
Story by Rie on SoFurry

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'Short' story written for a mate about mine and his character.

The lone ship sat in the heart of the storm. Lightning

arcing in constant fissures overhead, the boom of thunder resonating over the

waves that roll against the hull, battering it, swaying it.  Miles from land, weeks at sea, the soldiers

aboard away from home for months on end, dozens of empty beds from those that never

made it back. The ship is an oak galleon, with a hulking steel plated bow, and

three huge masks that overshadow three tiered decks, each lined with cannons

and mortars.Lined up on the deck, shoulder to shoulder, are those

soldiers. Their stance unwavering, shoulders broad, heads held high, their

furred bodies soaked through to the bone by the freezing rain, and bare paws

that could barely cling to the wooden deck as the ship swayed. They stood in

light leather and chainmail leg-guards, heavy iron clad gauntlets and a single

iron pauldron upon each of their shoulders detailing their rank as a legionary,

and carrying an abstract insignia carefully painted onto each one. Each of

their chests were bare, bar the straps of each one's empty weapon harness,

chests fully exposed to the brutality of the storm.Their wolf-esque visages held a vague gaze, silent,

motionless, but horror written in each of their eyes. They stood with hunched

backs, feral like forms, wildly long claws, and a constant snarl on their

muzzles, exposing razor fangs beneath their lips, which stood to be their idle

expressions. And they each fought hard to keep that expression idle, to hide the

terror in their eyes making itself known.On his knees ahead of them was a legionary, just like any

one of them. Only he didn't bear the uniform of the others, in only some simple

cloth leggings. Lightning flashed, for a moment long enough to bring his

wolfish features to light. Gashes across his head and his shoulders, mane caked

thick in blood that swathed the deck beneath, a visibly broken arm that he

clutched to his chest as he wheezed and gasped for air. Standing above him was

the Legion Legate, Rie. Like the troops, the Legate stood with a wolfish form, claws

that dug into the deck for grip, a thin, grey fur that matted his body, and

marked proudly above that body was his thick coal black mane, the crown of his

fur, which held a rugged collar with identification tags hanging from it. As

the soldiers stood with more canine-esque shapes, shoulders hunched over, thick

fur that covers their forms, fangs bared in a constant snarl, the Legate stood

with a more humanoid form. His back straight, shoulders aligned, and a much

shorter fur that covered a thick gnarled hide than the rest - Though he too

maintained a constant snarl across his snout by a lip that naturally keeps his

razor fangs on show. He had the brands of war tattooed across his body; a bald

patch across his left cheek, gnarled and mangled hide on his forehead, and an

extensive bald patch that covered the left side of his chest, shoulder, and

upper arm, with scars that defiled every exposed area of skin. His body was well

built, each muscle defined, though from the weeks of war just gone and scarce

rations, each one of his ribs made themselves visible through his thick hide as

his body began to eat away at itself and his muscles were in the first stage of

decaying. Clenched tightly in his one hand as he looked down on the

battered legionary was a bloodied and crude cudgel. He raised it up one final

time as the legionary let out a long whine, looking up to him with dull brown

eyes that soon faded back into the black night, begging for mercy. But little

was given. Even through the reverberating booms and crashes of the storm, the whoosh

of air that followed the cudgel swinging pierced the sensitive ears of every

troop lined up on board, all of whose canine ears folded flat against their

manes. The cudgel struck across the legionaries head in the final blow,

rupturing the hide for a yet another deep gash. The body fell limp to the

floor, and the blood flowed steadily, washed across the ship's decking by the

rain, the crimson water reached the paws of the rest of the soldiers, and

breaking their forms and proud stances, soft whines and whimpers coming from

each one, horrified by what they just saw, but frozen in place with fear, and

rightly so. The Legate held an iron grip of fear over his men, and every time

one had the courage to stand up to him, he'd remind them why he was so feared.

