Carnal: Canine part 2

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#2 of Carnal

A continuation of Carnal: Canine

Ah, Carnal; Canine, one of my more philosophically interesting stories, at least in regards to the sex itself. However, the philosophies and ethical questions of bestiality aren't why it gets a sequel. Carnal; Canine made me create a character of such psychological intrigue that it just begs for further exploration. I am, of course, referring to our anonymous mouse woman. (I don't know why she didn't get a name, it might have been a phase, but the more that I think about it the more I wonder if I didn't do it our of sheer laziness. Names have always been a challenge since a name must somehow suit a character. A lot of characters end up not needing a name, especially when there aren't many other characters to cause an interference (Carnal; hunter, the dragon and the knight, etcetera). Beaver's name was easy; dog chews furniture like a beaver. Not like there was much thought with her childhood dog's name either. Surprisingly, the person that was helping me edit at the time thought I chose Beaver because of the relation to a euphemism for a woman's vagina.) Her development throughout the story was an interesting one, going from completely withdrawn to opening herself up emotionally, psychologically and philosophically to a new experience and connection with another creature. However, as I look back upon this story, I do feel that what I began I never really finished. It has the potential to really help her character bloom into something special. So this is why this story deserves a part 2, to fully realise the development our little mouse woman can undertake.

(PS. I hate editing. I hate editing. I hate editing.)

It is the connections we share that shapes the sex we have. -Avanti Halfhorse

She rode the deserted train home in silence, the rough swaying of the train the sole reminder of her journey. She had been made to stay late and finish some important reports, meaning she hadn't been able to leave at the end of the work day as she had intended. She checked her watch and saw that it was nearing 11:30. At least she'd be able to sleep in tomorrow. Her plans for the evening had been ruined, but she was surprisingly okay about this. At lunchtime, she had called her Border Collie friend and asked to go over that evening to see Beaver. There were ulterior motives of going and seeing her friend, with the main one being a sexual urge to breed with the large, feral Wolf Hound. However the urgent work that arrived on her desk that afternoon forced her to cancel these plans. She thought she would have been more annoyed or angry about this sudden change of fortune, but she didn't. A couple of months ago when her friend was still in hospital, she had almost attacked one of her managers for asking her to stay late and it was only for an extra 45 minutes. She wasn't sure what had changed. Early on in their lewd relationship, she had been happy to spend hours at her friend's place, letting Beaver have his way with her as many time as he pleased. But as time had passed, she had begun to find herself offering herself to Beaver less and less and for shorter periods of time. Early on she had once let Beaver have his way with her whenever he wanted. Her plans for this evening would have only been for 45 minutes to an hour, as long as she was enjoying herself. She hadn't seen him in the last two weeks, when at the start she happily saw him every day. Though this had certainly started to drop off after her friend got out of hospital. She didn't need to visit so often, but she would still pop her head in every other day or so and have some fun with him. But as time passed, she began to feel uncomfortable with coming around to mate with Beaver. She almost felt that she was sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend. The two of them certainly acted like they were in a relationship. They lazed on the couch to watch TV, they slept in the same bed, they helped each other with their day and of course they had a rather active sex life. She really had begun to feel like she was a third wheel in their relationship. She hadn't realised how uncomfortable she had become with the whole thing until her boss had asked her to stay late and felt a sense of relief. She began to wonder if she was starting to become repulsed by the idea of mating with a feral dog, as if it had just been some phase in her life. She just wasn't sure of herself. Since Beaver had been her only lover, she didn't have any other relationships to compare with. Her sexuality had been something she had suppressed for so long, so she wondered what it was that turned her on. She wondered if she really was turned on by mating with feral dogs, if she even was turned on by males. Her mind was a confusion of different thoughts, ideas and images. She began to wonder what it was that had made her surrender herself to such a dangerous and scary animal in the first place. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise she had missed her stop until she heard the next station being announced.

