
Story by pupfluff on SoFurry

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An unknown warp in reality causes a paradigm-shift among two roommates and their new dog...

My roommate Ed and I were on a routine trip to the pet store, picking up food for our rescued German shepherd, Albrecht. We picked him up a few months ago from a shelter that was going out of business and he was too good to pass up! He was the only dog that showed interest in us, regardless, and he had the most beautiful coat. I was almost positive he was pure-bred, even though there were no papers to confirm my beliefs- but a free dog is a free dog.

Ed, a natural dog-lover, had compelled me and promised me that as a team we could take care of a bigger dog. The only problem was keeping it a secret from our landlord. Tenants were only allowed cats or lap dogs, which made having a badass pet a difficult task.

Anyway, Albrecht was supposedly only about three-years-old. He had grown well into his giant paws, and still had an immense amount of energy to stomp through the apartment while we played with him. When the pup was sleeping I'd lightly rub his giant pads and just show him affection. I don't think I've ever bonded with a dog so well.

So, as I was saying, Ed and I finally made it into the Pet Shop's parking lot, and I hurried inside with Ed following close behind me. Yeah, we were here for food, but I suppose since the holidays were coming up that I would pick up a couple gifts for Albrecht as well. Ed didn't seem to mind and even helped me rifle through the assortment of collars. We had a tag for Albrecht but the collar he had was a bit tattered.

"This one, Danny!" Ed called to me, showing off one with a camouflage-pattern.

Before long, we were back in the car and on our way home with a medium brown-bag of goodies for Albrecht.


Entering the threshold to our apartment, a full-body tingle spread through me and I couldn't help sway on my feet, blinking through suddenly blurred-vision. The hairs on my arms were standing on end and the room itself felt positively electric. Once the scene seemed to clear up, I noticed the whole room was- well...the same. The same but different...y'know?

I didn't really know what to think, even as I watched my roommate of three years lower himself to the ground and walk on his hands and knees beside me. He rushed to the food bowl and licked around the crumby insides before whining upwards at me from the lack of food.

"A-alright, Ed... Such a needy thing, you are!" My response felt too normal. The whole situation seemed like something had gone horribly awry, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on it. It just seemed easier to accept the surroundings as they were, and lug the big bag of dog food over to fill Ed's bowl. He wasted no time in burying his face right into the kibble and munching away. I watched his denim-covered ass sway back and forth in a mock-wag, as if he had a tail.

My hand lingered, going to pet Ed's head, but I pulled back with a strange sensation telling me this wasn't right. We were both human, so why was he my pet? Well, that's how he liked it, I guess. I adopted him three years ago from his parents, and I've thought of him as a roommate ever since. He wasn't given much obedience training in his life, which is why his parents were so quick to hand him off, but I think I got through to him well enough. Took quite a long time to get the mutt to stop pissing on my things!

No, that wasn't right. I didn't adopt him...he ran an ad in the paper for a roommate, and I applied...Didn't I?

Wait, it was his parents...

They were looking for a good home for him. They were the ones that ran the ad, if I recall. They even informed me about the place we were currently living before I accepted their offer. For some reason, I could picture two ads in my head- one from each Ed and his parents.

I shook my head, my memories fuzzy but coming back to me. I remembered the first time he buried his head in my crotch when we met. I remembered petting his tummy when he rolled over for me and feeding him treats from my hand. Why was I worried? He was a good boy!

With the new feelings of mutual loyalty and unconditional love spreading through me, I had no qualms anymore about reaching forward and rustling Ed's hair. He seemed to enjoy it while making a cutesy little growl before returning to his food. While my phantom worries were slowly fading, I took the feeding time as a chance to drop things like my backpack and coat off in my room.

Inside the room, I heard a random snoring on the bed, which forced me to turn on the light to get a better view of my surroundings. What I saw there, on my bed, forced me to drop my bag in surprise. I don't know why it was there, or what exactly it was, but it looked like a mass of brown and black fur just laying on my bed. It slowly heaved with each breath, chest moving up and down, and I couldn't help watching it.

I felt waves of calm pushing at my mind, telling me that this creature was safe, and familiar. Before long, I could feel the familiarity creeping in when I could make out its face. It was canine, and pretty damn big. His feet/paws hung off the bed and twitched in his sleeping state. Oh yeah, I knew 'it' was a 'he' when I saw a plump set of balls resting on a powerful thigh, hanging below what I could distinctly recall as a 'sheathe'. Despite being canine, his proportions seemed humanoid- and judging by how he hung off the bed, he was taller than me. A spark- a memory formed in my head when I noticed his gigantic paws and warm-colored fur...


