Purity of the Feline Part 2

Story by Gerano on SoFurry

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#2 of Purity of the Feline

The second part to the Purity of the Feline series.

Part 2: Life's Biggest Mercy

King Phirs Phillipus had sat on the throne for an entire year now. For almost a decade longer than I have lived, Marcewes had seen few better kings. We had been at a stage during peace and prosperity during his reign, when my reign comes I will find it hard to perform as well as my dad did.

If the people only saw past his bloodline, they would know how much of a great king he was, but the common beast lacks sense, pride and honor. All three of those things are dangerous to live without.

Me and my sister were sitting in her room, playing a game of Cities

The rules of Cities are fairly simple; both players have 12 pieces (Each representing a City). In the first place they must place the city anywhere on the board, so long as it is in-line with the original spot. The players then take turns, and may move the city one square in any direction (Diagonal doesn't count, nor can you move through pieces). You can capture cities by placing a city on either side of it, in such a way that a line is going through all three pieces. When two cities are next to each other, they are considered to be At War, meaning either side can move a piece for as many number of squares as they need in a straight line, so long as they capture the city by the end of that turn, otherwise normal rules apply. If a city is At War with two cities, but you can't place a line through the square then the city is considered to be Under Siege and cannot move. There are 3 ways to win

1. _ _To take all of the other player's pieces

2. _ _When a stalemate is called, the player who acted last turn automatically wins for having the "Strategic Upper Hand"

3. _ _After 24 turns, there is "Political Instability"; the next player to capture a city wins.

I had just remembered something, "Hey Thessa, I remember reading something about the origin of Cities; some theories state that it was originally created..."

"...In an attempt to undermine The Great States for the political uncertainty there. Yeah I read that book too." She interrupted. "Another point to me." "That's cheating, you can't interrupt and say the fact I was just about to say." "You never mentioned that was a rule, therefore you can't enforce it." She said before moving a piece

I moved a piece as well "Stalemate!"

"What? How did I not notice that?"

"Focus more on the game you were already playing."

My dad stood in front of the citizens of Marcewes, just outside his castle, a battalion of guards watching over him. Many clouds blocked the sun on that day. Dad always gave speeches on stormy days. He claimed to do it for dramatic effect, though something told me there was another reason.

"People of Marcewes, I stand here before you, because I have had to take action in troubled times. There are many who question my claim to the throne. I am as true a Phillipus as any. I was raised by House Phillipus, and taught to keep the family name to have meaning and honour. Have I wronged any of you? If so say what you must now."

A large number of the common beasts stood up and began yelling; all in sync with one another they began chanting "Every Sine is a bastard".

My father sighed "My mother was of House Sine, but my father was of House Phillipus. I am therefore no Sine." The crowd began booing him. "From now forth, to make sure there are no assassination attempts, I am increasing the patrol hours of guards, and creating a curfew. Any citizen seen outside after nightfall will be arrested by the city guard." He quickly walked back inside, he had hoped the speech would have lasted longer and he could justify his actions, but he could not stand what the crowd was saying about him. Confusion filled his eyes, how long had the people hated him so badly? Was he really so out of touch with the commoners that he could have missed it?

I walked downstairs to see him, just after he had finished his speech

"So, how did it go?" I asked

"Awful, the people hate me. I've tried everything I could but the common beasts still hate me!"

"Most beasts are stupid, give them a reason to side with you, and they will side with you without awareness of the full consequences. If the people were told you're not the rightful king, they will hate you regardless of how much of a good king you are."

He hugged me. "I am so glad to know that when I'm gone, the throne will be in the hands of someone as intelligent as you."

"But, that's not for a while, right?"

"No, don't worry; my castle couldn't be any more secure. Nobody is going to come in to the castle"

"Alright" I smiled, he smiled back.

Later that night, I was sitting in my room, to find my sister walking in, tears down her face.

"You alright Thessa?" I asked. She ran over to me and hugged me. "It happened!"

"What happened?"

She cried even more "Dad has been stabbed."

"What?!" The shock of it overwhelmed me. "Where is he now?!" I asked. I had always held my family in high regards. The fact that something like this could happen so easily scared me. I hoped to The Gods that he was alright.

I ran over to the study. Dad used to spend most of the daytime in the study, although often came out to see his family during the evening, and before dinner during the winter. He often liked to devise new laws in peace, and then ask for the Senate's approval after he had finished all the minor details. He lay on a small bed he had placed there for late night work. He saw me come in and smiled

"Hey Alex." As he lay on the bed, a dagger was stuck in his arm, no blood spilt at all oddly enough. "Yeah, one of my guards stabbed me, a guard by the name of Blagon I believe. He's rotting in a prison cell thankfully."

"Are you going to be ok?" I asked

"Honestly, probably not. I just hope that when I reach the underworld, the Gods shall be merciful."

"The gods will be merciful! You were always good!"

