Office Reassignment

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When an office worker wakes up from a night of drinking do find himself with a new adornment and possibly a new outlook on life.

The sun rose over the park just as it always did, the light streaming in from the bay windows of the small house James owned. As it hit the young man square in the face he let out a snort and immediately turned away, his naked body twisting itself in the sheets as struggled to face the new morning. When his bleary eyes finally did open he found himself up nearly an hour earlier than he needed to be, something that always seemed to happen to him after a night of drinking. "I can't believe I let him convince me to go out on a Sunday..." he muttered as he slowly staggered out of bed and drank down the water from a glass he had graciously left himself the night before.

With the last of what little sleep he had gotten fading away his senses returned to him enough for him to stagger to his shower. The hot water that cascaded on him helped to rid the last of the grogginess, though an all too familiar throbbing edged into his mind as he braced himself against the tile wall. He tried to think back to what happened last night but strangely it was all black from the time he entered the club to when he just woke up a few minutes ago. He normally didn't get black out drunk, especially on a Sunday.

As he started to lather himself up, however, he found something on his chest that his thoughts immediately focused on. On his nipples were a set of silver ring piercings, each of them with a tiny pink gem that dangled against the bare skin of his chest. They weren't there last night, and as far as he could remember he hadn't been anywhere that would have given him such a thing. What was really strange was there was no tenderness on his nipples, though he had never gotten such a piercing before. It seemed like an easy enough mistake to rectify, but as he tried to find the clasp to remove the jewelry he couldn't seem to find a break in the metal anywhere. It was as though they had been welded together, and when he tried to pull on the rings they just caused them to pull on the sensitive flesh.

"What the hell am I going to do now..." he sighed as he looked at the apparently permanent alterations that he had drunkenly done to himself. Unfortunately he didn't have time to think about such a thing, he was already running behind and he didn't want to be late to the office. He didn't even bother to shave as he put on his clothes, his body shivering as he felt the cold metal press against his chest. Once he was dressed he ran out and grabbed a quick breakfast on the way to work, arriving at his workplace right on time.

"I can't believe the traffic out there." James grumbled to the security guard as he showed his security ID to the guard that stood at the checkpoint. "Good morning Bill."

"James..." the guard replied in his usual gruff manner. A paranoid part of James made him feel that everyone that he had passed could see the hidden jewelry, though he knew that with his shirt and jacket on no one could see them. It was a welcome relief to get a customary greeting from someone, the routine settling what little doubts he had in his mind. "Looking hot today sir."

James spun around to look at the security guard, but Bill had already started to help another person that had started to walk into the building. At first he thought that he maybe had misheard, but as he turned back and began to walk into the elevator he knew he hadn't been mistaken. Unbidden thoughts began to enter into his mind, wondering if people actually did know about his new hidden adornments. He shuddered as he knew what he would be in for if they did, and what else he may have done during the time he blacked out that also could have warranted possible ridicule. He didn't drink with anyone at work though, so how they would have found out was beyond him.

A sudden pinch on his butt made him jump once they reached his floor, his thoughts immediately returning to the present as everyone filed out. He looked at everyone as they left but no one gave him any telling looks as to who did it. When he was the last one in the elevator he almost let the doors close again, but he snapped out of his shock long enough to put his briefcase in the door so they would reopen and allow him to leave. All he wanted to do was get to his cubicle now, itching his chest and causing it to rub against his sensitive nipples in a very pleasurable manner.

"Oh thank god." He said as he made it to the safe haven of his desk, avoiding the looks of his co-workers as he took off his coat. The itching sensation had moved down to his arms by that time, and with the heavy material off of his arms he was able to scratch the skin in earnest. As he did so though he noticed something that caused him to pause, all the hair that had been on his forearms seemed to have vanished and left his skin completely smooth. He pulled up the cuffs of his sleeves and found that every follicle on his arms had completely disappeared.

After a quick look around James unbuttoned his shirt and slid his hand inside, finding that the same thing had happened to his chest as well. Not only that but the skin there felt almost unnaturally smooth, like he was touching something that coated his skin as his fingers bumped against the metal of the rings and caused him to shudder. A big part of him wished that he had called into work sick and had gone to the doctor, not only did his nipples feel extra sensitive but the flesh around them felt slightly swelled. "You alright there?" He suddenly heard at the entrance to his cubicle, his hand darting out from his clothes as he looked up to see the boss's secretary standing there.

