
Story by Rajnish on SoFurry

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I must explain the choice of this title.

There was an Italian singer and musician, who composed a song called "Luciano". A song which describes the night raid of the author's friend, whose name is exactly Luciano, tormented by an ended love his friend asks for commiseration. He insist so much that the author can't even go to the bathroom. So, he try to escape from his friend's urgency, in order to repair at his bladder urgency. The song ends that the author wets his pants and his friend goes away disgusted. I changed the story :3

Circled mark of glasses on the table, loose tobacco scattered on the vitreous surface. I drank the last glass of beer alone. My eyes, tired and narrowed, they sought the shade in my small living room, they sighed for the rest and for the cessation of their own activity. Darkness shrouded my sensibleness and so I collapsed on my black leather couch.

I was aroused by a clamant and invasive ping, severe and painful. The doorbell buzzed like a threatening hornet. Reluctantly, I got up and, walking through the corridor, I reached the front door. I glanced through the peephole that ungrateful beast who was careful to ruin my slumber that night: it was a friend. The face was streaked with tears, which wet his fur on his cheecks yet. The feline nose was visibly damp, indication of a profound sadness. I opened the door without resentment: something terrible must had happened. Luke entered, without too much courtesy, coming instantly to the point.

"That bitch... I should have known that she would have cheated on me!"

I looked at his shoulders while he was coming in somberly, my eye fell on his buttocks and on his leopard tail. I hadn't recovered from the hangover yet and every ordinarily insignificant detail now had got my attention, like, for example, his body. I'm not saying I've never slept with a male, but simply from long time I had lost all sorts of enthusiasm in respect of the usual sex - both with males and females. Alcohol, maybe, made it more interesting, but I wouldn't have pounced on my friend in this obviously difficult moment of him. I asked him in what way he became aware of the treason and he answered confusedly:

"Everyone is talking about this in the town! Everyone knows what happens in the bed of the traitors, except the unsuspecting victim... I want to leave, now!"

I tried to quell the rashness of his purposes making him think over:

"Sit on the couch, now. Do you wanna drink? Here it is, my dear. Listen, whatever happened, you must not be discouraged from the immorality of your ex-girlfriends. Come on, remember how much of them had been so slut to make you wish to be a woman to enjoy so much promiscuity in the same way!"

"But she was different... I thought she was, really..."

"You say always that about everyone. Be realist, young women aren't famous for their mental maturity... Maybe just for their big tits."

The attempt to bring him to reason failed and Luke began to ramble about promises and memories. I didn't listen to him for real. I nodded often, while I was staring at the walls which reflected the dull light of the lamp, I despised silently the chaos accumulated in my room. Then, I swallowed another alcoholic drink and in that moment I realised I was in need to go to the bathroom. My thought focused on this necessity and meanwhile my body answered to the urge showing nervous behaviors: legs rub each other, a paw was settled on the crotch, the other grasped tight a knee; inside, the more I became aware of the need to evacuate, the more I felt the impending leak. Suddenly, I got up from the couch, despite Luke was still railing, now angrier than rueful. My elusory movement seemed to disturb him and he catched my arm holding me in the position. I accepted patiently that rudeness, which, after all, was only the manifestation of an enough understandable desperation. I pretended again to listen and when I noticed a pause in his speech, I jumped off the couch nimbly, and I tried to reach the corridor. But I was again stopped by Luke, who yelled at me:

"Where are you going? Do you think it's the right time to leave a friend?"

I wanted to tell him the truth, but it seemed to me inappropriate to compare my need to piss to his need to be comforted. So I told him that I wanted to hear him standing. The signs of my desperation changed: my legs, crossed adjacent to each other, often interchanged their position; one paw was raised with the tip of the claws touching the ground and the other firmly resting on the ground; my arms were crossed too and they pressed on my stomach as they wanted to contain the liquid; fangs sticked out almost piercing the lips due to the nervousness. If I relaxed my bladder, immediately I felt the urine which was searching for the way out; then, I suppressed the leak contracting my abdominal muscles. Luke was too absorbed in his pain to see my inner fight, and again he continued that inane speech about his loyalty and his virtues when he was her lover.

