Spreading Transformation - Part V - Pushing Out

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#5 of Spreading Transformation (ARCHIVED)

Dean gets all bull-ified and Sarah gives in to her more base desires. More coming soon!

His legs kicked out from under him as he felt the largest charlie-horse in his life, it felt like everything in his legs was bunching up and tearing at once. His legs splayed out behind him, kicking violently for purchase as they struggled to support his upper torso.

Spikes of pain lanced up from his legs to his head like painful electricity, causing a growing headache deep in his temples. Dean screamed as his legs lengthened and cracked, becoming animalistically digitigrade. Thick throbbing tendons stretching over his reforming bones. Thick black tar seeped out of his foots' blunt nails, coating his toes as they began to merge into two large digits. The tar hardened as it covered his two massive toes, forming bulky split hooves on his long sinewy feet.

"Oh god, whats....whats happening to meeeeeeeee...." he whined, his voice cracking. He was now unwillingly placed in the upward dog position by his cracking changing legs and long powerful arms. Even his head craned upwards as screamed, drool seeping out of the corners of his mouth. Dean would have laughed at the irony if he his whole body wasn't being wracked by heaving spasms. His thick arms squeezing his thick slab-like pecs together. It was all he could do to keep himself upright.

Sarah finally came down from her raging orgasm, her mid-section shuddering as her hands braced themselves against her knees for support. She caught her breath as best she could as her bosom heaved under her arms. Hot water still streamed down her back, making it hard to cool down. She gazed up and saw Deans tensing body gazing at the ceiling as his legs kicked and thickened behind him. His chest had become chiseled and broad, every shuddering breath moved his tightly drawn muscles. His crotch shrouded under his growing body. Sarah felt her heat immediately re-flare at the male's erotic display.

Dean felt his body slowly calming, his twitching muscles ceasing their convulsing spasms as they settled. His exhausted head fell back down towards the floor as he finally was given a moments respite from the pressure and pain. A thick triangle connecting his sagging head to his broad shoulders.

Sarah's wet fuzzy form slinked next to his body as he finally caught a breather from his bodies non-stop growth. Without him noticing she crouched next to him, her thighs spreading as her deep crotch expelled its musky perfume, leaking drops of her sweet liquid down her taint. She inhaled him deeply, breathing in his sweaty musk as she moved her hands under his torso to his tightly toned stomach.

Dean gasped as he felt her hand on his hard stomach. "Nuuoooohhhh....dont....it feels...it feels.... so... so... goooooddd" he moaned as her hands brought out a hereto unknown heat that throbbed deep under his skin. His thick body-builder physique shuddered at her caressing touch, the thick pink pads on her hands dragging themselves across his hard body.

Sarah worked her way down his hairless chest. His skin was hard, drawn tightly around his aching muscles and large bones. Her paw left his sweat-glistened abs as it worked its way downwards. Slowly, slowly she reached down as her fuzzy fingers met his curly pubes.

Dean had grown everywhere more masculine and toned, everywhere but there. His flaccid two inch cock and olive-sized balls were so small and so well nestled in their curly hair-covered home between his thick legs that he almost looked female.

Sarah's paw was on his crotch now, her hands were still wet from the shower and her own juices. He could feel her massaging and playing with his small cock. But yet he didn't feel aroused, no matter how much she plied at his manhood. She may as well be playing with the large nerveless hoofs that terminated his digitigrade legs.

Sarah was frustrated, her own arousal starting to sputter and falter as she attempted to jack off this almost sexless male. Her labia convulsed almost painfully as her depths ached to be filled. With growing frustration she was prepared to try anything to get this male to fill her. Sarah loved James, loved him in a way she could only barely begin to express with her new body. But her body also had needs, and as she was discovering, they were indiscriminate and volatile. Right now she needed this male. Her body having temporarily had its fill of massive masturbating horse just outside of the changing rooms' door.

She huffed as she simultaneously grabbed Deans torso with her strong paws and a strong flow of lubricant splashed out of her nethers. There was no more waiting, no more fondling, she would have him! She would have him now! Grabbing his sides she pushed his bulk over, toppling the resting giant onto his side as he lost balance on his hands. He cried out as his muscled body hit the floor, his mind barely able to make sense of what was happening before the rabbit grabbed his thick wrists tightly and began to drag him.

Sarah grunted as she dragged Dean across the floor, he was extremely heavy, his clammy skin sticking to the tile floor, increasing his resistance. She only managed to drag his immensely dense weight a couple yards before giving up, the strain of dragging him combined with her heat were making it too difficult. She would try another way.

