Day Four - Prescription Pick-up

Story by DemonicBrit on SoFurry

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#4 of A Monster Hunter's Diary

Here's the fourth part of my MH3U series, I'm just now trying to get thumbnails to work :P

I've started to doubt the fact that being a hunter is as mellow as some have led me to believe, well, not like that fact wasn't already in doubt when counting my previous endeavours, at least today was simpler than the past few days have been. Today the mother of two sick children came to me, begging for me to gather the horns of some Kelbi to use as medicine for her bed-ridden children, so as usual, I took it up with the Guild Sweetheart and was on my way.

The Deserted Island was in quite a calm state, the most amount of noise that could be heard were the tough waves of the ocean thrashing against the coast-line; luckily this task was entirely set on land. It was a quite boring trying to search around for Kelbi that had horns good enough to be used for the mother's medicine, but after a long time searching, I stumbled across the perfect Kelbi, and there he stood, his muscles were a perfect size, his fur dance along his body in tune with the wind, and his majestic horns, almost as if they were shaped by the gods themselves, and it was my duty to carve them clean from his skull.

I took my time with observing the creature, making sure I had every inch of his body checked out of inequalities and weaknesses, but I felt bad thinking about killing the creature, so I got creative. I waited for the Kelbi to graze on a patch of grass with suitable cover nearby, and as he dipped his head down to take a nibble at the nutritious grass, I pounced from behind the cover and withdrew my shield, slamming it onto the side of his face, instantly knocking the Kelbi unconscious and sending him collapsing onto his side on the grass below me, to make it easier on him I took a home-made anaesthetic and applied it around the horns, shortly before drawing my carving knife and slicing through the horns, harvesting them with the utmost caution. As I stood to walk away and deliver the horns to the Base Camp delivery box, I turned back and noticed something more beautiful than the horns that I had just harvested. The Kelbi's clean, smooth, and puckered asshole.

It had been a while since I had experienced the pleasure of invading such a tender looking hole, so I decided to take advantage of current states. While the Kelbi laid there unconscious, I went and gathered some thick logs to use as a frame, and retrieved some of my climbing rope from my pack, combining the two together with the knocked out Kelbi, I had not only created a doggy-style built bondage frame, but I had my fuck toy all bound up in said frame. He looked so tasty in such an exposed position, and upon awakening, the Kelbi strangely enough seemed to be aware of the situation he was in, and gained quite the erection! This sight alone was enough to tempt me into pounding the brains out of the Kelbi then and there, but I wanted to be kind to the creature for supplying me with its horns, so that's what I did.

After the Kelbi had settled down to what level he could, despite being tied up, I strolled over and knelt behind him, making his asshole level to my mouth, and even from where I knelt, I could smell his musk, and it drove me crazy! I felt my tongue almost literally leap out of my mouth and plant itself on the Kelbi's exposed asshole, swiftly lapping up the musk and flavour, which really made the Kelbi shake for more. And more I gave it! I switched around so instead of a tender star-fish in my face, his large, throbbing member was hanging in front of me, the sight of such was too much to resist, so I started licking the tip, side by side, slowly from base to tip, just to keep the Kelbi on his toes. Once his shaft was well and truly teased, I got to sucking the magnificent cock, I encased the tip within my lips and started to bob my head, taking roughly half of it in every head bob to start with, but as the scent and sensations overwhelmed me, I started taking it deeper and deeper into my mouth, until it was penetrating my throat and my tongue was stuck out and massaging his knot, heightening the sensations for the tied up Kelbi.

After enough sucking, I decided to do what I initially planned to do upon capturing the Kelbi, I stood behind the Kelbi, my throbbing member lubed up by my spit and hanging ever so close to the asshole of the Kelbi, it took all I had in me not to ravage the creature's hole then and there, but remembering what that feels like myself, I took it upon myself to take it slow. I took the creature by his side with one hand, and used the other to aim my cock, and I slowly pushed my cock inside his ass, he was reluctant at first but after the head of my cock popped inside him, he was soon very willing and very active within his bonds. Inch after inch I pushed my way inside his ass, relishing in the feeling as his tight hole stretched around my member as it made its way inside him, eventually I began to thrust in and out of him, working my way up to pounding him, which made both of us grunt and groan and moan and whimper in pleasure. I took my time with fucking him, but I got so worked up that I couldn't contain myself any longer, because of this I let loose and began to ram deep and hard inside him, gripping his cock from underneath and hastily jerk his member as I pounded him, which was took us closer and closer to orgasm!

Eventually, we both started to reach climax. I was the first to cum, I took one final thrust into his ass, planting myself as far inside as I could before unloading my semen inside him, filling u his asshole with my thick and hot cum, to which he responded by reaching his orgasm, he cock leaped up and down in the grip of my hand as shot after shot was sprayed onto the floor below us, and his orgasm made him clench his hole around my shaft, making his hole metaphorically milk my cock of all the semen within it, which felt amazing!

After both of our ball-sacks were thoroughly empty, I pulled out of his dripping hole and leaned down to free him, and to my surprise, he didn't run away or try to fight me for fucking him, instead he walked over and licked my cock clean, lapping up every ounce of cum and ass-juice off of my cock and swallowing it all. I rewarded him with some freshly picked berries and a pat on the head, to which he kindly ate and accepted before sprinting away back to his group. I made my way back to Base Camp with a happy mood in my soul and was soon on my way home with the horns in hand.

It's days like this which make my job worthwhile, and I couldn't ask for a better job...