Chapter 28: Lie to Me

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#28 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

The Last Shemale Queen

_A sequel to The Seduction of Seleste _

Lie To Me

Chapter 28

"So let me get this straight," King Eyrrothaz called into the room.

Tala stood behind the screen in his bedchamber, her head bowed as the little mare servants pressed around her, lacing up the back of her dress. The king of the unicorns had gifted her many such garments when she voiced her complaints that she - crown princess of the summer - had been forced to go about naked. This one was new. It was a sleeveless white dress with a deep neckline that Tala resented. He was dressing her like a queen and not a princess. A princess was to dress demurely; her clothes were meant to tease . . . Tala felt as if the dress left nothing to the imagination. It was tight to her curves, and for this reason, her cock made a huge bulge in it. The mares bowed their long heads and stepped aside, and when Tala came to the king, his eyes went at once to her bulge. Her eyes hooded. He had given her a tight dress for this reason. Ugh.

King Eyrrothaz was seated on the veranda, in a white lounge chair with a glass on the little table beside it. The rim of the glass was hugged by a bright yellow lemon. Reclining in his open robe and skirt, the king pulled the lemon free and tore it in his teeth as Tala stood over him. He eyed her bulge, delighted. "Lovely," he said as she sat in the lounge chair beside him.

"You were getting something straight," Tala said, trying to get comfortable in the chair. A hopeful mare brought her a platter of appetizers. She politely waved her away.

"Indeed I was," agreed King Eyrrothaz. He chewed thoughtfully on the lemon. "You and this Yatokya . . . he used to ridicule you? You! The most ultimate being --"

"Yes," Tala said dully.

"While I," went on the king, placing a paw on his muscular chest, "honor and adore - nay worship- your lovely cock, and yet . . . you would rather be with this shemale-hating husband of yours." He snorted and knocked his hoof lightly on the chair. "I swear you females delight in abuse."

"He doesn't hate shemales," Tala said patiently. "And he doesn't hate my penis . . ."

"So he loves it? He sucks it? He worships it with lips and tongue?"

Tala held down a blush. "Yes! Could we possibly change the subject?"

"No. I am still trying to understand what you see in this . . . Yatokya. I can not comprehend why you would pick him over me."

"I'm sure you can not."

King Eyrrothaz laughed.

"Haven't you ever been in love, your majesty?" Tala asked, though she knew it was pointless. They'd had this conversation before. She had been living in the palace with the unicorns for weeks now. For weeks, they had worshipped and adored her. For weeks, their king had tried and failed to win her affections. And though Tala knew she would never love the king or stay in Vi'sune with him, she had to admit . . . she did feel some affection.

"Of course I have been in love," King Eyrrothaz returned and waved an idle paw, as if he grew weary of the conversation. "And with stallions who actually respected me. This Yatokya does not respect you."

"I didn't always respect him," Tala said with a weak laugh. After all, Yatokya had never gotten away with pulling her mane. She would slam him into a wall later or yank his tail . . . or trip him. Sometimes she would do it just for the fun of it. "And we were children. We've both changed. But we've always loved each other."

"Children," snorted the king. "You are still children, Exalted One."

Tala bit her tongue before she accused him of being a child as well. Sometimes, it was so easy to forget how incredibly old he was. The fact that he had waited so many thousands of years for her . . . it was astonishing. But there was no doubt in her mind that he had enjoyed all his years of bachelorhood. Screwing other teenage boys - and sometimes stallions who were older, from what she had gathered - was something he had enjoyed, even though a great deal of pain came with that pleasure. After all, it suddenly occurred to her that he had probably outlived every single lover he'd ever had.

"I would grow old with you," Tala said. "If I broke the curse."

"Yes." He sipped from his glass, not looking at her but out at the purple dusk.

The lake water lay still and smooth far below, reflecting the twilight like glass. White swans flapped their wings, skimming over the water's surface and cutting ripples in a V across its mirror. The emerging moon was enormous in the sky, breaking through the pink-swept clouds. The first few stars began to wink, and the breeze off the water was cool when it reached them.

