
Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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#3 of The story of Dusk

Here we are with a part three to the series, hoping to have part four up and on in good time, all being well.

Here I have tried to expand more on their characters, but hopefully pulled off a good bit of smut and humor too?

As usual, appreciate your comments, rate, votes and any other show of appreciation. :D

An unassuming mansion lay on the outskirts of a small town, nothing of its well-kept herbal gardens and haughty appearance to suggest that anything out of the ordinary would go on inside.

Stirring on a soft queen sized bed, a smoky grey furred humanoid wolf stirred beside her mate. She cut quite the striking figure with her 6ft tall frame and slender build. A prominent pair of large E-cup breasts covered in a lighter bit of fur save near those perky nipples along with her light grey tribal braided mane made her quite a catch.

She was no ordinary female however for she was a shaman, and looked very much the part with her painted-on shaman markings. Any normal person would have scoffed, claimed demon or otherwise avoided her unusual life. But then again she had no usual mate.

Lying next to her was a beautiful, very sensual female vixen. Her very large, buxom chest caught the eye right away as they stood out, very easily three handfuls. Each large bust was covered in a thin layer of smooth, red fur save for the dark red nipples.

The immediate startling feature about the vixen was her fur colouration. Black for the most part, her fur turned red from lower muzzle to breasts, stopped just before the belly button and then continues up to her elbows and a patch covering her vaginal area or fur to run partway down her thighs. Her long, flowing mane topped off her appearance with an even amount of red and black mixed in looking like fire and brimstone and a thick, bushy black tail that was tipped red at the tuft-end

The vixen looked so peaceful slumbering that the shaman wolf Sheliah had not the heart to wake her herm mate up, which would shock any normal person but to her, it made the vixen somehow seem more complete. Owing her colouration and extra gender to a demon, things had started out rocky but were now looking up finally.

Sticky and gummed up from the morning fun, Sheliah made a small grimace as she brushed her paws through her chest and found it all sticky. Smiling a little at her, Sheliah brushed a paw over her loves hair and made a silent exit to get cleaned off. She after all had a business she had to keep going to keep her parents mansion maintained.


The slight creak of the old door to the large bedroom had Dusk stirring form her sleep. It had not been a deep sleep but quite a restful and for once untroubled nap, free of nightmares of when she had been possessed.

Waking up, Dusk gave her head a brief shake as she tried to banish the thought from her mind. She was not about to spoil the good feeling she had.

"Mmffhh, she really to please a vixen," Dusk moaned, stretching out as she felt that pleasant gooeyness after having pleasure a few hours ago. "And well, tod as well I suppose?" She said with a bit of humour at her situation.

Dusk's mind began to wonder on other subjects, like what it would be like if she actually got Sheliah pregnant and would be called father... "Mmh, not sure I like that idea too much," the young vixen said with a scrunch of her eyes. But then there was the business of her getting pregnant. Would she really mind all that much giving birth to Sheliah's guardian spirit pups?

Shaking her head, Dusk knew she had to give this some thought. Glancing to her side, she gave a sad smile at seeing the side empty. "When did I get so dependent on someone else?" She mused to herself.

Deciding to get up and wonder around for the bathroom, she ran her paws through her sticky groin and gummed up fur making a face. "Typical with sex, enjoyable in the moment, messy aftermath."

Deciding not to don her new robe given to her by her mate and stain it, she wondered around in just her fur, her massive mounds jiggling and wobbling sensually with her fluid body movement.

Stepping out and into the mansion main, she saw steam issuing from one side of a door on the upper landing through the railing. "Hmm, so that's where she is huh?" Dusk said before smiling deviously and walked up the stairs to the upper floor.

Running her paws over the red oak rails with the many animal carvings in the side, she realised that she probably already had a guardian watching over her to be somewhere like this.

And she was called Sheliah.


Humming softly to herself as she washed her body in the shower, Sheliah lost herself in the feeling as she turned her front body to let the shower head wash the stale seed away from her chest.

"Ahhh, that is much better," she sighed softly, rubbing her body down as she applied a generous amount of fur shampoo.

It occurred to her that she had never been this sexually active before, not even when she had been whoring it up with her childhood...

"No, don't want to think about that, Dusk is no whore but my mate," the female said to herself over the rush of water.

