
Story by BrushingCrumbs on SoFurry

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#1 of Satyriasis

A letter from the author;** **

To my coveted readers, please know that these following stories are works of only part imagination. They are all more or less the truth, based upon my own recollections of my personal sexual endeavors. I'm not in the business of gloating or showboating, but story telling. Therefore, I have put this down in print for your enjoyment, only slightly embellished to fit a furry genre. A few names may have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, as well as any species or fursona identifiers. Though for the most part, the participants weren't furries, only a few close friends may have been. If you recognize yourself, it's your prerogative to keep that quiet if you so wish.



You may not know this about me, you might have even wished it, but I am in fact a dirty twisted pervert. Don't be fooled by my outwardly warm and charming demeanor, there are some kinky cogs turning behind that mask. That's not to say that I'm a bad person, I'm quite the respectable fox. I just, really enjoy a hunt. That's what I call it, the "hunt". Every so often I get that impulse to go prey upon those corruptible few. The ones that know better than to give in to sin, but try all they might, fall for my glamour. You might also find me with others of my kind, the other depraved. Who doesn't enjoy the company of their own kin, right?

When people think back to their first kiss or the first time they held hands. It's fumbly and awkward and full of a sickly sweet anecdote. That's great. It appeals to my own inner romantic... now. But I've not always been so outwardly sentimental as I am in my more adult life. It took many years to get to where I am today. Even at an early age I had that hunger, that strong sexual appetite.

I remember that my cousin Stuart, only a few years older than I was, at what must have been seven years old, tried to mount me. I can only remember this because the 1997 GoldenEye 007 first person shooter was the game we were playing during that visit, on the Nintendo 64. My younger brother, and his too, were playing that in the room whilst we sat and watched, before he got bored and asked if I'd like to try something different with him. Somewhat guileless to his intentions I agreed, and he proceeded to flip me over and run paws all over my small build. This ended with him dripping precum onto my back as he rubbed his prepubescent prick against my rear. That's as far as that went, after my aunt heard the commotion of two young boys "rough housing" and stepped in to intervene. But that left me wide-eyed and wanting.

The remainder of my childhood, and yes the entirety of my adolescence then became one long hunt for more of what I'd experienced. I savored rush of knowing that it was naughty, and doing it anyway; the risk that my target wouldn't want it too, and would reject me; and the keeping it secret from parents, and for a while my friends and social peers. I loved it all, and lavished in becoming good at it. It gave me the feeling of being hot shit. That confidence grew with me, and I'm glad as it flooded into every other aspect of my life. I would certainly not be a healthy, happy fox today, if I hadn't been able to express my inner demons.

A few weeks prior to writing this, a friend of mine took his own life. He publically posted his suicide note onto Facebook for all his friends and family to see. He worked on a ship, in close quarters to his colleagues. Unfortunately, as I determined from his note, he felt the need to jump overboard with weights tied to his feet because of external pressures from his peers. His sexual preference was outed, and he foresaw a grim outlook because it. He did not have the same means of exploring himself that I did, and that lead to his tragedy. Consequently I think it's important to share my sordid stories. My advice to all of you reading, is to not be ashamed of who you are. It doesn't matter. We are all the same. The difference between the "righteous" and the sinners, is only your honestly with yourself. What is salvation, without acceptance, and that starts with you.