Chris Cross: The Family Business

Story by Chris_Cross on SoFurry

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#1 of Chris Cross

This was the first fiction I wrote involving Christopher Cross, my own hybrid Tigerskunk, who turns out to be related to the famous Zig Zag. I try not to make it adult in nature cause I doubt I could really pull off adult content all that well. Instead I like to tell the story about not just Chris, but of his family as well, especially his adopted family at ZZ Studios. Also the internal struggle with Zig Zag, trying to deal with the fact that Chris may be having to endure trouble from his stripes and the fact that she has feelings that she shouldn't have for him.

The Family Business

Written by D.J.

This story is a work of Anthropomorphic fiction, depicting humanoid animals in a human setting. The characters Zig Zag is the creation of MaxBlackRabbit. Tabitha, Jacob and Chris Cross as well as any other characters in this story are creations of my own. Any likeness or names of other real or fictional characters is coincidental.


"I don't like it, sis."

Tabitha was acting overly protective as always, arguing with Jacob, her husband and her sister, the famous porn actress Zig Zag. She was standing there with her arms crossed, pouting like a spoiled child trying to be stubborn about the welfare of her child, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly upstairs.

"Tabby," Jacob replied, the large tiger trying to be understanding, "We can't keep sheltering Chris forever. He's going to have to eventually get out and be with others his own age."

"But High School?" Tabitha practically whined that question out, quickly realizing how childish she sounded.

"He needs to be with others his own age, talk to them, talk to girls even!"

Tabitha pursed her lips and turned, "Chris'll be attacked constantly. He stands out too much!"

"Blame our Grandfather, not us."

It was Zig Zag, the tigerskunk woman who spoke out, her shapely body leaning on the kitchen counter. "All you're doing is making him into a momma's boy, Tabby. The boy's coming of age and he needs to be out there or he's never going to make it in the real world."

Tabitha's face twisted into a frown as she looked at her sister, "I don't want him to suffer cause of how..." she cut herself short, eying her sister closely. Zig Zag was the last person to speak about standing out and being odd looking, since her tiger and skunk heritage gave her the tradmark striped furpattern of a siberian tiger rather than a skunk. The only sign of her being part skunk was the slender snout, rounded ears, and the characteristic bushy tail, though instead of a stripe along the tail, her's was slashed with two columns of wavy stripes along the entire length.

"..How I did?" Zig zag completed Tabitha's cut sentence knowing what Tabitha was getting at. She gave her little sister a smirk, letting her know that she was okay with her comment, "Of all the people in this room, Sis, I think I know a little about what he'll have to go through."

How could Tabitha compete with her older sister in that regard? Her son Christopher had inherited the trademark furpattern as Zig Zag did--apparently such genetics skipped a generation, though it didn't help that Chris's father as also a tiger. It no doubt reinforced the hereditary markings that their only child now had.

"I'm scared, sis." Tabitha finally admitted. "I don't want him to be ridiculed...abused..."

Zig Zag knew full well what Tabitha meant. Their childhood was no where near as blissful as his nephew's, and Tabitha made sure it would stay that way.

"Tell you what, Sis." She proposed, "How about we find him a nice private school. One where there is a bit more structured."

"It might help him adapt to the real world a bit better" Jacob agreed, "but them private school brats can be pretty snobbish. Even still, I don't think we can afford tuition for them."

"Leave that to me, Jake." Zig Zag retorted, a smile on her muzzle, "I got a few friends that can pull some strings. As for tuition, I've been building up a trust fund when Chris was born." Both Zig Zag and Tabitha knew their brother Zachary never married and didn't plan on any kids.

Just what kind of favors did sis get for a private school, Tabitha thought to himself, then she suddenly tried to push it out of her mind. She probably didn't want to know.

"Mom? Dad? Aunt Z?"

Everyone turned to see what looked like a teenage male version of Zig Zag. The boy was tall and slender, his top uncovered revealing a very youthful but athletic physique, his white fur marked with silver tiger stripes all across his sides, arms and back. His face was soft and almost feminine, a silver stripe going up over his muzzle and forehead, but with only two white racing stripes in the middle instead of Zig Zag's trademark lightning bolt like stripes. His hair was like woven silver, thick and billowy, with a thick bang of white covering his left eye, the other eye a bright aqua blue and beautiful.

