Corruption of Whitney

Story by Sabi Kitsune on SoFurry

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First time uploading anything to Sofurry; apologies in advance if I messed anything up.

Fan Fiction about the farm corrupting scene in Fenoxo's Corruption of Champion's game- if you haven't played it/aren't familiar with it, this probably won't make much sense to you. Whitney, Amily, and the other characters are not mine but are his; this is not canon, etc, etc. Some of the lines are drawn from the game, and most of the scenes are from the game, but written from Whitney's perspective. I searched but could not find any rules on Fenoxo's forums/blog regarding fan fiction; if he would rather not have fan fictions like these just let me know and I will remove it.

There may be a few grammatical errors; I will probably come back through later and clean it up/tweak it a little.

When I played through the new farm corruption/branding scenes this idea came to me and I had to write it out. It got a little longer than I expected, but I figured somebody might enjoy reading it. This is my first time really writing anything mature, so I am sorry if the sex scenes are not what you would typically expect. The story begins after the second conversation with Whitney, where the champion begins hypnotizing her with the gem, and assumes a male champion (though I left him deliberately vague in appearance).


This farm was mine. My parents had worked it and passed it down to me, just like their parents had, and I had taken care of and worked on it every day of my life. My hard work, my sweat, my pains had gone into making it what it was.

And now some corrupted, walking penis was trying to take it from me. Sending the people he had twisted up here to 'help' me. I wasn't going to let him get away with it. I had fought of demons in the past; I had defended my farm with my crossbow time and time again. I would do it once more, against this 'champion'.

I stood on my porch and looked out towards the fields. The mouse- I think the champion called her Amily?- was slacking off again, sitting on the ground and licking something sticky off her hand. I started to ignore it- there was work I needed to be doing, and I didn't really want to help that jerk any more than I had to. It was bad enough seeing how the champion treated them... though... he seemed to enjoy it so much... it probably wouldn't hurt to try it out, just the once...

"Hey, mousy!" I yelled abruptly, using the same tone I had heard the champion using, and shifted the bucket to rest against my hip as I glared at her. She jerked in surprise, as if unsure how to react, staring at me uncertainly. I growled and she suddenly trembled in fear.

"Y...yes... mis... mistress?" The mouse wasn't sure what to call me, and I was a little surprised... but I felt a flicker of pride at hearing her call me mistress. She was just waiting for me to order her around ...

"Get back to work! If I catch ya slacking off again, I'll tell the champion you're why his profits are so small next week!"

"Oh no, no mistress! I was just catching my breath; I'll get back to work right away!" The mouse jumped back to her feet and walked over to another pepper plant, bending over to begin pulling the weeds out from around it. I grinned, realizing how good it felt to order the mouse slave around... and seeing the wetness around her slit glisten in the noon light, I realized she liked it. It's what she was for, after all...

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, and shifted the bucket before walking off to the barn. That was a fun joke, but the cows weren't going to milk themselves.

The next day the champion brought a new helper, a girl slightly shorter than me but with painfully oversized breasts. They stood out noticeably, and made Amily's overgrown hooters seem almost normal sized. He led her to the barn, giving a smirk at me as I clutched my crossbow and watched them pass. I could hear him telling her it would be her job to take care of and milk the cows, just like he took care of and milked her. I looked away from the barn... ..and caught the mouse girl slacking off again, ignoring the peppers to stare longingly at the barn. I growled at her, just loud enough to be heard, and she jerked in fear. She squeaked out a soft, "S-sorry, mistress," and got back to work, her butt rising tantalizingly in the air, her tail swaying rhythmically, as she bent over and got back to weeding. Maybe next time I caught her, instead of growling I would spank her, good and hard, right on the left cheek... it would be interesting to hear the kind of squeaks she would make at that...

I looked back at the barn as I realized the champion had come back out of the barn and was watching me. He had a gleam in his eye, almost like the gleam of a gem. I thought about getting the crossbow, and waiting until his back was turned... right through the neck... but if he survived, he'd kill me, and take my farm for his own. I think he wanted me to try, so he would have the excuse.

He half-turned and looked back into the barn, calling back to the new girl he had brought. "And if Whitney says she needs anything, you take care of it, just as if I'd told you." He walked a few steps and called to the mouse. "You too, Amily! Take care of anything Whitney orders!"

"Yes, master!" The mouse called back cheerfully, turning some as she weeded the peppers to display her dripping pussy to him. The champion watched for a moment or two before wandering off, back to his camp. I watched him go, glad to have my farm back again, then looked back at the mouse, thinking back to what he said. Anything _I_told them to do...

It would just be because he told them to listen to me... but they would be following my_orders... I could tell the mouse to do anything I wanted, and she would do it, just like she was _mine, and if she disobeyed or was too slow, I could punish her... maybe bend her over a stump and spank her with a riding crop...

I'd have to be careful with her, of course- the champion would be mad if something happened to her... but... oh, how fun it would be if she really were mine, and I could do anything at all to her that I wanted...

I suddenly felt flushed and very warm. I blushed and shook my head, ignoring those thoughts and heading to the barn. I found the large-breasted girl clumsily at work on one of the cows, and I stepped up behind her. "Let me see what it is you're doing there, girlie. These cows need to be milked just so, and I need to make sure you don't mess it up."

The champion didn't come the next day, but in between chores I watched over the slaves for him. A little part of me kept hoping I would catch the mouse screwing up so I could punish her... but I never did. I learned the mouse called the other girl 'bath slut', and I wasn't sure if that was actually her name or not. Her clothes could barely hold those massive breasts of hers, and I told her that if she didn't shape up she would spend the night in the barn with the other cows, and not get milked until tomorrow. She picked up the pace at that with a meek "Sorry, Mistress", and I grinned, feeling good at seeing the order obeyed. I imagined leaving her tied up in the barn anyways, unable to milk those painfully huge breasts of hers, waiting all night until I came in the morning and milked her like one of the cows...

The next day the champion came again, bringing another slave with him. This one was a succubus, walking behind him submissively, with a cloud of imps following after her. I wasn't too happy to see that, and was about to tell him to take his slaves and go, but the thought entered my head that he was the master and it wasn't my place to tell him what to do, only to make sure the other slaves behaved. I shivered at the thought... but then looked back up at him. He was looking away from me, ordering the succubus slave in a loud voice to take care of the farm and follow any orders I might give her. My breath caught in my throat as I watched him, but I finally whispered, "Master..."

I gave a sudden gasp as I felt my nipples harden and brush against the soft fabric of my bra. I blushed, embarrassed at my own thoughts, and walked off to the barn to find some work to do.

The champion approached me the next day. I felt nervous... I didn't want him here, but... maybe he would have a new slave for me to order... I mean... somebody else who could help out with the farm.

He asked how the farm was going, and I told him it could use more help. It was true, after all; there were really only two people helping- the succubus just wandered around all day, with the cloud of imps following her or collapsed in a pile around her, depending on her mood. He looked around the farm, settling on the barn, where bath... where the girl was carrying a pail of milk out, barely standing up from the weight of her own huge breasts. "What about something to give us... more... milk?" He turned his gaze back towards Amily, where she was struggling to pull a particularly stubborn weed out of the ground, her tail and butt flailing around in the air.