She got off at the next station and wondered if she should wait for the next train. The trains were now running at hourly intervals and it was only a half hour walk to get home. She felt comfortable with walking and there was no way she was going to wait an hour, so she began her walk home, still thinking about her conundrum. She wondered if she was just chasing the thrill of fear that she had felt the first time she mated with Beaver. Maybe it hadn't been the sexual pleasure, but the rush of danger, the risk of injury, the thrill of performing such a taboo act. She found that thought absurd. If there were two thing she hated it was danger and risk. She did feel safe with Beaver, but she wasn't sure if it was her sexual or emotional needs that made her feel that way. Then again, whilst their lovemaking had started out as messy and passionate, it had all become stale and repetitive, leaving that sense of safety as nothing but a feeling of boredom, like the spark they had shared was gone. The connection that had been there at the beginning was fading to nothing. She sighed, wondering if perhaps that was the truth, especially now that her friend was back at home and Beaver could focus himself on his mistress. When she watched Beaver fucking her friend, he did it with more passion than when he fucked her. It seemed to her now that there was nothing she could do to save this relationship. She had shared something special with Beaver, but that had faded over time and she wouldn't be able to relive the thrill she had first felt. To her, the thought felt strange: She had just decided to break up with her best friend's dog. Her first partner had been a feral dog and now she had decided to break up with him. She hadn't realised how absurd the situation had sounded until that moment.

So lost in her own thoughts, she had forgotten that this particular path took her through a park and only remembered when it was almost in front of her. There were other routes, but going around the park would get her home a lot later than if she had just waited for the train. The park had reasonable lighting, but there were some places on her route where there wasn't any. The park was completely isolated and if she did run into trouble, there would be no way for anyone to hear her, assuming they were even awake. It had only taken 10 minutes to get here, so if she turned around and walked back to the station she could avoid the park and get home earlier than if she walked around it. Though the 5-10 minute walk through the park would get her home sooner than both options. Thinking that there was little chance that anything would happen if she went through the park, she began her journey into the darkness.

Her trip so far had been uneventful, with the most thrilling moment being when she had almost stepped on a frog that had been hopping along the path. If the last half of her trip was that exciting, then her shortcut through the park would be completely uneventful. However her trip came to the first of the dark areas along the path. It wasn't that long a stretch, two to three hundred metres at the most, but within this area of darkness it would be hard to make out anything other than the concrete path. She didn't give the darkness another thought as she strolled along the path and her ears strained to hear whatever noises came from her surrounds. It was a pity she didn't hear the owl until after the knife was around her throat and the paw was cupped over her mouth. "Don't make a noise," he whispered in her large ears, "or else I'll slit your throat." She was terrified. Her bladder failed her and she began to wet her panties and skirt as her attacker dragged her off into the bushes. She wondered if she was about to be mugged, raped, murdered or all three and these thoughts terrified her. She wondered how she had been so stupid to try the park this late at night. He forced her to lay face down on the ground, sticks and twigs poking into her stomach and chest. The knife pressed uncomfortably into the back of her neck and she could swear blood was beginning to trickle down her neck.

She wondered if this was it, if these were going to be the last few minutes of her life, brutally ended by the paws of an angry rapist. She felt him hike up her skirt and his paw begin to fumble with her urine soaked panties. "Looks like you've gone and pissed yourself," her attacker scoffed, "but don't think that will stop me from fucking you." With little care for her comfort, he took his knife and cut off her panties, scratching her body with his rough movements. "No, please," she tried to plead with her captor, "I'm begging you, let me go." "I haven't had a piece of ass like yours in quite a while, slut," the owl growled. "I don't care what you offer, I'm not giving you up." To silence her, he stuffed her tattered and urine soaked panties into her mouth and using one of the legs of her stockings, tied her muzzle shut. She tasted the strong, bitter taste of her pee in her mouth and she gagged, resisting the urge to throw up lest she choke on her own vomit and her desperate swallowing took some of the horrid liquid into her stomach. The overwhelmingly noxious taste in her mouth caused her to lose focus on what was going on around her, but the sudden touch of a hard, unwelcome cock rubbing against her pubic mound reminded her of what was going on. She tried to fight, to escape, but the sensation of the sharp blade sliding along her throat told her that there was not going to be some last minute reprieve. Her first and only time with another anthro was going to be against her will. Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes as she waited for the inevitable. "Get ready bitch," he warned as he pressed the tip of his cock against the opening of her flower.

