Chapter 32: So Much

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#32 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

The Last Shemale Queen

_A sequel to The Seduction of Seleste _

So Much

Chapter 32

Yanaba wished this blue-eyed bitch would get out of her face. She'd said her name was Mariel or Miniel or something. The strange gray wolves had insisted that Keme and Keme only was allowed to go down the hall to see Tala - but Yanaba knew it was because they feared Keme. They feared Aayan as well, but it was a different sort of fear. With Keme, they were afraid he would crush their faces into their necks. With Aayan, they seemed to recoil from him - as if he carried the plague. Aayan's face was as expressionless as ever, and Yanaba had to wonder if he was at all offended behind his doll's mask.

"Why can't I go down there?" Yanaba demanded impatiently. She craned her neck to see past the female who blocked her way. Down the hall, she could hear the faint sound of Keme's yelling. Three figures had emerged in the hall, two very short.

The female clad in the blue gown smiled coldly. "You intrude upon our home," she said, "and then demand to go where you please."

Yanaba glanced at her and her eyes snapped dangerously when she saw the haughty look on the female's face. She drew her blade with a cold ching and everyone stiffened as she placed the tip under the female's chin.

"Your highness, for god's sake," Sa scolded beside her.

Yanaba ignored him and looked down her nose at the little female, who she was happy to see gulp nervously. The female was trying her best to remain cold and impassive, but Yanaba could see the fear flickering in her incredible sapphire eyes. "Look, bitch," she snarled, "I have come from half across the damn world to find Tala and my brother! I have slept in mud and fallen off cliffs! I have been to tropical islands where giant foxes cursed me out! So do not fuck with me --"


Yanaba's ears pricked forward. She peered past the female and her eyes widened when she recognized one of the wolves coming down the hall. She sheathed her sword with a trembling paw and squealed, "Yato!"

Yatokya grinned as he drew close. "Yanaba!"

Yanaba practically knocked the female aside as she leapt in her brother's open arms. She locked her legs around him and they spun together, laughing. Their manes tossed and their tails streamed as Yatokya ended the pirouette. Yanaba was giggling breathlessly and did not care how childish she looked: her brother was alive!

Yanaba found her feet again and pulled back to look into her brother's eyes. Her lashes squinted up and she giggled when he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I see our guests know you after all," said the little female with a grudging nod. "You are then free to rest here and will be treated as our guests as well . . ." She bowed and withdrew, taking her companions with her, as behind Yatokya, two skinny boys walked up.

As if that was all the permission he needed, Aayan went down the corridor and entered one of the rooms. Yanaba noticed he did not enter one of the four bedrooms but a room off the side, which looked like a study.

"You're alive," Yanaba said breathlessly, happily. She pressed her forehead to Yatokya's. "I thought you were d-dead!"

Yatokya frowned sadly. "I . . . was. Kinda."

"I felt it," Yanaba whispered, "when you were hurt."

Yatokya looked at her sadly and shook his head, as if to remind her that others were listening. Sa, Pati, and Maka were standing right behind Yanaba, and behind Yatokya, the two young pups were peering at the others curiously.

"Who is that, Yato?" said the little brown one suddenly, loudly.

Yatokya glanced back over his shoulder at the boy. "Achai, meet my twin sister Yanaba. Yanaba, meet Achai, Tala's brother."

Yanaba's brows went up. "Tala's brother!"

"Yato never mentioned you once," Achai said matter-o-factly.

Yanaba cocked an eyebrow at her brother. "Doesn't hesitate, does he?"

"Nope," Yatokya said happily. He clapped a heavy paw on Achai's head that was laughingly smacked off. "And this is his boyfriend Zyanya," he added, jerking his head.

Achai and Zyanya both blushed beet red.

"Yato!" Achai protested.

Yanaba laughed. "You are merciless, Yato. Don't tease them." She nodded her head down the hall. "How is Tala?" she asked and frowned. "You look happy, so she must be well."

"She's fine. Seleste is here."

Yanaba's eyes grew round.

"I have a lot to tell you, my sister," Yatokya said wearily.

Yanaba frowned. He looked very unhappy when he said that. Something terrible must've happened.

"You're like a pretty version of Yato," Achai said suddenly. Yanaba saw him studying her with large, curious green eyes. She smiled to think he looked exactly like Tala . . . a cute male version of Tala.

