Brotherly Love.

Story by Jackmink on SoFurry

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#1 of Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

By Jack the Wolverine

"Alright, Matty." Joshua said turning the tv off. The otter stood up and gave a stretch as he looked over at his kid brother. "It's late. You need to get to bed. Got school tomorrow."

"Oh, come on! Please! Just five more minutes! I won't tell mum," the teenager said giving him a hopeful look. Matty was only a couple years younger than Joshua but he'd always be nothing more than a kit in his eyes. "I'm still hungry!" He whined.

"Fine, fine. You can watch it in your room though! And you're always hungry, silly." Joshua laughed and shooed him off as he went about cleaning up the mess the two had made. It wasn't the first time their parents let Joshua babysit his brother. They were gone most days leaving the two brothers alone at the house after school and even before. The two practically did everything together as it was and Joshua was more than happy to pick up and drop off his kid brother.

Joshua stacked the pizza boxes, pop cans and dishes on the table, trying to spruce up the place the best he could before taking everything into the kitchen to dispose of it. He had only ordered a large pizza and the box was empty even if he only had a couple of pieces; his kid brother was a bottomless pit these days it seemed. Never gaining a pound either, Joshua was envious of it.

Wiping the counter down he moved into the living room to clean things up there and pick up whatever was left behind. He wasn't even sure when Matt had taken off his pants and just shook it off. As he was scrubbing the table the otter yelped and jumped back, suckling on his finger and trying to see what he had stabbed himself on. It was like a small pin prick but he couldn't see the source of it. Figuring it was just a loose splinter on the table or something Joshua called it good and headed down the hall towards his brothers room.

"Hey, Matty." Josh announced himself with a knock coming into the room with a bowl of ice cream he had snagged from the kitchen. Chocolate, whip cream and all. Of course the teenager sat up at that and smiled wildly at the treat. "Scoot your fat butt over," Josh laughed as he crawled into the bed with him. The two otters rested back, facing towards the TV at the foot of the bed. Matty took the bowl and set it on his stomached, nomming bites every now and then with low murrs of pleasure and joy.

"Thanks." Matt said giving his brother a playful nudge at his side. Josh reciprocated the action an tossed an arm around his brother who snuggled in closer to him. In the end of things they were the only real family they had for each other as both their parents traveled for work. And though they fought they had grown close over the years.

Joshua was nineteen, almost twenty and had darker brown, scruffy looking fur than his brother. Matt was almost seventeen, smooth light brown fur covered his whole body; it was warm and musky and both of them enjoyed rubbing at it. The two were a couple years apart from each other but were always together, hanging out and having fun. The two were close. Unaware of just how close they'd become this night.

Josh called it a night, ruffled his brothers head and wished him pleasant dreams as he headed out of the room forgetting to grab the ice cream bowl still resting on his brothers belly like a clam.

The older otter had felt dizzy the last hour and was getting a head ache. He called it a night even before making his brother turn off the tv and go to bed, which was a first. Once he almost shut Matt's door (liking to leave it open a bit to make sure he can peek in when needed), Josh nearly fell over. The very floor seemed to be moving and the walls swayed back and forth as if they were on a ship. Finally Joshua collapsed not even three steps away from his brothers door.

Matt loved to listen to music during sleep and wore large noise canceling headphones every night. Even if the music wasn't loud it worked perfectly to drone out the outside world.

Josh woke an hour and a half later, holding his head and still seeing spots before his eyes. His finger throbbed where it had been pricked. It was the least of his concerns as he looked around the place he found himself in. Large strands of carpet stood up all around him and the side table looked like a skyscraper to him. He had to crawl out of his own cloths! He never felt so embarrassed than almost being smothered by his own underwear.

"This just isn't good..." He could only say as he tried to make sense of what had happened. The lights in the hallway were off and everything was dim from the only light source around; from the crack in the door Joshua had left open from Matt's room. "Matty, of course!" Josh reasoned unsure what else to do. He shuddered from the cold, hugging himself he made his way over the carpet quickly butt naked and no taller than a pop can.