"Oh hey." James replied hastily, trying his best to keep his embarrassment down. "No, I was just... I think I just have a rash on my chest or something. What is it?"

"Mr. Dysion wants to see you in his office in two hours." The woman said nonchalantly.

James nodded, sighing inwardly as he found himself in trouble within the first half hour of being at work. "You know, I think I know what the problem is." The secretary mentioned before she started to leave, gesturing to her breasts. "When I get sensitive down there I always find that a bit of cocoa butter helps my breasts. I think it's something that you should try... either that or it's the clothes you're wearing."

"Um... thanks." Was all James was able to reply in his confusion.

"Once you're done with the boss come by my office, I can certainly help you out with the application." She said before she left. By this time his head was spinning, while he wasn't at odds with his co-workers he had never been very friendly towards them, and certainly not to the point where he felt comfortable talking to them about such things. Now not only had he just been offered advice on body care, but he had just been essentially propositioned for intimate contact that was way out of bounds for him. As much as the idea of having the rather attractive secretary rub down his chest was appealing to him he tried to keep work as professional as possible and expected others to do the same. He resolved to tell the boss what happened at the meeting he had with him, at the very least so he couldn't be held responsible if such a thing came back to him in a negative way.

As the morning wore on he tried to concentrate on his work, but the day only continued to get stranger for him. His entire body felt unsettled as he sat in his desk, his joints felt stiff, especially in his fingers as he tried to type in his figures. When he got up to get coffee he found that his gait had changed as well, his hips swaying slightly despite himself whenever he walked. The strangest thing though was his co-workers, as the day continued he had been subject to several instances of innuendo from both females and males, and those who heard it were not only accepted of it but some of them even seemed to enjoy it.

By the time his meeting with Mr. Dysion rolled around James had stopped working and stared blankly ahead at the wall of his cubicle. Even if everyone knew about his piercings the joke had gone way too far, with the zero tolerance policy they had for sexual harassment any one of them could be fired for the indiscretions that they caused him. The worst part was that even though it was completely humiliating, a growing part of him secretly enjoyed the attention that was given to him. That was something completely uncharacteristic of himself, though he chalked it up to the stress of the day. Nevertheless when the clocked ticked to ten he got up, hearing a small squeak as he left his cubicle and walked down to the office.

James tried to avoid the look of the secretary as he walked into the large office at the end of the hall, hearing the gruff voice of the man acknowledge him as he closed the door behind him. "Mr. Dysion, you called for me?" He said as he sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the desk.

"Yes, I've been told by a couple of co-workers that you are having issues at work today." Mr. Dysion said as he flipped through several pages on a manila folder.

For a moment James felt relieved, perhaps he had been wrong in what he thought he had seen from the others and someone reported the violations of his personal space for him. Then it dawned on him that he could have just done that himself in the first place, though for some reason telling the boss about what was happening to him didn't even enter into his mind. Now that he was there though he was definitely sure that he would make sure he knew about it. "Mr. Dysion, it's been awful this morning." James said as he slumped down in the chair and threw his hands in the air. "There have been all of these comments and all this innuendo, I think I know why it's happening but that's no excuse for the treatment that I've been given."

"Yes, I'm well aware of the 'treatment' that you have been getting from the co-workers and why it's happening." Mr. Dysion said as he slammed down the papers in front of him. "You are aware of the dress code that is in your contact?"

Almost immediately all of James's relief turned to fear as the words of his boss sank in. While he was aware that there was a dress code in their contracts he had no idea that there was any stipulation in there that concerned piercings. If there was it was still no excuse for the treatment that he was given, but there was the chance that they would fire him instead of trying to deal with any of the fallout from the sexual harassment and just pay him off. "Sir... I... I... know that there is." James stammered slightly, cheeks flushed in embarrassment about his fumbling. "I... I just want to say... that... that..."

"Take it off." Mr. Dysion commanded in an angry tone as he pointed a finger right at his shirt. "Right now."