I shuddered a little at the thought. "A... refinery, then?" I thought to myself, looking to the side of the barn. "I guess it wouldn't be too hard to throw up a still of sorts and adapt it from there. It'll cost money though, 'ticularly if you want it to be used by anyone for anything." I thought for a moment, mentally tallying what I would need. "If you give me 1500 gems, I kin see what I kin do."

The champion grinned, and handed over a sack. I caught the gleam of the gems in the sack, and stared at them for a moment. When I looked up I realized the champion had left, and was walking across the field back towards his home. I thought of how the gems gleamed...

I whispered again as I watched him leave. "Goodbye... Master."

The next day I ordered the slaves to work, telling them I would be back by sundown, and if the work wasn't done I would leave them with the succubus' imps. They cringed and worked faster. I loaded a wagon up with all the goods the farm had produced- bundles of canine peppers, barrels of milk, eggs, even a few whisker fruits that had come from somewhere. The wagon had never been this full, and I just stared at it, surprised. Had all of this really come from my farm in just a week?...

I shook my head and walked up to hitch a horse to the wagon. There was no time to just stand around staring at things; I had to get to Tel'Adre and sell these, and buy the things I needed for Master's... for the champion's refinery... but when I sat down in the wagon and grabbed the reins, I felt a wet spot in my underwear pressing against my pussy. I shifted on the bench, embarrassed, and gave a flick of the reins to urge the horse on. I had my crossbow beside me just in case something tried to jump me... but I had a feeling I would be okay. The champion would make sure I was safe.

My face felt warm as I realized what I had just thought, feeling embarrassed, and concentrated on the ride.

I made it to Tel'Adre safely, and the guard waved me through. I had been here a few times before and they recognized me. I was always impressed with how large the city was, and how many people were here... but today I had an important job to do, and didn't have time to waste daydreaming. I rode to the store of the merchant I usually worked with, an older fox morph who had lived in the city for as long as I could remember. He was cute, and in the past I would flirt with him while we unloaded the wagon... but today I was impatient, and the whole process took far longer than it should have, even keeping in mind how much extra I had brought. Mas... the champion might visit, and I didn't want to miss him. Errr... there was no telling what he would do to my farm, if I wasn't there to stop him.

The fox morph gave me twelve hundred gems for the load. Twelve. Hundred. I'd never gotten that much in one haul before. He took my list of parts I needed for the refinery and told me he would have them in an hour, giving me a total of 1700. I was surprised, and looked back over the items. Was he overcharging me?... No... everything came out right. It was my fault- I had miscalculated when I gave my estimate. I had told Master the wrong price, and he hadn't given me enough for the parts for his refinery. I had to make this right; there was only one thing to do.

I was on the way back to the farm, the refinery parts loaded back into the wagon, before I realized that I had given the fox two hundred of my own gems for the champion's machine. I blushed again, embarrassed at myself... but it was too late to do anything about it now. I rode back to the farm, tapping the crossbow idly as I rode.

When I got back, the champion was nowhere around. A harpy I had never seen before was on the hen coop, roosting in a nest that she seemed to have made herself. The succubus was sitting against the barn and looking bored, a group of imps passed out around her. I remember that the champion had told the succubus to guard the farm, so if she wasn't concerned, that meant that the champion had brought the harpy here to help out. Maybe even to lay eggs? My imagination leaped to the thought of scolding the harpy if her eggs were too small, or if she didn't produce enough...

But that still meant I had missed the champion. He had been here, and I didn't get to see him... I mean... he could have done who knows what to my farm. I growled to myself, angry, and looked around. Amily was in the pepper fields, bent over one of the last weeds still in the patch. Instead of pulling at the weed, though, it looked like she had become distracted- her face was in the dirt, her ass and tail waving in the air. One hand was rubbing her left breast, the other was at her crotch, fingers buried deep in her soaking pussy. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning... so she didn't hear me when I hopped down from the wagon and stomped over to her. I slapped her left butt cheek, hard, and listened with satisfaction as the mouse gave a startled squeak of terror in response to the audible crack and the sudden pain of my hand meeting her left cheek. "What do ya think you're doing, slut! It's almost sundown, and this field still has weeds in it! If you can't keep your paws off yerself long enough to do such a simple task, yer useless here! I'll tell the champion just what you've been doing all day when he asks why his pile of gems is so small..."

"No, mistress, please!" The mouse had yanked her hand out of her snatch and was staring up at me pleadingly. "I'm almost finished; it's just a few more! I'll... I'll work through dinner, until it's done!"

I glared down at her, thinking of all the things I could do to the naughty mouse slut. I gave her a kick, knocking her down, and she squeaked again, a beautiful sound. "You better. If it's not done by the time I'm done eating, I'll punish you, and then tell the champion." I glared at her, seeing fear in her eyes, and for a moment I imagined it was just as much from my threat as from what the champion would do to her.

I went back to the horse and led it to the barn. I started unloading the wagon, the machinery and metal parts jingling as I carried them... and realized I was wet again. I blushed, ashamed of myself, and ignored it, going back to the task of unloading.

The mouse slut finished weeding by the time the wagon was empty, but I didn't bring her dinner anyways, instead giving more to bath slut and the harpy. She knew better than to ignore what I told her.

At night, I looked at the bag of gems I had gotten in exchange for the farm goods. I had a thousand gems left from the twelve hundred. The champion wanted twenty percent. I could just give him two hundred... the refinery was his, after all... but... that would be cheating Master; I couldn't do that.

I realized what I had just thought and shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts free. I took two hundred and forty gems out, and walked over to the rock the champion had mentioned, hiding them under it in a plain bag. I thought it would make him happy... and I wanted him to be happy. I didn't trust myself to give them to him directly. With a shudder, I walked back to my house, shutting those thoughts out with the door.

I spent all of the next day working on the refinery. I didn't realize how much time had passed, or how many of my own jobs I had skipped, until I had the last piece installed. When I started it, white smoke began drifting out of the chimney, and I smiled to myself, feeling my tail wagging. The champion would be happy with me. I looked around, just to be sure, but nobody was around. Just to be safe I whispered. "All done, Master."

I blushed, embarrassed... then blushed even harder as I realizing I was wet once again. I bit my tongue... then hesitantly reached my hand under the band of my skirt, moaning as I felt my hand caress my slit through the cotton panties. I imagined what it would be like if it was the champion... Master... if he was very happy, and...

I felt my tail wagging and realized I was panting, and pulled my hand away. No... no, I needed to go check on the other slaves. The mouse slut was probably slacking off again.

I sat on my porch the next day, just watching the slaves work. I had things to do... but I couldn't focus on them. The air felt so... so... good. I just wanted to sit there and take in the sight of my farm, and the slaves working on it. The champion came by to inspect the farm, and punished Amily when he caught her not working. He slapped her on her right butt cheek, then bent her over and took her right there in front of everyone. He thrust his cock into her as she squealed and moaned, held back from cumming by his order and fighting her own body as he forced the pleasure on her. I tried not to watch, but my eyes kept drifting back, and finally I whispered, "You teach her a lesson, Master." I blushed, embarrassed at myself... then sneaked inside the house, retreating to my bedroom and shutting the door behind me. I stood before the bed, trembling, partly in fear and partly in arousal... then remembered a pose I had seen the mouse slut in a few days ago. I kneeled on the bed, leaning forward until my face was pressed into the mattress, and raised my butt into the air, presenting it to an imaginary viewer. I reached a hand back and into my skirt, sliding my cotton panties to one side, then paused, my fingers hovering just away from my sensitive lips. I listened, my floppy ears raising a little... and then I heard the mouse slut squeal again. I pushed a finger into me, gasping at the feel, and let my mind go. That lazy mouse didn't deserve Master's wonderful cock. It should be in me... I pushed a second finger into me and moaned, holding them inside me and imagining it was his... he would hold it there, letting me know he was filling me with his mighty tool, then slowly pull back... just like that... before forcing himself back in, spreading the walls of my tight pussy...