It could be worse, he tried to reason as he slipped underneath the door with his long agile body. He could be smaller. Or bigger, that alone could be a problem if he had gotten stuck in the hallway. The shock from it all left his mind mostly blank as he ran over the floor and to the bed on the other side.

Josh could make out the sleeping giant that was his kid brother and stopped in the sheer size of his once smaller, shorter and younger brother. Matt didn't have anything on other than his underwear, or so Josh thought as he moved closer. The now smaller big brother bumped into an article of clothing, face first and got a massive whiff of musk from Matt's discarded briefs. Just his luck, Josh thought, he had to walk right into the front of them. His nose wrinkled and he tried his best not to enjoy it as he wiped it off.

"It could be worse." Josh still tried to reason. "I could've bumped into the back of it." He shuddered at the idea and moved around the cloth.

The bed frame had broken ages ago and so the two had just set the double mattresses down on the ground and called it good. And for once Joshua was thankful for their laziness as he made his way up one of the blankets that had nearly been kicked off by his brother.

Even the blankets were musky with male scent and aftermath from countless jerk fests. Joshua tried not to focus on any of this as he finally reached the top of the mattress and took a moment to catch his breath. A bit of a mistake however.

Josh didn't want to go up near the head right away as the otter had turned around and his muzzle was facing that way, leaving little room for the nearly five inch otter to walk around. He had hopped climbing up in the middle of the bed but the windy blanket led him to the very end, right next to his brother's bare hind webbed paws.

Resting on his stomach Matt continued to snooze pleasantly with his paw pads sticking up for the wold to see. His toes were spread out as he nuzzled his pillow thinking of pleasant, naughty things as teens do. Grinding against the bed sheets Matt stretched out one long slowly with the feel of it. It might've been slow to a normal sized otter but Josh barely had the time to register what was happening before he found himself scoop up between the webbing of those toes and shoved onto the paw.

Josh clung to the center pad, pressing against the warm, musky sole as the foot stretched out off the bed and over the floor. As the older brother clung to the paw, Matt murmurred a low groan and curled his toes securely holding him as the foot slowly came back to the bed.

Josh just let out a yelp in freight and clung on for the ride; even as Matt turned over on his side and ended up trapping Josh between both his paws. The older brother was spun around, facing the sole, in the chaos found himself kissing his brother's sole as the other paw came from behind to press him firmly against it. His whole body was outline within the pink pad and Josh could taste the long day these paws had been through.

Josh pushed back trying to fight off the paws larger than even he was. All he did was give his brother a nice massage in his feeble struggles; it put a smile on the young otters face. So he rubbed the back paw up and down that spot, using Joshua's whole body to rub into that soft warm pad. And the older brother could only go along for the ride.

At first it was repulsive and with the shock value finally wearing off, having his naked body rubbed up and down against the firm, yet soft warm paw pad wasn't all that bad. As the paw behind him eased up, that big toe sliding slowly down his back and over his tail, Josh found that he himself was letting out a low groan of enjoyment.

Without being used as a play thing Josh was able to willingly go back to the paw at hand. He slid down, resting and nestling in amongst those web toes that moved underneath him at the feel of the weight now on them. He found himself giggling a bit at the feel of those toes teasing his rump. With a hand he rubbed down and over the webbing, stretching it out with a hand. And the toes stretched out and open at the welcomed gestured.

One toe was bigger than his head; still Joshua moved down to kiss his big brother's toe. He giggled a bit more as it moved.

This was a first, once in a life time chance. This would never happen to begin with, let alone AGAIN. He might as well live it up while it lasted; somehow sure he'd return to normal or convincing himself on the matter. Anyways, for some reason, that wasn't his concern. Enjoying himself, making his brother happy. Now that was his concern.