It was my dog, on my bed, and somehow closer to human than I remembered. It was fighting with my new memories, my new reality, and my brain ached as if it was splitting in two. I began to hyperventilate, and fell back against the wall. At this moment, Albrecht's ears twitched and he raised his head up, alert.

"Danny?" A deep, sultry voice inquired from the previously-sleeping mass of fur. "Danny, are you okay?"

His voice was tinged with worry, and my anxiety was plateauing there. I stared into his warm brown eyes and let his voice flow through me, quelling my strange concern. I noticed then, as Albrecht raised himself from the bed, how muscled he was. His fur was thick but did little to hide beastly definition underneath. Scanning over his form, I started to remember how he'd wake up every morning and hit the gym before he went into work. It's why he was always so tired when he got home.

He approached me, slowly, and his warm furry arms wrapped delicately around me. His breath was hot on my neck, and he pulled me into chest- his gorgeous, rock-hard chest. Nothing in me could resist practically melting against him. It was always like that, since the first time we met.

I remembered looking for a roommate, somebody good with dogboys to help me raise Ed and pay the rent each month. I never expected this handsome brute to show up and I certainly never expected to fall in love like I had. He was so becoming, with such a strong muzzle, and I always felt safe around him. I expect Ed felt the same, as he was always begging for attention just as much as I was from him.

"Al," I said as I looked up at him, "I...I don't know what happened...," I was shaky on my feet and I used Al's tall form to balance.

"Shh, it's okay. Must have been a panic attack. I'm here, stud. Don't worry," Albrecht reassured, petting my head. I shivered whenever he called me 'stud'. It was so unbelievable considering the contrast between us, but I loved it anyway.

Before I could say another word, his snout closed in on my mouth. His cold nose made me jump a tad as it brushed my cheek, but his warm lips more than made up for it. I knew how to respond, barely opening my lips and letting his broad canine tongue push forward and do most of the work. His paws were firm on either side of my face, in an almost dominating gesture. Al knew how to kiss like a real man.

His saliva was heady, thick- almost over-powering. Even though it was a bit on the 'dog-breath' side, I learned to love it. Ed hadn't been the only one in the apartment that was getting proper training, I suppose. I tilted my head just a little more from his, presenting my tongue and tasting more of what he had to offer while. I could feel some his drool leaking out of my mouth, and dripping down my cheek to pool in my neck. It was always this wet and sloppy, and I don't think I could ever enjoy a kiss from another human again.

With a happy, guttural growl, Al had pulled himself away from my face and kept his loving gaze on my own. My heart fluttered with pure love, and the purest form of trust. I guess it was probably the same unconditional love that Ed felt for us.

"Have a fun trip to the pet store, Dan? Ed didn't act up, did he?"

"No, no... He was good this time. I guess it helps when I actually put clothes on him for the outside."

"He's wearing clothes? Oh cruel human, why must you clothe your pets? It looks ridiculous." Al mock-argued, tussling my hair in his paw.

"He doesn't look ridiculous, Al. He's wearing some of my clothes. I just didn't want him touching himself and jacking off in public, again."

"Eh, he's just a dumb dogboy. Besides, you can't judge him too much my little alley-pup," Al accentuated the telltale nickname with a grope of my cock. I let out a little moan, remembering the time of our second date when he pulled me into an alley between the bakery and post office. It was my first time with a guy, and FUCK did his muzzle feel good on my dick.

I grinned at my man and extricated myself, heading back out to the living room where I dropped our bag of spoils for the day.

"We picked up a few things. Dog food, new collar, and...and...," I shook my head, suddenly drawing a blank.

I remember Ed helping dig through a bin of collars, and walking through the chew-toys section...but it wasn't my Ed... I mean, it was, but he was human. No, he's human now... Ugh, that damn splitting headache was coming back.

Albrecht put his paw on my shoulder, and all at once the world corrected itself again. My headache vanished in a flash but it left me with a sense of unease. How often was I going to feel like this? Was I getting sick?

"Danny, do you need to lie down?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you...," I answered, touching the paw on my shoulder to reassure him. He forced a smile, genuinely worried if I would be alright. I wasn't sure myself, so the best thing was to keep moving at this point. Besides, I was excited to show him what we got.

