vellax, who laughed softly.

"Oh, Exalted One!" whispered the mare on her knees between sucks. She paused to lick Tala's cock and cried breathlessly, "Oh, Exalted Shemale, please squirt on me!"

The other mares moaned and sighed as they sucked Tala's tits. Their spiraled horns had been filed down, and Tala thought she knew why: had those horns been longer, they would have cut her! She touched the mares' silky manes as they suckled her, and one brayed excitedly and stamped her hoof. The sounds of moaning, sucking, and licking rose around Tala, and before long, she was moaning with them.

"Mmm, mmmm!" moaned and gulped the one sucking Tala.

"Oh," Tala whispered in ecstasy, "Oh -- oh yes! Oh god . . ." The mare was a ridiculously good cocksucker. Hearing Tala's moans and cries, she proudly sucked wetter, faster.

The ones sucking Tala's nipples fell in a sudden rush of jealousy to their knees, and then three tongues were fighting over Tala's pink cock. Tala looked down, straining and grunting as their wet tongues fought to slurp her. They glared at each other, and they licked so hard, Tala's hard cock was slapped around, glossy and dribbling with slobber.

Tala looked at their shivering breasts, their slender waists, the clefts of their pink pussy lips, and thought, Oh, god, this is torture!

Massaging one of Tala's tits, Vellax waved the arguing tongues back and started stroking Tala's cock. The three mares knelt before Tala, perky breasts shivering with excitement as they giggled and held out their tongues. Tala let her head fall back on Vellax, feeling breathless and weak as he fondled her. Her cock was flinching. It was going to happen. Her grandmother had explained that she had testicles. They were insider her . . . like her ovaries. When she sprayed on them, it was going to be her seed. The mares awaited this eagerly. One wagged her tongue. Another offered her breasts to catch the bounty with.

"Oh, Exalted One," Vellax whispered in Tala's ear, "please do me the honor of coming in my paw!"

Tala looked at the sky with suffering eyes. She cried out and it happened. There was a wet slap as her fluids found the faces of the mares. She closed her eyes and sagged as the mares squealed with delight. They sighed and moaned, then Tala felt tongues on her cock and looked at them again. Vellax was holding her soft cock, offering it to their tongues for cleaning. The three mares were plastered in Tala's seed - so much so that it dangled off their horns in clumps.

They squealed girlishly as they fought to bathe Tala with their pink tongues. Vellax finally waved them off. The girls glared at him and pouted as he scooped Tala into his arms and walked away with her.

Tala slumped against the boy's shoulder, feeling very content. She couldn't remember the last time she'd orgasmed like that! She looked up sleepily and realized Vellax was carrying her to a lounge chair, beside which King Eyrrothaz was reclining in his own lounge chair, sipping from a glass one of the mares had brought him.

Vellax carefully deposited Tala in the empty chair, then retreated back to the white canopy at the other end of the barge.

Tala closed her eyes and relaxed as the cool breeze hit her. She smiled, thinking of all those tongues on her dick. The barge groaned as it turned, and she noticed a great willow tree with white flowers. She had seen it before. They were circling the lake. Again.

"When will I see Yatokya?" Tala whispered after a long silence had ensued.

"You realize he was dead when you brought him here?"

A sudden tear trailed from Tala's eye. "Yes," she said hoarsely.

"He is reviving," King Eyrrothaz told her. "Slowly. He will remain unconscious."

"What do you mean?"

"He won't be able to wake in this atmosphere. He will always sleep."

". . . this atmosphere?"

King Eyrrothaz smiled at her over his glass. His sapphire blues turned slowly away as he took a languid sip. "You still haven't realized," he said in amusement.

"Realized what?"

"Tala . . . we are in the sky."

Tala blinked at him.

"In the sky," he repeated carefully, as if he were explaining that two and two made four.

Tala looked away, trying to comprehend it. Now she understood why the moon and sun were so large . . . and the clouds were sometimes so close, they formed a wall on the horizon. Tala felt the fear tingling through her. But for the Gates of Vi'sune, there was no escaping this world! She glanced at the king, at the small wings tucked behind him, and had to wonder if the unicorns ever flew down to her world. They all had such small wings. They weren't at all like Inden's. His were huge.

"So . . ." Tala said slowly, "for Yatokya to fully recover . . . I have to leave."

"Or you could stay, and I could send your husband away."

"No, your majesty," Tala said wearily. "I can not stay here."