Zig Zag often mentioned to Tabitha that he reminded her of the Bishouden boys from Japan. She had visited Japan many times to collaborate with Japanese porn movies, and often would meet young male pop stars and actors who had that feminine beauty. Chris was definitely no exception and Zig Zag found herself often stopping herself from staring at him, especially when he was wearing nothing but sweat pants, the boy's toned body easily shown through the short white fur.

Tabitha stepped up to Chris and gave him a hug, "Were we too loud, honey?" she said in that annoyingly doting tone that Zig couldn't stand.

Chris shook his head, "Just was going to grab a drink before heading to bed." He looked up at Aunt Z and smiled.

"You going to be here long, Aunt Z?" Chris asked.

"I'll be heading home soon, kiddo." she said, reaching out to run her fingers through his thick crop of silver hair. She stared for a moment, finding herself awestruck at his tail. The same stripe pattern...only silver..always silver.

"I hope you and Miss Sheila can visit again. I've been wanting to try out that new camera you got me for my birthday." Zig Zag had given Chris a brand new digital camera; top of the line, to help encourage young Chris's growing passion for photography.

Zig Zag's smile grew warmer, "You bet, Kid. You can show off all your schoolmates at your hot aunt."

"Tanya..." Tabitha's glare could cut through Zig like a laser, especially when she used her real name.

"Hey...he's a teenager, Tabby." She retaliated, "He's going to be the envy of all the girls in High School."

"High School?" Chris said, surprised looking around at all the adults.

"We've..been talking, son." Jacob inserted, resting a hand on his son's bare shoulder, "We're considering sending you to a private school for your high school." He looked at Tabitha who still had a slight pout to her mouth. She'd been homeschooling her son since kindergarten, knowing his fur markings would make him the target of teasing and ridicule. Not wanting to see her son traumatized by such, she taught him herself.

"Seriously?" Chris exclaimed, his one visible eye going wide and gleaming.

Tabitha let out a long sigh and slumped, leaning against the sink, "Yeah, Chris. Your aunt is going to see about getting you into a private school." She resigned herself to her defeat as gracefully as she could. How can anyone resist him when he looked like that?

Chris pounced his mom and hugged her tight, "I love you mom! I can't wait!" He exclaimed, overjoyed at the prospect.

"Heeeeyyy..." Zig Zag whined, "What about me? I'm getting you into the school, kiddo!"

Everyone laughed as Christopher grabbed Aunt Z in a hug, burying his face into her chest. She returned the hug and petted the young man's head as everyone seemed to grow warm up to the prospect of putting Chris into the real world.


"Everyone?" Mrs. Rogers called out, getting everyone's attention in the classroom. "We have a new student here at Schwartz Academy..." She gestured out of the door and Christopher walked into the room, wearing a crisp and well fitting Academy slacks and Jacket, his mop of silvery hair well groomed but still covering one eye partially. As he stepped in, a series of muted gasps could be heard from the female's in the class.

"Go ahead. Introduce yourself."

Christopher cleared his throat as he stood up straight, " is Christopher Cross. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all."

Some of the students muttered, others seemed to stare at him intently, which made Chris feel a bit self-conscious. He reached up to pull the only white bangs from his eyes.

"Wow...he's hot" one girl whispered to her friend.

"He could be in a boy band!" Another girl said.

They all giggled before the teacher called for silence.

"What's with that tail?" One male student asked.

Chris's skunk tail flicked from the question. "What about it?" he said curiously, not realizing the problem.

"Are you a skunk or what?" Someone asked.

"Part skunk."

"What other part are you?" Another student asked.

"My Dad's a tiger."

That seemed to cause a bit of elevated conversation among the students. Mrs. Rogers tried to hush them down, but the questions kept coming.

"I know that fur style from somewhere..." One student interjected.

Chris thought about that and realized what they were probably wondering about. "Oh yeah...My Aunt has the same pattern."

"Who's your aunt?" A female student asked.

"Aunt Z, I mean, Zig Zag."

The Classroom exploded in exclamation, shock and disbelief in their voices. The teacher tried to calm them down, but the room was abuzz with excitement.

"THE Zig Zag?"

"Oh my God, She's so hot!"

"You're really her nephew?"

"What's she like?"

"Will she show up at the school?"

"Settle down!" Mrs. Rogers finally erupted, slamming her hands on her desk. The students slowly calmed down, and Chris felt like he just did something wrong.