I grabbed the medium brown bag, and started removing things from it. Just as I stated, I first pulled out a collar, and the food was already sitting in the kitchen. I could have sworn I picked up a threaded camo-collar, but what I placed down on the table was made of thick leather with silver bolts and a bright ring adorning the front. Back in the bag, I pushed my hand to the bottom and what I felt was distinctly rubber. The chew-toy? My curiosity and slipping memory got the better of me, and I pulled it free from the paper. In my hand was a slightly-long bit of pure black rubber. It wiggled, and tried to hold itself horizontally. What I was gripping was a bulb at the base that was made of the same material. Before I could show my ignorance, Albrecht lit up and spoke.

"You got a TAIL?" He snatched it from me, his own tail wagging happily back and forth. Ed could sense the excitement in the room, and panted from his spot on the floor.

When I heard what he called it, I just stared and remembered specifically selecting it from the shelf. It had a nice girth for the plug, but definitely smaller than Al's knot. I loved how it wiggled and mimicked an actual tail, even if I preferred them long and fluffy.

"Y-yeah... I thought Ed deserved something to wag. He's such a happy pup, you know?" I blushed, reaching down to adjust a new tightness in my crotch.

"Oh, it's for Ed, huh?" Ed was about to lose it, hearing his name so much, and was staring at us cutely with his tilted head. Albrecht reached over and gave the bulge in my jeans a squeeze. The gesture elicited another moan, and Ed started panting and wagging again as he sensed the sexual tension.

"Well...who else would it be for? You already have a tail." I mocked Al and just stood there while he sensually rubbed my denim-covered crotch with his thick paw.

"You little shit. Daddy Al doesn't like head-games." Al removed his paw, leaving me with a feeling that I hit a nerve. I thought so until I saw him put the tail-plug onto the table and grab the new collar. I took a shaky breath, anticipating his next move as he leaned in and began to fasten it around my neck. I began to play with my crotch myself, biting my lower lip and letting him work.

Albrecht took a step back, admiring his work. Not only the collar, but how he had me writhing in my spot like a bitch in heat. He chuckled, his tail betraying his collected stare and rocking back and forth like a glorious furred-pendulum. Ed was doing the same, his butt going wild while he crept forward to sit near us.

Al closed in and tugged on my collar, pulling me into a sloppy snout-to-mouth kiss and I felt his furry form engulfing me like earlier- pressed to him. I loved his kisses, but I loved it even more with a little force behind it like it did now. Ed barked from the floor, jumping up and gripping my thigh to hold himself upright as best as possible. His hips made lewd forward thrusts, and I could feel his hardening member grinding roughly on my leg.

I couldn't help laugh, breaking the sensual moment and giving Al a confused expression.

"What's so funny, pup?"

"Nothing... I just think Ed's happy to see us," I remarked, looking down at the happy dogboy that was now leaking on my confined leg.

"He's not the only one," Al replied, lowering his paw to grip his expanding sheathe. The tip of his red rocket was barely peeking out and even more so when he squeezed the base to pull back the skin. For a moment, Al's growing arousal seemed foreign, until a new flood of memories took over again and I recalled the night in the alley once more. I was on my knees, pressed into the wall and serving Al to hungry slurps over his fat knot with my measly tongue. I could even remember the musk- how it overtook my senses and drove me into a frenzy.

Speaking of frenzy, my knees nearly buckled when I felt a pressing sensation on my crotch. I looked down to see Ed frantically snuffling my parts and transitioning into loving licks over the thick material.

"It looks like Ed wants his bone, Danny." Albrecht smirked, almost evilly and jiggled his semi-hard erection in front of me. I could only respond with a nod, fighting back another moan before I reached down and started lowering my zipper. Ed backed his head away for a moment, watching with complete fascination while my pants split down the middle to reveal a bulge of white cloth. I didn't really have time to free my dick from my briefs, especially when Ed pushed back in and attacked the bulge with his tongue.

"Oh fuuuck...," I moaned, almost falling back until Al grabbed my shirt and held me in place while Ed assaulted the damp cotton. The dogboy was drinking in my pre, mixed with his own saliva, and worshipping my scent the same way I do with Albrecht.

"Open..." My eyes fluttered, hearing Al's command. I was quick to obey, tilting my head back and pushing my tongue out as much as possible. The canine brute hung over me and let his soggy tongue droop over mine. Al's frothy slobber began to ride the curve of his tongue, dripping down in thick strings and meeting my mouth. I let the drool gather- I let it fill my mouth with my throat closed. The heady liquid covered my taste-buds and made my head light with how powerful it seemed.

Al slurped his tongue back into his mouth, spittle still hanging from his chin when he pushed onto my jaw and closed my mouth. I knew what that meant. I didn't have to be told what to do... My eyes shut tight as I opened my throat and let the froth slide down my gullet, draining the bounty he left for me in one fell swoop.