Gazing to each one, locking eye contact through the black shroud of night with

fangs on clear display he dropped the cudgel by the side of the limp body,

clicking his tongue a single time. From that, a decorated legionary stepped

forward, and shouting above the storm, he would begin to bark commands at the

soldiers, who scrambled immediately to the orders. The Legate turned silently

in the meanwhile, and walked across the decking, the soft thudding of his paws

to the deck, followed by the pitter-patter of each claw that taps against the

wood as he walks. As the ship rocked, he'd reach for whatever he could get his

hands onto to keep balance, but carried on forward never-the-less. As he

reached the doors into the officer's quarters, he slowly rolled either of his

broad shoulders. The door would slowly creek open, a blackened snout through

poking through as he takes a gaze around a seemingly empty room, before his

body follows in. The light in the cabin was dim, a large bed sat in the centre

of the room, and either side of it desks covered in paperwork. He'd edge

forward a few steps, reaching a hand to one of the walls to keep his balance,

whilst the other hand brushed over his face. The water dripped from his short

fur, leaving a soaking path in his wake through the cabin as he'd carry on making

his way towards the bed. His long wolfish ears were folded flat against his mane, still

ringing from the booms of thunder that felt like it came from a few metres

above their heads. As his head turned to gaze at one of the lamps, a pale blue

left eye would glimmer a reflection of the dull orange flame, but his right eye

would be seen to be white, completely blind in that eye, and it's down to that,

that he doesn't notice his second in command, and his significant other, his

mate - the Centurion, Dae. Dae's form more resembles that of the other

legionaries, hunched over, a feral look centred in a wild gaze, long fangs and

claws, unlike Rie's shorter fangs and absent claws. Though, the Centurion stood

taller than the soldiers, a much more defined and well built body than what Rie

had, or the soldiers had, and he was the only one that stood in a pristine

white pelt, white like freshly fallen snow, with well groomed, and shaggy fur,

a dull greyish, but thick and broad mane. But despite this, as Rie's eye at

last crosses him, he'd find him curled up in a corner to the side of the bed,

head between his legs, and a bucket resting between the legs.Needless to say, Dae's stomach was weak to the sea, which is

why he was absent for discipline, be it he didn't feel good, or Rie was simply

too ashamed of him to let him show his face. He spoke in a deep, gruff tone,

with a heavy English accent to it, and a constant underlying snarl. His head

rose, though not at all proudly, to address Rie, his eyes, each a brilliant hue

of amber in the dim light fixed themselves onto him. "Rie, this fockin' ship, I've 'ad enough of it."Rie was never a forgiving, or sympathetic person, he saw

comfort as only a weakness. But as his man looked towards him with a glimmer of

hope, with loving eyes, curled up in himself in the corner and sitting only in

his pants, Rie couldn't help but let a suppressed soft side through. Against

Rie's contempt for the weak, Rie still loved Dae even in his less admirable

times, and though he didn't show it, he wanted nothing more than to comfort Dae

and hold his man for the rest of the journey.But his thoughts were drifting, and he was still pumped full

of adrenaline from moments before, and so he kept his composure, kneeling

softly down before Dae without a word, he'd take out a hipflask from his

equipment belt, shoving it into Dae's hands. Rie's own clawless fingers drift

through Dae's mane, idly grasping and twirling tufts of fur between his

fingers, as Dae would take a swig from the flask, washing it around his maw,

before he holds down his head, letting the water drain out from his rows of

fangs down into the bucket. As Dae's head lifts again, the end of his snout is immediately

met by Rie's, who softly nuzzles his dry canine nose against Dae's wet canine

nose. Under these circumstances, Rie lacking a scent of smell pays off well,

unable to pick up the scent of the contents of the bucket. Dae pushed his snout

against Rie's in return, closing his amber eyes to enjoy their nuzzle. Rie on

the other hand, upheld a vague expression, with a half closed eye that peered

towards Dae. Rie guides one hand beneath Dae's chin, lightly scratching along

his jaw line as the other continues to play through his thick mane, and it would

be only a few seconds of this before Dae pushes his head further forward to

meet their canine like lips together, their fangs carefully locking around one

another so that they don't catch each other on them. Rie lets himself get taken

in the moment, his eye closing and his jaw flexing against his mans, locking

lips firmly with him.Their kiss goes on for a good few moments, Rie more and more

inclined towards their contact, his soft side further shining through, and when

he does eventually break his lips away from Dae's, it would be with reluctance.