I don't know how long I pleasured myself to the sound of Master punishing the mouse slut. I felt my orgasm rising in me, but I slowed, keeping it just out of reach, waiting for something... but I wasn't sure what. Finally from outside, over the sounds of the mouse's squeals, I heard Master say sternly, "Cum, bitch."

I pushed my fingers into me as hard as I could, and cried out as I came, my walls clenching around my drenched fingers. The mouse squealed louder, drowning out my own cries, and I gave another yelp of pleasure before collapsing into the bed completely, my orgasm washing over me in waves of pleasure. It seemed to go on forever... but after an eternity it faded, and I lay on the bed whimpering softly. I raised my eyes to look towards the window and whispered, "Thank you, Master."

I don't know how long I lay like that, my hand held between my legs, but before long I drifted off into sleep.

I woke up the next day and blushed when I remembered what I had done last night. I changed my clothes, shoving the soaked panties into a corner, too embarrassed to look at them. I buried myself in the chores, spending the entire day catching up on them and trying not to think of what had happened. There wasn't as much to do, though- even though I hadn't done anything the last two days, the other slaves had picked up the slack, and there was even a new slave, a tigershark. She didn't do much- mostly just sat by a tree and looked intimidating- but the farm was still far better off than when I had been doing it on my own. Mast... the champion had made it even better.

The next day I sat in my chair on the porch, just watching the slaves again. The mouse slut kept glancing around nervously, and I glared at her sternly whenever she did, letting her know I was watching her. Milk slut handled the cows. The succubus and the tigershark kept a watch for thieves; the harpy took care of the other hens. It was hard to be angry, or upset, or embarrassed... it was... relaxing. No labor, just making sure the other sluts were doing their jobs. A fun chore. Thinking up all the things I could do to them if they didn't behave, like good little slaves... thinking how much money they were making me... thinking how better the air felt...

I didn't realize the champion had come to the farm until I heard him greet me, and only then did I realize he was standing on the porch beside me. I was lost in thought, thinking about how much money I had made from the last trip, and how much easier life was, and I wasn't sure what to say. I knew I should be mad at him, but... life was so much _better_now. I replied softly, barely above a whisper, a little scared to look at him. "Yes, champion... what can I do for you?"

He looked at me oddly, as if worried about something. "How do you feel about the farm?"

I blinked at him, feeling embarrassed and guilty. I wanted to lie... but... I couldn't lie, not to him. It would be wrong, somehow. "You were... right." I felt my voice catch, and I swallowed, then started talking, the words rushing out all at once. "I hated you when you first came here demanding a share of the farm, more than anything I've ever hated in a long time. Someone taking control of my family's farm, what I had worked on for all these years, through what seemed to me like pure vindictiveness... I fantasized about killing you, didja know that? Shooting you through the neck when you were tendin' to something else. The only thing that stopped me I think was fear; fear that you were so powerful that you'd survive it somehow. How miserable I was back then... but at some point I just said fuck it, you know? If I couldn't work up the courage to fight you, what was the point in stayin' miserable and angry the whole time? And the more I let go of it..."

I blinked, realizing he had a gem in his hand. It was so beautiful... glittering... had I seen this before?... I just wanted to stare into it...

The champion motioned for me to go on with his hand, the gem turning as he did. I whimpered softly before going on. "...It's just so much more fun around here these days. The farm feels like it's alive, I am makin so much more money and... the more I open my mind, the more I let go of those old hates, the more I can think, the more I can feel." I thought back to when he had punished Amily the other day. "Gods, I am feeling things I haven't in years. I see the way you order your followers around and if feels powerful, I make them do as I will and it feels right, like I'm taking control and shaping the world instead of just laying back and watching it pass me by. It feels like... like..." I trailed off, unable to find the words.

Master supplied them for me. "Like you're waking up." The gem twisted, shining brightly. I felt my mouth drift open, and I almost panted, soft, shallow breaths, overwhelmed by how beautiful the gem was. I heard his voice continue on. "Like since I've taken control you've woken up to everything that life has to offer, everything that I have to offer, the horizons that appear when you submit to my will. This farm is many times the place it was when you were closed up in your old life of petty certainties. You just told me that and like the farm, you are becoming more and more real the further you open yourself to me."

I nodded, giving a soft whimper, lost in the light of the sparkling gem, manipulated so skillfully by Master's fingers. "You only need to do one more thing, to demonstrate your commitment..."

"What is that?" I wasn't sure what he wanted... I didn't care, I would do it, but right now I just wanted to stare into the gem, and hear his voice... hear him order me to do something for him...

The gem stopped, his dexterous fingers halting its spin before tucking it away out of sight. I whined, though he didn't seem to notice. "You'll know what that is when you're ready."

He turned and walked away, but I just stared off into the distance, feeling fuzzy and unsteady. "Goodbye, Master." I wasn't sure he heard me... he was already far away, and I had whispered again.

The champion didn't come the next day. I kept wandering the farm, frustrated, for some reason I didn't really understand. I wanted him to come... and... and see how well I did at managing his slaves for him. See how much more useful I was than all of them, how much more money I was earning for him. Maybe he would stand on that hill of his and watch me, stare at my ass as I went through my chores...

I whimpered, feeling a heat grow between my legs. I went to the milking barn to find bath slut hard at work milking the cows. The mouse, though... the little cunt was struggling with the refinery I had built for Master. He had ordered her to milk herself with it, to help out more with the farm, but she clearly had no idea what she was doing. I grabbed a riding crop I had hung near the door and walked to her, giving her a sharp smack on the ass with it. I imagined how Master sounded, and tried to imitate it. "What are you doing? Do you expect me to believe you don't know how to hook yourself up to a milker? Bath slut! Come help me teach this dumb bitch how to milk herself."

The mouse look terrified. The bath slut did too, for that matter; she left the cow and rushed to stand beside me. We strapped the mouse's arms and legs up, leaving her immobile, then stuffed her tail under the strap on her arm, the spaded end keeping her from slipping it back out. I grabbed a cloth and soaked it in a pail of water that I knew would be cold, then wiped down the suction cup ends of the milking tubes before strapping them onto the mouse's enormous breasts. She gave a squeak at the sudden cold on her breasts, and I grabbed one, lifting it as if testing the weight. "There must be a lot of milk in these overblown mouse tits. Maybe you'll actually be useful for something." I pushed a button on the side of the machine and it hummed to life, the mouse moaning at the sudden suction on her erect nipples. Her pussy began dripping, forming a puddle under the mouse, and I could see her straining her hands against the straps, trying desperately to shove something inside her.

I grinned to myself. The bitch deserved it. "Back to the other cows, bath slut. We'll check back on this one in a few hours." I gave the mouse a parting slap with the riding crop, getting a satisfying squeal from her when it landed on her thigh, then walked off to the sounds of her needy moans.