For a second James was going to protest, but as he felt his boss's angry eyes bore down on him he couldn't help but obey the stern request. His hands trembled as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, at first it was in pure fear for his job but when he got down to the third button it quickly turned to confusion and anxiety as he noticed the hue of his skin was off. After he took a second to look up at the other man's unchanged expression he took off his shirt even faster in order to investigate the problem. When he got to the last button he ended up just ripping it off and what he saw there caused him to gasp loudly.

Where at the start of his work day the flesh around his nipples had been slightly swollen, they were now unmistakably the size and shape of a small pair of breasts. The term 'Flesh' was also extremely suggestive, since the skin of his newfound boobs was a hot pink and unnaturally shiny. The changes weren't just there either as he completely took the now ruined shirt off, most of his chest was the same shiny pink and even his arms and shoulders were tinged with the bright color. "What's happening to me?!" James said in a panic as he grabbed onto the cursed jewelry that seemed to start it all, only to fall back down when touching the metal caused a surge of pleasure to nearly paralyze his body. "Sir... I think I need help..."

"The only help you need is to make sure that you remember the rules." The boss replied as he pointed a pen at him. "I had better not see you with that shirt or any kind of garment on for here on out, understand?"

"Of course, but I... wait, what?" James asked in a mix of confusion and terror as he pointed to his new breasts. "Are you saying I HAVE to be shirtless? What about these?"

"Yes yes, they look very nice." The boss said with a dismissive wave. "Look, I don't have any personal need for you at the moment so why don't you go back to your cubicle and do some busywork?"

"I... I..." James stammered, unable to say anything as he was once more ushered to leave the office. With his torn shirt in his hands he stumbled back to his desk, every so often hearing a whistle or cat-call. Part of him said that he should just put the shirt and his coat back on and go home, but the boss's words stuck in his mind like glue and refused to let him think of doing anything else as he sat back down at his cubicle. As he numbly turned on his computer all he thought about was his project and that hopefully if he worked on that he could just get through the day until he found a doctor to tell him what was happening to him.

Unfortunately once his computer booted up he found that his project, which he had spent two months working on, had completely disappeared from his station. In its place was what he could only describe as the biggest archive of avian themed pornography that he had ever seen. Guys, girls... his computer had it all, enough that it took up most of his terabyte hard drive. He could feel his heart race in his chest as he tried to delete it all, only to find that every gig he threw in the recycle bin two more gigs not only popped up but started to play all by itself.

"Doing a bit of research there?" James heard a voice behind him that caused him to nearly tackle his own computer as he tried to hide the screen from whoever was behind him. "Oh relax, we know what you do here, nothing to be ashamed of."

James turned around to see that Darren, someone that had been hired around the same time he had, stood there at the entrance to his cubicle with a coffee in his hands. While they weren't friends, they did have a working relationship where they had helped each other a couple times. The confused man hoped that this would be one of those times as he stood up from his chair.

"Darren, you got to help me, this feels like some deranged dream." James pleaded. "Everything is changing and no one seems to notice that it's happening! I've got boobs for god's sakes and nearly everyone in the office has either leered or made some reference to me as though I've always been like this! I mean Mr. Dysion just told me to go shirtless and-"

"Whoa, slow down there buddy." Darren replied as he held his hands up. "Why don't you come back to my office so we can talka about this problem of yours."

James nodded numbly and stood up; his feet almost on autopilot as he followed his co-worker through the hallways. A haze of confusion seemed to settle on his mind as he walked, hardly even noticing the looks and jeers he got from several other co-workers. As he trudged he looked down at his chest and noticed that his chest had gotten even bigger since the last time he looked at it, his new breasts now sizable C-cups that shined in the fluorescent light of the office. Even though he was in the view of most of the cubicles his curiosity got the better of him and he reached up to touch them. When he brushed his fingers against the bright pink skin it felt more synthetic and less like flesh, like they were covered with a layer of rubber though he could feel the sensations perfectly well as it caused a shudder through his body.

"Alright, here we are." Darren said, which snapped James out of his investigation and caused his hands to dart down to his body. "Let me just close the blinds here and then we'll get down to business."

As Darren moved over to the windows and began to shutter them James looked around, his bewilderment increased as he began to walk the rather spacious office. This hadn't been the case yesterday, before today the other man was still in a cubicle like he was and both of them had been working towards getting a space like this. The more he investigated it began to dawn on him that reality had not just altered around him, as he looked around and saw the various awards on his desk he found that a lot of the projects that had gotten them were actually his. He hadn't even noticed before, but as he thought back he realized that the certificates he had gotten for those projects were absent from his space.