"Can I hold your sword?" Achai blurted. "Can you fight better than Yato? Will you teach me to fight with a sword? It looked like you were going to cut off Miniel's head! You weren't, were you?" He frowned with worry.

Yanaba smiled: he was adorable. She leaned down in his face until they were almost nose to nose, then she smiled and said playfully, "Ask me another question, and I'll cut off yours!"

Achai's face scrunched up when she tweaked his nose.

Zyanya laughed. When Yanaba straightened up again, the dark gray boy was watching her with bright, admiring eyes. Smiling back at him, she knew Zyanya's admiration had nothing to do with her big breasts: he was impressed by her skill with a sword. She had drawn the weapon on Miniel lightning fast, with reflexes her mother had always been extremely proud of. She frowned slightly: hadn't he ever seen a female handle a blade before?

"So Seleste is here," Yanaba said happily. "Good. So that means Chief Keme is . . ." Her eyes went to the end of the corridor and widened a little as she realized.

Yatokya smiled. "Getting reacquainted with his wife."

Yanaba nodded and laughed. "We won't be seeing Seleste anytime soon then. Maybe we should follow Aayan's example and get settled in here. It's getting pretty late. You won't believe how far we came to find you! I can't remember the last time I had a decent meal either . . . Yato?"

Yatokya was hardly listening. He was looking at Sa, Pati, and Maka - but mostly at Sa. Yanaba glanced at Sa and smiled: he was looking steadily at Yatokya with his smirking smile. But there was warmth in Sa's eyes as well. Warmth and affection. Yanaba tried not to grin: it was so painfully obvious that Sa loved her brother. So much.

"I am glad to see his highness well," Sa said quietly.

Yatokya nodded and his eyes passed over Pati and Maka, who peered hard into the distance and stood solemn and straight as soldiers upon seeing Yatokya - which was considered a respectful stance before ones prince. "I am glad to see all of you well. And that you stood beside my sister. You have gone beyond the call of duty. I will speak to my father of this. You will be rewarded."

Yanaba saw the hint of a smile on Maka's face. Pati's too. Knowing her father, once Yatokya sang their praises, they would be made a great deal wealthier for their troubles. Perhaps bigger houses, jewelry, or Honiahaka might even mate them with upper class females from rich noble families. She knew from Sa that Maka had never taken a mate simply because he enjoyed his bachelorhood, but the idea that he might be given rich wives was no doubt very appealing to him.

"You are too kind, your grace," Sa said, his eyes on the stone floor.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Achai blurted in the silence that followed.

Yatokya rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, shorty," Yanaba said, grabbing Achai's shoulder, "time for bed!" She steered him down the hall and the others followed.

Achai wiggled to get free. "You're not the boss of me! Lemme go!"

They had come to the end of the corridor when Tala came out the broken door. Yanaba's heart leapt in her throat and she halted, watching with fluttering lashes as Tala - lifting the broken door in one paw - crammed it back in the doorway with a crunch. She turned, and their eyes met, and Yanaba smiled: Tala was as beautiful as the last day she'd seen her. And for some reason . . . she was naked and wrapped in a sheet. When their eyes met, she stiffened all over. And they simply stood there, staring at each other.

"Someone _say_something," Achai complained. He snapped his fingers in Tala's face. "Tala! Helloooooo. What's the matter! It's just Yato's annoying sister -- Hey!"

Yatokya stepped in and easily flipped Achai over his shoulder. Achai was happy about this playful snatch but was determined to look angry. He flailed and bucked as Yatokya held him tight, smiling in amusement at his awkward sister and wife.

Yanaba swallowed hard. All the time she'd dreamt of finally finding Tala, now she was face to face with her and couldn't breathe.

"I'm going to take the brat to bed," Yatokya said, clapping a playful paw on Achai's butt.


"You two . . . catch up," the prince of the sun added. He gave Tala's cheek an affectionate caress before moving into one of the bedrooms with Achai over his shoulder. Zyanya, Sa, Pati, and Maka followed.

Yanaba cleared her throat and rubbed her arm, suddenly painfully aware that both of them were naked. Tala was trying very hard not to look at her big breasts, she could tell. But she wasn't trying hard enough. Her eyes went to them several times and fluttered. Finally, she dragged them away and pretended to study something down the hall.