Dae's breath stutters as the kiss is broken, and Rie feels the warm hush of air

sweep across his snout. Before Dae had the chance to move back into the kiss,

Rie would move to stand, grasping one of Dae's arms to pull him up. Rie talks

with an equally gruff tone, with a snarl underlying his words."C'mon you, get yer furry arse on the bed, I ain't lookin'

after you for three nights running."Rie grumbles lowly to himself as he guides a reluctant Dae

onto the bed, who eventually allows himself to be led, to then crawl over the

bed sheets, before sprawling out across them with a long exhale, lying on his

belly. Rie watches him with somewhat curiosity, though does his best not to

make it blatantly obvious he's staring at Dae's arse, covered by only some thin

pants. Rie's gaze eventually breaks away, smirking to himself in amusement as he'd

begin to gear himself down -Removing his equipment belt, half-clad leggings and

shin/knee guards, and eventually his own pants. Rie stretches out his arms either side of himself, as nude

as can be. Dae would catch himself a quick glance over his shoulder at Rie's

arse in return, before he settles back down on the bed. Rie's furry sheathe has

peeled back just enough to expose his crimson tip from the rim, but Rie would

do his best to keep this out of sight of Dae as he looks. And as Dae turns back

around, Rie makes his way quickly over to the bed, crawling up the sheets

either side of Dae, to kneel one leg either side of his hips, and place his

hands just above Dae's shoulders. His snout comes down, and unable to resist

himself, he delivers a long lick across the back of Dae's mane, before pressing

a series of kisses through the fur. Dae smirks to himself, peering at Rie from

the corner of his amber eye, as Rie sits over his back. "What 'appened to not lookin' after me, Rie? I thought that

meant no affection either."Rie breaks away his snout just long enough to answer, before

he'd revert straight back down to drawing his board and coarse canine-esque

tongue through the groomed fur of Dae's mane. "Y-eah well. I changed my mind, didn't I? Seein' yer furry

arse on the bed."Rie's hips would be gradually lowered towards Dae's rear,

until his hips meet either of Dae's clothed cheeks. Rie's lightly grinds his

furry sheathe against Dae's rear. Rie's taking his chance, though Dae humours

him in the chain of command, Rie knows his place is below Dae., Rie looks like

he's getting away with it, and he'd hold an arrogant grin across his fangs as

he continues to tease Dae with licks through his mane, but that is until Dae

turns himself sharply around, gaining energy he lacked during his lethargic

seasick state, energy enough to roll Rie over, and tackle him down to the bed,

pinning either of Rie's hands above his head, and crossing his paws over Rie's

legs to pin them down too. Their crotches meet together, and by this point,

more of Rie's crimson meat has pushed forth from the rim of his sheathe, and

now rubs up against Dae's clothed crotch. Dae gives a brief scowl down towards

Rie, before addressing towards him."No, you know I'm feelin' shite, and yer tryin' to mount me,

arn't ya?"Dae leans his maw down as Rie turns his head to the side,

and tries to retract, in vain. Dae latches his maw around one of Rie's furry

ears, locking the velvety tip between his fangs, before he gives the ear a firm

tug, sounding forth a yelp from Rie. Dae talks now with a muffled tone, with

Rie's ear still locked between his teeth."Me feelin' shite ain't an excuse for you to take

opportunity."Rie lets out a soft sigh of defeat, he makes no attempt to wrestle

free form Dae's grasp, because he knows in the end he isn't going to win, and

Dae will just make it hurt all the more for him to walk the next morning. Rie

remained still as Dae's snout ventured around the base of Rie's mane and his

neck, licking across the soft fur Dae so adored before softly nipping and

biting at the hide beneath. Rie somewhat relaxed to the snout that glided

across his neck so tenderly, and as the grip that pinned his arms down

loosened, he eventually reached up either arm around Dae's shoulders,

interlocking his fingers at the back of Dae's mane, tufts of fur caught between

the furry digits that cling so longingly to Dae.After a few minutes, Dae found himself lying directly atop