Those thoughts were quickly pushed aside as he turned around to ask and saw Darren began to pull his pants down. "Wha... what are you doing?" James asked as he backed up against the desk.

"I've been tense all day." Darren replied with a small smile as he sat down on the small couch with his member fished out of his pants. "When I saw you were available I knew I had to get you in as fast as possible. Now why don't you sit on down and service me like I know you want to."

Normally James would have shouted at the insistent man, or thrown a punch at him, or even stormed out and told his supervisor about that blatant sex act that he was being offered. A mixture of dismay and confusion in his mind as his gaze seemed locked on the erect maleness that Darren stroked a few times, along with a twinge of lust that seemed to grow with every passing second. He began to undo his own pants and walked towards him like a creature possessed, and as his pants dropped he noticed that his chest wasn't the only thing that had changed. Even with his underwear on he could tell that the usually familiar bulge in front had grown by a sizable amount and when he took them off he realized that his own cock had not only become encased in bright pink rubber but also appeared to be nearly ten inches in length.

"Yeah, get on down here." Darren said as he grabbed James by the noticeably wider hips and turned him around. James had no idea what he was doing anymore, as soon as he was caressed what little rational thought he had held onto seemed to go out the window. Even though he couldn't see them the touch from the other male signaled that his backside was also covered in the pink latex skin that seemed to assimilate his entire body. Before he could say anything he was lowered down and felt something press between his soft butt cheeks.

James let out a sharp gasp as he was penetrated for the first time, his feet kicking out slightly which only caused him to slide down further on Darren's shaft. James had expected it to hurt, but the muscles in his rear not only easily gave way to the intruder but seemed to be contoured to fit. His breathing quickened as Darren's hands moved from his hips to his sides, his own hips beginning to push up even further into the bewildered male as his entire cock pushed into him in only a few seconds. As the thick length continued to disappear inside his body a small batch of feathers had begun to form on his backside, made of the same bright pink latex that covered more and more of his body. The only thing James could feel was a slight stretch on his spine as it formed into an avian tail which tickled Darren's inner thighs and caused him to push even harder into him.

For James it seemed that his mental reservations weren't heard by his body, he found himself bucking backwards and rolling his body in order to squeeze the hard cock inside him and cause the male beneath him to moan slightly. The pleasure was intense, shortly after Darren was inside him James's own cock stiffened to its full length, which had he been still human otherwise he would have been impressed at the new size of his tool. All he could focus on now however was getting the maximum stimulation not only for himself but also his partner, though it appeared that the only thing Darren needed was a hole as his hands roamed over his own body. When they had gotten into a rhythm he brought one hand up and squeezed his breasts, his mounds now a very generous D-cup, while the other stroked his cock. With every stroke his fingers reached beyond the base to his testicles, the rubber orbs swelled and pulsed with every pump of his member as they grew bigger. They grew to very large proportions as he cupped them, once more an impressive endowment on his increasingly feminine frame.

Unfortunately after a short while it became harder and harder for James to pleasure himself in either respect as he felt his fingers and arms begin to stiffen. When he looked down his mouth opened wide as he saw the pink coloration had poured itself down his shoulders and arms all the way to his hands and as he watched it reach his fingers they began to fuse together. The latex skin soon reached the tips and his hand had become one solid, flat mitt that began to stretch outward. As he tried to reposition his arms they only seemed to go in one direction while the pink material broke into a feather pattern and as they continued to extend out the pink latex suddenly became a deep black that overtook the majority of his new appendages. As he felt Darren beneath him begin to speed up and plow into him in earnest his arms had completely formed into a pair of large, latex wings that flapped occasionally as his body was completely at the mercy of the bucking male beneath him.

There was a grunt beneath James as he felt Darren orgasm, the thick cock pushed in as far as it could before Darren shot his seed deep into his mutated body. After about thirty seconds Darren pulled out and stood up, nearly pushing James off of his lap before he pushed his softening member back into his pants. "That was just what I needed." Darren commented as he walked back to his desk. "You can stay on that couch for a bit if you want, but please keep quiet if you do since I have a lot of work to do."