Yanaba pushed her mass of curls behind her ear and looked down, suddenly feeling stupid and shy. "Hi . . ." she managed and silently admonished herself. She was acting like a bumbling pup.

For some reason, Tala blushed furiously. She twisted her fingers and said to the floor, "Hi."

Yatokya entered the dark recesses of the room with Achai still draped over his shoulder. It was a room almost identical to the one he'd been in with Tala. A basin on a table was filled with magical blue flame, which did not do much to light the room but kept it warm and pushed back the chill. He deposited Achai on the large bed and was glad to see the boy obediently crawl under the sheets - even if he did so sulkily and grumbled under his breath.

Zyanya climbed in with Achai, and Yatokya's heart warmed to see the bigger boy drape his arm around the smaller one. He was even more warmed when Zyanya gave Achai a sleepy kiss on the cheek. How cute. He had never suspected that little Achai . . .

Yatokya sat on the edge of the bed and pushed his mane back, suddenly feeling very tired. He noticed the three warriors were rolling out their bedrolls on the floor, that they looked exhausted, and had to wonder what they had gone through to find the Labyrinth of Lepuna. They had already deposited their weapons and traveling packs on the small corner table and in the chairs that surrounded it. Yatokya watched as Maka climbed in. Pati and Sa were also settling in when Yatokya lifted his paw and gestured for one to come.

Sa and Pati glanced at each other, then Sa slowly started to rise.

"No," Yatokya said, looking at Pati. "I wish to speak with Pati. Pati, if you would accompany me down the hall . . ." Yatokya rose from the bed.

Sa swallowed hard and settled back into his bedroll. Yatokya glanced at him curiously. What was that about?

"Your highness . . ." Pati said, coming forward and bowing to Yatokya. He started to take up his spear, but Yatokya laughed and said, "That won't be necessary, Pati. You have noticed the Lepuna are not hostile?"

"Perhaps they have become hostile, your highness," Pati said quietly, evenly, "after her highness Princess Yanaba has openly threatened one."

Yatokya shook his head and laughed, waving for Pati to put back his spear. "They will not have become hostile, I assure you," he said, remembering what Tala had told him.

Pati obediently put his spear back against the wall. They went down the hall together, and Yatokya stopped when they came to an octagonal stone bench with a great pot of flowers in its center. The bench was situated in an intersection of four branching corridors, the walls of which were partially glass. Schools of fish drifted by in the blue, and in the distance, a few sharks.

Yatokya sat on the bench. He had not led Pati far from their room, remembering Tala's warning about getting lost in the Labyrinth. According to the leader there - a female named Miniel -- some of the corridors led directly into the darkness of the ruined underground kingdom of the Lepuna. Since Tala had shared this information with him, Yatokya had been highly tempted to request a tour of the lost kingdom from Miniel. What a fine opportunity! If only the Lepuna had not sworn them to secrecy. He could really use all this for his memoirs . . .

Yatokya was jolted from his thoughts when he suddenly realized Pati was kneeling before him. He waved a paw, flustered and horrified. "What are you doing? Get up."

Pati obediently stood, his paw on his heart.

Yatokya sighed. "Pati . . . you can stop all the pomp and ceremony. Just sit down here with me."

Blinking and confused, Pati did as he was told. They sat in silence for a long time. Yatokya knew Pati was wondering what the hell was going on. He was wondering himself.

"You have true affection for my sister," Yatokya said eventually.

"Yes, your highness," Pati answered at once. Yatokya could feel his curious eyes on the side of his face.

"It scares the hell out of me, Pati," Yatokya said weakly.

Pati smiled. "But why, your highness? I mean her no harm. I live to serve and protect you, your grace. You and your sister. I would slit my own throat before --"

"I know, Pati, please don't grovel," Yatokya said miserably, and Pati fell silent. "I just wanted to say . . . I'm sorry for the way I treated you before. I acted in fear. I'm so frightened of anyone hurting her . . . anyone. I would kill them."

"I understand your highness," Pati said, and Yatokya silently marveled at the calm, even friendly tone in his voice. In all the years Pati had served the throne, he had done so without bitterness or regret for his lot in life. After all, Pati had not chosen to be a part of the royal guard. When his parents died, he and Maka were given to Sa to train. And Pati never complained. He lived his life in gratitude, allowing Yatokya to take his fears out on him through aggression because it was his job to allow it.