of Rie, Dae's long shaggy fur grinding over Rie's short fur as they held one

another so dearly and lovingly, but it's short lived. Dae soon pulls himself

back up away from Rie, who's left reaching out for him as he tugs away, until

Rie's hands slowly drop back to his sides, looking up innocently to Dae with a

pale blue eye. Dae's pants slowly made their way down, before being kicked away

to the side. Dae's hips pushed forward, teasing Rie with the sight of his full

manhood that grew out from its own furry den, aiding along by a thumb and

forefinger that gradually drew back the skin over his hardening meat, and soon

enough the sheathe peeled back over two crimson orbs at the base of his length,

the sheathe sat comfortably behind it as the long and wide canine length stood

proudly forward towards Rie, who in the meantime has been gripping the bed

sheets, almost nervously biting at his lower lip as he knows exactly what's to

come. Dae won't make an attempt to be gentle with him, rather fuck him into

completely submission, which Rie found himself in already as Dae positioned

between Rie's legs, letting out long breaths that muffled near inaudible

whimpers beneath them. The teasing sight of Dae's cock had helped to bring Rie's

own out form its furry den, and the throbbing canine cock was too, out fully,

laying back against Rie's lower stomach, with a tip that sat comfortably halfway

up his furry belly. Rie cocks back his head, closing his one good eye tightly

shut, his nerves from what was to come are quite clearly visible, but Dae

wasn't cruel, and as much as he had the urge to go unrestrained, he'd always

keep himself held back as much as he could to make it just as enjoyable for Rie.

Rie felt Dae's furry digits slowly curling around his meat, lifting it form its

position. The squishy, leathery pads of Dae's palm soon found themselves

pressed firmly against the tender skin, and a thumb was lifted to be placed

over the tip of Rie's cock. Dae would continue to rub slow circular motions

over Rie's tip until he felt a few drops of fluid teased forth, and sink into

the fur around his thumb. Rie would be writhing under the contact, his hips

grinding against the bed sheets, and his head thrown from side to side as he's

teased. He felt the hand stroke slowly down his cock, until it reached his

package, firm and furry just as the rest of him, it's too held against the

padded palm that massages his balls tenderly around it, but the moment is short

lived, as Rie felt himself being forced onto his side, his left leg gripped

just below the knee and lifted as he rolls to his side.Either of Rie's arms outstretched, clinging to the bed sheets,

his short stubby claws nearly ripping through the fabrics. He felt the cool air

run over him as his fleshy hole was exposed to Dae, who now held his left leg

high in the air as he sat himself over Rie's right leg, his package pressed

firmly into Rie's soft inner-thigh. Rie's furry toes flexed in the air as his

paw was held up, and not a moment later, he found his mans coarse wet tongue

dragged across them, soaking the leathery pads beneath, and clumping his fur

together with tendrils of saliva. Rie lets out a soft giggle, under toned by a

growl, flexing his toes once more, Dae's snout held less than an inch away from

them, close enough for his warm breath to wash over the toes he had just

soaked. Dae slowly rubs the top of the paw across the side of his mane as he

places the leg over his shoulder, one arm wrapped around the thigh as he gently

leaning his weight into it. Dae shuffles along Rie's leg, bringing his cock,

which by now had gathered a few drops of pre-fluid at the end, closer to Rie's

fleshy hole, giving little time before the tip pressed against the hole,

transferring his pre-fluids onto it.Rie took in a sharp breath as his hole was met by the tip,

his body tensing, and teeth softly gritting together. That same breath was let

out in a long stuttered moan as he felt more intense pressure against his hole,

right up until the moment the ring of muscle that was his backside submitted to

the cock pushing against it, and opened around the tip, taking it into Rie's

warm fleshy walls. Rie's hole gripped tightly around the tip that penetrated

it, clamping at it from all angles. Little time was given before he felt the

first throbbing shaft pushed through his hole. Dae's tip penetrates its way

deeper into Rie, parting his walls as it pushed through ridges in his back

side, and the motion fluid but slow, almost like being impaled on Dae's cock.