She thought back to events, and how Dusk made her feel. The feeling of her soft body, the way her new markings amplified her looks, the sound of her light voice and that supremely bushy tail...and those eyes of hers.

Before she could help herself, Sheliah found her paws roaming her body, caressing, fondling her own breasts in wanton desire. "That vixen...she has put a spell on my heart," she moaned before rubbing the foam into her pussy vigorously.

That lost was the wolf in her sexual rummage; she was taken completely by surprise when she felt a pair of warm, soft fleshy pillows press into her back.

"Mmh, so this is where you were at huh?" Dusk said in a flirty manner in her ear.

A pair of black and red furred arms came to encircle round Sheliah's neck and shoulders as the older wolf relaxed into her mates natural cushioning. "I'm sorry love, you looked so peaceful sleeping, it was nice for a change to see," she sighed happily into her.

This gave Dusk cause for pause as the words sunk in. Again, she had proven how special she was to her. Having spent most of her life on the streets and people spitting on her, here was someone who truly thought and cared for her.

"Dusk?" Sheliah said in concern, making to turn round but only to be stopped by a firm grip around her shoulders.

The words she sought to say seemed to jam in her throat. Instead Dusk nibbled Sheliah's pointed ear, running her paws running over Sheliah's athletic figure and down her hips.

A surprised moan came from her muzzle at the vixen's playfulness, the wolfs moan doubling in volume as she felt her love slide an arm underneath her breast, letting the flesh rest on a black, slender arm.

"Dusk, my love..." Sheliah panted at the sensual play from the vixen in the shower, the heat from the water heightening the sensations.

Rubbing her body up against her mates back, her nipples dragging and hardening with the stimulation, the vixen's cock began emerging and hardening from its furred red pouch.

A cry of lust sounded from Sheliah's muzzle as that wonderful cock head pressed against her tailhole. The thickening, emerging head suddenly slipped into her wet hole, the heat amplified by the water that rolled and clung to the lengthening appendage. "Huuuuhhhh, ahaahh D-DUSK!" Sheliah grunted out like a true animal as she felt her anus filled.

Sure she had been pierced there before but...that was so long ago. And she couldn't believe how much better it felt to have someone worthy to fill her, everything seemed heightened and much more sensitive with Dusk.

Reaching her arms back, Sheliah pulled her loves head gently forward so that their faces were side by side. Her passion enflamed with still feeling that member sliding and hardening inside of her hole, Sheliah lost all control when that large knot inflate in her tight buttocks, running her tongue all over Dusk's face and muzzle.

Dusk's cock finished at her full nine inches inside of Sheliah, she felt wild abandon grip hold as she exchanged licks and kisses back, their eyes half lidded as they took on a dream like quality.

The hot water beating down on them from the shower head, Dusk's cock deeply embedded into the wolf's soft buttocks that slowly massaged her and the love that seemed to build like a fire between them. They lost track of time as they ran paws over every inch of the other before with a cry that was more like a howl then a fox's bark, Dusk came hard into Sheliah. The shaman wolf's howl joined in with her own cry of ecstasy as both female's pussies spurted and dribbled in a mini orgasm.

They clutched onto each other, riding the waves of their love and pleasure as Dusk's seed had nowhere to go but deep into Sheliah's belly, bulging slightly with the amount.

They stayed like this until Sheliah regained enough composure to talk, "Dusk...thank you love. Thank much," Sheliah panted hard as she felt Dusk's member start to shrink, the knot popping loose to let her seed run down the drain.

But to her surprise, Sheliah felt her shudder against her. "What for...all I can give you is sex and pleasure. And when I want to tell you how I truly feel I can't find the words," Dusk said as a sob caught in her throat.

Easing the cock out with a last, soft moan Sheliah turned round to face Dusk, her expression suddenly serious. "Dusk, I don't fault you at all. Even though you find it hard to voice it, I feel your love. Not just in the sex, but your caress, your kiss, your nibbles, the way you play with my body. Words are not needed for me to know how you feel about me my love."

A cry came from Dusk's muzzle, a cry filled with emotion, with love as she buried her head in the wolf's pillows.

They stood like this for a minute, Sheliah slowly caressing her red and black mane and Dusk with her arms tight about her mid-section. "Now what say we finish up here? We have a lot to do today Dusk," a soft smile playing over Sheliah's muzzle as she felt Dusk lick her chest in reply.