King Eyrrothaz frowned. "Why not? Can you not see the beauty? The riches before you! My kingdom is a paradise, where you can live free from hatred, from war, from bloodshed! Disease does not exist here. Or hunger. Or pain."

"No," Tala said firmly.

King Eyrrothaz shook his head. He set his glass on the small table between them, his tawny fur vibrant in the sunlight. "I do not understand this," he said. "Make me understand! Why can you not stay here? Why would you prefer your broken world to mine?"

"Do you remember," Tala said patiently, "what it was like when your parents ruled here, your grace?"

King Eyrrothaz scowled. "I will never let that happen here again! I love this kingdom too dearly to . . ." His voice trailed away as he realized.

Tala smiled at him. "Now you understand. I love my world too. I can not let it fall to ruin. My world needs to change for the better." She almost laughed when the king pouted. "Your majesty, for one so old, you are so young!"

King Eyrrothaz snorted. "Do not mock my feelings. I could have . . . I could have made you happy. I still want to."

"I am shemale, your majesty. Not a male."

"Pft. Don't you understand who you are to us? You have both genitalia. That makes you a being that surprises anything! I do not see a gender when I look at you. I see an ultimate being. I would kiss your feet if you would let me . . ." He crossed and uncrossed his legs restlessly, and Tala saw the gold shoes on his hooves gleam in the sunlight.

"They called your kind Two Spirits once," went on the king. "Two Spirits guard the Gates of Vi'sune. They are the only ones worthy to."

Thinking of the Greater, Tala closed her eyes. The one with the incredibly long name . . . she had been so haughty and arrogant. She'd also had as much disdain for Nizhoni as the unicorns.

"What have you done with Nizhoni?"

"Nizhoni? Oh . . . the vixen bitch." King Eyrrothaz laughed darkly.

Tala looked at him and got a bad feeling when she heard that laugh.

"Don't worry," he said, catching her eye. "She will not be harmed beyond the occasional groping."

"Occasional groping! It sounded like they were raping her yesterday!"

"Some of my servants fingered her. She objected. Loudly."


"She has been imprisoned in my dungeons - dungeons I have not had to use for thousands of years. You see . . . Lesser are not permitted to come here."


"Lesser foxes. Tricksters, the lot of them. They would steal the secrets of Vi'sune, perhaps use them for selfish means. Perhaps they would become more powerful, enslave more wolves, and all under the belief that the wolves are better off that way . . ."

Tala glowered.

"I know," King Eyrrothaz said with a laugh. "I want my world to have no part of yours. I do not want those things to happen here, for my subjects to remember what hatred is. Right now, they are pure again. Pure as children. They do not remember the time of my father, when hatred was the daily routine." He took a dark sip from his glass, the jewels of which twinkled in the sunlight.

"I suppose the prophecy is true after all," he said sadly after a pause. "You are destined to leave here. You are destined to bring peace to your lands."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

He looked at her curiously. "What if you simply married me? Marry me and consummate it. I could be your second husband. You could still leave here."

". . . consummate?" Tala repeated slowly.

King Eyrrothaz nodded. "Yes. My cock in your pussy."

Tala looked away, trying not to blush.

"You saw how I pleased one of my mares earlier. I will make yours feel just as good. They have taught me well, Tala."

"I can't . . ."

"Why not? It's just one night." He glowered, and Tala realized that he believed she was simply not attracted to him.

That wasn't the case at all. The king was a handsome young stallion indeed. The lusty eyes of his servants were on him any time they weren't on Tala. Tala's eyes were always on him as well. She felt guilty each time she caught herself lusting.

Tala bit her lip, trying to find the words. "It's because . . . Yatokya and I haven't . . ."

King Eyrrothaz smiled slowly as it dawned on him. "He still hasn't taken your virginity. And you're saving it for him! How quaint."

Tala scowled. "You wouldn't understand."

"Because I don't have a pussy."


King Eyrrothaz sighed. "I understand through empathy, Exalted One. I simply can't help but find it . . . quaint."

"Yes, well, don't tease us . . . we've been through hell."

King Eyrrothaz laughed when Tala snatched his glass from him and took a long drink.

"You will let me take you under your tail tonight?"

Tala held the glass near her lips and shivered just thinking about it. "Will you let me see Yato? And my mother? And my brother."


The sun was going down. Tala took a trembling sip from the glass and set it down. "Alright."