"I would kill anyone who harmed her as well, your highness," Pati went on, in a soothing, comforting tone. "So I understand. Truly."

Yatokya flashed him a half-smile. "Yes. I suppose you do." He looked away again. "I trust you to look after her from now on, Pati. Since I can no longer."

Pati frowned. "As I am to understand it, your grace, Tala has a brother. That means she is free to return to the sun village with us . . ."

"No," Yatokya said and shook his head. "I won't allow her to set foot there. There are many reasons she can not."

Pati lifted his brows, surprised. He had no clue, after all, that Tala was shemale. It had been a well kept secret for years. And thankfully, when she entered the hall earlier she was wrapped up in a sheet. It terrified Yatokya to think that anyone should find out. The sun wolves would kill her, and he would not be able to stop it . . . It was a terror he was still dealing with: Tala now insisted on never hiding her penis.

"We have plans now to travel. I am considering asking your brother to join us. To protect us. Would that displease you?"

". . . yes, your highness," Pati said sheepishly after a pause. He did not wish to offend Yatokya, and Yatokya knew it was not from fear of beating. Pati was simply dutiful to the throne to a fault. He was afraid of offending the royal family, who he loved and served with complete devotion: he would always be eternally grateful that Honiahaka took care of him and his brother when their parents died.

Yatokya nodded. "Then I shall ask someone else."

"Your highness . . .?"


"May I make a request?"

"Does it involve Yanaba? I will not make decisions for her. It has come to my attention that she does not need me in that regard . . ."

"No, your highness. Something else entirely."

"Then speak."

"Why don't you . . . ask Sa, your grace? He would protect you and her highness of the summer."

Yatokya blinked. It had not occurred to him to ask Sa. "I would have to confer with Tala before I even considered . . ."

"I understand, your highness," Pati returned with a knowing smile.

Yatokya avoided his eye. Pati knew about him and Sa and was trying to put them together! But why? It wasn't as if he and Sa were in love. Any skilled warrior would do. And what was more, he wasn't sure he wanted a casual lover of his around Tala. He was certain Tala would not care - not after she had fucked a unicorn while he was dead - but he was certain he would care. He would care a great deal. The whole thing would be terribly awkward.

"Is there some reason for this request?" Yatokya asked at length. "After all, I know you look to Sa like an older brother or a father. Tala and I plan to travel far and wide. You and Maka would not see Sa for some years."

"It is worth it," Pati answered quietly, "if it means he is happy. And he is happy serving you."

Yatokya studied Pati, trying to decide what he meant by those words.

"You are confused, my prince," Pati said, amused. "But it is something I believe you should consider. Is my prince satisfied with the discussion? I would like to get some rest."

Yatokya smiled. "Your prince is satisfied." As Pati bowed to him and rose from the bench, he winced as he reflected on his words: his prince was . . . satisfied. That sounded so wrong . . . He watched Pati go, thinking guiltily of that day when he had beaten him. Pati had saved his sister's life, and he had repaid him with a blow and a blow.

Yatokya bowed his head and rested his elbows on his knees. It suddenly seemed to him as if his recent adventures had helped him grow. Truly grow. All those journeys he had taken with his father had done nothing for him compared to this one. Thinking of the frost wolves, he knew this journey had acquainted him with real sadness, blood, and pain. This journey had taught him the value of everything he had. This journey had taught him that Yanaba . . . didn't need him. She was strong. It was time for him to realize it and step back. And during those times when she missed her twin . . . at least Pati would be there to comfort her.

"My prince?"

Yatokya smelled Sa before he even lifted his head. The short archer was coming toward him, a look of concern on his face. Yatokya smiled: handsome Sa, with his blue and hazel eyes, with his lithe archer's body. His feathered talismans were white and yellow, like his arrows, and his mane was back in its long braid. Yatokya had the sudden desire to pull it loose and watch it tumble.

Sa stopped near Yatokya and regarded him, still concerned. "You have remained here alone for some time, your highness. It is safer in the room, with us." His eyes glanced suspiciously over the corridors, as if he thought the Lepuna wolves were some place listening. "I must ask you to return with me."