Abruptly, I felt a drop reaching the top of my penis. My underwear wet significantly. That was the last straw that broke the camel's back. I left Luke alone in the living room and I turned to search of the bathroom. He followed me at once and with the gesture to stop he tugged me. Realizing how much he was getting crabbed, he merely embraced me. An embrace which asked for forgiveness and solace. I returned the hug with endearment, but that sweetness was fatal because it melted me literally. I couldn't control my penis which was secreting urine free, like an excited puppy I was soaking my pants. A bright stain covered all the central zone up to expand on both legs. The fluid reached the lower paws and slowly it formed a slightly yellowish puddle with the sound of rushing water. When the urine wet Luke's paws too, he broke away from me and looked below. Immediately he turned his gaze to my face, now charmed by relief. Keeping closed my eyes, I couldn't understand he was looking at me with a very interrogative expression of surprise.

For the first time that night, Luke stopped talking about himself and he said to me:

"You drank a lot, hum? Look, you're so drunk you pissed yourself!"

I opened my eyes and I glared at him.

"None! You forced me to stay when I wanted to go to the bathroom!"

Luke blamed himself immediately and expressed his mortification with considerable embarrassment. Then suddenly he hushed and he gazed my eyes. This time, it was I who didn't understand his intentions and, surprisingly, I found his lips fused with mine. His soft paws touched my wet groin without rejection. Straightway my penis went hard and ejected already other kind of liquids, less copious. Horny like I hadn't felt for long time, I returned his touch and I realised he was letting go in his pants the same way. Rivulets of piss drenched my paws' fur while an exciting intense smell spread from our clothes. We remained standing, kissing each other, till our puddles joined, making a large lake in my corridor. When Luke finished to let it go, he broke the kiss and he told me something which impressed and intrigued me the same way:

"While we're at, I should do something else... Don't you mind if I use these same pants to end what I began?"

Sure that wasn't the right time to think too much, so I merely lengthened my arms to his ass and I hugged him tight.

"It doesn't matter, we'll clean later."

At that time, I felt his belly contracting and his buttocks widening while they left room for a squashy and huge load, which mildly filled his underwear. I squeezed that mass with my paws and I found out that it beared me an inexplicable pleasure. I persisted continuing to press against his bottom, until the outer side became flat and smooth. Without breaking the hug, I turned my gaze to his face and pleased I asked him:

"How is it? It looks higly pleasant!"

For a few seconds he didn't answer, panting heavily, then he affirmed:

"It's... Yeah... You must try it, will you?"

I wasn't sure I could do it, I didn't feel a significant need as what I felt before with piss. But luckily, alcohol usually disturbs bowel too and I felt ready to imitate my friend. I nodded and lowered my head resting my chin on his shoulder. I stressed my low abdominal muscles and incredibly soon I sensed something expanding my anus. In one breath I pulled out and in one moment my briefs, which were also resisting, filled with my stuff. Warmth permeated in my inguinal zone, because I could eject with a last effort a mixture of urine and pre-ejaculatory fluid. Luke fingered me voraciously everywhere and he resumed to kiss me.

We spent the night laying on that cold and wet floor, enjoying our new discover: our love, crowned by an eccentric passion. We stayed dressed for very much time and when finally we decided to undress, we noticed we were by then completely smeared with crap and urine. Neither the common sense, neither the disgust stopped us: we lost both. The smell didn't agree with the ordinary stench of public lavatory, because it was ours: it was the olfactory confirmation of our occured union. Unity that had the taste of the emotions felt in those moments, which weren't been released by agreement, which now they were shared without repulsion: we accepted every thing it came from us, for we really loved each other then. It was enough to touch our penises and handle them lightly and we reached the most important orgasm of our isolated lives.