She clenched, trying desperately to keep him out, but it seemed to no avail. The screaming in her mind was horrendous and she waited for the moment when the unspeakable act would begin, but it didn't come. She then realised that the screaming in her mind was real, an audible noise of pain coming from her attacker. "Get off me you stupid dog!" Her attacker screamed. She managed to glance back and saw the shadow of a large dog latched firmly onto one of the buttocks of her attacker, pulling angrily at him. It became evident that this strange dog wasn't going to simply let go of their prey and her attacker was forced to let go of her and focus on the dog. He pulled out as he sat up to deal with the beast and in this moment of confusion, she managed to scramble out of his reach. The fight continued with much struggling, the owl unable to get the dog off his rump as they struggled with each other. She knew now that she was free and she should have run as fast as she could to get help, but she was fixated on this fight that was going on before her. The dog kept pulling at the owl, forcing him to fall over onto his side. The dog let go and as the owl tried to get up and run away, he put himself in a compromising position. As his pants were around his knees, it was impossible for the owl to easily stand up, leaving his rump presented in the air and the dog took full advantage of this position. Her attacker was surprised to feel the dogs forelegs wrap around his waist and showing the same concern for the owl that the owl had shown to her, the dog thrust his now erect cock at the attacker's rump. The dog didn't hit his mark, the hard bone of his cock bruising the owl's perineum in the process. Her former attacker's screams of pain were deafening and they seemed to echo throughout the park. "Help me!" The owl screamed as he tried to reach for his knife, knocked out of his reach in the earlier struggle. The dog didn't like his plans and gave an angry growl as he tried again to find his mark, causing the owl to let out another howl of pain as the bruising worsened. It took the dog another few stabs with his hard cock before he found an opening, the owl's tailhole. The stab of the hard canine cock into his virgin sphincter caused the owl to howl out in pain as his body stretched for the first time to accept something entering his body. Later on she would feel that this was her hero's way of administering justice upon her attacker, but for the moment she watched in awe as her rapist was in turn raped by this strange dog. She was mesmerised by what was going on in front of her, this seemingly bizarre and surreal act of animal justice a real shock to her. She watched in awe as the dog claimed his prize, humping his hips quickly. Her mind seemed to ignore what could have been the reality a few minutes ago, her own body being violated, and she thought about what was going on in front of her. Though she couldn't see much in the darkness, just the barest of details, she could guess what was going on from what she heard with her large ears. The dog's pace suggested that he was getting closer to his climax and about now, his knot would be starting to swell. "Ahh, what the hell is going on?!" The owl shrieked in surprise as she presumed the knot was starting to punch up against his bruised flesh. She wondered if she should tell him to relax, to let the dog's knot into his body, but something held her back, perhaps her own need for revenge against this villain. The owl's resistance wasn't a problem for the dog and with two or three hard thrusts, the owl's wounded pucker gave way and let the firm, fleshy knot past. All the owl could do was cry out in agony as he felt the large obtrusion enter his body. The dog didn't care for his impromptu lover's comfort as he approached his climax, his large knot pulling against the owl's sore tailhole from the inside with each horny hump, growling as he approached his own sexual apex. Both the dog and the owl let out a howl, the first in pleasure and the other in pain as the dog gave one last thrust before shooting his seed deep into the owl's bowels. She watched in awe and with a tinge of jealousy as the dog made the owl his bitch. She was jealous that it wasn't her being bred by this large, horny dog, but she was glad that the one who was getting agressively violated was her would-be rapist. The dog lay atop the owl for a few minutes, enjoying his post orgasm haze with his large knot still stuck within his sexual prey. In this moment of quiet she realised she hadn't removed the makeshift gag from her mouth.

A couple of minutes later, the police turned up to find the owl still held to the dog by his knot. In the torchlight, she could see that the feral dog that had come to her rescue was a German Shepard. It took another twenty minutes for the German Shepard's knot to shrink far enough that the police could properly take the owl in for questioning. She was taken to the hospital and a few hours of questioning and testing later, she was able to go home. The dog had been taken to the police vet so samples could be collected. When she was questioned about the dog, she admitted it wasn't hers, but she was concerned for his well being. When the officer told her that he would be held at the pound until his owner collected him, she offered to take care of him. He was her hero and didn't deserve to spend the night at the pound. The police officer agreed and a few minutes after she got home, the K9 unit pulled up to drop him off. "You're sure that you can handle him?" The K9 officer asked as he lead him out of the back of the dog van on a leash. "German Shepards are quite a hassle and since he's still proud, he's going to be a real bother." "I've taken care of my friend's Irish Wolfhound before," she replied as she took the leash. "I don't think he's going to be a problem." "You're sure that you'll be okay?" The officer asked as he closed the back of the dog van. "Do you have any friends who could come and help you? You've just been through a traumatic experience." She looked down at her canine hero as he sniffed at her leg. "I'm sure he'll help me if I need comforting." "Okay Miss," the officer said, realising he wasn't able to provide any more help. "We might call you if we have any further questions, but I don't think we'll have any. I'll let you get to bed, you are most likely tired." She gave a nod. "I think I might just have a shower and go to bed, it has been a rough night." The officer wished her a good morning before getting into the K9 van and driving away as she lead her hero up her short garden path and into the front door of her townhouse.