He knew that his Aunt Z was a famous actress and owned her own studios, making some films that he had not yet seen, but apparently made her a lot of money; enough to help him get into Schwartz Academy with little trouble. He did win them over with his academic tests, thanks to his mother's teaching, but it seemed to really speed the process that Aunt Z convinced the school dean to get him in. Guess Hollywood really does have a lot of pull in the world, he thought to himself.

He was assigned a seat near the center of the classroom, and he couldn't help but see the eyes of everyone boring into him as he sat down and got settled. He noticed a few of the girls hiding their cellphones under their desks, speed texting something as the teacher started the lesson. When they saw Chris watching them, their ears reddened and shied away from his view. Was there something wrong with him? He tried to focus on the lesson, but he couldn't help but feel the atmosphere in the room turn strange. This was so different from homeschooling.

A bell chimed and Mrs. Rogers clapped her paws, "Alright everyone, let's get ready for your next class." As the teacher stepped out, suddenly the students crowded around Christopher. He expected a few people to ask him questions but he didn't expect all of this and them taking pictures of him with their phones.

"So is it true you're aunt is Zig Zag?" one student asked.

Didn't they get that the first time? He wondered, "Yeah, she is." he replied, being as polite as possible.

"My God, she's so gorgeous!" One of the guys exclaimed, "You are so lucky!"

Chris blushed as he fumbled for his books, "Uh..thanks?" He still had no idea what they were gushing over, but since he always thought of Zig Zag as Aunt Z, he probably didn't realize how she was a popular actress. To him, she was Aunt Z, a beautiful and fun relative.

As he headed to his next class, he observed how people were stopping what they were doing and staring at him, mostly at his tail. Guys looked dumbfounded while girls looked embarrassed and giggled as he passed. Many talked in hushed whispers, mostly sounding giddy and energetic. Mom said my fur was going to attract attention, but this is a bit much, he mused.

His next class was similar as he tried to concentrate on class the eyes and cell phone cameras were all pointed at him. Several times, the teacher had to scold a classmate for the distraction, which made him embarrassed. What was so wrong with his fur that made people act like this?

At lunch time, he found himself the center of attention, several people offering him seats and wanting to ask him questions about his Aunt. Girls came by with their cellphones, taking pics of him and giggling. He never realized the kind of attention he would get and wondered if his aunt had this kind of reaction when she was his age.

Finally he had to say it, "What's the big deal about me and Aunt Z?" He questioned one of the male students, a cheetah who introduced him a bit ago as Ryan.

"Are you kidding me?" He replied, "You could be her son for all we know! You look so much like her..only a guy."

"Bet you're just as big a slut as she is..."

The words seem to hang in the back of Chris' mind as he turned to look at a burly male cat and his two buddies, a doberman pincer and a bovine staring down at him. He felt his cheeks burn as he looked up at the ignorant trio and comprehending those words.

"Excuse me?" Chris inquired, trying to be as polite as he could, "What did you say?"

"Shut up, Toby!" a student exclaimed out at the cat, "You don't even know him."

The Cat, Toby simply glowered at Chris, "Maybe not him, but I know his skank of an Aunt."

Chris felt his fur bristle under his clothes, "The hell do you get off talking about my Aunt like that?"

Toby looked at him as his eyes seemed to show a bit of shock, " seriously don't know about your Aunt?" He started to chuckle, "My God, what a joke!" His buddies joined in.

"My Aunt is an amazing Actress and producer! Who are you to talk shit like that about her?"

The three boys started to laugh at Chris, "Dude!" Toby told his buddies, "He really doesn't know his Aunt's a porn star!"

At first, Chris couldn't believe that. "That's crap and you know it! She's an actress!"

Toby was practically guffawing now, "Mr. Pretty boy doesn't realize that his Aunt's a filthy porn star! Oh man, this is..." He never finished his sentence as Chris' fist connected with the laughing cat's jaw. The big cat fell backwards, stunned by the furious blow, blood spurting from a mouth of broken teeth.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" Chris roared, "TAKE THAT BACK YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He stepped forward, but before he could do anything more, the doberman and bull were on him, slamming their fists into his face and gut. Chris's lucky blow was pure adrenaline, but now he was double teamed by two males bigger than him and was quickly losing ground. Students screamed, others cheered on. A fist found his muzzle, sending his vision white. Another found him in the gut, sending him doubling over. Toby was now over him, kicking him repeatedly.

