FR06: Where are you sleeping tonight?

Story by Reserved Rodent on SoFurry

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#6 of Forging Rust

This is the sixth chapter in what will be a novel length story when it is all said and done.

This chapter contains M/M sex. If you have read previous chapters, you won't be surprised by this, but I feel it is important to warn folks. Don't continue if you don't want to read it, or if you're not supposed to for legal reasons.

Squire Rust meets Squire Sid at the barracks tent. They don't have any privacy there, but then, there's not really much privacy to be had for Squires in the Brotherhood. Luckily, the fox knows a place.

This story is a collaboration between AJH and myself.

_ Forging Rust _

by Reserved Rodent

co-authored with AJH

Chapter Six

Where are you sleeping tonight?

When he reached the Squire's tent, as usual, several furs of various species were scattered around outside, playing dice or card games. Maul, a wolverine, was gnawing the last of the meat from a T-bone. The Squire gave a grin and wave to the rat as he approached, but kept focused on the remnants of his meal.

Jousi waved as he walked away from the tent towards the showers, naked and not bothering to cover anything up with the dry towel he carried. Rust returned the wave with a smile, trying not to ogle the well-endowed male.

"Hey Rust, want to join us?" Kyle called from where he was joining Ferrin and two other Squires in a game of cards.

The rat shook his head. "Not tonight. I've already got plans."

Two wolves - Rust was not surprised one of them was Balen - started throwing punches at each other, making the rat pause, his ears flicking as he tried to determine if he needed to intervene. Both wolves seemed to sense this and turned to snarl at him to "keep out of it," before swinging punches again. Rust rolled his eyes and continued walking to the tent while an otter laughed and clapped, cheering the brawling Squires on.

Stepping inside, the rat made his way to the back, keeping his eyes open for his fox friend as he walked past multiple chatting Squires. After getting past two raccoons trying to outdo each other telling fishing tales, Rust saw Sid stretched out on his camp-bed in the back. The Squire, stripped down to just his loincloth and a jerkin with the Brotherhood's crest, was looking through a tatty book.

Walking back, the rat smiled. "Hi. What are you reading?"

The fox smiled warmly as he looked up. "Oh! H... hey Squire Rusty! Uh... it's silly."

Rust smiled. "Those can be fun to read." The rat started taking off his armor and setting it carefully out of the way on Sid's footlocker.

The fox watched Rust undress out of the corner of his eye, scratching under his jerkin. "It's a parody book about Knights and Squires and things. Funny jokes."

Getting out of his armor much more quickly than he'd gotten into it, Rust stripped down to his unmarked jerkin and loincloth, carefully setting what he took off where it wouldn't be damaged. "Funny Knight and Squire jokes, huh?"

With a nod, Sid set the book aside. "Newspaper cartoons and things."

The fox drew his knees up so the rat could sit on his bed. He clasped his paws around his knees and set his chin on them. His smile shone at Rust.

Sitting down, the gray-furred rat grinned back. "It's good to be back here tonight. I was not looking forward to being out there a few days."

Carefully, his eyes watching Rust, Sid stretched his legs out again, resting them on the rat's lap.

Rust's smile never wavered and he started rubbing the fox's legs. "Your fur is nice."

Murring gently, Sid grinned. "Mmhh... I'm so glad to see you back here safe. Are you staying in for a while?"

"I think so. Tonight for sure. It will be a few days before everything is ready, it sounded like."

"Wh...where are you sleeping tonight?" Sid slowly rubbed his footpad on the crotch of Rust's loincloth.

"Mmnnn... I'm not sure. I'm on my own recognizance." Rust ran his paw up Sid's leg.

The fox whimpered softly, lowly and lustfully. "I could... we could... take a walk outside... a bit..."

"That sounds like a fine idea." But Rust's ears folded down and his shoulders slumped as he looked over to where he set his armor. "I need to get that stored back in Lord Chase's tent. But after that maybe we could get some camping gear or something?"

Sid chuckled, raising his foot to poke Rust's cheek with a toe, while letting the rat catch a glimpse of his thick, black sheath under the loincloth. "You know we can't sleep outside, Squire..." Teeth flashed as the fox grinned. "But there's a nice hay bale in the stables we could... visit."

Licking his lips, the rat grinned. "I imagine there is. And plenty of blankets to keep us from getting hay everywhere."