James was unsure what to do at that point, he had just had sex with a guy who had just been one of his coworkers and friends yesterday and the pink shiny 'rash' had now covered nearly eighty percent of his body. He wanted to question why to the now occupied man that sat behind the desk, but all he could do was slowly get up and fold his wing arms against his body. He didn't even bother to grab his pants and underwear because they wouldn't fit around his altered form, though if he had looked around he would have noticed that they had disappeared from the floor anyway. With his erection still raging he fumbled with the door until it unlocked and opened, then walked out onto the floor.

As James walked through the maze of cubicles his walk felt strange, his tail stuck up in the air slightly and caused his hips to sway. He thought it odd until one of his co-workers put his finger into his hole as he passed by, the pink latex pucker not only was open but seemed to be ribbed as well. James didn't even turn around as he heard the catcall as well, unsure if it was because of the complete demoralization or that he was still shocked from the sex...


It was less than an hour before he found himself in his second sexual situation of the day. Surprisingly, or at this point not so much for him, he found that his naked body didn't raise any more reaction then when he had been clothed as he walked back to his cubicle. It took a little bit to get used to his new 'wings' as he walked, though when he kept them close to his body they were much less obtrusive. Unfortunately they were also nearly completely useless when it came to menial tasks, while he could use them to clumsily pick up things and open doors he wouldn't be able to write anything or type on a keyboard. He knew he had to talk to Mr. Dysion about it, but when he got there his secretary told him that he had gone off to a meeting.

"Great, now what am I going to do?" James asked in a defeated tone as he sat down in one of the nearby chairs. "I can't do my job like this... hell, I don't even know what my job is anymore."

"Well if you're looking for something to do, you can help me organize things in the supply closet." The secretary said as she stood up.

"I guess, thanks... uh..." James looked down to the nameplate on the desk. "Allison."

For about twenty minutes James helped as best he could, mainly putting up boxes on shelves the best he could. It felt good for him to do something, so much so that he was starting to forget why he was so upset in the first place. When he walked back around to grab another box, however, he found that the secretary had stripped completely naked and caused him to drop it to the ground with a crash. He had to admit she was quite beautiful, as were most of Mr. Dysion's secretaries.

"Time for you to really go to work." She said as she pushed him to the ground, James unable to brace himself as he fell onto his back. When he tried to get back up she had already straddled himself around his hips, his cock already completely erect from the first time that the young woman had touched him. Before he could say or do anything she had already pressed her shaved genitals against his groin, his chest heaving slightly as her hands grabbed his breasts and began to squeeze them. "I love this feature about you, all the fun of a woman with the abilities of a man."

James groaned as she slid down on his impressive length with her feminine slit, both of their bodies shivered slightly as she began to ride him. She was definitely experienced, pulling her body up enough so that only the tip was still inside her before she slammed back down again. James's legs jerked up in the air as she rode him hard, and as they quivered in pleasure the bright pink coloration began to appear in splotches on them. They also became far shapelier, and as they bucked upwards once more his knees suddenly seemed to snap. There was no pain though, and as the latex on his legs gained a slightly ribbed texture he found that aside from bending in the opposite direction they worked perfectly fine. As the changes reached down to his toes his toes melted together much like his fingers had, his feet warped like someone invisible hand was shaping putty as they rearranged into a very avian form.

As she continued to push herself deeper and deeper onto him he felt her grab his sides and began to rock back and forth with his huge cock inside him. At first it felt like she had just gotten a really good grip on him, but the more he began to thrust back the more it felt different. He looked down and gasped slightly when she saw bright pink handles had formed where she gripped, and the harder she ground her groin into him the more formed they became. As her back arched in climax he felt her pull hard, his own orgasm ripped through his new body though nothing came out of his cock.

"Wonderful..." Allison said as they both panted heavily, their breasts heaving in time with one another as she pulled off of him. "I'm going to get dressed, I'm sure that you know the way out." For the second time that day he had been used and then almost promptly dismissed, and though it should have made him angry or depressed he instead felt a strange sense of calmness and accomplishment. It felt like... like he was fulfilling his true role as he got up and strode out into the office proper, his head held high for the first time that day.