Yatokya sighed.

"Is everything alright, highness?"

Yatokya didn't look up. "Sit here with me, Sa. Please."

Sa seemed a little taken aback by the request, but he sat on the bench beside Yatokya. Yatokya noted that he sat a fair bit apart from him, as if he feared intruding upon his personal space.

"You are aware that Tala has a brother. And you know what this means."

"That you will return to the sun lands with us, your grace."

"No, Sa."

Sa lifted his brows.

"Tala and I wish to travel. We will need an escort in our travels. My first choice was Maka, along with a few other males I may choose from my father's escort . . . or perhaps from among those in the summer tribe. They shall have to be very skilled warriors, devoted males who can be trusted with our lives . . ."

Sa waited, watching Yatokya steadily.

"Pati does not wish for his brother to take part in our escort."

Sa nodded. "He would miss Maka terribly, your grace."

"He requested that I take you, Sa, who he would miss just as terribly." With his elbow on his knee, Yatokya touched his fingers to his lips and looked at Sa curiously. "Why would he request that?"

Sa looked away and sighed, and Yatokya thought he suddenly looked very miserable, if not irritated. "Pati and Yana--her highness," he recovered quickly, "have got it in their heads that I love you."

Yatokya's brows shot up. "You're on a first name basis with my sister . . . and you love me." No doubt Yanaba had made a friend of Sa in his absence. It would have been very like her. Oh god . . . had they been talking about him?

Yatokya looked away and swallowed hard. He knew Sa was not going to confirm or deny anything. He also knew he was afraid to ask for a confirmation or a denial. He wasn't in love with Sa. They had known a few blissful nights together, and in a way, he had used him to stop thinking about Tala and the fact that she might be dead, the fact that - at the time - he believed she did not love him. It was the same way Yanaba was using Pati to get an heir. Both warriors enjoyed being used and saw it as a privilege, sleeping with the royal twins. And now it was becoming apparent why both warriors enjoyed being used: they were both in love. The fact made Yatokya almost wince with guilt. He could not return Sa's love - he simply did not feel the same - and the fact that he couldn't hurt very much.

"My prince," Sa said quietly after a while.

Yatokya was surprised when Sa took his paw. He looked into his eyes and they were warm with amusement and affection.

"Let us put all our cards on the table," Sa said. "I am devoted to you and enjoy protecting and serving you . . ." His eyes glanced down at Yatokya's thighs and flitted back to his face. "If you command it of me, I will protect you and Princess Tala until my dying breath. Wherever you go, I shall go. Love is not required."

Yatokya squeezed his paw. "I understand."

"Good. Now you must come back to the room, your highness. I fear for your safety."

Sa started to rise but Yatokya held on to his paw. He pulled him back down on the bench and peered into his eyes.

"Your highness . . .?"

"You can't lie to me, Sa."

Sa looked away. "I do not love you, your highness. I did not want to have to say it . . ." He looked Yatokya in the eye and his eyes were flat and hard. "But you have forced me to."

Yatokya made a face. "You're a terrible actor."

Sa laughed miserably and looked at his lap. He slid his paw from Yatokya's and rubbed his thighs, and Yatokya knew he was wishing he had gotten away before it came to this.

"Why can't you admit this to me?" Yatokya asked quietly. "Don't I have some right to know?"

Sa looked at him, his eyes hard again. "No, your highness, you have no right to know how I feel. Your power does not extend to my heart."

Yatokya snorted. "The hell it doesn't," he said, surprising Sa. "If you are going to be protecting me and my wife, I have a right to know exactly how you feel. And if you are going to continue having sex with me, that only augments my right."

"Your . . . your highness . . ." Sa stammered, taken aback. His lashes blinked and he refused to look at Yatokya. "I thought . . . once we found Princess Tala . . ."

Yatokya snorted. "Don't be a fool. Tala is probably fucking my sister as we speak. I know them. I know them well. They will sit down and talk about their little adventures, then Yanaba will flutter her lashes at Tala, Tala will drool, and they will have sex. Yanaba will finally satisfy her curiosity about Tala, and Tala will finally sleep with the female she loves. Perhaps they will do it again and again over the years. And they will say nothing to me because they both know I could care less: I have never had any problems sharing my toys with Yan."