Using both hands he sat up a bit and began rubbing and kneading the paw pads of the webbed paw. Firm unyielding almost leathery flesh that was warm to the touch with a hint of musk to them. It took Joshua's whole body just to get all of this one paw. The toes under him curled and fanned out every now and then clearly Matt was enjoying this and that only made Joshua happier. He had always taken care of his kid brother and now he could do so on a more hands on account.

He found himself laying out on top of the paw, nuzzling it a bit as he took a moment to catch his breath. This whole thing had left him rather exhausted and if he knew he'd be fine here, he most likely would've gone to sleep on this warm welcoming paw. It was semi sweaty and Joshua, the good brother he was, opened his muzzle and began licking over it to clean it off.

It was salty and had a slight taste of earth to it, just glad Matt always wore socks and shoes.

It had an effect on the large titan sized otter who bit at his pillow a bit and shook his rear in the air. The slight motion caused the whole world for Joshua to shake and soon enough he found himself rolling off and onto the matress, between the two massive paws that were moving back and forth. Not wanting to be crushed or pinned again Joshua moved on all fours towards a dead end; between the canyon sized legs of his younger brother and ever closer to him.

Josh yelped again as he saw that massive rudder tail lift up before flopping down between those legs; he had just enough time to dive under it and covered his head as it came down blocking out most of the light. Matt groaned a bit, moving from side to side and shut his legs fully blocking off the exit Joshua was hoping to escape to.

He turned around to look up at the massive tail, his head slowly fell backwards as his cheeks and ears filled with a blush as he stared straight into the eye of Matt's tail hole, and then down further until his forhead was resting against the mattress and at Matt's massive beanbag sized sack.

Joshua's nose twitched and he folded his ears back, eyes going wide as a full rich musky scent filled the closed space he was trapped in. He thought the underwear smelled strong, that the used sheets did - from the source however was the richest scent of all. Fresh, undiluted and warm.

The older brother swallowed loudly, practically tasting it already just from that scent as he turned around. He winced slightly and looked down to see himself fully plump within his own sheath. He laughed a bit embarrassed that his own brother could have such a strong, powerful effect on him. It was all the reason he needed to crawl forward and press a hand, soon followed by a muzzle, soon followed by his whole body against that massive bean bag that was his brother's scrotum.

The flesh was smooth, almost moist to the touch with perspiration and had such a strong smell to it that it made Joshua slightly light headed with the lack of fresh air in this prison of flesh and fur that was his brother. He found himself smiling broadly the whole time as he stuck his nose right underneath the hanging sack and against the very beginning of Matt's taint. He opened his muzzle and giving it a kiss, slurping up it before just biting at that musky fur with a growl. His hands tightened on the twin orbs they were holding for support, wedged between the two.

The world shook around him once more as a low, giant's groan filled the otherwise quiet room. Josh just felt himself get harder at this and turned around, slumping back within his brother bean bag chair and rubbed a paw between his own legs. This was nice, he murred deeply to himself. It was the perfect spot to just sit back and jerk one off.

However the Macro sized younger brother didn't seem to like the idea. It might've just been coincidence but as Matt lifted his hips up, Josh assumed his younger brother somehow knew he was there. As those hips lifted up the sack dragged on the mattress before following after, hanging down low and nearly over Josh who had slumped off and onto the bed sheet. The older otter had enough time to blink his eyes before that sack dropped right ontop of him and with it the weight of his younger brother grinding down over him.

It was thankful it was the sack that hit him rather than, say, Matt's full sheath as it allowed Joshua just enough room not to be crushed as he was smothered in the loose folds of Matt's musky sack. Fighting for air Josh managed to pull his way up and out from underneath that sack only to have Matt grind once more against the bed.

That full sheath landed with a heavy thud, the gaping open staring Joshua straight in the face before it was grinded, humped forward and at the startled older brother. Josh had enough time to lift his rear up and be scooped up and into the sheath than to be smashed under it.