Nodding gently, the fox wiggled his toes on the growing bulge under Rust's loincloth. "Mmh... It'll be nice and comfy... but whatever shall we do to pass the time?"

"I imagine we're both smart enough to figure something out." Rust smiled as his paw slid up the fox's thigh, making Sid whine. "You can bring the book and tell me jokes if you're worried."

When the furless fingers slid under the cloth, Sid stifled his whine. "I'd... I'd hoped... you'd be interested in me."

"I'm certainly interested in a cute, smart fox like you."

Rust squeezed gently with his paw, causing a Sid to whine loudly. A couple of nearby Squires looked up from their studies, only to look away quickly when they saw it wasn't their business.

"Mmhh... Y... You're such a big man..." Sid panted.

Rust's ears reddened at the fox's comment. "There's bigger, but thank you for saying so." The rat carefully set the fox's feet out of his lap and on the floor. "I am eager to get our roll in the hay started." Standing, he then offered Sid his paw. "Shall we?"

Putting his black furred paw into Rust's tanned grip, Sid stood. He let out a soft murr and used his free paw to pat the rat's rump. "Lead the way."

Rust gathered his armor while Sid grabbed his own bundle of light armor as well as his bow.

The pair made their way out of the tent and across the camp to where the Knight's tents were. When the rat and fox entered the alley, both the Squires' lords were standing outside, smoking a long pipe and debating how many Knights would be needed to break the pass defenses from inside. The Knights paused as the two approached, headed for the tents.

Rust smiled and nodded to the two larger warriors as he started past them.

Not as confident as the rat, Sid dropped to one knee before the pair of Knights. The lynx's eyes watched the fox closely.

Rust paused, ears flicking down as he wondered if he made a mistake not bowing, but also concerned that the Knights might do something to the Squire directly in front of them.

Chase jerked his head, giving permission to move on, and turned to tell a dirty joke to the rhino, who let out a deep bellied laugh. Sid rose and scurried into Lord Gunner's tent, leaving Rust to step inside the Lynx's tent to secure his armor and weapons.

The armor was quickly placed on the rack, with all but one of the weapons. The rat kept - as he usually did at all times - the sheath at the small of his back with the dagger he preferred using with his tail. Looking at his sweaty jerkin, Rust wrinkled his nose and stripped it off, tossing it in the pile he would soon have to wash. Hesitating only a second, the rat also kicked his loincloth off, his tail helping direct it to the same pile.

He went to grab a clean jerkin and loincloth from his foot locker, popping it open and pausing at what he saw inside. Where he had set the new jerkin Chase had given him on top of his normal everyday ones, he saw only more jerkins with the House Lynx heraldry on them. They were all nice, though it was still obvious which one was his best. He still had one or two without markings for missions like the one they performed today, but he could wear the sigil daily around the camp now.

Smiling happily, the rat slid on a fresh jerkin showing his new House and put on a fresh loincloth.

After making sure things were organized neatly, Rust left the tent.

The Knights had left the alley by now, but Sid stood nearby, back on the main 'street'. The fox crooked a finger, beckoning the rat to follow, before giggling and scurrying off as the rat approached.

Rust smiled as he trotted after the younger male, finally catching up in a quiet part of the camp just outside the stables. "So, do the hay bales get used often for this kind of thing?"

Chuckling as they walked through a side entrance of the stables, Sid nodded. "We're on a campaign for months... sometimes that's all they're used for. Knights have tents, Squires... we make do."

"Heh, except for rats like me who were too focused on learning what it takes to serve as a Squire that I missed all the social cues until recently."

Sid reached out, taking Rust's paw in his and giving it a squeeze, before holding on tightly. "Squire Rusty - that's the right thing to do. We're warriors. What we do here - in the hay - is a bonus." Sid stood on his toes and pecked Rust's cheek before pushing open a stall door. "Besides, Lord Chase would be... annoyed if you put shagging first." Sid giggled.

Rust grinned as he followed after the fox. "Which I would never do. I'm just saying that I hadn't realized the opportunities for downtime existed." The rat turned back to shut the stall door.

Sid stepped behind the gray-furred rodent and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling his neck gently. "We could die in battle tomorrow. There's always a little room for downtime. As long as the Lords don't smell it on us, we're good."

The rat's long tail coiled around the fox's waist. "How are we going to get the scent off of ourselves? Because I plan on getting real hot and sexy with you."

Black-furred paws roamed down over the rat's jerkin-covered chest, fingers tracing the House Lynx crest. "We can figure that out after."