When I came back to check on the mouse slut the machine had produced two bottles of refined milk from her. I turned off the machine and unstrapped her, the mouse's hands darting to her snatch before I even had her all the way down, her expression one of tortured need. I left her there in a puddle of her own juices, grabbing the two bottles of milk and leaving the barn.

I left the bottles at the rock, the bag of gems gone. Maybe Master would come tomorrow to get these; he would be pleased to see what I had for him.

I spent the next day in my chair on the porch, watching the workers. I kept glancing over to the hill, hoping he would come... needing him to come... needing him to come see what a good job I had done for him, needing him to reward me for it, strip off my clothes just like the other slaves and take me right there on the hill where everybody could see...

I adjusted in my chair, sitting with my legs under me and my head resting on my hands, but my gaze drew back to the hill. Any time now, Master would come... and then Master could cum in me...

I whined, and went back inside, seeking my bed. Master never came that day.

But fantasizing about him, I did.

He finally returned the next day. I was carrying a pail of milk out of the barn, trying to distract myself, but then I saw him coming up over the hill. I dropped the pail... it might have spilt, but I didn't care. I ran to him, my tail wagging. I felt flushed, a warmth rising in me and a tingling over my breasts.

"Champion! Champion, can I... can I talk to you? I really need t-to talk..." I was trembling with excitement... and need.

He smiled at me, and I almost melted into a puddle at the sight. He smiled at me. He had a gem in his hand, and my eyes went to it. I think he answered me... maybe he answered me? The gem was so beautiful, and shiny... He must have answered me, and told me we could talk.

"You won't ever leave here, will you?" I felt out of breath, even though I hadn't been running that hard. The last two days were horrible compared to the days he was here. "I-I've started thinking things, so many delicious things, and I... I'm worried they'll stop when you do. You promise you won't stop coming around?" I thought back to the last few days, when he wasn't there, and shuddered, scared at the thought.

"Well... that depends. If I'm going to keep coming around, then you need to tell me about those delicious things you were thinking about." The gem spun slowly with his reply, and I felt my mouth go dry with fear. He couldn't leave...

I struggled to speak again, giving a scared croak before managing to speak. "It started as a joke- I started giving orders to your followers like you do. You been around here enough, it's easy to imitate your words 'n tone. That made 'em start! But then I... I began to fantasize about really owning them, about abusing them, about beating them and then making 'em thank me for the privilege. Because they deserve it, don't they? That's what they're there for. That's how you think and gods... it feels so right to think that way, it opens up so many possibilities. But then I began to think in a new way..." I faltered, trying not to whimper at the thought, and struggled to go on, to tell him. "When you were around, again just for jokes I'd look at you and call you somethin' under my breath, and that... every time I did it I had to go, I had to go somewhere quiet an'..." I just couldn't. I wanted to tell him, wanted him to know, but I just couldn't say it... couldn't form the words...

The gem spun before me, so bright and pretty. "What did you call me?"

I whined, overwhelmed, my tail drooping limp behind me. I had to tell him. I _had_to, but something wouldn't let me; something was stopping me.

"Tell me. What word did you use?" His tone was gentle, but I recognized the command. He was giving me an order. Telling me what to do. Ordering me... ordering his...

"...Master." I felt my tail perk again and wag slowly. Hopefully. I couldn't look away from the gem... but then I felt his hand on my muzzle, drawing my eyes up to him. He seemed pleased. Happy. Happy with me.

He spoke again, pleased but still firm. "I told you there was something you had to do, to demonstrate you fully understood your new reality." His eyes bored into me, commanding. I tried to answer, tried to beg him to tell me what he needed, tried to tell him I would do anything he asked, but he interrupted me. "I think you know what it is." I blinked in sudden terror, worried Master wanted something from me that I couldn't give... then I remembered. Remembered how mean I had been to him at first, how I had threatened to shoot him with my crossbow, how I had tried to drive him off my land. Remembered what a stupid dog I had been, trying to chase away the best thing that had ever happened to me. That's what he wanted. I had to show him I belonged to... to...

He released my muzzle, and I felt a pang at the loss of his touch. I knew what would make him happy, though. I went into my house, picking up the crossbow. It felt strange in my hands, and I tried to remember when I last held it. I didn't need it anymore... Master would take care of me, just like he had the farm, and the other slaves... But... but it was still... it was the only protection I had, the only way I had of keeping somebody from taking my farm...

I walked outside, looking for Master. He wasn't far, standing nearby the house. He held an axe in his strong arms, the end gleaming in the morning sunlight. I clutched the crossbow tighter, suddenly scared, and stopped, unable to move.

"Give it here." The words were soft, and I wasn't sure I heard it or imagined it at first. It was an order. Master had commanded me. I had to... I stared at the axe, scared. He was going... he... I was going to...

I was petrified, staring at the axe, until I saw the arm holding it. Master's arm. The same Master who had improved the farm. Who had helped me in spite of myself. Who had taken better care of me and the farm than I had. Who... who could... I felt a sudden flush of heat and excitement, and I gave a sigh, shuddering, and slowly held it out for him.

His hands were cool and strong as he took it from me. I stood there, hoping it would be enough. He looked over it, examining it carefully, before slowly setting it on the ground between us. He walked up to me, the axe held lightly in his hands, his strong muscles impossible to miss. He circled behind me, and I tensed, though in fear or hope I wasn't sure. He pressed against my back and took my wrists in one of his hands, holding me easily in his firm grip. His breath teased my ear, his arm held me against his firm chest; I felt his hard length through his clothes as it pressed against my ass. I tried not to whimper, imagining him pushing me over, bending me over the crossbow, ripping my underwear off, claiming me right there over the weapon I had used to defy him with... Part of me scared about what I was about to do, about what I was about to give up, but a larger part of me was hopeful... wanting Master to take me, make me another of his slaves...

He held me like that for what seemed like forever. It felt so right. This was where I should be. I felt something give in, something relax... and then he put the axe in my hands, lifting my wrists upwards with one hand. I realized my chest was vulnerable... if he wanted, he could hold both my arms with one hand, and do whatever he wanted to me with his other... use me...

He held my wrists but stopped pushing up. "Now... who does the farm belong to?" His voice was a whisper in my ear. I trembled. My farm... it was... but... but...

No. It wasn't my farm. I brought the axe down, smashing into my crossbow, so hard it got stuck. "You." I stared at the splintered grip of my crossbow. I didn't want to move away from him, but I needed... needed... I used a foot to hold the crossbow down, jerking the axe free. "It belongs to you." His hands were still on my wrists, still holding me in his grip, and they pushed my arms back up, raising the axe again before whispering into my ear. "And who am I?"

I trembled again, then brought the axe down again. I aimed better this time, and the entire handle broke off, flying somewhere off into the grass. "Master." I spoke loud, feeling proud to be able to say the word. "You are this farm's master, and... y... you are my master!"

He pulled me closer, his grip tightening on me, and he grinded against my ass. I moaned in pleasure and lust. My skirt and panties were all that stood between me and him. The barrier of fabric seemed both too thin and too thick at the same time. I raised the axe again, hoping he would ask me another question, so I could give him more.

His hot breath brought more words to my ear. "Very good." I quivered at the praise. I would have dropped the axe if he hadn't been holding my wrists. "So if I'm the master, what would that make you?"