The warmth and musk from it alone hit him like a brick wall as he clung to the curly furs of his brother's groin for the ride. The rock hard member underneath him pushed against the intruder that had invaded it's home, forcing Joshua up and out of the sheath and forced face first against Matt's curly groin fuzz.

In the sleep filled state Matt didn't just grind it out into a finish and gave up not even half way in, letting his solid piece of meat slap against the mattress as he rested back down; groaning to himself and chewing on his pillow a bit more as he drooled.

Josh tumbled off the rigid cock as it hit the 'ground' and found himself on his back, facing skyward and towards the ceiling as he took large heavy breaths that made his chest rise high and fall low. It had been so terrifying and yet thrilling at the same time it made him only do one thing after it all was done. Giggle like a school girl. Matt wasn't the only one that was hard.

Josh sat up slowly and looked over at his brother now resting on his side. He reached out and touched that soft fur and pressed his fingers under to feel that hot, living flesh. Joshua shuddered at the feel and could only smile wider as he turned to face the massive beast in front of him. Lust had consumed the older brother and his own cock was aching for attention, and what better way than to kill two birds with one stone.

The dark brown fur otter scooted over on his rump until he could open his legs and let that massive fat head rest directly in front of him. He rubbed a hand over the slit and it twitched at the attention, coughing up a bit of pre that Josh gladly scooped up to lube himself with. He giggled a bit more realizing he had used his brothers own pre to lube himself with. He stroked over the sides of the fat head and bent forward to kiss at it's lips, licking along the edge and shoving his very muzzle inside.

Matt groaned deeply, heavily as his body tensed at the feel of being intruder in such a fashion. Joshua lovingly stroked over the head with a hand, rubbing at it softly before taking it with both hands, standing up and then fucking it's brains out. Shoving his own fatty length into his brothers and humping in and out of it.

The very thing tightened as if trying to gulp him down into it and both otters moaned loudly at the feel.

It should've taken longer but the feel of those paws on his body, that musk filling him to his very core and being rolled around in that large sack was enough in itself to make Joshua cum. He jerked and fucked at that head, holding it tightly with both paws as he humped into it. Teeth gritting, toes flexing and legs tightening he gasped, groaning and nearly shouting his brothers name as he filled that thick long length of his brother with his own seed.

His balls ached by the end of it and Josh could only fall back on his rear after. He giggled, then laughed loudly in pure utter delight as an euphoria washed over his whole body and he could only shudder in reply to it. And to say thank you, Josh did something he'd later regret.

He moved forward, closed his eyes and cave those lips one final kiss in thanks for the joy they had brought him.

Everything was so overpowering, even from a creature as small as Josh was. Matt could barely hold himself back as he gritted his own teeth letting everything, literally, sink in. But finally the now slightly awake Matt gave one mighty, body shaking thrust forward, and with it took half of his own brother into his muscular fat cock.

Josh tried to push back but his arms were trapped at his side as the living walls around him gaving a throb and once more Josh found himself being sucked inside. He could only kick feet fruitlessly as Matt turned over from his side onto his back and brought a hand down to rub that special feeling inside his massive self.

Josh was squished even further as a rather large finger ran from the tip of Matt's cock all the way down to the bottom and between his orbs to underneath; to the exact spot Joshua had bit at before. Matt wiggled his rub against the mattress under him and wrapped a powerful hand around himself; still with shut eyes and half asleep the younger otter didn't even notice the rather impressionable bulge within his cock. All he knew was that amazing feeling coarsing through his whole body as Joshua found himself slowly "swiming" his way further inside.

If Joshua hadn't lubed the tunnel and wasn't a slippery water dog, he might have a chance to worm his way out of the cock or last long enough to be blown out. However, as an otter, his very body worked against him as he slid and was pulled every further into his brother's very core.