As he released my chin, I panted and was able to breath normally again, tasting his dog-breath overtaking my own from his show of dominance. Albrecht responded to my obedience with loving strokes over my human ears.

"Good boy...," he patronized, slurping my chin. The whole act had me temporarily forget Ed was on my dick, and I started whining dramatically when the dogboy got my cock through the slit in my briefs. His hungry mouth was bobbing over the medium length with fervor, slobbering all over my nuts while doing so. Al pushed Ed's head deeper, forcing him to stay while the head of my dick bobbed against the back of his throat. He was such a good dog...he didn't choke even once when Albrecht started his fellatio-training and Ed kept up with his talent till this day.


Our actions had moved to the bedroom, and I shucked my clothes during our migration. Al had used his wide tongue inside my ass to keep me slick while he slid in the fat bulb of the rubber tail-toy. Grunting, I let out a slight relief when my hole clenched around the base. Al stroked my presented ass, causing me to wag out of instinct.

Ed was curious, trotting over behind me and started sniffing at the tail. His nose pressed hard into the base, causing the plug to shift and push all the right buttons. I moaned, drool starting to form on the side of my mouth while I was used by both of my roommates. Ed had resolved to lick my hanging sack, while Al tugged and twisted the plug inside of me.

"My good pup has a proper tail now, doesn't he?" Al asked mockingly. I only replied with an obedient nod and couldn't stop from biting my lip. At the same time, Ed was licking from the head of my dick up into my balls, leaving long trails of spittle along with my own fluids. My best response was to wag for them both, and submit with my head lowered to the ground.

It was at times like these when we all knew who the pet in the house was. Ed may have been a dumb dogboy, and Al was a full-grown canine-humanoid... but I was their bitch.

I loved it.

Albrecht stood over me, stroking his doggy cock and started to lean over so he could aim the solid shaft over my back. I felt his paw on my neck, using me for balance while his leg lifted up. I was trained for this, too. I was taught to keep perfectly still and let him do as he pleased when he took this position. In only moments, I felt a hot rush over me. Al was grunting like a pure animal, his claws slightly digging in while he pissed all over me. The fluids drained to my sides and dripped from my stomach and chest. The golden bounty rolled onto my shoulders because of the angle and even flowed down my arms.

I was filled with nothing but gratitude while my mate marked me and coated me in his scent so thoroughly. I even recalled the first time he did it- pissing on my leg while we showered to see how I'd react to it. The smell was rank, a bit too powerful at first for me. Through another few sessions- some without the luxury of a shower- I began to get used to it... even crave it. There were some nights when I'd just bury my nose in Al's sheathe while he slept just to let his scent fill me.

Al shifted his position, raising himself while keeping his weight on my back and directed his stream at my ass. I felt the warmth roll down my crack besides the plug. The liquid gathered on my crotch and dripped from my dick as if it was my own. Ed was pleased by this, attacking the stream like a needed treat and cleaning my lower areas.

Albrecht had kneeled behind me, taking my ass in his paws and bringing his snout down to nestle at the base of the tail. I squirmed with the added pressure again, but even more so when his tongue started cleaning me just as Ed had been doing to my crotch. Al's tongue had not only invaded the outer areas and the large wet crevice, but he was digging under the rubber and playing with my hole. The action was loosening me further, the bulb starting to slip outwards with a drawn out mix of pain and pleasure spreading over me.

A strong paw was tugging at my plug, my body responding by slightly pulling forward. I started to bark in short bursts, growling and yipping while Al was slowly removing the mass inside of me. The bulb slid out and was quickly replaced with the canine tongue I've known to love. My newly-stretched hole was prime and easy to invade and my whines became incessant. The long appendage pushed completely in and slurped deep inside my anal walls. With a slap on my behind, Al pulled himself away with a final heavy inhale over the slobbery, sensitive flesh.

"Mmm, puppy-butt... I think Ed wants a turn, though. Here, boy!" Al called out, gesturing and ushering for our dogboy to move back around. Ed complied, rushing behind me and stuffing his face deep into my opening. I clenched my fingers, gripping the thick shag of our bedroom rug and stayed as still as possible. Al rewarded Ed with a hearty pet over his ears and a stream of positive phrases that only made the hungry mutt go faster.

Albrecht ceased in his encouraging chatter, patting his paw on my back and ushering Ed to move forward. Ed stared, sloppy-jawed for a moment before obeying his orders again and pulled himself up onto my back. He mounted like a real dog- seeing as how he didn't have the muscles in his back legs and proper balance after all these years to hold himself up. Either way, he had grown used to this gesture. There were months when he'd be nothing but horny, and mount anything lying on the floor. We used to throw him a pillow or a big plush toy to keep himself satisfied, but Al had the bright idea of throwing me onto the floor after a while.