Dean now lay on his broad back. He was still dazed from the rabbits unexpected tipping over of his body and the subsequent drag across the shower floor. He was now much further away from the shower and closer to the door that led to the locker room. The rabbit let go of his arms as they limply hit the floor. "What are you doing? Can you...let me go? I just want to go home....I just want to go home...." he began mumbling, his brain was in too much shock from this whole painful experience. Dean began mentally shutting down, his increasingly quiet speech cycling. "I want my mommy.....mommmmmyyyyyyy" he cried pitifully, tears streaming down his eyes. He was 15 but right now he felt like he was a kid again, defenseless and scared.

His cries for his mother had touched something inside Sarah as she stopped in her tracks. Having turned around she now walked to the side of this now crying mountain of a man. She stepped over his sobbing form as she straddled his wide body. Water and her own faintly leaking juices dripped onto his stomach as she stood over his prone body. Slowly she lowered herself onto his flat crotch, her pussy spreading as her widening stance pulled at her crotches thick skin. She landed wetly on his small pube-covered crotch, her bodies weight pressing into him. Bracing herself, she extended her right hand and gently brushed his face, a single finger tracing the line of his tears down his cheek.

?"Its ok, its ok....." she cooed. "Don't be afraid, it made me free, it can make you free too" she whispered. "Freer than you have ever been in you life...plus the orgasms are great" she explained almost matter-of-factly. As she proceeded to comfort him her hips began to ever so slowly travel against his uncooperative privates. Her pussy was on fire but she was holding herself back, it was easier to do now that she had some practice. But she didn't want to, her mind craved him as much as her body did at the moment. She wanted him, wanted hims so badly. If her conscious mind couldn't make him service her, maybe her natural instincts could. She let loose, ceding full control to what her body craved most.

Sarah's assurances and comforting words were working, Dean was calming down. He had stopped crying at least. His chest still heaving in ragged breaths as he recovered from his short-lived bout of infantilism. Then, as if she was struck by lightening, her head whipped back violently, she remained like that for a moment, when she finally lowered her head here large round eyes were different, more wild, more unrestrained and filled with lust.

The rabbits grinding hips became alive with need. Large labia squelched and slapped as they drenched his crotch in their slick sweet juice. Their massive thick walls grabbed greedily at him, massing his still flaccid penis as it barely made its way past her wet gates.

Dean began to moan as he felt something stir inside him. It was heat, or at least the very essence of it. This heat wasn't foreign, he had felt it before, its merest flicker flaring inside him many times as he surfed the internet. It was always strongest when he was looking at pictures of buxom women in lacy lingerie spreading themselves for the camera. Now that the real thing was straddling him the heat wasn't a mere flicker anymore.

Sarah moaned gutturally as she felt him start to harden under her ministrations. She doubled her efforts, her long slow strokes of his now throbbing manhood speeding up. She ceased bracing herself over him and instead grabbed her huge breasts with furry paws as she ground against him. Dean's cock throbbed as it grew, it was a grower not a shower. But even so it was peaking, his throbbing shaft growing from two short inches to four and then six. Peaking at almost seven inches its throbbing length was large for his age, but for Sarah it wasn't enough.

Dean groaned as he felt his erection throbbing, blood flowing into his trapped cock. He had a hard time seeing her gyrations on his crotch over his slab-like chest. His penis had nowhere to go but into the entrance to the rabbits leaking crotch as his erection grew. Her hips gyrated as she ground her engorged mound against his increasingly hot crotch. His engorged fully circumcised head dripped small beads of pre into her pounding love channel. His own lubricant was like a drop of water in the ocean compared to her own hot flow.

He was being milked for all he had as her thick, strong walls sucked on his cock. She was so hot inside, her heat practically burned his skin and submerged penis as they were re-coated in her fluids. She was hitting him everywhere at once inside, every nerve in his penis stimulated at once. He felt his body, penis and small balls tense as he came into her. He had just lost his virginity to a massively bosomed, heaving, sexpot of a rabbit girl. He was too overwhelmed with his small orgasm to consider the implications of that too deeply.

The two small squirts of his seed pushed into her spasming insides. Disappointingly both dollops of cum soon leaked back out of her slurping labia and onto his crotch as they failed to make the trip up her birth canal to her awaiting cervix.

The heat was in full flame now even after his small but immensely pleasurable orgasm. He groaned as he felt its fire course through his body, radiating from his crotch. His cock was staying painfully erect inside the rabbit even after he released his load. His heavily muscled outstretched arms spasmed on the floor as his hands clenched as the heat grew stronger.

"Whaaaa....whats happening to me? It....huuurughhhh....burns!!!!" he practically screamed with such force he sprayed a rain of spittle from his mouth. The heat in his loins became unbearable.

