Spreading Transformation - Part IV - Growth

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#4 of Spreading Transformation (ARCHIVED)

A quick part 4 to get the story moving along, introducing a few new characters and some intimate time with one. There is plenty more slavering sex and smut ahead.

Jessie had led the after school yoga class tonight. Their normal teacher was out sick with a stomach flu so she had volunteered reluctantly I their email list. She knew all the stances and stretches by heart, having done yoga for most of her natural life. Despite that, sweat beaded in the small of her back as she showed up to the empty gymnasium that night, butterflies swirling in her stomach. Jessica had seen her classes led more times than she could count, but had never led it herself. Thankfully the turn out had been low tonight.

Dean and his girlfriend Sally were the only ones to show up. Jessie and Dean talked about canceling as it became apparent nobody else was going to show up, but Sally convinced them to proceed anyway. They had all their clothes and mats already, she explained charismatically, they may as well go for it. Dean hesitantly agreed. He had only started doing yoga to meet girls and now that he was dating Sally the whole yoga thing annoyed him, but he continued doing it for her.

Their stretches and positions had been especially challenging tonight as Jessica pushed them hard. Sweat dripped down their faces as they contorted their bodies on the thin foam mats.

After the better part of an hour they performed their final cool-down cat pose, arching their backs as sweat streamed down their hot backs.

"Well thats a wrap guys, thanks for coming!" Jessie smiled as she realized it was over, she did it!

All three of them grabbed their gym bags and walked to the locker rooms at the far end of the gym.

They split up at the entrance to the two locker rooms. The two girls chatting as they disappeared around the corner into the girls locker area. Dean desperately wanted Sally to join him in the boys locker room as they changed, he had day dreamed about her lithe body in class for months, way before they had started going out. He was still a virgin and his mind often wandered as he dreamed up ways that he could shed that designation.

But alas he wasn't far enough into his relationship with Sally to feel comfortable asking something like that yet. He had been told that the man should always take the initiative in such matters but it seemed inappropriate with Jessie around. Anyway, they had only started dating a couple weeks ago, he had time.

He entered the empty locker room and stripped out of his sweaty clothes down to his birthday suit. He got his towel out of his bag and hung it on the hook inside of his regular locker. He trod to the showers at the end of the room, past row upon row of the green-painted lockers.

Dean proceeded to turn the closest set of chromed shower knobs open. The showers weren't great, their heads spurting inconsistent streams of water as a majority of it just streamed out of the bottom of the old shower head, splatting on the slickening tile floor. He turned the shower off and tried another, and another. Finally he found one that worked at the far back corner of the shower room.

He rubbed the water over his unexceptional body, washing the salty sweat off his chest and shoulders. Squirting a dollop of shampoo on his hand he worked himself into a lather. Dean ducked his head into the stream of water, making him oblivious to the sounds of the curvy sexed up rabbit standing behind him.

Sarah stalked Dean like she was hunting prey. Her large footpads barely making a sound as she moved around the locker room, searching for the male scent she smelled deep within. She heard the showers turn on and pinpointed it instantly. She silently bounded for the showers, hearing Dean's exasperated moans as he searched for a shower head that worked. Sarah silently approached the showers. The showers wide entrance beginning to release a cloud of hot steam into the changing area.

Peeking around the corner she finally spotted him. Slyly she assessed her prey. He was short and stocky, his body appeared overbuilt for his short frame. As he turned around in the shower she got glimpses of his flaccid manhood, if she could call it that. It was less than exceptional as it stood only a couple inchs out of his hair-covered foreskin. She watched him for a few moments as he began to lather himself up. Sarah's eyes rolled into the back of her skull as she felt her bodies aching need begin flaring up again. A strong flush of hot fluids washed into her vagina. It didnt matter what size or shape he was at the moment, just that he was male and close by.

Dean was unaware as she quickly approached his showering form. His hands bracing himself against the wall as his head was battered by the strong stream of water cascading out of the shower head.

Sarah wasted no time, had no hesitation as she was on him immediately. She embraced him from behind, her ample bosom pushing into his back, squishing her breasts wider as they pressed into him. He yelped and arched his back away from her as she did so.

"What... what the hell?!?" Dean exclaimed, he felt like he was being hugged by a bear. Looking down large white furred paws gripped his flabby stomach.

"Get off! Get OFF!" he screamed as he writhed in her furry embrace. His attempts to escape made the heat growing in Sarah's loins even stronger as his wet soapy back dragged unwillingly across her sensitive nipples. In panic he tried to pry her hands off of him, they were massive, easily twice the size of his own. He suddenly stopped, realizing that the thick white fingers ended with short claws that could easily eviscerate him if its owner so chose. The furry hands were too strong anyway, he could feel their thickly muscled fingers were as hard as a rock despite their soft coating.

