Chapter 21

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#22 of The Mating Season: The Years Inbetween

Chapter 21

Cohoma gasped and grunted as Hris knelt before him, sucking his dick. After leaving Fedesda to care for Kilyan, they had gone off into the trees together. Without a word, Hris slammed Cohoma by the neck to a tree and sucked him off.

Cohoma pressed his back to the tree and clenched his fingers in the bark. His chest was heaving and his pale blue mane was in his eyes. He stared at the canopy of leaves above as dawn reached its gray fingers across the sky. Birds were singing and the rain had let up, but it still fell ice-cold as it slicked down their fur. Cohoma closed his eyes and sighed as Hris spit on his cock and slurped him. Rainwater dripped off his nose and lips, and when Hris pulled his mouth away, he knew his cock was dripping with cum.

Hris carefully licked the pre-cum off. "How is it," he said, "that such a pretty male as you . . .?"

Cohoma looked down at Hris breathlessly. "You call me pretty," he said in amusement. He shook his head. "But you are one of the most handsome males I have ever . . . Is there really no lover at home? Waiting by the fire for you?"

Hris smiled. "What would you do if there was?"

"Smack your face away from my dick," Cohoma answered at once and Hris laughed.

"No . . ." said Hris, getting to his feet. "There is no one . . ." He frowned sadly. "What about you."

"No one."

"But there was once," Hris said wisely. "Recently perhaps?"

"He drowned," Cohoma said abruptly. He moved past Hris and walked a few paces away. He stopped, his back to the other male.

Hris watched Cohoma's back sympathetically. The light blue male was standing very still, hugging himself. He wore fishbone bracelets and anklets, as well as a fishbone choker and many long fishbone necklaces. His long mane cascaded in a wild mass down his back, ending in a feathered tie that held the tips of his tresses together.

Cohoma and his sister were wielders of magic and led their tribe as chief, chieftess, and council all in one. Their children would one day wield magic and lead the tribe in their stead - more than likely Fedesda's children, as her brother was quite clearly a tail chaser.

"The river killed my lover," Cohoma whispered sadly.

Hris' ears went flat. He came up behind Cohoma and held him, squeezed him tight, kissed his neck. "Your tribe accepts . . . same sex love?"

Cohoma's ear flicked and he glanced over his shoulder at Hris, frowning and confused. "Why wouldn't they?"

Hris smiled: Cohoma was a boy who knew very little of the world. The river tribe was so reclusive, all they knew was the river. Talking to Fedesda for ten minutes had revealed that she was the same way: she knew nothing of the customs of other tribes. The river wolves only interacted with outsiders when they wished to trade. Fedesda had confessed that she had mistaken their group for a bunch of lost merchants, but seeing no wares, she soon realized they were just a bunch of lost travelers.

Hris held Cohoma tight and kissed him, thinking that he was so lucky to have grown up among a tribe where his sexuality was not something merely to be tolerated . . . like a bad cold.

Cohoma closed his eyes and smiled, loving the feel of Hris' strong arms so hard around him, the press of his muscular chest and belly on his back . . . He shivered. Hris was too handsome, too strong to be true. Cohoma - who had spent his life fighting with magic - was lithe and thin and felt like a boy beside Hris. He had to keep reminding himself that he probably was a boy to Hris: the summer wolf was at least twenty years older.

Cohoma shivered as Hris kissed and fondled him, smoothing his gentle paw up and down his pink shaft. His other paw squeezed Cohoma's backside. He sighed in his ear as he slipped his fingers under his tail. Cohoma moaned, melting against him.

"Pretty boy . . ." Hris whispered. "You have not been had much . . ."

"No . . ." Cohoma admitted, his lashes fanning down.

Hris kissed his shoulder, his neck. "Your ass," he whispered, "is soft as a pup's. You've never done a pushup or a sit-up a day in your life."


"Look at you dribbling over my fingers . . . Mmm, it tastes salty."

Cohoma blushed. "Oh, Hris . . . your paws are everywhere . . ."

"Mm, I can't . . . get enough . . . Cohoma . . . let me make love to you . . ."

Cohoma's eyes opened wide to hear those words whispered in his ear. "I . . . I'm frightened," he admitted, lashes fanning down again.

"Mm," Hris kissed his cheek, "don't be, baby."

"You'll be gentle?"

"So gentle. . . I'll make you come . . ." he said between kisses, "again . . . and again . . ."

"Ah! I think I'm coming now . . ."

"Get on your knees, baby . . ." Hris smoothed his paw down Cohoma's back.

Cohoma obeyed. His eyes fluttered open wide when seconds later, Hris was tasting his ass. Hris licked him wetly and carefully, slurping and teasing with the tip of his tongue. Down on paws and knees, Cohoma's lashes fluttered as his pink anus squirmed with the pleasure. His body tensed when he felt the thick tongue plunge in hot. His dick was dripping, rigid with desire beneath him.

