The Meeting

Story by tlkfan on SoFurry

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Part 2 of Human Encounter


Kayla had got her wish from Simba and Kovu. Now, Nala and Kiara wanted to join in on their fun. Kayla really loved her life and glad she had came to the Pride Lands. Today, she was going to have fun with not only the king and prince of Pride Rock, but also with the queen and princess. Kayla was so excited! She woke up and quietly stepped over the lionesses, careful not to wake them up. Kayla went outside and went to the water hole because she was thirsty. She cupped her hands and dipped them in the water, and got herself something to drink. Back at the cave, Nala woke up and saw Kayla wasn't there. She went outside, just in time to see Kayla coming back from the water hole.

"Good morning, Kayla.", Nala said. "Mornin! I was just coming back from the water hole.", Kayla replied. Nala nodded and just then Kiara came out. Kiara wished Kayla and Nala good morning and Nala asked if Simba and Kovu were still sleeping. "Yeah, they must be tired from yesterday.", Kiara replied. She raised her eyebrows and gave Kayla a look. Nala started grinning, knowing what Kiara meant. Kayla looked over. "What? I know what you mean by that.", Kayla said. Nala and Kiara started laughing and Kayla joined in. Then, Simba and Kovu came out of the cave. "Hello ladies.", Kovu said. "Whats with all the noise?", Simba asked. Kiara told Simba and Kovu what she had said." Later on, I'll give them a treat.", Simba thought. The rest of the lionesses woke up and decided to go on the hunt, while Nala and Kiara stayed behind. All five of them talked about what happened last night with Kayla, Simba, and Kovu. By the time they were done, the lionesses came back with wildebeest and the pride ate. After the meal, everyone settles down.

The day was going by fast. Kayla was still waiting for the meeting she was going to have. Then, Simba called Kiara, Kovu, Nala, and Kayla outside. Simba told them that he had planned a trip to the jungle and that he told Timon and Pumbaa to leave one of the lionesses in charge. Everyone was excited and they started on the trip. A couple hours later, they had arrived at the jungle Simba grew up in. "It's beautiful!", Kayla exclaimed. Kovu was taking in the scene for he had never been there before Kiara had been there a couple of times with her father.

Simba told Nala, Kayla, and Kiara to lay down. They laid down in front of Simba and Kovu. Simba then whispered to Kovu and he nodded. The girls just shrugged. Kovu went over to Kiara and started to lick her, starting at her chest and working his way down. Simba did the same thing to Nala, and then to Kayla. After that, Kovu started licking Kiara's muff.

Simba had his own ideas. He started to claw Nala gently while working his way down. He rested his other paw on Kayla's chest. Kayla lifted his paw and examined it. Simba's paw was as big and her head. She laid it back down. Then, Simba laid down, and Nala and Kiara could see that he wasn't fully hard. Simba pointed at his dick and Nala and Kayla went to him. Kayla started massaging it and Simba started to moan. After a few minutes of this, Nala started to suck on it. Simba's member grew inside Nala's mouth and she continued to suck. 5 minutes later, Simba cummed in Nala's mouth. Nala kissed him, giving him a taste. She swallowed the rest and so did Simba. He was now rock hard and Kayla and Nala were wet. They looked over at Kovu and Kiara who had moved, at were going at it real hard. This turned Simba on even more. He looked over at Kayla and she smiled. Simba licked her cheek and laid her down. He then pushed his way inside her and started pumping. Nala went under and licked Simba's balls and continued to do so. Kayla never had felt better and urged Simba to continue after a few minutes, Kayla cummed but Simba didn't stop. After a few minutes, Simba cummed as well. "ROARRR!" , Simba roared and slowly pulled out. Him and Kayla were very sweaty at this point. Kayla needed a break and she rested in the grass, while Simba and Nala went at it. Every now and then, Kayla would look at Kovu and Kiara, who seemed to be really enjoying themselves. After Simba and Nala were done, Kovu and Kiara came over and collapsed on the ground.

"You two must have really enjoyed yourselves.", Nala said. "We sure did, Mom.", Kiara said. She continued, "It looked like you three were having fun as well." Simba said, "Mhm." Everyone rested for a little while and then everyone felt ready to go again. This time, Kovu wanted Nala and Kayla. "Hey, Nala and Kayla!", Kovu called. Both of them looked up and saw that Kovu got up and he motioned for them to follow him. Once they came over Kovu said, "I want you two." He whispered for Kayla to lay down, and then he started to lick her private area. After a few minutes, she got up and Kovu did the same thing to Nala. Then, he started to pump into Nala. "Faster Kovu!", Nala screamed. Kovu did what he was told. After 8 minutes, Nala felt ready to cum and so did Kovu. Nala cummed right into the grass. Kovu, who was on her back cummed as well. After he was done, Nala's ass was very tender. Kovu turned to Kayla and started to pump her in the ass. After another 8 minutes Kayla and Kovu cummed at the same time. Then, Kovu slowly pulled out. All three of them collapsed on the grass. They looked over at Simba and Kiara who were both very sweaty and looked over as well. Everyone started to smile, and they enjoyed how the day has gone.

By the time the group was done, it was dark. So, they decided they would stay there overnight. Kayla was stuffed in between the males, and Nala was on the other side of Simba with Kiara on the other side of Kovu. "This is the best night ever!, Kovu exclaimed. "We all agree on that one.", Kayla said. "I'm so glad me and Kiara were able to join in on the fun.", Nala said. "Yeah!", Kiara agreed. "Will we all be looking forward to next time?", Simba asked. "Yes!", everyone agreed. Simba nodded and the group continued to talk for a little while. Then, everyone huddled together while keeping each other warm and fell into a deep sleep.