Rust turned around, wrapping his arms around the fox and kissed him passionately - muzzles open and tongues wrapping around each other. Sid kissed back firmly, pushing back stronger than the rodent expected, causing them to stumble back against the door with a bang. Black-furred paws pulled at Rust's loin-cloth belt.

The rat's paws focused on rubbing the fox's back, kissing the fox passionately and letting out a moan.

Getting the rodent's loincloth free, Sid dropped it to the dusty, hay covered floor. He reached around to start lifting Rust's jerkin off, paws encountering the dagger sheathed at the small of his back. "You brought a weapon?"

Rust's ears grew hot. "I try to never be without."

"Good for you, sexy rodent." The fox leaned in to start another passionate kiss before his paws started tugging at the jerkin again."Mmhh... he gave you his sigil."

Helping to slip it off, the rat made sure the jerkin did not get so unceremoniously dumped. "Yeah. He gifted me with one fancy one before we left." The rat licked at the fox's ear while his paws started to work on getting Sid's loincloth off. "I decided that, even if they were coming off, I wanted my clothes to start out clean for you, so I decided to change. I discovered he evidently had most of my old jerkins switched while we were out. It was a pleasant surprise. Chase has such big hopes for me. Evidently I've been doing well and I should be proud, right?"

"Absolutely," Sid agreed, with a lusty growl. Rust loosened the Squire's loincloth enough for it to slide down. The fox shook his hips, his big sheath slapping his thighs. "My lord," the fox gave Rust a quick kiss, "doesn't trust me like yours trusts you yet."

"You work hard. In time, he will." The rat pulled Sid's jerkin off, revealing a medallion that caught the light. It hung from a bronze chain hidden around the fox's neck.

Dropping the garment, Rust gently squeezed the fox's right nipple with one paw while groping his sheath with the other.

A drop of pre glistened on the red tip of the rat's member, already peeking out of his sheath.

Sid knelt before the rat, pressing his warm nose into the furry sack there. He licked up to the base of the rodent's sheath, continuing further to the tip, pushing out as Rust grew hard. Slowly, the fox lapped at the leaking member, making the rodent squeak in pleasure.

"Mmhhh... Rusty... You'll be a Knight one day..."

The rodent's paws stroked the fox's ears. "Mmmnnn... Hopefully... but the future isn't written..."

Opening his maw, Sid sucked the rat's thick length into his maw. His black-furred paws fondled and played with the rodent's large balls, getting more happy squeaks from his lover.

Rust's hips pumped lightly as he tried his best to allow the fox control of the pace. "Fuck... You're... wonderful..."

Sid pulled back, lapping the tip greedily, keeping it clean despite its generous leaking. "My lord tells me the same... He's too big for my hole, so I make do..." The fox looked up, pre smearing his cheek. "You, though..."

Ears perking up, Rust grinned and rubbed his fingers over the fox's cheek. "Are you saying you want some rat meat in your hole?"

Blushing gently, Sid slowly stood. He rubbed noses with the rat, then walked over and spread a blanket on a bale of hay. Looking back over his shoulder, the fox bent over the covered bale. His fluffy tail rose as he reached back to spread his cheeks.

Rust strode over behind his friend and knelt, sticking his nose under the tail and sniffing, his whiskers tickling the fox's cheeks. "Mmmrrr..." The rat ran his tongue up from Sid's furry balls, over his taint and around the tight, puckered hole below the tail. The long, wet muscle moved in tighter circles as the fox moaned and pushed back a little. His paws reached up to hold Sid's thighs as Rust pushed his tongue into that hot, tight hole.

Keen wining and the sound of scrabbling paws digging into the dirt floor filled the stall. "Oh... Aaaah... Rusty... F...Fuck!" Sid's tail lashed back and forth happily as his head rocked. He wanted more of that rat in him so uncontrollably. If his hips weren't being held by the strong rodent, he'd have backed off the hay to get more.

The rat rolled his tongue deeper and deeper into his friend. He loved how much pleasure it seemed to be bringing the other, as well as the warm, musky tightness he felt slowly loosening. His own member, hard and red, continued to leak generous drops of pre.

His whiskered nose pressed tight between the furry cheeks under the flailing tail until the rodent's jaw ached from working his tongue so long and hard.

Leaning back and taking a deep breath, Rust looked at the winking, spit-slickened hole. "Mmmm... like that, do you? I do as well, so warm and tasty."