Sarah was fully leaking now, as her heart beat faster and faster in her heaving chest. Two thin streams of milk traveling around his back and down his legs as she began grinding into him.

Dean's whole body went rigid as a board as one of the massive paws gravitated downward towards his crotch. He was anything but aroused right now, in the clutches of an known assailant, its huge body firmly pressed up against his. So firmly that he could feel its drumming heartbeat against his spine. His shoulder blades tensed against the two huge patches of pressure pushing into his back. The pressure felt....soft somehow and hot, so hot. He couldn't tell if it was the shower or something else but he felt especially hot where that pressure was. If Dean wasn't in full-fledged fight or flight mode he may have had a better guess as to what those pressure points were.

Sarah was determined to get what she needed out of this stocky male, the lust that throbbed through her body was making her see stars. Her hands gravitating towards his almost flat crotch. Her paw pads massaging and pulling at his recalcitrant penis. Dean yelled and clawed at her advances as he struggled to escape.

Frustration built in Sarah as she wasn't getting anywhere with his crotch. Her vaginas growing throbbing convulsions were driving her crazy. Her eyes lit up as she hatched an idea to kill birds with one stone.

Sarah spun the struggling Dean around, putting him face to face with her heaving bosom. His struggle halting in its tracks. Her breasts were bigger than he had ever seen and impossibly gravity defying as they rose and fell with her chest. Each fuzzy mountain topped with a thick pink nipple. He saw beads of white liquid spurting out of their spasming nipples. The hot channels of water streaming down her cleavage quickly washing the sweet liquid away as soon as it appeared on the tips of her swollen mammaries.

Her hands grabbed his flat, soft buttocks and pressed him hard against her hot, wet, furry torso. Deans head was pressed into the deep chasm between her huge tits as she embraced him. It was hard to breath as the swollen mammaries jiggled and sloshed, slapping his head with their immense weight as she ground her bodies desires against him. Her wide hips pushed her slavering mound against his uncooperative crotch. Strong thick labia pulled at his nub of a cock as they coated his crotch in their sweet fluid.

Dean was still a virgin, having only seen the things grinding against him in magazines and the internet. But nothing prepared him for what was happening now. The fact that an impossibly curvy, sexed up rabbit girl was rubbing her massive boobs and nether wetness against him was unreal. He felt her heat, her unquenchable heat rubbing against his body.

Still frozen in shock, gasping for breath in her hot bosom, Dean felt pressure on his head as her paw pads pressed firmly on the top of his head. He felt her strong arms pushing his head down towards the floor. He quickly stumbled to his knees as his face dragged against her toned furry stomach settling just a few inches from her sopping pussy. He was no expert, but she was massive downstairs, bigger than he had seen on the most extreme porn sites. But not just big, but thick and strong, its labia formed an almost perfectly shallow dome of pulsing white flesh that winked at him. Every wink revealing its unfathomably deep wet depths to him before slapping closed with a wet squelch. He was overpowered by the sweet, acrid smell emanating from the sopping wet, throbbing womanhood. The smell filled his nose and still gasping lungs.

Her hands released the top of his head as they clasped the short brown hair on the back of his head. Before he knew it he was pushed hard into her throbbing folds. His nose piercing past the precipice of her engorged slit as his chin and mouth followed. Soon almost the entire front of his face was pushed into her convulsing slavering mound. The bridge of his nose rubbing her large swollen clit.

If the smell of her wetness was overpowering on the outside, inside it was 100 times as powerful. Dean felt like his sinuses were on fire as the smell permeated every breath. He was powerless to withdraw his face as her strong hands held his head tightly against her crotch. It wasn't only her hands, her wide hips and thick thighs conspiring to lock him in as they wrapped tightly around him. Dean was forced to breath her scent deep into his lungs as his mouth was filled with her copious hot lubricant. He sputtered and gagged as it flowed into his mouth. It tasted incredibly sweet on his tongue, its heat turning his mouth slightly numb as he involuntarily began suckling on her fiery crotch.

"Huffff....ahhhhh.....use... use your tongue" Sarah managed to gasp commandingly between the growing spasms of heat.

Dean was growing dizzy from lack of oxygen, his whole respiratory system trapped in her wet folds. Maybe it was the fact that his head was spinning or the intoxicating smell of her scent, he obeyed. He stuck out his tongue as deeply into her as he could, her walls hammered at its meager thickness as he did his best to lap at her sweet insides. His hands slowly stopped flailing in panic as they moved to her ample ass. Each of his wet hands grabbing meaty handfuls of her firm flesh, digging his face in as deep into her as he could.