After closing and locking the front door, she let her hero off his leash and he took off like a flash, beginning his exploration of this unknown territory and sniffing all sorts of different things. While he did this, she went upstairs to her bedroom and got her nightie before heading to the en suite. She got undressed, throwing away the pair of disposable underwear the police had given her, before turning on the shower and getting in.

She didn't know how she had done it, holding back these torrents of emotions from within, but the moment she felt the hot water against her fur and skin, she broke down and curled up on the floor of the shower, letting out her tears along with cries of pain and humiliation. Her mind seemed to force images of what the inevitable conclusion might have been; her ravaged and mutilated body left for dead as her blood seeped from a deep gash across her throat, the bitter taste of her own urine the last thing she tasted as her life faded away. These thoughts terrified and frightened her, making her feel vulnerable and threatened. Just as luck had saved her before, luck came calling once again as she felt the glass shower door press against her. She looked up in fear, somehow expecting her attacker to be standing there in her en suite. As she saw her canine hero trying to push his way into the shower, she felt a huge sense of relief. She didn't ask what was going on, but the sudden presence of her saviour filled her with a massive sense of relief. She let him into the shower cubicle with her and hugged him, holding him tight to her body as she cried into his fur. She didn't care if he didn't understand how important he was at this moment, the only thought that mattered to her was that he was here and with his presence she felt secure knowing that dark, horrendous forces wouldn't return to hurt her.

It was the discomfort of the now cold shower that brought her back to reality. She wasn't sure how the shower had become so cold when before it had been damn near scalding, but as she adjusted the taps, she realised she had been in the shower long enough to use up all the hot water. She shut the shower off, unsure how she had become oblivious to time passing her by. Reaching out to check her watch on the bathroom counter she found that she had been in there for an hour. It had seemed nowhere near that long in her mind and she wondered if she had somehow forgotten something. She pulled herself back into the shower and the moment she closed the glass door, her canine rescuer gave himself a thorough shake, spraying the smell of wet dog all over the inside of her shower cubicle. She had tried to shield herself from the spray with her paws and arms, but it was a futile endeavour and the whole thing made her laugh. Now that he was dry, or at least dryer than before, she decided that it was her turn to dry off, especially with sleep starting to creep into her mind. She grabbed her towel and dried herself off, giggling at the thought of shaking herself dry, before crouching down to finish drying off her feral friend. With their fur now mostly dry, she opened the door of the shower and the two of them got out. She put her nightie on and headed back to her bedroom. She saw that her canine friend had jumped up onto her bed and already found himself a comfortable place to sleep. She smiled as she walked over to the bed, put her glasses aside and lay down next to him atop the covers, not wanting to disturb him from his comfy spot. It wasn't likely that she would need to sleep under the covers, the sun was rising and the day would be warm. She cuddled up next to him after she turned the lights off, plunging them both into the dim light of her bedroom, the sun already starting to make its way up into the sky on its daily journey.