"The Gods can be cruel, but can be merciful. Not sure which they are doing by taking my life. Ashes to ashes." He said. His skin glowed brightly, and cracks started appearing across his face and with a poof, he had turned to a pile of dust.

Confusion as to what had just happened was my first reaction, but I felt that I needed to finish his sentence "Dust to dust."

My mum walked in, she looked at the pile of dust and cried.

"What happened to him?" I asked

"Not all leave a corpse when they die. Sometimes magic leaves no remains." She responded.

The next day was my coronation. I stood outside the throne room. My mum was just preparing the royal robes. "Listen Alex, it's not safe from within the city anymore. Meet me by the city gates after the coronation." I nodded.

As I stepped in to the throne room, the name "Phirs Phillipus" was being carved in to a brick in the castle walls. This was tradition for whenever someone died. All of the Family Leaders in Marcewes were there, as it was customary for the senate to show up for a coronation. I went up and sat on my throne. The high priest of The Pantheon stepped forwards.

Each city had a High Priest, representing a local faith. For the Capital, it was customary for the High Priest to stand for all the gods. He was an elderly goat. He was cursed, and his sight taken away from him when he was a kid, ever since he learnt to appease the god, so that he

The High Priest stepped forwards with a cushion, on top of it there was a golden crown, serving as both a symbol of power, and one that could serve well as armour. There was also a large diamond scepter, as well as a sword with the crest of House Phillipus on it.

"By the glory of the Crowned One take the sword, with it you shall fight many great battles." I picked up the sword, and sheathed it. "By the glory of the Flaming One, take the scepter. With it the flames of your rule shall be long and prosperous." I picked up the scepter and sheathed it. "By the glory of the God of Spheres, take the crown, with it the throne shall be yours." I took the crown and placed it on my head."; "Do you swear to the gods to protect your people, to rule for the greater-good of all beasts?"

"I swear to the gods!" I responded

"I now declare before Gods and Mortals that you, Alexander Phillipus shall be King of Marcewes, Leader of House Phillipus, Lord of the Capital, and protector of the realm."

The senate knelt, and I walked past, looking down at the kneeling souls. Marcewes was now mine.

I headed over to the city gates, to find my sister waiting for me.

"Hey Alex." She said as I arrived "Hey." I responded

"So you're the king? Must be great to demand people to kneel." "For a second I thought I was the power crazy one in the family."

"Were all mad here." she smiled. She sighed

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's great that you have the throne...I just wish that...A new king does not fill the void left by the death of an old."

"Very poetic way of saying you miss dad."

She hugged me, and as she did so I felt oddly warm inside, like I rarely do.

Just then mum showed up. She passed us both backpacks.

"We have to leave the city, and we have to leave now." She stated

"Why?" I asked

"The city is no longer safe. They interrogated Blagon, apparently there is a lot of money being paid for each member of House Phillipus slain. He also claimed that someone from within the city supplied him with the resources needed to carry out the deed, free of charge, but he is unable to state the name else he is breaking a sacred oath." "Where is he now?"

"Dead. He was killed shortly after his torture. We must leave the city if we are to have any chance of survival."

We traveled throughout plains and villages until nightfall. As the Night fell, mums hand oddly lit up, lighting the way in the dark.

"Look, if we ever get separated, there are instructions in each of your bags as to where to go next."

On that note, the clanging of armour came forth. Forward stepping was a fairly powerful looking monkey, dressed in white robes with a purple cloak. He had well combed fur, and bright golden eyes, as well as a long, majestic looking tail. His posture and status seemed akin to that of the lords of the Great States. He was clinging on to a Greatsword with his hands and tail. Guarding him were two dire wolves, and a gray wolf, each of which rather than wearing proper uniform, were clad in a brigandine, suggesting they were more like common sell-swords than proper soldiers. The two Dire Wolves held huge swords, almost as large as me, both using only one hand. The Gray wolf however seemed to be armed with a longbow, one hand in his quiver.

"Can I help you sir?" Asked my mum

The monkey stepped forwards, head held high. "Yes. I believe you can. It's dangerous for royalty to step out in to the wilderness at night. Hand over the children and nobody gets hurt."

My mum grinned "Come at me motherfucker." she then quickly turned to me and Thessa "Just run!"

We ran as fast as we could. The monkey pointed at my mum "Kill the crow bitch! Gut her alive!"

At that moment, the dire wolves drew there swords, and charged at her. She grabbed one of there swords and broke it in to pieces, before magically lifting up both dire wolves, and ramming them in to each other. The gray wolf shot arrows at her, in response to which she formed a magical shield. At that moment, the monkey jumped on to her head, and stabbed her with a sword. "You should have handed over the children when you had a chance!"

At this point, the monkey and gray wolf were chasing after me and Thessa, we ran as fast as we could, running so fast that the noises around us, and our vision started going blurry. I noticed a small, well hidden ditch by the side of the road, I signaled to Thessa, and we both jumped in to it, watching the gray wolf and monkey run past.