After a bit of extra cleaning and playing about, or more like Dusk played about with the shower head on various parts of their bodies, Sheliah got the vixen wrapped up as best she could before bustling her into the old sports car that had pulled up outside of the wide driveway.

Walking, paw in paw and tails about each other's waist the two females walked out of the large doors and met by Sheliah's guardian spirit.

"You know Sheliah, I must admit I had my doubts about your chosen mate. But looking at you now, I have never seen you happier," Wolf grinned as they crunched their way over the stones to the car. "Although I don't know about your mate's choice of fashion..." he added at the end as he eyed up Dusk in a mismatched assortment of garments.

Dusk lowered her head, self-conscious of this fact and wished she could hide herself from others for how she must look. She wore an old, tight fitting shirt that was as big as they could find and the shortest skirt was still too long. To make the vixen more uncomfortable she had no panties on as her dual gender would made it quite awkward and hard to walk.

"That's why my dear wolf we will be stopping by at some shops for Dusk. I will not have no clothing in for my mate, and I know a clothing and textile shop that is very discreet about orders so we could get some measurements to order new underwear for her," Sheliah said in a voice happier than he had ever heard from her.

Running a paw over his muzzle, Sheliah let her mate in before giving Wolf a small lick and chuckle before climbing in herself.

Setting off out the drive and down the quiet road to town, Sheliah got a tape measure out from the light green jacket pocket she was wearing. "Now since I am behind with some deliveries with the rare herbs I grow at home, we will have to do this on the go Dusk. I will have to take a measuring of your form...along with your extra bit both sheathed and at full so we can avoid any tears," Sheliah hesitated on the mention of Dusks cock.

Dusk's ears flattened in a shy gesture at doing something like that in the car, but she appreciated that Sheliah's life couldn't stop because of her and that the windows were tinted so no one could see. But that didn't take the fact Wolf was in the car and watching them through the drivers mirror with a shit-eating grin at her expression whilst Sheliah went about measuring parts of the vixen.

Once Sheliah got round to Dusk's privates, the vixen wished the wolf would stop staring now and again at the pair. And it was more than just one scent of male arousal in the car. "Right, that's the sheath measured and groin area. Now then, for the other measurement," Sheliah said with her tone going husky on the last word.

Massaging Dusk's sheath lightly and cupping her hidden ball pouch, Sheliah slowly coaxed the red, delicious member out of hiding. She rubbed and teased and fondled her male addition until Dusk found herself arching into Sheliah's paws, much to the vixen's chagrin.

"There we go," Sheliah murmured into her ear as she put the measurer away. By now, a goodly amount of pre had formed on Dusk's tip, a small whine sounded in her throat as she begged for release now.

Slurping her canine tongue across the head, Sheliah stopped once she had cleared the beading pre off. "Sorry love, I told you a relationship is more than sex. And besides that I think I am starting to get addicted to having sex with you so we need to try and exercise restraint."

"Wh-what?!" Dusk gasped out, "but that's mean!" She was silenced however by a lick on the muzzle, followed by a loving cuddle by the wolf shaman.

"I know what it seems like love, but there is good reason behind it so just trust me on it okay?"

"We're here," Wolf growled from the front, a clear strain in his voice as though he had been fighting something.

"I won't be long okay love?" Sheliah said with a final parting lick and was gone out the car door.

"Um, a-are you okay, um, wolf?" Dusk stammered as she found his huffing, heaving form in the front a little scary.

" you think?" He growled at her, making a deliberate point to not look in the mirror now. "I am after all...a descendent of where all wolves came from. If you two horny bitches kept that up I...would have lost control and joined in. And then think what would result with no one behind the wheel?"

It was then that Dusk understood why Sheliah had enforced restraint on the pair of them, despite the female wolf clearly wanted to have fun as much as she wanted to. She was thankful now as she gulped at the resulting accident in her mind and didn't know what would hurt more, the pain or telling at the hospital and police how it happened.


A good few minutes ticked on by before Sheliah made her way back to the car, a somewhat distressed look on her face. "Sheliah, did something happen?" Dusk said as she laid a concerned paw on her arm.

"No, let's somewhere else," Sheliah said as she stroked Dusk's head but refused to look their way.

"Sheliah," A deep voice sounded dangerously from the driver's seat as Wolf forced her to look at him. "What happened, tell me," his voice, it just sent such shivers up Dusk's spine to hear such danger.,

"Well...the last manager was old and about retiring age so his grandson has taken over and well...he said he would do it all for free if I got in bed with him and he even grabbed my chest...right in front of some humans and our own kind."