The sunlight streaming through the blinds woke her. Looking at her bedside clock, she saw that she had been asleep for a couple of hours and now that it was after 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had passed its zenith and as it was beginning its descent, it had started to shine through the blinds. She knew she should get up and fix them, but she was far too tired to get up, preferring to cuddle up to her feral companion and hide her face in his fur. He let out a curious whine as he felt her bury her face into his back, wrapping her arms tightly around him. "I'm too tired," she grumbled, "you do it." He wagged his tail, acknowledging her comment, but he wasn't too fussed with the sunlight streaming in. In her boredom, too tired to get up, but too awake to go back to sleep, she lay there and listened to his chest. Her mind wandered, not focusing on anything particular, but across several different things. Whilst she thought about last night, the furry hero blanket that lay next to her seemed to protect her from the nightmares threatening to creep into her mind. She realised how askew her entire evening had gone, considering her original plans had been to visit Beaver and her Border Collie friend. Despite all the problems that had gone on last night, now that she lay cuddling her feral hero, she didn't feel that her evening had been as horrible as she had expected it to be. She didn't know what it was, but she felt something in her stomach that wasn't fear or terror, but a strange sense of nervousness. She worried about what her hero thought of her. She actually began to become worried that he wasn't physically interested in her. She doubted she had just let that thought cross her mind, wondering if the dog that had saved her from a serious sexual assault found her physically appealing. Other thoughts of her experience now flooded back. She had been unaware that she had felt them at the time, but now that the danger and risk had gone, she found herself remembering them. Though he would have brutally raped her and possibly murdered her, she realised that as she watched that owl receiving his natural justice, she had felt jealous of him, as well as annoyed that he didn't appreciate what her hero was giving him in the way of pleasure. Her memory was flooded with that scene, a scene of carnal lusts and as she replayed them over in her mind those two silhouettes fucking, she wanted so desperately to be the one beneath her hero, her own body being penetrated by his canine cock. She was brought back to reality with a start when her canine hero let out a pleasurable whine. Though she hadn't removed her face from his back, one of her paws had somehow found its way to his sheath and the warm sensation of dog cock rubbing against her palm made her realise what she was up to. She didn't stop rubbing now that she realised what her actions were, but she slowed down, getting a more secure grip on the warm flesh within her fingers. She did wonder if he was okay with what she was doing, but the way his tail thumped against her legs reassured her that he approved of her touch.

She started to imagine that warm cock inside her, pushing deep into her body. The thick smell of male dog filled her nose as she took deep breaths, muzzle still buried deep in his fur. She felt the knot swelling as she massaged her hero's cock, unable to stop herself from passionately rubbing it. He gave a whine as she felt the warm sensations of his canine cum shooting against her paw. She smiled as she felt his seed seep between her fingers, making her entire paw sticky and warm. Satisfied that her rescuer had given all that he would, at least for now, she rolled onto her back and began to lick and suck the warm sticky cum from her fingers. His taste was very strong, very meaty, but as she felt small bits of it slipping down her throat, she found it delicious. As she lay on her back, licking at her fingers, her canine companion rolled over and started to lick at her face. Though she closed her eyes, she didn't seem to mind in the slightest and he licked her face happily. She kept her paw to herself though, unwilling to share her tasty treat with him.

Having licked and sucked her paw clean of the delicious seed, she felt a hunger growing within her stomach, a desire for more of that tasty cum. She couldn't get it out of her mind, this new desire building within her. She traded licks with her impromptu lover a few times, letting him taste the cum that was still on her lips, before moving down the bed so her muzzle was level with his sheath. The smell of male dog was strongest here and as she pressed her nose against his fur, the smell was an overpowering one. This smell flooded her mind with ideas and desires, strong ones that she thought about acting on later, but for the moment her first thought was taking that tasty canine shaft into her mouth and milking it for another dose of his tasty male spunk. Her lips glided onto the shaft without much thought or effort, she felt she didn't even need to think about what she was doing. She didn't even care that he was nowhere near as large as Beaver, the one thought that flowed through her mind was how she didn't have to share him with anyone else. Despite the fact that he had only cum just a few minutes before, the moment her lips and tongue began to lick and tease his cock, his desires to breed hastily returned to him and his erection began to grow thick again. She hungrily licked his cock with an unrestrained craving, yearning for another taste of his thick cum. The taste of his cock was strong, mixed with his male pheromones that flooded her bloodstream, driving her desires for more. She was gentle with the touch of his balls, rubbing and massaging them as her lips teased at his knot, just ever so slightly starting to slide over it. As hungry as she was for more of his tasty seed, parts of her were unwilling to rush past the thick taste that his canine cock had. She continued this teasing for a while, teasing the tip of his cock with the end of her tongue, her lips kissing at his knot as they wrapped around the firm shaft and her paw continued their gentle massaging of his balls. It was when he started desperately to whine and buck his hips against her lips that she realised he was getting uncomfortably close and she was simply teasing him without the chance of climax. She smiled as she took his whole knot into her warm mouth, her tongue now rubbing against the underside of this foreign object within. It wasn't long until she felt his balls shifting and rising, before the warm sticky cum spilled out of the end of his cock. It throbbed with each jet that shot forth, filling her mouth with hot, tantalising cum. She began to suckle on his cock, swallowing each mouthful of cum with a tease of his member by her tongue and lips. She was disappointed when he had no more cum to give, but the warm sensation that he filled her belly with stirred a new desire deep in her loins. As she licked his cock clean, she found herself with her paw between her legs, so desperate to tease herself that she hadn't even pulled her nightie out of the way and was rubbing the damp fabric against her needy pussy. Now she was desperate for his cock, she wanted him pounding deep inside her body, filling her womb and making her pregnant. She wanted to be his bitch.