"There you are!" James heard behind him. Up until that point he had been idly surfing the net after he had serviced Allison, his search for something to explain what happened to him slowly replaced with more carnal pursuits. He wasn't sure whether his mind had finally started to grow to accept his fate or if the pleasure had somewhat dulled his anxiety but any thought of leaving the office or going to a doctor to figure it out hadn't popped into his head for some time. He was just about to turn and respond to the male voice when he suddenly felt himself get yanked up by his handles and moved to the lunch room.

When he was ushered into the rather small room with a few tables James saw a young woman who seemed to look around nervously before she saw him and perked up with excitement. "Oh wow, it's just like you said it was!" She whispered loudly as James felt himself get let go. "Are you sure that its okay we use it like this?"

"Don't worry babe, everyone does it." The male voice replied as James saw the person that had taken him was Nathan, a muscular but not too bright man that worked in the mailroom when he wasn't off pumping iron at some gym. "No one is even discreet anymore, plus lunch was already over with like three hours ago. Go ahead and get started, I'm going to take a different route."

James wondered what Nathan meant by 'different route' but after the male quickly took off his pants and shirt he had a feeling that he was about to find out rather quickly. When James opened his mouth to protest the burly male grabbed him by the back of the head and pushed him forward. The still fairly flaccid cock was about four inches but rather girthy and as he felt it harden in his mouth he couldn't help but begin to suck on it. As he did he heard the larger man moan as the pink latex shemale serviced his member.

After a few seconds James looked down to see his lips blackening and felt the bright pink latex flesh of his body begin to creep up his neck. In the back of his mind he knew that he was about to lose the last vestiges of his humanity, but he found the rest of his psyche uncaring as he began to bob up and down the man's dick. Without his realization he had become a slave to the pleasure that he had experienced over the last day, any ambition and drive in his past life was replaced with a need to get another cock in him or for his own cock to service a pussy. He had accepted his new life, a mere fucktoy for the pleasure of the people that he had formerly called his co-workers.

As the skin of his mouth and nose changed to bright pink James watched with almost detached interest as every time he pulled back his lips seemed to drag a little further behind with each pull. The black of his lips gave way to a lighter pink further back as the flesh hardened slightly into a slightly hooked beak. The seams of his mouth sealed up as well, which left him only a hole that seemed highly pliable as the thick cock pushed in and out of him. As the male in front of him tensed up James felt his scalp begin to itch as his hair disappeared off of his head and his entire body became a bright, uniform pink.

"Oh my god." Nathan's girlfriend exclaimed as she had also stripped down and lied down on the floor while Nathan guided James down on top of her. The large man never lost the grip on James' head, though instead of his body reacting it was his neck that stretched out to accommodate. As he grew several more inches of sloping pink neck he let out a gasp, though all that came out was an inhuman squeak. "Its breasts are perfectly molded, you guys have the best stuff."

Nathan didn't speak, all he could do was grunt as he thrust into the flamingo sextoy's mouth hole, the sensations of the slick, latex opening clamped around his cock in the most delicious of ways as James continued to honk and squeak around the thick organ. As James began to push his own cock into the girl beneath her a man suddenly entered into the room, a delivery man from the look of it as he continued unabated into the girlfriend's wet snatch. "Um, looks like I found it." The guy said as he pulled what looked like a letter.

"Dear Mr. James." The stranger read as the woman began to suck on James's breasts and elicited a squeak of pleasure from the living doll. "Thank you for your purchase of the flamingo fucktoy nipple rings, if you are receiving this message then you have implemented them and your reality has been completely rewritten to your specifications. We hope that you enjoy your new life and that you will consider our products again in the future. Sincerely, Cyprus Sivilath, Director of Sibergon Labs."

If James could laugh he would have, but his mouth was filled with cock and his mind was filled with lust. Only a small part of him realized that he had somehow done this too himself, and as he felt the member inside him shoot its load into his self-lubricating beak a small sigh escaped from the small nostril holes he had. Without another word the delivery man left, and almost immediately he resumed his fucking of the woman beneath him. As he looked back down at the woman's moaning form he could see his own breasts pressed against hers and felt the cool metal of the rings in his nipples he actually felt a sense of... relief. To be so free, to have sex whenever he wanted and not be expected of anything else, his lust-soaked brain actually began to rejoice in such a thing.

As he felt the female beneath him came for the first time he felt a smile cross his face, knowing that he would definitely let others know of Sibergon's wonderful products however he could.