As he was licking and kissing, Hris carefully reached around and massaged Cohoma's erection. Cohoma shivered and bowed his head. He had never done anything like this before, but judging by Hris' skilled fingers and tongue, the older male had done it plenty.

Hris' face moved up and down against Cohoma's ass cheeks as he lovingly licked him. He knocked Cohoma's knees apart wider, and when his ass cheeks closed tighter on the older male's mouth, he knew he had done it because he enjoyed his soft ass cheeks pressing against him. He blushed furiously when Hris squeezed his ass in both paws and whispered, "So soft."

"What are you doing?" Cohoma whispered nervously. Hris had pulled away. He could hear the older male moving, the grass rustling as he shifted his weight.

"Shh. Close your eyes . . . and enjoy it."

Cohoma closed his eyes - but they fluttered open wide at the slow intrusion of Hris' thick cock. The thing was huge when hard. Cohoma's young body tensed and he grunted as he took it. Hris smoothed his paw lovingly up and down Cohoma's back, down his thighs and over his ass. He began to thrust. They rocked together gently, and Cohoma felt his cock spurting under him. He closed his eyes, paralyzed with pleasure. He was going to squirt. He knew it. He grimaced and tried to hold back. Hris reached down to fondle him as they rocked, and he blushed.

"Oh, baby, you're tight," Hris panted. "Arch . . . your back."

Cohoma obeyed and sighed with pleasure when Hris instantly got deeper. The squelching noises made him blush harder, and the sound of his own helpless cries embarrassed him. He bit his lip and tried to keep quiet, but Hris said he wanted to hear him scream. He leaned down and gently pried Cohoma's lips apart. Cohoma shivered as Hris buried kisses in his neck, and suddenly, he didn't care. He moaned, he sighed, he screamed, as on top of him, Hris gasped and slowly pressed himself in.

"Ready for . . . harder?" Hris whispered.


Hris grabbed Cohoma's hip, and jerking him off rapidly now, he banged his way in. Cohoma cried out, knowing they could probably hear him in the camp but no longer caring.

"Ah . . . ah, ah, -- oh, god - fuck me, Hris! Fuck me!"

"With pleasure," Hris whispered, kissing his neck. He hugged Cohoma tight in one arm and humped him as he jerked him off.

Trapped under the weight of that hard muscular body, Cohoma was in heaven. They rocked the bushes until Cohoma suddenly squirted. His fluids seeped over Hris' paw and down his own balls. Hris grunted and came inside.

They collapsed in the underbrush together. A thrill of happiness went through Cohoma when Hris pulled him into his arm and kissed his head. For a long time, their panting filled the silence. Hris stared at the stars, but Cohoma stared at Hris, wanting to kiss him. They had never kissed.

"You were a virgin," Hris said after a while.

"Yes . . ." Cohoma admitted sheepishly.

Hris shook his head against the leaves. "Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin?"

Cohoma snuggled close to him and closed his eyes. Because I didn't want to look like an inexperienced little boy . . . which I am.

_ _

"Can I kiss you?" Cohoma whispered.

Hris looked at him, startled to see the younger male was watching him with glowing admiration.

Cohoma's ears flattened. "I would like to kiss you . . ."

Hris slowly smiled. "You can kiss me anywhere you want to."

Cohoma brightened. He cupped Hris' face and kissed him warm on the mouth. Hris grunted in surprise when Cohoma climbed on top of him, never breaking the kiss. His heart softened as the young male straddled him, kissing him with a tender urgency that threatened to make his cock hard. He kissed Cohoma back warmly as butterflies drifted by, as sunlight spilled brighter through the trees. Heads twisting and lips smacking, they kissed as if they had known each other for years. Hris stroked Cohoma's mane and thought the boy's tongue was incredible.

Cohoma pulled back and looked at Hris warmly. "What was the first thing you noticed about me?"

Hris' lips twisted in a half-smile. He stroked down Cohoma's mane and cupped his cheek. "Your beautiful eyes. They have a . . . bewitching shape. The first time they looked at me, I felt paralyzed."

Cohoma's eyes squinted up and he laughed softly. "But you certainly didn't seem paralyzed! You never stopped making me and my sister laugh."

Hris raised his brows and closed his eyes, suddenly cocky. "That was my famous suavity and charm you witnessed there."

Cohoma laughed again but looked down at Hris seriously. "I thought for certain you would go after Fedesda. She likes you, you know."

"I noticed. It's unfortunate. I will let her down gently, I promise."

"I think she already realizes where your true desires lay. But she needs a mate. She needs heirs. And I . . ." Cohoma hugged himself, thinking of the lover who had drowned. "I would like someone to hold me . . ."

Hris frowned to see the younger male's sudden sadness. He touched his face. "Cohoma . . ." he said uncertainly, "what exactly are you proposing . . .?"

Cohoma looked down at Hris, his eyes warm with affection. "Stay with me?"