While the fox panted and tried to keep his legs from shaking, the rat sucked on a finger, getting it wet. Once satisfied, he leaned close, pushing his tongue in again, and then slid the finger in beside it.

Sid's foot-paws clawed at the dirt again, his heavy cock pushing into the blanket-covered hay bale as it extended. "Aaaahhh! Mmmmmmooooooorrrre!"

Pulling his tongue out to lick a second finger, the rat smiled and watched his partner squirm. Once wet, the second finger slid in beside the first. Rust rotated them to help stretch the fox. "Preparation is important, dear lover. I want this to be as painless as possible."

"Ahhhnnn! AHHNnnnnNN!" Sid writhed and whimpered, pushing back against the fingers. "Yes... yes sir... just... want you... Rusty... so bad..."

The rat licked his lips as he saw the fox's hole hungrily suck in the third finger when it pressed for entry. Rust pulled his fingers out of the way and set his slick, leaking tip against the winking hole. "Ready?" he whispered.

"Yes... yes..."

Rust's paws gripped Sid's hips as he slowly pushed his thick, hard shaft inside.

The fox's back arched and he howled, rattling the rafters as he stretched around the rat's member. So much sensuous, teasing preparation made it hard for Sid not to cum just from the feeling of being filled by the handsome rodent's large endowment. The smaller Squire had wanted this moment for so long and refused to let it end so soon. "Wait! Please!"

The rat froze, even his tail stopping mid swing. "What? Have I hurt you?"

"No... no no no... so... Gods! You feel... so good... in me... I just... Please... I don't want to... I need to catch my breath so we can make this last."

The rodent gently massaged the fox's hips where he gripped them. "I didn't intend tonight to be a one cum then done. Did you?"

Sid shook his head quickly. "Oh no! That's not my thought at all... I just... I want this first time to last... be a good precedent."

Chuckling, the rat playfully swatted the fox's rump. "If you can use a word like precedent, does that mean it's safe to continue without you exploding immediately?"

Sid giggled and nodded, rocking his hips back and forth. "Yeah. Nice and easy, please. I am still adjusting."

Rust took firm grip of the fox's hips again and pushed. He had continued to leak pre generously as they paused, so the last half of his member slid into the moaning male surprisingly easy. The rodent's large balls bumped against the fox's as he pressed as deep as he could go.

Feeling the rat's furry sheath press against his hole, Sid clenched down hard with his anal muscles, trying to pull more in.

Groaning at the tight pressure, Rust slid his hands up the fur of his partner. Bending over to grip the fox's shoulders and lick his ears, the rat enjoyed the yipping moans from the smaller male underneath him. "You feel so wonderful."

With a firm grip on Sid's shoulders, Rust slowly pulled out, causing the yips to slide into a whine. Once only his tip was left inside, Rust reversed course, pushing back in and starting an easy, continual pace.

Sid moaned and pushed back, trying to get more of the rat inside him despite the fact Rust got sheath-deep with every hump. The rat's balls bounced every time they struck the fox's sack, turning the rodent's moans into grunts.

The rodent's tail curved forward between both furs' legs, sliding up and around the fox's member, getting slick in the mess of pre coating the blanket on the bale beneath them.

Rust's nose twitched as he took in the growing smell of their sweat and sex, the wet slurping sounds of his thrusts into the other squire making his ears twitch rapidly. He leaned closer over the fox's back, nuzzling the back of the smaller fur's neck and tasting the bronze tang from the chain the fox wore.

"Mmmfff... you... feel so good, Sid.... You doing okay?" The rat moaned into the fox's ear.

Sid moaned and grunted, his tongue hanging out and making any reply unintelligible.

"I'm getting close, sweet fox... Mmnnn... Gonna fill you up... rrrmmmff... full of rat seed."

Sid's ass clenched down hard as he let out a howl that rattled the rafters and came, spraying his thick seed onto the blanket beneath him, and deluging the rodent's tail tip.

The clench was too much for Rust. He growled, gripped the fox's shoulder with his teeth and thrust in hard, shooting his load deep in the fox.

The both collapsed on the bale, panting hard.

Eventually, still hard and buried deep in the fox's rump, the rat licked at the bite he inflicted. "You okay? I didn't mean to get so rough."

Sid whined softly, struggling for words as he reached back for Rust.

"I'm... I'm great... Do it again."