Pleasant Darkness

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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A customer buys Kayla's services at the Academy

Pleasant Darkness

S.M. Wolf

The Academy and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with prior permission. The story is copyrighted 2014 by S.M. Wolf and may not be used or reproduced in part or in whole without prior, written permission. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The Academy guard opened the door and pulled Kayla into the room by her leash. The otteress reluctantly followed him into the room.

The room was nearly empty. A rope attached to a winch hung from a pulley in the center of the room. Beside the door was a small table with a pair of bondage mittens and a blindfold.

The guard released Kayla's paws from behind her only to place them in the mittens. At least they were now bound in front of her body. He attached the rope to a metal ring on the mittens and used the winch to raise her paws above her head. It was a bit uncomfortable, but she had endured worse even that day during training. The blindfold went over the femfur's eyes, and her world went dark.

The guard kicked her feet further apart. Kayla still had a tendency, even after the intensive training and frequent punishments, to not be as "available" as the Academy demanded its sex-slaves-in-training be.

"The customer says no talking but you get no other restrictions." The guard said gruffly. Sarcastically, he added, "Have a nice evening!"

The door opened again. She could hear the other slaves, guards and early arriving customers in the hallway outside for a few moments. The door closed, and she was left alone in darkness.

As Kayla stood there waiting for the customer that she knew would come soon, she felt a bit of fear working its unwelcome way into her belly and twisting her guts. There was no telling what could happen tonight. She could be the play toy of a sadistic mink or the brood mare in heat to a herd of young stallions. She could be raped and tortured for hours on end with no way to escape the pain and humiliation. The waiting and inability to see anything only added to her slowly growing trepidation.

Kayla gave a small start when she heard the door open again. The soundproofing at the Academy was very good, but she could still hear the cries of the slaves, male and female, coming through other open doors along the long hallway. Grimly, she set her jaw and waited for the inevitable.

Her ears swiveled to track the sound of unshod feet walking across the floor to her. A paw brushed her sensitive whiskers a moment before it cupped the right side of her face. Her customer began to stroke the left side of her face lightly.

Kayla felt moist lips brush against hers. Whoever had bought her services for the night delivered a series of butterfly kisses on her lips and face. A second paw started to stroke the right side of her face and head. The touches were all gentle and undemanding, so unlike what the otteress had been expecting.

The slightly musky scent of an aroused fur reached Kayla's nose. She delicately sniffed the air. Whoever was in here with her was likely a musteloidea like her.

The kisses on her face shifted to Kayla's muzzle and become stronger. She puckered her lips and returned the kisses as she had been trained. Apparently, she pleased her owner for the night. The paws shifted to stroke her hair and upper back while the unknown fur's muzzle delivered many surprisingly sweet kisses.

The fur moved closer. Kayla felt the now unmistakable bump of an erect penis against her belly. Whoever her partner was tonight, at least it was a male. While she was now functionally pansexual due to the often heavy-handed Academy conditioning and would jump any of her female friends at the Academy almost willingly, she definitely preferred a male for sex. At least tonight, she seemed to have a partner of her preferred sex.

Long, somewhat coarse fur brushed against the otter's shorter, thicker pelt. Running other encounters through her mind, she guessed that a male skunk was holding her.

The skunk ran the tip of his tongue across the entire length of Kayla's lips. She got the message and opened her mouth. The long, supple tongue of her partner slipped between her teeth and sought out her shorter, stockier tongue. Kayla moaned as they played games in her mouth.

Many enjoyable minutes passed as the pair's tongues tussled. The skunk's paws left Kayla's hair and back and slowly worked their way around to her breasts. She half expected him to roughly assault them as so many males and even sadistic females did, but he instead gently cupped and stroked them. She felt her body respond, and soon her nipples were fully erect.

Her arousal did not go unnoticed. The male's fingers started to play with her nipples. His touch remained surprisingly soft as he manipulated her teats.

The tongue in her mouth withdrew. Briefly, Kayla found herself peculiarly sad that it was no longer present in her muzzle. However, the male slowly kissed and licked his way down her neck and upper chest to her bosom. Kayla unconsciously tilted her head back and raised her muzzle upwards to allow him better access. A small moan escaped her muzzle. She more felt than heard a small laugh coming from the male, but she did not care. For some reason, this male was sexually exciting her. With no restrictions other than not talking, she was free to express her sexual desire and state of arousal.

The male's tongue reached her nipples. He played with them for some time - licking, nuzzling, and even occasionally playfully nipping them. Kayla found herself becoming steadily more and more aroused by the skunk's gentle ministrations. He took her left nipple into his mouth and began to suckle on it. His tongue played across the teat held gently between his lips. Electric shocks were sent from her nipple directly to the pleasure centers of her brain. She could smell the scent of her own arousal as well as that of the male suckling at her breasts fill the room.

Kayla lost track of time as the skunk continued to pleasure her. It had to be well over ten minutes before his paws slid off her breasts and down to her hips. She felt him move back a bit, and the knob of his cock was no longer pressed against her belly. All that remained of its presence was a good-sized wet spot on her pelt from his precum.

The skunk's muzzle moved down her front side slowly, taking time to lick and nibble at various spots on her tummy. Kayla was starting to breathe noticeably harder from her arousal now.