I felt another flush, another realization, something breaking free inside me, and I brought the axe back down without hesitation. "I am... I am your slave!" I yelled, wanting everyone to hear. "I own nothing, I don't want to own nothing, if... if it means I can belong to you!" I tore away from him and attacked the crossbow with the axe. The crossbow that stood between me and Master, that tried to keep me away from him, that tried to keep him from taking me for his own. It had to go, it had to be obliterated into the tiniest pieces, so that nothing would keep him from being my Master... so that nothing would keep me from being his slave. I howled as I destroyed it, feeling free and alive for the first time in years, and lost myself in the task. The task Master had given me! I reveled in it, knowing when it was done I would truly be his, wanting it to be thoroughly complete.

When I came back to my senses, the crossbow was shattered in a thousand pieces- it would never threaten anyone again, unless somebody got a splinter trying to clean up the mess. Nothing would stop Master from claiming me as his. I panted, trying to lift the axe again, but simply too tired, my chest heaving as I tried to draw in breath. I looked back at Master, feeling an overwhelming desire for him. A desire... a desire to please him. He wore a broad smile, which made me feel good inside. "Did..." I tried to get my breath, smiling, hoping I knew the answer. "Did that please Master?"

He kept smiling, looking me up and down. "Very much so." He pulled the gem out again... that beautiful gem, shining, so bright... I felt hazy suddenly, having trouble focusing, and I felt the axe fall out of my hands. He continued speaking, his strong voice the greatest sound in the world. "Felt good to do that, didn't it? To do away with the idea you could stop me, to be entirely open and defenseless to me. Because you are defenseless to me now, aren't you Whitney?"

The gem was suddenly right in front of me, filling my vision. I felt his hand on my ass, feeling me, exploring my body... the body of his new slave. I felt the hand move upwards beyond my skirt, then smoothly reverse and slip under my skirt, underneath my cotton panties, his firm hand brushing down the sensitive skin of my rear... I whined, begging, and the hand continued over my thigh, a tingling feeling making my knees wobble and spread from weakness... which gave him the room he needed to reach my pussy. It must have been soaking; his fingers instantly feeling wet against me when he began stroking my lips, a teasing touch that drew a moan from me, before they continued upwards to find and caress my clit. He was saying something, talking to me, but I couldn't grasp it through the pleasure, and the splendor of the gem before me. Thoughts filled my mind as he teased me. I was his bitch now. I would protect his farm, protect all of his property, with my very life, and take care of it as best as I could. For him. I would whip the other slaves... make them work twice as hard, just so I could hear Master give me one word of praise... his voice alone would be enough to make me wet... the sight of his dick would make me want to worship it...

I was panting, and somehow I heard the words he was speaking again. "As long as you're a good girl, you will be my right hand here, and good girls get treats. Bad girls get punished." His fingers curled, two of them entering me, and he began to fuck me with them. "Now... what are you?"

A wave of pleasure came over me as I came around his fingers, came to the sound of his voice. I groaned in pleasure, trying to get enough air, having to answer Master. "Good... girl!" I felt my tail wag with the pride of answering him as my walls continued to spasm in pleasure, clenching around the Master's fingers.

His hand retreated from my pussy, and the gem pulled out of my sight. I struggled to focus, tried to see again, and gradually was able to make out the sight of Master before me. He was looking at me, clearly waiting. "Demonstrate it."

I sank to my knees before Master, looking up at him. This was what he wanted, right? Please be it... tell me I did right, that I'm a good girl? I gazed up at him, eyes wide with the hope of pleasing him.

I was rewarded. He smiled and placed his hand on my head. "GOOD girl!" I smiled at the praise, feeling my tail wagging rapidly behind me. He rubbed behind my ear, and I felt satisfaction and pleasure roll through me. Master was happy with me!

"That's how I expect to find you every time I come to visit. Now run along, go and make my farm spin gold. I will be along later to see if you need rewarding or punishing."

I leapt to my feet. "At once, Master!" I ran to the barn, suddenly remembering the milk pail I had abandoned. I would have to save what I could, then work hard to make up for any of Master's milk that may be short. Maybe I would have to milk more from bath slut to make up the difference... or maybe even some of my own...

The next few days were wonderful. There was no doubt, no fear, aside from worrying if I was pleasing Master. He didn't come, which made me sad, but I was a good girl for him. I drove Amily to exhaustion in the fields during the day and hooked her up to the milker at night. Bath slut milked the cows, and when they were empty I milked her. The harpy gathered up the eggs laid by the chickens and made sure they were fed... but she still hadn't laid any eggs. I force-fed her an oviposition elixir and told her there better be one tomorrow. The tigershark and the succubus kept a close watch on the farm... which... was good. They both seemed really tough- I knew Master was even stronger and had conquered them both, but I wasn't sure I could force them to do anything they didn't want to do. I would still try if I had to- Master had told me to, and I wouldn't do anything to let him down- but I was kind of glad I didn't have to. But the third day I loaded the wagon up, boldly walked up to the tigershark, and ordered her to come along with me to Tel'adre as a guard for the Master's things. She started at first, and I thought she was going to talk back at me, but I remembered what Master had told me and glared her down. She relented and climbed into the wagon, and the two of us made the trip to sell the farm's produce. I bought a few things the farm needed- seeds, a few replacement pails, some paint- and by the end, I still had fourteen thousand gems left. I couldn't wait to show Master!

I had to wait, though. He didn't come the next day, or the day after. I drove the other slaves, but kept looking up towards his hill hopefully throughout the days.

Finally,finally, the day came when Master came back. When I saw him on his hill I dropped the hoe in the field, leaving the mouse slut to keep working on her own, and ran into the house. I grabbed the bag with his gems, grabbed the bottles of milk harvested from the milk slut, grabbed the pink egg... was there anything else I was forgetting?

"Whitney!" I heard Master call me, his voice coming from close by, and I darted back outside, skidding to a stop before him, using the motion to drop to my knees while I clutched the gems and goods against my chest. I looked up at him, my tail wagging, hoping for praise, hoping to hear him say I was a good girl, hoping he would be happy... and give me a reward... I felt a tingle run over me.

"Master?" I stared up at him, waiting hopefully.

He looked at the things I was holding... or... maybe he looked at my breasts? Maybe he was thinking about ripping off my shirt, and playing with them... "Whatcha got there, Whitney?"

I felt a flush of warmth run over my whole body and I gasped, feeling my pussy become wet just from the sound of his voice. "I... I have the money your farm made this week! I worked the slaves extra hard for you, and you made even more than we did last week!" I held out my hands, clumsily offering the bag of gems, egg, and bottles of milk.

He took the egg from me, looking it over. "Where'd you get this?"

"From the harpy you sent, Master. She was taking care of the hens, but I realized she could do more, so I pushed her down and fed her an elixir, and the next day she had laid that for you." I looked up at him hopefully. Would he be happy with me? He told me to work the slaves as hard as I could, to make his farm as productive as I could...

"Ah... good job." I felt my ears perk, and I felt my tail wag faster, as he put the egg into a backpack he had with him. "And these?" He took the bottles of milk.

"From the mouse slut! She kept slacking off instead of taking care of the plants like I told her, so I tied her up and milked her with the refinery you had me build. That's what she's best at- being tied up and milked for fluids, sometimes all night if she was particularly disobedient." I smiled at the thought, knowing it would please Master to hear.

I was right. "Excellent..." He put the bottles in the backpack too, and finally took the bag from me. "And these?"