Sarah shuddered as he gripped her sensitive ass, pulling her cheeks apart as he pushed himself harder into her greedy pussy. Dean's small tongue wasnt enough for the gaping maw but it was agile and lively as it lapped at her erogenous insides.

She moaned lustily as she felt her body began to tense, the heat deep in her stomach flaming as she felt her impending orgasm build. Her flow increased, more and more flowing down Deans throat. Her hands released Deans head as they massaged her heavy boobs. Dean refused to move away, his body now free from all coercion as he continued to suck and lap at her drooling pussy.

Sarah arched her back, throwing her head backwards and heaving her huge breasts into the air as she came. Her legs shook as the orgasm spiked. Her walls tensed hard as a blast of her lubricant forced Deans head out of her nethers. He fell backwards onto his ass. Deans face flush with blood and entirely soaked in her love juices.

She moaned loudly as she came again, spraying her lubricants onto the tile below with such impact that it overpowered the sound of the showers constant pattering streams.

Dean was in a daze as his lightheadedness made it hard to concentrate. He felt like he had just summited everest, a hot, wet, throbbing everest. He didn't quite know why he had continued to service her pussy after she had let go. He should have run, he should have run and called 911. But he didn't run and he didn't know why, but his body was going to tell him in short order.

The rabbit was still cumming, lubrication spraying out of between her legs as she screamed and moaned. Her arched back causing her spasming breasts to spray arcing streams of thick white milk over his head onto the wall behind him. Its sweet liquid running down the wall, coating his back. Dean was now out of range of the showers spray, flat on his butt. The rabbit was still being being sensually drenched in the running water. Her body heaving in what looked like the biggest orgasm he had ever seen.

Dean hardly noticed as his butt began to expand slowly across the floor, it's cheeks adding fat and muscle as they ballooned. He gasped as he felt the first flames of heat lick at his insides. Clutching his stomach, he felt like his insides were re-arranging and swelling.

"Auuughhhhhh, what did you do to me......" Dean moaned, his insides felt like they were being squeezed.

He collapsed forward onto his hands as he felt his insides roil. His spine began to lengthen as new vertebrae were added. A pressure just above his ass began to build. Groaning, a short hairless tail began to form at the base of his spine. He felt it tugging at his insides, like somebody was pulling it out of his body with a tractor. The dainty tail began to lengthen and thicken as it grew to almost a foot long and as thick as a silver dollar. It's wet, pink hairless length wriggled and dragged itself across the floor behind him.

"What's happening to ...uuuhghhhh.... me? What did .....ffffucking.... fuuuu... do???" he moaned at the still cumming rabbit. He couldn't take it, it hurt everywhere, his whole body was tingling as changes continued to wrack his body. His swelling ass finally settled at almost double it's original size. He felt the swollen flesh behind him by its sheer weight on his stocky frame. Still on his hands and knees he was afraid to look back.

He clenched his hands hard against the floor, his knuckles turning white as his whole body started expanding to catch up with his giant posterior. His already stocky frame grew even broader and thicker as he felt and heard his bones creak and crack. He couldn't look at what was happening to his body, his teary eyes looking only forward as he tried to mentally escape his growing body. He was sweating hard now, he felt like every muscle and sinew in his body was on fire, well beyond any workout he had ever experienced.

Muscles started to strain everywhere, he felt over-extended, like he was on the verge of tearing something inside. Dean cried out as his paunchy stomach convulsed, it's jiggling girth tightened his slightly distended stomach was replaced with eight rock hard abs. His baby fat burning away. His pectorals were next as they tensed and swelled. Thick veins surfaced under his skin, feeding his new muscles. His arms shuddered as he lost his balance, face planting him on the floor with his ass still in the air, his thick tail lifting off the ground. He struggled to correct himself as his arms began rapidly developing. Triceps and biceps thickening and hardened as he tried to raise himself on his convulsing arms. He found it was almost impossible to right himself as the muscles he needed were preoccupied with throbbing expansion. The skin on Deans arms was having a hard time keeping up with the increases in muscle mass, it was stretched tightly, painfully, over the pulsing muscles before expanding and thickening itself.

Finally Deans arms calmed down enough for him to lift his his increasingly substantial weight. As he pushed up from the floor he felt virtually no resistance, his arms were barely trying as they raised his growing convulsing frame back off the floor. Dean felt vertigo as he was lifted higher off the floor, his arms had lengthened substantially as they strengthened.

He knew, deep down inside that that he wasn't done yet. He moaned half from pain, but also a growing pleasure that seemed to course around his spasming muscles, trailing deep inside of his gut.

To be continued...