The male paused for a moment, and Kayla heard him drop to his knees. His paws grasped her waist more firmly as he held her body in place. His tongue ran over her belly button. The tip drove into it and played within the dimple it formed.

Kayla could not help herself. She giggled as his tongue tickled her.

The skunk did not relent but increased his efforts. Only when she was actually laughing aloud did his tongue leave her belly button and head further south along her lower torso.

Kayla felt a long, supple, very wet tongue glide over her slit. She moaned loudly. The male responded by further licking and playing with her outer pussy lips. She felt her labia swell as the stimulation from his tongue sent blood flowing into them, making them even more sensitive. He pressed the pad of his nose against her clit and the hood that covered it. The slightly rough surface rubbed against her sensitive little nub, and she could feel the ebb and flow of air from his increasingly rapid breathing. The feeling was dynamic.

The skunk did not penetrate her vaginal opening for some time. Instead, he was seemingly content to amuse himself by stimulating her. Her arousal steadily mounted as he licked and played with her outer labia. She became increasingly vocal as she grew hotter and hotter. It was unusual for the normally "reserved' sex slave to exhibit such a response, but she had always responded favorably to those who took the time and treated her as a fur instead of just using her and casting her aside. This skunk certainly was pushing all the right buttons for her.

The supple tongue slid between Kayla's pussy lips. She gave a sudden gasp as she felt it probe her interior. She almost came, but she managed to hold off her orgasm. She heard a brief chuckle from near her crotch. The male obviously knew the effect that he was having upon her body.

The skunk shifted his head. He took up a position more beneath her. It allowed him to drive his tongue deep into her pussy. His paws moved from her waist to her flanks. He began to stroke and play with her ass. Kayla willingly spread her thighs more to allow him better access to her cunny. She was breathing hard and was having an increasingly hard time staving off her climax. Her nectar flowed freely into the skunk's waiting mouth.

The male held Kayla right on the edge of cumming for many sexually agonizing minutes. She was so close yet would not allow herself release, even if it would be easy to do so.

The skunk shifted again. He apparently took a more upright kneeling position. His paws left her behind. She felt his finger pull back her hood and expose her clitty. It was already fully engorged from the tonguing and other sexual stimulation that she had received. The skunk wrapped his lips around the hot nub and began to suck.

Kayla managed to resist for a few seconds before climaxing loudly. She screamed from the intensity of her orgasm. The skunk did not let up. His muzzle followed her gyrating hips, and he managed to bring her off a second time before finally releasing her.

The skunk stood and took Kayla in his arms. He nuzzled her neck and face while stroking her hair and back. She gave several happy otter chirps as she came down from her climax and entered a blissful afterglow.

When her breathing returned to more or less normal, the skunk's paws and muzzle became more demanding. He kissed her face and fondled her ass. A steady stream of precum flowed over her lower belly.

The male released Kayla. She swiveled her ears to track him moving around behind her. She felt him grab her left calf and lift it up. She bent her leg, and he placed her foot across the base of his tail. She bent her foot and latched on to the base of his tail to help steady herself and hold her leg up. She leaned forward and moved her tail out of the way to the right. Her pussy was open and waiting for the male.

Kayla expected a hard entry, but the male surprised her. He reached around with his left paw and spread her cunt. He slipped just the knob of his dick into her hot twat. His right paw came around her body, and he began to gently rub her clitoris. His left paw moved up her body and cupper her left breast.

The otteress moaned in heat. This male was turning her on again with all his gentle attentions. She almost thrust her hips back, but at the last moment her training took hold, and she stopped. She had to stand there on one leg, groaning with frustration, as he played with her body.

It was several minutes before the skunk started to thrust his cock into her waiting pussy. Kayla moaned as she felt several inches of skunkhood enter her cunny. He was only of average size, but he certainly seemed to know how to use what he had. He started slow and shallow and worked his way up to long, slow strokes of his shaft into her wet snatch. Only when he was fully penetrating her did he increase the tempo. She heard the skunk's increasingly labored breathing in her left ear.

The male was pistoning his pink rod in and out of her when Kayla felt a sudden splash of hot jism on her interior walls. The sensations sent her over the top, and she climaxed again. The skunk did not slow down as he ejaculated repeatedly in a massive orgasm but continued to thrust hard and fast. Only when his cock finally started to wilt did he slow, and even then he continued to thrust for as long as he could penetrate her.

Kayla felt a paw on her left foot. Obediently, she let go of the skunk's tail and lowered her foot to the floor. She was glad for the rope holding her up. Her body was more gelatin than bone and muscle.

The skunk walked around to Kayla's front. She felt a brief stroke of the back of his paw over her right cheek. The door opened and closed, and he was gone.

Later the guard came to take Kayla back to the kennels. They walked past many sex slaves being used in an astonishing number of ways by the paying clients. Once in the kennels, she was placed in her cage.

As she lay on the dirty straw that made up her mattress, she had to smile just a bit as she thought back on tonight's sex. Yesterday had been hell, and tomorrow would likely be worse, but tonight she had actually had some fun in this hellhole. She put the memory of her night's encounter away in a special corner of her mind. As she drifted off to sleep, she wondered if her future owner would ever do something nice like this with her.