She stopped licking his cock after a few minutes, no longer able to ignore the burning desires deep in her loins. She rolled back and forth on the bed, her paw still desperately rubbing at her pussy through her nightie, unwilling to stop for even a moment to pull the fabric out of the way. Her need was uncontrollable, strong and evident. There was no mistaking the need that rushed through her body. Occasionally, she would pull at her nightie, desperate to try and get it out of the way, but her uncontrolled fumblings weren't making her task easier. However, as she tried desperately to take her nightie off, both paws working contrary to the other, she felt something press briefly against her desperate sex. Before she could even begin to savour the relief that touch had brought, it was there again. It was brief, but every moment of that short time was bliss. Her mind calmed, no longer the rush of sexual need that it was and she was able to lift up her nightie. Her canine hero had his tongue hungrily licking at her soaking wet pussy, licking as much of her as he could manage. She lay her head back into the pillows, now she was aware of what was going on, and enjoyed the oral pleasures he was giving her. She knew it wouldn't be long before she desired more, so for these few minutes of clarity, she let herself be at the mercy of her feral hero. He licked her for a while, she guessed the two climaxes she had brought him to must have had an effect on his sexual stamina, but it had in no way curbed his enthusiasm. She had to resist the urge to grab him with her legs and pull his hungry muzzle closer to her needy snatch, desperate for more of this amazing pleasure. The feeling was euphoric, something she had never felt before in her life, not even with Beaver. It wasn't just her animal urge to breed, to be mated by a feral dog, but also a strange need to get closer to her hero. She felt a connection with him, a sense of protection and security with his presence, but also a sexual vulnerability she wanted him to exploit. Though she was turned on, desperate for an orgasm, she knew she wouldn't be brought to the climax she wanted by the skill of his tongue, so as he continued to lick her aroused puss, she managed to finish wriggling out of her nightie and leave herself laying naked on her bed as a feral dog licked her sexual mound. She sat herself up, her elbows almost losing their strength with each pulse of pleasure that rocked through her body. She watched him licking her hungrily, desiring every drop of sweet nectar that her body produced, licking the swollen and tender folds of her body that were now desperate for more stimulation than what his tongue could give them. Yet despite his hunger, she could see her stain on the bed spread beneath her growing. Her nose was overpowered by the scent of her desperate pussy, wanting to be bred, fucked like the dirty mouse she was. He was also just as willing to mate; she could see his large cock hanging down from his belly, already dribbling precum and adding to the stains on the bed spread as well. In her exhaustion she would be happy to let him just mate her as she lay on her back, but having done that once or twice before with Beaver, she knew that the best fucking was always done in feral fashion, on her paws and knees as her lover fucked her from behind.

She was surprised how much effort it took to move her body away from that hungry tongue, rolling over onto her side before getting up onto her paws and knees, her feral hero unwilling to let his tasty prize go unlicked for even a moment, keeping his nose pressed into her pussy as long as he could. He didn't stop licking as she took the bitch's posture, her rump in the air with her legs spread and tail flicked over her back. As pleasurable as his tongue was on her hot pussy lips, she wanted more than his tongue paying attention to her sex and every lick became less potent than the last.