Rie's unprepared walls clamped around the cock that was forced between them,

his ridges and warm tight walls making a comfortable den for Dae to get himself

off in, using Rie like a cocksleeve. Rie's hole hadn't yet met the two orbs of Dae's knot when he

felt Dae's tip at last make it deep enough into him to push against Rie's

prostate, sending a shiver up his spine, and causing his gradually relaxing

body to tense up once more, a few more drops of non-viscous pre-cum are teased

out of Rie's meat, dripping down it until it's soaked up by the fur around

Rie's crotch. Dae holds the position for a few mere moments before he'd retract

himself once more, Rie's walls closing behind the cock kept them apart, but

before he could relax fully, he felt the meat rammed back up unto him. Rie

yelps as Dae's cock once more presses to his prostate, the knot, not yet

swelled, easily breaches through Rie's tender hole along with the rest of his

cock, forcing his walls apart to their limit. Dae's hips slap up against Rie,

his hole finally meeting the base of Dae's cock, and given some comfort as the

peeled back sheathe makes contact with the fleshy hole. Dae grinds up against

Rie's rear, running his side furry hips in circular motions against Rie,

clutching ever tighter to the leg, squeezing it against his furry body. Dae's

tip explores through every inch, every crack and fold around Rie's prostate,

giving Rie a few long for moments, until the fucking began.Dae's hips pounded up against Rie's inner thigh as he held

the leg, rubbing his furry sack back and forth over the inner thigh of the

other leg. Rie's hole grows more and more tender, sore from the wide cock it

slots back and forth over with a gradually swelling knot that further pushes

his limits. With each moan and yelp and whimper let out by the pair, each

others names constantly underlay the sounds. Dae's motions against Rie and

fluid and fast paced, giving Rie's body little chance to resist him. Though

even if Rie wanted to, he couldn't fight it, his back was arced over, hands

reaching out to grip the bed as he'd held on his side, tensed completely,

scarcely able to move as he took his fucking. 

He was right where Dae wanted him, submitted completely.It wasn't long before their tongues were rolled out of

either of their maws, their panting muted to the sound of their groans that

sounded from the back of their throats, the constant pounding against Rie

bringing a single tear to his eye, but mixed against the discomfort, the

changing pressure that the pounding granted against his prostate brought him

closer and closer to the edge. As Dae's restraint diminished, and a more feral

side pushed through, with more rough, vigorous motions against Rie, Rie is

brought into a sudden climax, for just a brief moment, it was as if the only

thing in the world he could feel was the sensation of viscous tendrils of his

white produce being forced forth from a throbbing cock, every nerve ending

across his prostate stimulated by the tip that buffets against it. But Rie's

moment soon passes, and after having laden the crumpled sheets in his produce,

the discomfort of the fucking returns. Dae's arms soon drop from their positions supporting Rie's

leg, and either one grasps firmly against Rie's one hip, the one not down

against the bed. Pushing into it, and gripping his claws against Rie's hide,

enough to scratch at it, he uses this hold to move Rie back and forth against

his own movements in his last few moments before he reaches his edge. With a

final, firm pump that sounds a sharp yelp from Rie, Dae's knot swells fully

behind Rie's hole, the ring of muscle sealing firmly at the base of the cock,

knotting the pair together. Dae's own cum is forced through Rie's tight walls,

directed around Rie's prostate, were the tendrils of cum pool, surrounding the

tip of Dae's cock.Once more Rie finds Dae's weight leaning against him, his

paw still over Dae's shoulder, and leg flat against Dae's chest. Each of Dae's

hands push into the bed either side of Rie, his eyes closed and head held down

as he pants, his cock throbbing inside of Rie as the last few drops of cum are

teased out by the clamping fleshy walls of Rie. The pair remain in this

position, silent throughout their knot, Dae's length sitting comfortably

between the sore walls. Dae's hands admire over Rie's body, as his digits

explore each muscle contour, and every inch of fur covering him. After a good

ten minutes, Dae's knot loosens enough to draw his gradually softening cock out

from Rie's hole. Rie's walls help to squeeze the cock out from him, and as the

tip leaves its fleshy den to retract back into its furry sheathe, a few drops

of viscous produce are brought forth. As Rie's cheeks squeeze the tip one last

time before it withdraws completely, this produce is soaked up into Rie's fur,

clumping the fur together.Rie finds Dae's arm wrapping itself around his chest,

pulling his back into Dae's accepting embrace. Rie pushes one leg between Ries,

and twists his paw around Rie's, keeping their pair locked together in a loving

embrace. As Dae's weary snout settles against Rie's mane, he'd press a soft

kiss into it, muttering in a tone low enough to diminish his growl."Love ya, Rie."