Sa tried not to smile. Yatokya could tell he was trying to remain cold and hard, as if he wanted to push the prince of the sun away, hide his feelings, confirm that he was not in love with him.

"You would continue to . . . make love to me? Your grace . . ." he added as an after thought.

Yatokya snorted. "Have you ever said my name once, Sa? Just once? I'm sure Pati has called my sister by name."

"Pati is in love with your sister."

"And you are in love with me."

"No . . . your highness . . . we should to bed." Sa frowned and peered off. "I do not wish to discuss this."

"I don't care what you wish. I wish to know the truth."

Sa sprang up, and Yatokya was shocked to see his paws slightly shaking. "I will not discuss this! It is the one thing you can not make me do!" With that, Sa took off down the hall. He was so angry, it was the wrong hall.

Yatokya followed. Hearing him behind, Sa turned quickly up another corridor. Yatokya smiled: it was not a corridor but an alcove. The alcove was so dark, Sa had mistaken it for a corridor. He nearly bumped into the small table there and upset the flower display. One of the chairs tipped and he caught it with fumbling paws before it fell. Facing this dead-end in frustration, he turned to face Yatokya.

"Why are you so afraid of love?" Yatokya asked.

"I do not have to answer that."

"I command that you answer that."

"No. His highness is acting like a spoilt child, abusing his power to peel open the hearts of others - I will not play this game!" Sa's chest heaved.

"Sa . . . you're trembling," Yatokya whispered, drawing near. He shut the curtain of the alcove behind him and they were plunged in darkness, with only the blue light of a few small candles glowing softly on a nearby bookcase.

"Your highness . . ." Sa cleared his throat. "We should --"

Yatokya touched his face in the dark. "Why are you trembling?"

"Your highness . . ."

"Tell me. And call me by name. Just once."

"No. Just because we have been intimate does not mean we are intimate."

"That is a cold philosophy you live by, Sa. Why is that?"

"You are a child. You would not understand, your highness. Now let me by." He shrugged Yatokya's caressing paw from his face and tried to get by. Yatokya did not let him. "Your highness!"

"Make me understand," Yatokya whispered. "Try."

Sa sighed helplessly, and Yatokya knew he had finally relented. "If I told you I loved you," Sa said at length, "you would agonize over the fact that you do not love me back. You would blame yourself and torture yourself for having slept with me and continuing to do so. But I know that I am responsible for my actions. I seduced you, your grace. And I do not wish for you to suffer needlessly." He fell silent, his lashes lowered.

"Sa. . . ." Yatokya frowned sadly. "I don't know what to say."

"Then let us to bed, your grace."

"Call me by name."

"And how would that look before the others? Who I am to uphold an example and standard before?"

Yatokya laughed, drawing near. "We're alone, Omisa." He leaned down and kissed Sa carefully on the lips. He could fell the smaller male retreating and followed, pulling him close. It didn't take long for them to both get hard.

"Mmm . . ."

"Your gr-grace . . ." Sa protested breathlessly as Yatokya started careful kisses down his neck. "We should not . . ."

"Mmm, why should we not?" Yatokya turned him around and bent him over the table. The flower display and two books went flying as Sa fumbled to get his balance. Holding Sa down by the neck, Yatokya slurped his paw and slicked it over his dick. He peeled open Sa's hard ass cheek, and then his cock squelched inside. Sa sighed as Yatokya's cock made its slow and wet intrusion.

"Oh . . . oh my prince. . ."

Yatokya began fucking him careful and slow. He sank his cock deeper, and hearing Sa cry out, he clapped him on the ass and whispered with serious satisfaction, "Try again."

"Ah! Oh . . . oh god . . ." Sa fumbled to keep his balance as Yatokya sped up. He braced his paws on the table and another book went tumbling to the floor. "My prince . . . ah!"

Yatokya knocked his thighs apart, delighting in the sight of his muscular ass straining. He reached down and fondled his hard cock. "Try again, Sa. It's alright. We're alone."

Sa hesitated sheepishly when Yatokya leaned down close and took him in his arms. Yatokya humped him deeper and harder against the table, kissing his cheek and hugging him tight. Trapped in the wall of his hard embrace, Sa grimaced as he felt the fluids seeping from his dick and whispered, "I love you so much . . . Yatokya."