"We could grow old here," the king said quietly, "in this beauty and stillness. I would care for you and love you. I would care for your mother as well. She would never want for anything."

"Except my father," Tala said pointedly, "who is out in the world looking for me probably! And my brother. You were going to have him service you one day!"

The king was unapologetic. "I was." He glanced at Tala, and seeing her glower, he elaborated, "It is considered an honor to serve the Eternal One. Unicorns fight to take up positions in the palace. Literally. Warriors must win tournaments before they are deemed worthy to join my guard. Young stallions who wish to live as my pleasure slaves are especially chosen by me, after they have won competitions where they must complete exercises with their tongues."

Tala stared at him, wide-eyed.

"They must learn to use their tongues skillfully. They are made to pick things up with them without knocking over anything else, untie knotted cord in their mouths, etcetera. And they must be docile and obedient. The same goes for the mares. One day when he was old enough, your brother would have pleasured me. And it would have been considered an honor. I have brought my unicorns thousands of years of peace, Exalted One. Their love for me is only exceeded by their love for you." He took another quiet sip from his glass and his lashes blinked slowly as he stared out at the sky.

"And Yatokya," Tala went on, looking away from him again. "I can not stay because . . ."

"Yes, I know." The king sighed. "If only you would fall out of love with him. I told you once I would send him away. He would awake, alive and whole, and you could stay with me. . . . but you refuse."

"Yes, I do."

King Eyrrothaz sighed again. "Tell me about your father."


"He sounds . . ." The king's eyes hooded.

Tala laughed. "I am only glad my father is far away - so you can not get your greedy paws on him!"

King Eyrrothaz laughed as well. "What will you do, Tala, when you go back?"

Tala smiled to hear him finally say her name. She had grudgingly given him permission to days before, but he had insisted on calling her Exalted One for the longest time.

"You have told me that your brother, being male, will be named as heir in your stead. That leaves you with a few options, doesn't it?"

Tala blinked. She really hadn't given it much thought. So many things had happened one after another. For the longest time, she hadn't been able to think of anything but Yatokya. King Eyrrothaz, taking pity on her, had finally allowed her to see him, and when she did, she had never been so relieved in her life. Yatokya lay breathing quietly, his face and body flushed once more with warmth and color. When she took his paw, he frowned in his sleep . . . then smiled. As the mares who'd been caring for him watched with warm smiles, she climbed into the bed at his side and held him the night through.

"What if you ruled your husband's tribe?" King Eyrrothaz said into the silence.

"No, I couldn't," Tala answered, thinking of Yanaba. Everything was set in motion as far as the sun tribe was concerned. Yanaba had been named crown princess and heir and might have to take a mate from the moon village if in the end she did not choose one for herself. The chieftess of the moon - now deceased - had a son in power, and that son had many children. An alliance was more than expected - if not with Yanaba, then with one of her sisters.

"Hmm," grunted the king. "What else could you do? Your main concern was with your mother and the frost wolves, but that is behind you now - or rather, it will always be with you."

"Yes," said Tala hoarsely, thinking of Zyanya and those who had died because of her. She looked at King Eyrrothaz, as if she wanted him to lie to her, "I could make it right."

King Eyrrothaz shook his head and his horn glinted in the golden light of dusk. "You can never make that right," he said, not inclined to lie. Not in that.

Tala scowled. "Can't you just play along? The truth is more painful."

"I'm sure those who died suffered worse."

Tala swallowed hard. "Yes . . ."

"So when you return," he said, crossing one hoof over the other. He drummed his fingers lightly on the armrest and looked at Tala. "You have no idea what you will do? Perhaps you and Yatokya will live in the summer village with your father. Though I imagine that would be very crowded. Painfully so."

"Two of my sisters have moved out, but with Mom and Achai moving in . . ." Tala sighed, just imagining her mother, stepmothers, and siblings listening with popping eyes as she and Yatokya fucked, screaming obscenities to the ceiling. Not to mention her father. "You're right. We can't even think to return home. Not permanently."