"Gems! Lots of gems! I went to the market yesterday and sold everything; you've made so much!" My tail wagged furiously, unable to contain itself, knowing Master would be very pleased with how much I had for him.

He looked in the bag, eyes glittering, and he was quiet for a moment. I could tell he was counting them, getting an idea of just how much was in the bag. "Very good... you've been a very good girl for me, haven't you?"

I nodded in excitement. "Yes, Master! I did everything you ordered!"

He put the sack of gems in the backpack, then put his hand on my head. It felt indescribably good, just the knowledge that Master was happy with me and was touching me. "I made a good decision to make you my slave. You've made more for me than any of the others." He moved his hand, scratching behind my ear, and I closed my eyes at the feeling and the praise, but it stopped after a moment. "Stand up."

I rose to my feet, my head still tilted down to the ground but my eyes looking up at him. He put an arm around me and pulled me close to him, holding me, my face buried in his chest. I felt a thrill run through me, being this close to Master... being helpless in his arms, him able to do anything he wanted to me... I felt suddenly very warm, and my eyes rose upwards to meet his. His hand drifted down my back, rubbing over my skirt and teasing the sensitive skin on my ass. I thought for an instant he would grip it, squeeze it, mold my flesh in his grip... but his hand continued downward along my thigh. "What do you know about branding?"

The question surprised me, and it took me a second to process it. His hand began creeping upwards, and I shivered, trying to focus. "I... ah... I don't brand my herd, Master." His hand pulled my skirt up as his fingers traced upwards, gliding through the fur covering my thigh, his arm pushing my tail to the side. I stifled a moan, but his hand paused, waiting for more. "'s a very cruel practice, and without any other farms round, there's no need for it anyway." His hand moved again, drifting upwards.

"But surely my slave knows of ways to mark... cattle..." His hand had traced all the way up my leg and hovered just outside my panties, tracing around them. "Ways to make it immediately clear..." His fingers pushed my soaked underwear aside, stroking over my lips, drawing a pleasured gasp from me. "...who _owns_them." His hand curled, two fingers slipping easily into me and sliding over my walls. "Mayhap... ahh... mayhap I do, Master." I groaned as his fingers passed over a particularly sensitive spot inside me, then dragged back down to hover just inside me, holding me open to him for a heart-racing second, before pushing into me again. It was hard to get my breath, or to speak, pleasured hisses and gasps the only sound I could make. "So... somethin' from my... maiii... my granddaddy's day... If you give me fi... five hundred gems, and some time, I could... go and make a few things haa... haaa... aaaahhh... happen..." I couldn't get any other words out, Master's hand overwhelming me.

His fingers slipped out of me and I whined, feeling almost pained from the sudden emptiness, but the fingers traced up along my dripping lips until they reached my clit, where they held me and began stroking it. I bucked against him, gasping in renewed pleasure, trying to get air, completely overwhelmed by his skilled fingers manipulating me, my whole body trembling against his... then I came, unable to stop a bark of ecstasy from escaping as my nethers drenched the hand cupping me with a flood of my juices. I panted into his shoulder, warmth and pleasure radiating from my pussy and coursing through me, and it was all I could do not to fall to the ground. His hand pulled backwards and out of my skirt, and I felt him use my blouse to clean his hand, wiping my cum into it. I was still struggling to stay upright when I felt him press something into my hand- a bag of gems- and felt his breath on my ear. "Make it happen."

He pulled away from me, but my knees weren't up to the task of holding me up again. I sank to the ground, watching him go. "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master."

I waited for my panting to stop and for my knees to be strong enough to support me again, feeling quivers running through them even though I held them on the ground underneath me. I heard a noise to the left, and looking I saw the mouse cunt sitting on the ground and watching me, one hand massaging her nipples, the other rubbing her pussy. She smirked at me before calling out. "You're such a slut... he doesn't even have to give you his cock; you'll do anything for just a touch of his fingers."

I was suddenly embarrassed. She had been watching me... I looked around and saw the other slaves looking purposely away from me. They had all seen... this wouldn't do. I belonged to Master, he could use me however he wanted, but he wanted me to manage the other slaves, and I couldn't do that if they didn't fear me. Couldn't please my Master.

I growled and rose to my feet, crossing over to the mouse bitch and giving her lower hand a swift hard kick. She squealed, a mix of pain and pleasure crossing her face, and I hauled her to her feet. "And you don't deserve his cock, ya useless pile of cow dung. You haven't earned him a fraction of the money I have, rolling around in the dirt all day instead of doin' anything useful. We're gunna fix that, and give you a much needed bath at the same time." I hauled her and her oversized tits to the barn, strapping her back into the milker, stuffing her tail into one of the arm straps. I turned on the machine, smirking as the mouse began squirming, her pussy already starting to drip.

That wasn't enough. The mouse needed to know not to disrespect me, that Master had place me over her, and that disrespecting me was disrespecting Master.. I looked around for something more to do to her, and an idea occurred to me. I walked to the house, grabbing a pair of underwear, and went back to the mouse. One at a time I unstrapped her legs and slipped the panties onto her, dragging them halfway up her, restraining the legs afterwards. Then I grabbed one of the empty milk bottles and unscrewed the cap. I held it up before me, inspecting it, making sure the mouse bitch got a good look at it. "You always need somethin' 'tween those legs of yours, but Master's not here right now, so you'll have to try an' please this for tonight." I took a step towards her and in one smooth motion shoved the bottle into her loose passage, far enough to bury all but the very bottom inside, dragging a surprised squeal from her. I pulled the panties up until they held the bottle snugly in place. The mouse squirmed in her bonds, straining her legs, but couldn't manage to move the bottle inside her. "Enjoy yerself- I'll be back in the morning. Maybe." I walked back outside, and saw that everybody was hard at work again, all of them afraid to look at me.

The farm was going to be just fine.

I let the mouse out the next morning- three bottles were filled this time. I made Izma come with me to Tel'adre again, and we left the rest of the slaves hard at work at the farm. I went to a number of stores but came up empty. I wasn't even able to find fire irons, something I thought I might could rework into brands. I didn't tell the tigershark what I was looking for, but she could tell I wasn't finding what I wanted and was getting frustrated. Finally, well into the afternoon, she suggested I might try the demon bazaar on the plains. I stopped in the street, thinking the suggestion over. The bazaar was a dangerous place, filled with all sorts of twisted creatures... but Izma would keep me safe. And she was probably right- if anybody had things to mark creatures, it would be the demons.

I gave her a nod and briskly walked back to the wagon. It was a good idea, but it was important the slaves knew Master had left_me_ in charge of them. We rode in silence, Izma reading a book and glancing around randomly. A guard stopped as when we arrived, but after a short conversation with the tigershark he waved us through. The sun was setting, and I didn't want to be here when night fell, but I got lucky- the first store I checked, one run by a blind basilisk, had exactly what I was looking for. Magical ink, black and red, potent enough to show through fur, and the sealing paper to go with it. The basilisk only had twelve vials on him, but said he could get more if we needed; I bought all twelve and the sealing spell, and we went back to the farm.

The whole way I imagined what Master's mark would look like. I kept glancing at myself and at Izma, wondering where he would put it on us. Maybe it would be large, on our breasts, or small, on our shoulders... maybe somewhere everybody could see, so they would know immediately who we belonged to... our very skin showing anyone who saw us who we belonged to.