"Why that lecherous...where are you going?" Dusk said as Wolf opened the car door.

"To just have a word with him is all," He stated calmly before closing the door to.

"Wait!" Dusk cried out as she made to open the door before she was confronted by a snarling Wolf.

" Stay right there, your mate needs your comforting," his voice bordered on monstrous and caused Dusk to just about slam the door shut again and hold her mate, as much for her sake as it was to stop the vixen trembling from head to tail.


Wolf walked on into the small shop, his suit he wore in guise as a chauffeur seemed about ready to burst from his anger, the instinct to protect his charge riling him.

Many in the shop either backed off or otherwise lost interest and walked out upon seeing such a dangerous looking humanoid, the sleazy looking lion at the counter seeming comfortable in his chair before he noticed the wolf.

Making to press the security button, he was stopped short as he was hauled up by the wolf's seemingly boundless strength. "HELMPH!" His cries came to an abrupt halt as the wolf laid another paw over his fat muzzle, his claws gently raking his face so he knew where he stood.

"Hello mate, I understand a pretty female came in here with a reasonable request. Well, she came to me, all shaken because you tried hitting on her!"

"W-wait, are you her hubby? Er husband? I'm sorry I, waaahhhhh!" The plump lion cried as he was shook about like a toy.

"I am not interested in your excuses. You will see to it her request is followed for free otherwise it will be you in hot bother. If not by police by me! Is that understood?"

A sudden darkening of the lions front shorts confirmed he was very much aware of his situation. "Good, I will pick just pick her clothing up now and will expect a quality job on the order when I get back. Good day ," and with that, he dropped the smelly lion, scooped the items off the counter and made his way out like nothing happened. Needless to say, no one got in his way on the way out.


A raucous laughter kicked up inside the sports car as Wolf drove to their first customer drop-off. "Haaahh ahahah!" Dusk cried in laughter after hearing what Wolf had done to the hapless lech. "Oh man, if only someone had taped that," Dusk cried, her blue eyes tearing up with laughing so hard.

Wolf gave a bark of laughter from the driver's seat as he found himself laughing along with her at the memory of his terror-stricken face. "Yeah, nothing says "oh shit" like a guy messing his breeches," Wolf grinned wide with his tail beating on the leather.

"Well I think you went a bit far, we don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves after all," Sheliah said in a serious manner, her arms crossed in front of her chest in a scowl.

Dusk sat with her arm round Sheliah, now dressed appropriately in a cream tank top and large bra, though she grumbled about such things and a nice pair of loose fitting blue jeans with a tail hole that complimented her curvy figure really well.

"I feel like I'm in a freaking strait-jacket with these things on," Dusk grumbled as she tugged at the back of her vest.

"Well, I am trying to make more of a woman out of you," Sheliah sighed, "but I don't think it is going to happen."

"Of course not! Not if been a woman means hiding what you are proud of. And besides I am not a woman, I'm a vixen," Dusk said with a poke of her tongue out at her.

"She grew up in a very human-oriented society, so just humour her and eventually she will just see you for what you are," came Wolf's gruff response. "We're here anyways," he said as they pulled up at a pharmacy producing factory.

Dusk realised that she still had a lot to learn about her love, about Sheliah as the car pulled to a halt in a delivery spot.

Placing her paw on the females shoulder, Dusk gave her an apologetic look. "It's okay Dusk, it is a journey of discovery when you give yourself to someone else," Sheliah said in a gentle tone before she locked muzzle with her in a brief, lovers kiss.

At that point the door opened up as wolf stood just outside, a smirk he didn't even bother to contain. A young coyote stood there; in a suit with his muzzle open and slobbering at the sight of two females kissing so passionately in the back of the car.

Seeing Richard out the corner of her eye, Dusk's blue eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement before deepening the kiss further.

Sheliah opened her eyes in surprise at how the vixens playfulness before seeing the reason why. "Ah, s-sorry Richard, I, um, well I..., shall we get to business?" Sheliah floundered with her speech as she pulled away, almost reluctantly from her lover's muzzle.