"You can stop licking hero," she managed to gasp, "your bitch is ready for you." She thought that he must have ignored or not heard her at all as he kept going on with his licking. The reality was different and he gave two or three more licks of her puss before he hopped up onto her back and wriggled forward until the tip of his cock was touching against her rump. "Almost there stud," she moaned as she felt the tip of his cock pressing against her rump cheeks, "a bit closer and I'm yours." He shuffled himself along her back until his furry hips were up against her own, before starting to thrust his hard cock against her again. It appeared he knew what he was after, for whilst his first thrust was too low (teasing her clit as it rubbed against it,) he found his mark with the second thrust and slid his thick cock into her body. She had been waiting for this moment and the thick sensation of canine cock sliding into her body with rough, animal passion. She wanted this desperately, as if she would have died had this not happened to her and she let out a moan to show the satisfaction she felt as those first few thrusts went deep into her body. She didn't think that what she was doing was some sort of reward to him for rescuing her from death and humiliation, she was doing this because she wanted this so badly. He thrust with a feral passion to breed this strange two-legged bitch and pump his seed into her warm passage while she savoured his every thrust, moaning and squealing as he kept fucking her with great speed. His knot had already started to swell as it rubbed against her warm wet lips, coated with the mixed nectar which spilled out with each draw of his cock. She soon felt the presses of his thick knot against the opening of her vagina, now too large to easily slide in. "Tie with me," she begged, barely able to form words, "make me your bitch." He cared little for what she was begging for, wanting more to tie with his new bitch. Getting what purchase he could from the bed spread beneath him, he pushed his knot through her tight opening into the passage behind. She tried to relax herself as best she could, desperate to overcome the involuntary spasms that rocked her body and milked the shaft within her wet tunnel. He tried a harder thrust than before and as his knot slid through that narrow neck of her sex and began to press against the flesh within, she let out a shout as an orgasm raced through her body. She whined and moaned as a powerful wave of sexual pleasure rushed through her body, making her fingers and toes curl as she whipped her head back, body rippling in pleasure around the feral cock within her. He cared little for the pleasures she was feeling, more interested in his own as he kept thrusting what few centimetres he could get into this bitch as he got closer, feeling the tight pussy clasping his swelling knot. Though her mind was lost in her bliss, it told her he was filling her up with fertile cum. She cried out, the small climax she had when he had slipped his knot into her was overtaken by a larger orgasm. The hot canine seed flowing into her made her body twitch and shake like nothing she had felt before. She could feel it, every last drop of canine cum, as it shot against the opening of her womb. Her mind was a mess of pleasures, all tangled in on one other and as the thick canine seed filled her, she felt amazing.

She must have fallen asleep soon after he finished and when she opened her eyes again, she found he wasn't on her back, though she could still feel the feral knot tying him to her. She got up onto her paws and looked behind her to see her hero standing with his rump against hers, tail over her back. "Hello hero," she managed to mumble as she rubbed her eyes with one of her palms. "I trust I wasn't out for long." Like every time before, he didn't answer with words, but wagged his tail a bit as he looked back at her, tongue hanging from his open mouth. She wasn't sure how long they had been tied together like that, but ten minutes later, he carefully pulled his shrinking cock free of her soaked pussy. Now free, she could let her body collapse the way it had been begging her to do for the last three hours. She could feel the mixed fluids of their union running out of her body and onto the bed spread below, but she honestly didn't care. He was able to figure out what it was that she wanted and lay down nice and close to her so she could cuddle up to him. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear as sleep overtook her, "for everything."

When she awoke, she found she had slept late into the evening, her feral friend by her side. She didn't want to get up, but her own need to answer a call of nature forced her to get up and go to the bathroom. After she had dealt with her own urge and put on a dressing gown, she made her way downstairs to find her lover scratching at the back door. "Need to go outside do you?" She asked as she walked over to the door. "I'm guessing you've been holding it in for quite a while." The moment the door was open, he ran outside and began to sniff around, looking for a place to do his business. She left him to his task as she went back inside to get them both some dinner. She put some leftovers in the microwave and as she waited for them to finish, he wandered back into the kitchen through the open door. "Hello there hero," she said to him as she rubbed his head. "Dinner will be ready in a minute." His thoughts were elsewhere and with no shame, he stuck his head through the opening of her dressing gown to get at her fragrant sex beneath. She realised the back door hadn't been closed, but where she was standing with her feral lover licking her pussy, no one would figure out what was going on. She thought about running over and closing the door before letting him get back to work, but part of her said that it could wait until he'd finished what he had started.