We got back to Master's farm, and Izma hopped out of the wagon to go check on her things. The mouse slut was, surprisingly, actually working, and I couldn't find any weeds in the fields- although it was dark. The cows had been milked, and the milk bottles were stashed properly; the chicken eggs were stashed in cartons. I put the horse back in the stable, then unloaded the wagon, getting everything set up.

It was late when I finished, and I fell asleep there in the barn, curled up on the floor and clutching one of the vials to my chest, dreaming of Master's mark being stamped onto my body...

I woke up on the floor of the barn, still clutching the ink vial against my breast. Bath slut was nearby, nervously trying to get a milking pail without waking me up. I gathered up the supplies I needed, still wearing the clothes from yesterday, and walked over to watch her for a moment or two. "Good job- right to work, just like you should be. Master would be proud of you."

She smiled and went about her chores, and I headed deeper into the barn to find another cow, stopping at stall twelve. I tied a lead to it and led it outside, heading to the wagon where I still had a few of the ink pots waiting. I tied the cow to the wagon and reached for one of the pots, but when I turned back around I saw Master on the hill, heading towards me. I put the pot back in the wagon and rushed around the cow; he spotted me and started walking towards me, and I fell to my knees. My tail wagged in excitement, and I could barely contain myself. When he was close enough I called out to him gleefully. "Master! Master, I've done as you asked!"

He stopped a few steps away from, looking from me to the cow. "Oh?" He sat down on the ground, getting comfortable, and made a 'go ahead' motion with his hand. Just the word 'oh' had been enough to turn me on, a flush of warmth spreading from my pussy.

I jumped back to my feet and reached into the wagon, bringing out some of the ink and the spell sheet, talking to myself and to Master as I did. "Thought nobody sold this stuff anymore..." I twisted the cork out of the vial, and tried not to breathe too heavily as the sharp smell began filling the air. "...but it's amazing what you kin' find in that bazaar place, ain't it? Watch."

I dipped a claw into the ink vial, coating it in the magical liquid, shaking some loose drops back into the pot before pulling out and reaching to the cow. I drew with my finger, painting first a one, then a two, on the side of the cow. It gave an annoyed moo and flicked it's tail, but it didn't seem too upset. That was probably for the best- I had a suspicion I would soon be feeling what the cow felt, and if it didn't hurt that would be nice.

Not that I wouldn't want it done even if it did hurt.

I blushed a little, but I don't think Master saw me, and I went back to concentrating on my drawing, then stepped back when I was done. The number 12 stood out against the cow's white fur in dark black ink, glistening and obviously wet. I looked back at Master, who was still watching expectantly. "Then we take some of the paper..." I put the ink pot back into the wagon and grabbed the spell sheet, holding it up for Master to see. "...and press it on to seal it..." I held the paper over the cow, making sure Master saw what I was doing. " so..." I pushed the paper down, through the cow's fur and firmly against its skin. There was a hissing sound and I felt some warmth in my hand through the sheet, and the cow gave another annoyed "moo" before looking back down for more grass to eat. After a few seconds the warmth faded, and I peeled the paper away, then stepped back to let Master see.

He rose to his feet and stepped close to the cow, examining the 12. The ink had dried, and seemed painted into the cow's skin instead of on the fur, though it still managed to be clearly visible through the fur. Master reached up and touched the painted number, rubbing it, but it stayed just as it was, not smudging at all. I was confident it would stand up to anything he tried- I had tested it out on some wood before I bought it, and nothing short of chipping off the wood could remove it. Master seemed satisfied too, and grinned widely.

"S'long as you know what you want and move yer finger carefully, you can tattoo anything on anything. 'S much easier to do than brandin', and it's magic that lasts for years an' years." I paused, then looked up at him hopefully, trying not to grin. "Perhaps you'd like to test it out for yourself, Master?"

He grinned back at me, a possessive gleam in his eye that carried a promise that made my nipples harden. "I did say good girls get treats. Since you've been such a productive girl, I guess you do deserve a reward." He took the spell sheet from me, stepping away from the cow and motioning to a spot on the other side of him. "Take your clothes off."

I walked to the spot where he pointed, undoing the buttons of my blouse as I did, and letting it fall to the ground. My boots and skirt followed, then I reached behind me to unclasp my bra, adding it to the pile. Lastly I slipped my panties down my legs, the soft cotton fabric wet from my arousal, and stepped out of them, leaving them where they fell.

Only then did I realize I was completely naked before the entire farm, and that anyone could see every part of me, my sandy brown fur the only covering I had from their eyes.

Good. Let them see Master reward me over them.

I looked back towards Master, my tail wagging slowly behind me. He had picked up a pot of black ink and was looking at it thoughtfully; he considered it for a moment before looking at me. With a blush I realized I had never stood before him like this before- his fingers had been inside me, had stroked, prodded, rubbed and caressed me to orgasms, but always through my clothes, the garments not being able to stop or even slow him from doing whatever he wanted to me. This was the first time he had actually seen me. I hoped he liked what he saw.

He walked slowly around me, looking over every inch of me, and one hand reached out to trail a finger across certain points. My collarbone... my lower back... my butt... my shoulders.... The finger stopped at my right shoulder, poking a specific spot. "Here. Kneel, and hold still."

I knelt, holding as still as I could. His finger left my shoulder, then returned a moment later, wet. I felt a warm tingle over my skin as Master traced a symbol into my skin, something vaguely circular, followed by curves and lines. I couldn't tell what he had drawn, but after a moment or two the finger pulled away from my back. There was nothing for what seemed like an eternity... and then I felt the paper press against my back. A flash of intense heat surged through my shoulder, and I gasped, the feeling fading as soon as it began, replaced with an itching tingle where the ink had been. I stayed as still as I could, but I wanted to scratch it, rub it, touch it, roll my shoulder, anything... and then it was gone, faded to just a slight itch. Master held the paper against me for a little bit longer, then pulled it away. I couldn't see him, but I knew he was looking over what he had done.

Finally he walked back in front of me, holding the ink and the paper. "Excellent. You can stand up and get dressed now."

I rose nervously, reaching for my skirt. "What did you draw, Master?"

He grinned. "Oh, you'll just have to wait until I put it on the other slaves. You've done good, so you get to be the first to bear my mark, but that means you get to be the last to know. Wear something that leaves your shoulders bare for the next few days so that everybody can see it."

I was disappointed but nodded, pulling my underwear back up to cover my exposed and still-dripping pussy. Master must have seen my disappointment; he looked at my dampened underwear and looked thoughtful again. "Although..."

I paused, hand on my skirt. "Yes, Master?"

"You have been a very good girl lately. Maybe you deserve something a little more than the other slaves, to truly reward you."

I felt my ears raise a little. "What do you mean?"

He grinned again, looking over my body. "Put on your skirt."

I did, confused. I settled the skirt on my hips, pulling my tail through the small slit in the back, then reached for the rest of my clothes... but before I could get them Master picked me up, lifting me in his arms and carrying me to the wagon. I gave a surprised bark, but he sat me down on the edge of the wagon before I could do anything else, then pushed me back so I was laying flat in the wagon bed. I gazed up at him, a thrill running through my body; he sat the pot and sheet beside me, then ran his hand up my leg, lightly brushing my thigh. He slid under my skirt, and when he reached my panties he grabbed them, pulling them back down and dropping them to the ground.