"I-it-wha-haahhhh," he said, his speech seemingly have deserted him as a tent was pitched in his pants, mostly restrained by the tight suit before shaking his head to clear it. "No, it's quite alright um, it is your business after all," he said with the tops of his ears staying a bright red.

Dusk helped her mate out of the car, turning to glance at the hapless youth as she bent down so he got an eyeful of her pert backside and large, bushy tail tickling at his nose.

Sheliah couldn't help a sigh as she got out, feeling sympathy towards the coyote as he was teased mercilessly by her playful lover. And Wolf was as bad at times she thought on reflection.

"Well then, shall we discuss about the delivery then Richard? After all it is what I came here for since last time was...inconvenient," Sheliah rolled her eyes at that as a brief giggle of mirth sounded from Dusk and Richard shifted uncomfortably. "Let's go inside and discuss prices then. And Dusk, try to refrain from flirting with every one you see in there okay?"

A tight hug and a pat on her rump was all Sheliah got in way of answer from the vixen.


"You," Sheliah said in dismay, "can act like such a slut at times you know that?" The pair had gone in, made business and on the way out, had attracted a few stares between them from a load of male workers and Dusk had played on all of it. Wriggling her hips in exaggeration to make her contained giant mounds wobble invitingly and trailing her super soft tail over one or two male's arms, face or head.

"Aw, I'm sorry love. I can't help it when I have an audience; my playful nature just comes out." She smiled at the memory of the meeting with the boss. Sitting in that stuffy room, she didn't even try to tease but kept fidgeting restlessly, his eyes drawn to her wobbling assets with each shift and every time she made any contact with Sheliah.

Twining her paw with Sheliah's she smiled and walked paw in paw towards the car. "I'm still surprised how much you get from just one large bag of herbs though. Even if they are special, $600 a bag?" she whistled at the amount.

"Not just special, rare as well," Sheliah said with pride in her voice, ignoring the odd labourer staring at the two females holding hands.

"Hey!" The factory guard shouted, a male Jaguar in a blue guard uniform and hat with earholes to poke out of.

"Hm?" Sheliah answered in mild surprise at the unexpected interruption.

"Have you seen this!?" He said, sounding very stoked about something.

Dusk gave him a look of sympathy; it must be a very boring job to just sit around in a box all day when there is a 1% chance something interesting will actually happen.

He flipped a few pages on his mobile phone, scrolling through pages until he found what he wanted. "Three nights ago, some village was burned to the ground. The overhead satellite caught brief images of what happened and, well some crazy monster went on a rampage, slaughtering everything in sight," he said, his handsome, young face all alight at actually having someone to talk about what he thought was something mind blowing as he brought image after image to show them. "Sick huh? I hear it has been on the news the past two days, hope that monster is caught and killed soon, otherwise...huh?"

Dusk had been riveted on the images going across. He had stopped on a particularly good image of a black and red demon tearing through a family's house. It's great bull like head emerging out the side, blood red horns protruding and fangs dripping with blood. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Dusk screamed, holding her head and scrunching her eyes tight, falling to her knees as she felt the pain renewed by the images.

Sheliah stared at the Jaguar and swatted the phone out of his paw to smash on the pavement. "Hey!" He started in anger first before she gave him the most murderous look he ever had seen in a female.

"Come on Dusk, into the car," Sheliah said soothingly, running a paw over her head and ears as she tried to soothe the sobbing vixen.

"Hey, took your time. Was starting to...what's wrong with Dusk?" Wolf said, leaving the car with the engine running to see what was wrong with his new charge.

"Inside, we'll talk away from prying ears," Sheliah said as she eased Dusk into the passenger seat.

"Wonder what those chicks deal was, and what was with colouring her fur like that monsters if she gets upset by it?" The youth said as he scratched his head in puzzlement.


Sheliah cradled a sobbing Dusk's head in her lap as they started the car up and drove on out, the wolf stroking her head and crooning to her. "Dusk...everything is okay. You are not to blame for what happened then," she said in an effort to try and console her.

Dusk nodded, but she refused to look at her, or Wolf, or anything at all as her eyes still leaked tears. Just seeing the image was enough to make the fading nightmares suddenly seem too real.

"Sheliah, I think it's time we do what must be done for your mate," Wolf said as he turned off the main road and down a natural road.

"Yes, I agree with you wolf," Sheliah said before kissing Dusk on the muzzle gently, "Dusk honey, it is time for you to become a shaman.

To Be Continued...