I didn't mind being used as a fuck-toy, not when Al rewarded me so nicely. The patterns had kept Ed always hungering after my ass, even in public, which is where the problem stood taking him outside a lot. We got caught once by an Officer Dog. We were found in the bushes of a park- Ed had overpowered me and had ripped a hole in the back of my shorts with his teeth. Because of Al's training with us, I knew it'd be easier to let him have his way, even in public. I would be lying if I didn't find the humiliation extremely... erotic.

Anyway, the Officer Dog that I mentioned was a breed of Husky and Shepherd mixed, and was apparently a good friend of Al's. After letting the cop have his way with me back at home for my mate's amusement, we were let off without any charges. That was really my first experience with bondage. I sometimes wish he'd find me again, being naughty, causing a public disturbance...

I came back from my thoughts while Ed was increasing his speed, trying to fuck into my hole with precision that Al had been trying to work at. My mate made his way up to my front in the midst of my distraction. He sank down on his knees, proffering his engorged canine member to me. I stared for only a moment, stars of admiration and respect in my eyes before tentatively leaning forward and taking the tip into my lips. The action was met with his paw under my chin to guide me.

Al sharply inhaled and forced his canine instincts not to take over and begin humping my mouth. He liked taking things slow, despite his natural reaction to breed and be done...

I stared lovingly upwards at him, at my gorgeous Alpha, and let him move my face as he pleased to spread his pre over my cheeks and forehead. He let the erection go, causing it to flop against his abs and left the swollen knot accessible to me. I pushed forward with a surprising vigor and almost threw Ed off while my tongue attacked the red flesh.

Those memories- the memories of the alley and a sudden rush of the many times I submitted to Al had come back to me. Each thought was connected to his musk. His wonderful canine scent that broke down all barriers in my head. It was like being in heat. My movement had shifted Ed enough so he could align his cock with my hole. The insatiable organ found its entrance and went all the way in with one go.

I grunted, having to stop for a moment to compose myself while Ed went wild behind me. I started matching Ed's thrusts with my own, humping the air and forcing Ed deeper into me before I continued to worship Albrecht's dick.

Al's breaths became labored, needy, and I kept up with my efforts to push him over the edge. I found myself growling and losing myself to animal instincts while I was being used from both sides. Albrecht stared down at me, trying to control his panting. His paws pulled my chin deeper into his crotch. I had no choice but to bathe his furry nuts in my saliva, jostling them on my tongue.

"Hngg..Ffuck! SPEAK, BOY!" Albrecht boomed.

I barked for him, for my Alpha, and moaned aloud while Ed fucked with wild abandon. Being a lowly dog was so fun and primal. I slurped eagerly again at Albrecht's knot, losing myself in the heat radiating from his solid spear-like member that dripped a constant stream of canine fluids over my face.

It took only a few more licks before I saw those plump canine balls pull inside. I closed my eyes as white ropes shot up from the towering member and crashed back down onto my forehead. Albrecht had lost himself, grabbing my face and humping feverishly. He was smearing himself- his scent, his seed- all over me. It was rough, almost painful, but I submitted as I should.

Albrecht's strong muzzle opened and went from a beastly growling into a regal howl that was only prominent in beautiful breeds as his own. The sound filled our ears and trigged Ed's own orgasm inside my ass. Ed tried joining in, his measly dogboy howl raising to attempt to match Al's pitch but falling just short while I worked my anus and milked the last remnants of his seed.

With a little composure regained, and his cock still shooting smaller spurts, Al had forced it back into my mouth. Even with his eruption he still had a torrent of cum that flooded past my teeth and straight down my throat. With how he held my chin, I was quick to swallow it like his drool.


The television was on, and Ed was sleeping at our feet while we rested on the couch. I had the tail-plug pushed back in, and my face and hair were messy with dried seed from our efforts. I was cuddling up to Al, laying on his strong chest and rubbing his belly contently. Despite his efforts to remain unfazed, his leg was twitching beside us from the stimulation to his midsection. It made me giggle and remember how gentle-hearted he was.

I lifted my head to stare at the furry lug, his gaze soon meeting my own with a caring smile gracing his muzzle.

"I love you..."

"Good boy."

Albrecht slurped my face in a heartfelt gesture and pushed me back down to rest on his body while we slowly lulled into a peaceful slumber together.