"Knees up, and spread your legs." I blushed, and did as Master commanded. I was exposed to him again- but the skirt blocked my own view of my nethers. He took one of my hands and placed it on my leg, using it to hold my skirt up; the other hand followed to rest on my other leg.

"You have my mark, so now anybody who sees your shoulder will know you belong to me... but I think you should have something else, too, to show me you belong to me. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I tried not to wag my tail, and nodded, still looking up at him towering over me. I couldn't see my lower body at all, but I saw him reach for the black pot, dipping his finger into it again. "That's a good slave. Hold your skirt just like that for me."

His hand disappeared and I felt a flutter in my stomach. Where was he going to paint at? My thighs? Hips? Something on-

My thoughts dissolved and I let out a soft coo as I felt his finger on the soft flesh between my slit and my waist. The touch felt wonderful in and of itself, but it also carried the warm feeling of the ink with it, creating letters under his finger. He continued talking while he wrote on me. "This is just for me to see. Nobody else- none of the other slaves; I don't even want you to look at it. You're mine now, and that means this is my pussy now, so I decide who gets to see and use it. If another slave can tell me what's written here, or if I catch you looking at it, you'll be a bad girl, and I'll have to punish you." I felt a heavy weight in my stomach. "You're not a bad girl, are you?"

"No, Master. I won't let anybody see it... unless... unless you tell me to."

"I knew you were a good girl." I felt a surge of pleasure again, and I gave another coo as he continued writing on me. It didn't take long, and then his finger pulled away. I looked up at him, watching his eyes and waiting... but instead of the spell paper, I saw him reach for a pot of the red ink. He dipped a finger in it, then his hand disappeared again...

...I tilted my head backwards and gasped as I felt his finger touch my clit. "Hold still!"

I whined, but forced my body to stop trembling. His finger moved, ever so slowly, tracing a pattern onto my clit- a heart. I moaned as he finished, then whimpered when his finger vanished. I brought my head back down, looking at the face of my master.

He shifted, and heat flashed through my pubes in the shape of a word. The same itchy sensation ran through me, and it took all my concentration to not pull my hands away from my skirt- and then just as quickly as with my shoulder, the feeling faded. The paper peeled away from my skin, and Master smirked at me as I panted, the sensation leaving me light-headed. I imagined what Master was seeing- a word emblazoned above my wet pussy, a word only he would ever get to see.

Then I cried out as the paper was pressed against my clit, the heat flooding me in an overwhelming sensation. I think I came- I know I was shaking when I came back to my senses, and Master was petting my head. "Good girl... my good girl..."

The petting slowed. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, whispering softly. "Yes, Master. Thank you."

"Good... I'm not done yet. You're mine... you have my mark, my word in your flesh... but I still need to claim you. Seeing you earlier reminded me of that- you're not completely mine just yet." He grabbed my legs and pulled me to the edge of the wagon, my butt resting right on the edge. His hands gripped my thighs and spread me wider, and I felt something warm and firm stroke along my still soaked netherlips. "Keep that skirt right there- no peeking!"

I moaned, partly in frustration and partly in uncontrolled arousal and need, but I pulled the bottom of the skirt higher, blocking out any view I had of my lower half or of his chest. He continued to tease me, his cock sliding slowly against me as it stimulated my lips, lubricating itself in my juices. It felt so massive and thick, and another moan escaped me as I tried to imagine his cock against me.

"You want that, don't you? Want to lie there beneath me, helpless while I use you to pleasure myself? You've been fantasizing about this... about me taking you, like I took the farm..." His cock reached the top of my pussy, circling before slowly drawing back downwards. "...dreaming about being spread wide around me..."

I whined, looking up into his eyes needfully. "Yes... please, Master. Take me... claim your slave..."

I felt the tip of his cock hover against my entrance, drawing a circle, still teasing me. I was going mad with need... I needed it, needed it in me, needed it filling me so badly I was aching from his touch, needed to know I was pleasuring Master's cock, my walls clenching with anticipation, my legs trembling in his firm grasp. "Please... use me..."

He met my gaze, his eyes shining and a smirk on his face. He circled again, spreading me just the barest amount as his cock barely dipped inside me, and I whined again... and then his cock slid into me, one smooth motion that pushed it into me and spread my walls wide around it, filling me completely. It was massive and stretched me wider than I had ever felt; I cried out, a yelp of overwhelming pleasure.

Master made a satisfied sound and looked down. I knew he was looking at me. "My new pussy is so tight around my cock... the word I painted on you is bulging from my cock." He held himself in me, my walls gripping him like a glove, stretched to their limit and beyond... and then he began to move, dragging out just a little before pushing back inwards. He was playing with me, making my new tattoo bulge and fall from his cock. Reshaping me.

I moaned at the thought, and at the feel, and squeezed harder, bucking my hips against him. He laughed... and then his cock withdrew, leaving a horrible emptiness in me. I whined at the sudden loss, my pussy aching to be filled again... and then it was, his cock thrusting back into me. His hips slammed into me, and I could feel his balls slapping against my butt; the force was enough to slide me an inch or two across the wagon, but his hands on my legs pulled me back, driving his cock even deeper into me. My breasts begged for attention, longed for something to squeeze and tease them, but his hands were occupied spreading me wide, and my hands were holding my skirt to hide my new tattoo from my eyes. He drew out again, then drove back into me, again and again... fucking me... pleasuring his cock with my... his pussy.

I came at the thought and the feeling, crying out in pleasure, my walls clamping down around him, my whole body shaking. I forgot all about the need in my breasts as I struggled to hold the skirt up, my hands shaking; Master kept fucking me through my orgasm, if anything driving into me even faster and harder.

I don't know how long I lay there beneath him. I came again and again, and the air was filled with my cries of ecstasy, my moans of pleasure, my whimpers of need. The other slaves would know what Master was doing to me- would know what he was using me to pleasure himself, was claiming me for his own, was rewarding me for using them to make his farm productive. I came again, and cried out even louder, struggling to get air to voice the pleasure Master was giving me.

After what seemed like hours- and for all I know it could have been, Master's cock seeming massive and vigorous enough to last for an eternity- he let go of my legs and grabbed my hips. He pulled me even closer, driving his cock deep within me... and I felt his cum jet into me, hot against my inner walls. Master was claiming me with his seed, putting his mark inside my body like he had outside my body. My hardest orgasm yet gripped me, the thought of being fully Master's overwhelming me, and my mind drifted through waves of overwhelming pleasure as the cock inside me shot wave after wave of cum into me.

I was dimly aware of Master's eyes meeting mine; I saw pleasure there. Master was happy with me.

"Good girl, Whitney... there's your reward. Keep being a good girl and you'll get more treats." I felt Master pull out of me, finished with me, and I felt horribly empty again, my sore walls still longing for something to spread them, something to drive into me. "And remember... no peeking at my pussy." He grinned down at me, getting another look at the word he had branded onto the most intimate region of his new slave. Through my haze I smiled and nodded. "Yes Master..."

My hands collapsed between my legs, dragging the folds of my skirt to cover my pussy, gasping at the feel of the cloth against my lips, knowing the skirt was going to be stained with the mix of mine and Master's cum. I didn't need to peek- I knew what he had written on me, what he had looked upon as he fucked me. Four capital letters, ones I could feel spelled out when he had written them on me.