"My palace has many rooms. . . ."

Tala smiled at the playful offer. It had never occurred to her that she and Yatokya could return to Vi'sune. If not just to visit. She tilted her head, lost in thought, and her long, straight mane shifted around her. "I would love," she said after some time, "to travel from village to village. Yatokya would be more than happy to come with me. He's traveled before and would actually be of great use, knowing all the languages and cultures as he does. We would meet with the various councils; discuss ways to make our world a better place."

"I would advise against waltzing up to these various councils and telling them how to live."

Tala frowned. "Of course not. I would live by example," she said, bumping her fist lightly on the armrest. "I would be a negotiator between the tribes. We would learn to compromise, without the use of trading daughters and females . . . eventually."

"Well, good luck, Tala Peace Bringer."

"Thank you. Or . . . Tal vi'dal," she said in his language.

He smiled.

A pause. King Eyrrothaz sipped from his glass. Tala pushed her mane back behind her ear and looked at her furry toes, which were poking from under the sweep of the white gown.

"Yatokya is almost well enough for you to go."


"Before you go . . . will you . . . ?"

Tala noticed the bulge in his skirt and smiled.

He cleared his throat. "Will you lie to me?"

"What do you want to hear?"

"You know what I want to hear."

Smiling, Tala came to him. Leaning over his lap, she smoothed his skirt up his thighs, until his huge erection flopped free, thick and strong. He watched intently as she began to lick it.

"Lie to me," he whispered. "Tala . . . please."

"I love you," she lied, glancing up at him with smiling green eyes. Her pink tongue rolled out again, and she licked him, tasted him slowly.

King Eyrrothaz closed his eyes happily and reclined in the chair, grunting and sighing as Tala's head went up and down in his lap. When his cock started heaving, she straddled him, and her head feel back as his frantic paws hitched her skirts up, as his frantic kisses found her neck and breasts.

"I want to keep you forever," he whispered and it wasn't a lie.

Tala hugged his neck and frowned. "Shh, don't say that . . ."

Reaching under her skirts, he grabbed her backside in fistfuls and whispered in her ear, "Ready?"

Tala blushed and nodded.

King Eyrrothaz brought her hips up, and then slowly down on his cock. Tala choked as his dick slid in her anus. He was slick with her spit and managed to ooze in deliciously. She sighed and sagged against him as he began fucking her in the chair, lifting her up and down, jerking his hips in the slow rhythm he knew she loved. He looked at her with soft blue eyes, then kissed her warm on the mouth.

"Oh, Tala," he panted in her ear and kissed her cheek, her lips, "if only you would let me . . . in your pussy . . ."

"That is for . . . Yatokya . . .ah!"

"Oh . . . oh, Tala. . . Most Beau_teous . . . _Exalted One . . ."

"Stop that . . ."

"Oh, baby . . ."

"That's better . . ."

They rocked faster in the chair, and glancing down, Tala realized she had pitched a tent in her skirt. King Eyrrothaz reached under and fondled her as they moved together. Eventually, they both grimaced and cried out as they came. They sagged in the chair, chests heaving. Tala leaned forward and hugged the king's neck tight. A thrill of happiness went through her when he smoothed his paws up and down her back. He was so gentle and affectionate. And always had been. He really did see her as an ultimate being and not as a female or a female with a penis. It was refreshing. And a part of her wished she could stay. A bigger part of her wished she could help him.

"I can help you!" she said as a sudden idea occurred to her. She leaned back and grinned down at the king.

King Eyrrothaz snorted and clopped his hoof against the chair. He looked up into Tala's smiling face, unconvinced. "Help me?" he repeated, ignoring it when she lovingly smoothed the tendrils of mane from his eyes. "You don't have to lie to me anymore, Tala. Saying that you loved me was enough." He closed his eyes.

"No, don't look that way! And will you listen to me!"

King Eyrrothaz opened his eyes and listened.