Matt teased his tip, giving a hump after and Josh got a mouthful of pre that ran over his lithe muscular body and coated him in even more lube for the trip he was taking. And with every slow, powerful jerk Matt gave himself the further Joshua slid inside him.

Until his very lips were pressed against an even smaller tunnel.

Matt groaned at the resistance of Joshua's large body shoved into his cock. He groaned and twisted his legs before clenching his jaw down and with one final thrust, his massive beast of a cock gulped that bulge fully down inside him and into his already hefty sack. One orb sagged lower than the other as Joshua found himself curling up inside being coated heavily in his brother's juices.

While Joshua was trying to find which way was up and which way was down Matt had other plans. Reaching down he squeezed at that fatty orb of his and began rolling it around in his hand. Josh felt like he was in a mixer as he was rolled around within the thick sticky, musky liquid.

Josh cried out, pushing against the living slimy walls and tried to do everything he could to let his own brother know where he was. This only stimulated Matt further and the younger brother had stretched out fully as he began jerking himself faster and faster. Until his whole body flexed and the young teenager shot his whole load up and over himself.

Thick ribbons ran over his long body and with it, mixed into everything, was his own brother that slurped out of his firing cannon and onto his large belly.

Josh was glad he was an otter for a change. He was cleanly able to shoot out with the rest of the load and with it he was able to land in a large mass of it, breaking his fall. However it had another effect. As he tried to get up, groaning from everything that happened he found himself weighed down by the very thickness of the spooge around him. It clung to his arms and legs making it impossible to stand up let alone get out.

And at that very second the stomach he laid on grumbled hungrily and Matt's infamous hunger came back to mind.

A paw reached down and with closed fingers scooped up a mass to Joshua's side making his eyes go wide as he watched it lifted up and dumped into Matt's open, gaping maw. Drool slid from the corner of it and Josh got a clear view as he watched the massive load swallowed with a single gulp; running down that long neck under his chest and into the very belly he was sitting on. It gurgled and shook as Matt slowly licked his fingers clean before reaching down for more.

One by one Josh watched in horror at the site. He struggled against his sticky bindings and ending up falling face first back into the mess. Just in time to watch as a shadow loomed above, dipped down and with clawed fingers run through Matt's belly fur and scooping him and the biggest load up into the already sticky hands.

Josh got a front row seat as the red carpet, that was Matt's tongue, rolled out for him. Strings of sticky cum and saliva strung Matt's teeth and maw together; pools of it formed a swamp under the flexing muscle of Matt's tongue. Josh just swallowed as Matt had knowing his fate.

He landed softly on that firm, muscular tongue. It was grooved and bumpy and the whole place was humid as the lips closed around the very end of those fingers and sucked on. Josh breathed heavily of Matt's breath; it smelled of pizza and his release. The tongue dipped down before flicking upwards tossing both Josh and the whole load along with it.

It caught him neatly, rolling him around slurping him up against the teeth painfully so. The whole world around him moved as Matt groaned at that amazing flavor of Joshua's body. Still stuck on his tongue, Matt licked his muzzle slowly and dragged Josh along with it before it vanished back into that muzzle and with it the last light Joshua would ever see again.

Covered in drool and cum Josh had no friction or resistance at all as Matt tipped his muzzle towards the heavens and with it gave such a powerful gulp that made his very muzzle jump a bit. Joshua rocketed from that tongue, bulging his throat, under that chest and straight into the belly of his brother.

Matt groaned, rubbing his belly as Joshua was slushed around with pizza, ice cream and the massive release of the two of them. The younger brother belched making the stomach suck in.

Oddly enough, just then, Joshua felt himself tingle all over and begin returning to his original size. Though it was impossible before Matt's stomach expanded just enough to keep his brother firmly sealed inside, curled up on himself as the younger otter let one final groan out; rubbing over his belly and finally knowing what it was like to be full. All thanks to his brother who would be with him forever.