The grinding rabbit's crotch began to sweep his curly pubes off of his foreskin as she rhythmically rubbed herself against him. The hair on his head began to shed at the same time as his scalp released large clumps of his brown hair onto the floor. He was in moments entirely hairless, even his eyebrows had come loose, washing off his face with the streams sweat pouring off his brow.

Coarse burnt-red fur began to sprout from his foreskin. The furs thick bristles were instantly matted by Sarah's gushing pussy. Burnt-red fur spread like wildfire over the rest of his crotch, spreading to the interiors of his thighs. Soon it was crawling up his muscled torso and down his hefty, sinewy legs with incredible speed. Everywhere the fur spread he felt the heat go too, but much deeper under his thickening skin. His hands began scratched at his chest furiously as the fur spread.

The fur was causing his body to thicken and grow even more, blowing up his muscles and bones to sizes well beyond anything any man could achieve. He was becoming a furry Adonis under the still grinding white rabbit.

His hands were not spared by the furs power. As the fur raced down his arms his hands were quickly covered, his digits began to thicken. His ring and pinkie fingers becoming harder to move as they cracked and merged together, forming one large finger in their place. His remaining digits were growing too, easily matching the thickness of his new fourth finger. The same black tar that coated his toes flowed from his fingernails creating rough hoof-life finger nails on his meaty fingers. His furry hands were massive and strong now as he clenched them open and closed in front of his face.

The fur had reached his thick neck as it surged upward to his face. He moaned as the fur wrapped his head, his last remaining pink human skin turning dark brown before it was hidden under a carpet of coarse red fur.

His hands migrated to his face as he felt an immense pressure begin to build behind his eyes. His headache was still going strong, the jackhammering in his temples would not abate as he groaned, groping at his face. His hands massaging and groping at his throbbing skull.

"Noooauughhh.. it hurts.....IT HURTS" he bellowed as his face pushed out. Arching his strong back, he carried Sarah upwards as she steadied herself with her arms on his broad chest. Two quarter-sized openings appeared on the top of Dean's head. They each issued a thin trickle of blood as thick bone began to push out of them, their circumference expanding, pushing the skin on top of his head out of the way. The nubs began to lengthen and thicken greatly as they formed into pointed steer horns, connecting to each other via a thick fur-covered channel of rock-hard bone. The thick ivory horns curved gracefully to the front of his face, entering the top of his vision.

Dean grabbed his new horns with his hands as he steadied himself. His face was still extending painfully as his nose flattened, becoming broad and huge as it was pushed further and further away from his eyes. The fur around his nasal cavities turned white as his nostrils flared. He let out a powerful snort as his new deep nasal passages carrying the smell of his own spent seed and the rabbits sex, into his mouth and massive lungs. He could taste her on his tongue, the sensations were overwhelming sexual as his eyes rolled backwards in his thickening skull.

His jaw ached and cracked as it extended, pushing out and out. In his mouth causing the spread of his molars in thick gums. Each of his teeth grew larger and flatter as they filled his growing mouth. His swollen tongue filled his mouth as it grew and throbbed. Distracted by his faces painful contortions, he didn't notice his ears migrated to the top of his head. They tucked themselves just under his new thick horns, they stretched into floppy, wide, flat bull ears. He felt and heard a final crack as everything in his face moved into its final position. Dean mooed through his large cow muzzle in pleasure and relief as his throbbing headache almost immediately dissipated.

The only part of his now heaving bull body unaffected by his transformation into a massive muscled bull was his crotch. He sported a still-engorged seven inch penis thrust deep in the ravenous mound of the rabbit. She was still moaning quietly as she continued to slowly grind and gyrate over his crotch. Her insatiable lust merely a calm smolder, her pussy barely able to manage a few beads of lubricant from its thick lips as her ministrations were yielding no result. That is, until now.

Dean felt an immense throbbing heat begin in his genitals. The heat that had saturated his body was increasing, the burning fire growing deep in his belly to the tips of his thick fingers. He began thrashing, his massive back still arched above the floor as the heat became too much. He, he couldn't take it. The burning was in his head now, he felt it throbbing around his skull. His mind had been relatively unscathed to this point by his transformation into a massively muscled bull. But now he felt something foreign invading his thoughts, a deep unquenchable desire that felt both natural and alien.

It was lust, a throbbing fiery thing that pervaded his mind and drove his crotch. Every throb of his small balls and over-stimulated cock sending arcs of pleasure up his massive spinal column and exploding in fireworks behind his eyes. He wanted more, he needed more, sopping wet pussies to drill and seed to pump into them.

To be continued...