"You fucking prick! I'm going to kill you!" Chris felt his feet on his ribs once...twice. Chris's arms reached out to grab his leg the third time and put them in a death grip. He shoved forward with all his strength, feeling the big cat fall over into a table, spilling food and upsetting furniture.

The cafeteria fell into bedlam as students cried out and faculty barged in, grabbing Toby's buddies back from continuing their blows on Chris. Toby roared in fury as the gym teacher, a massive horse gripped the cat in a full nelson.

"That's enough, Toby! I warned you about starting fights!" the gym teacher condemned.

"He started it!" Toby pleaded.

"Everyone knows you provoked him, you stupid punk!"

Chris staggered to his feet, his clothing torn and tasting blood in his mouth. His left eye began to swell as another teacher came towards him, "Mr. Cross...that's enough." Blinded by anger, Chris struggled in the teacher's arms.

"Apologize, you piece of shit!" He demanded, "Apologize for what you said!"

"Go to hell, you freakish fag!" Toby retorted.

"That's it, Toby! You're so suspended!"

It took a half hour to get order restored as Toby and the his two buddies out of the cafeteria. Chris was likewise sent to the nurse's office where he was treated for a black eye, a bloodied lip and other injuries. He wasn't sure how long he had been resting in the nurse's office but eventually his mother and father came into the office, with Tabitha crying over her son's beaten body.

"What happened?" Jacob asked the nurse.

"All I heard was he got into a fight with three boys."

"Why in the world would you do a fool thing, boy?" Jacob asked, a look of surprise and annoyance on his face.

"He called Aunt Z a..." Chris said through sore teeth, stopping at the star..."They insulted Aunt Z...called her...a porn star..."

Jacob and Tabitha both looked shocked and turned to each other. Chris watched it through his one good eye, seeing something invisible pass through them.

"We didn't tell him..." Tabitha whispered.

Looking between his mother and father he finally spoke out, "Told me what?"

The anger and frustration on his father's face vanished, as if somehow the fight had became somewhat their fault.

"Son..." Jacob said with an apologetic tone, "We're going to have to have a long talk...and you might not like it." Tabitha turned her face away, hiding a bit of sadness.

Whatever they wanted to tell him, Chris suddenly felt like it was going to hurt a lot more then he felt right now.


Back home, Chris was having a hard time holding the bag of ice over his swollen eye, trying to drink in what they just told him about. Tabitha sat next to him, trying to bandage up a few cuts on his face as Jacob supported his son on the other side.

"Aunt Z....she's really..."

Jacob nodded, "For quite some time. She doesn't do many films anymore, but runs an adult film studio."

Chris was shocked less by this revelation then by the other fact that was not being told. Sure he thought Aunt Z probably did a few dramas that involved getting naked, which is why he probably never saw any films of her; however, now that they threw this bombshell on him, he'd probably never be able to see one of her movies until he was an adult. Even then, he knew he couldn't bear to see the Aunt he loved so much having sex on film. It felt dirty and unclean to him thinking his favorite relative was an adult actress.

"And you hid this from me for this whole time?"

Both parents were quiet, looking uncertain.

"You're still young, Chris." Tabitha replied, "We were planning on telling you before you went to school..but you were so excited that we were too distracted..."

Chris flinched as his mother put antiseptic on his arm, "Is this why you were upset about my fur, mom?"

"Not just that, Christopher," His dad inserted, "There's other reasons."

Chris turned to his father, his eye glaring at him, "What possible reason could that be?"

"Where is he!?"

Zig Zag bursted into the house, looking like she was sprinting to the house. She was wearing a tight white shirt over a black leather vest and demin pants that were so tight, Chris swore they could be painted on. She stopped as she saw her nephew, his one eye covered by a bag of ice and with bandages on his face and arms.

"Who did this to him?" She snarled, "I'll beat the shit out of that..."


The adults all looked stunned as Christopher stood, glaring up at his Aunt.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me you were a porn star?"

Confused, Zig Zag looked at her sister. Tabitha explained what they found out from the teachers at the school and Chris's subsequent three day suspension for fighting. After Tabitha was done, Zig Zag sat on the chair opposite them and sighed.

"I was hoping we could talk about this more calmly..." She said exhaustively.

"I thought they were lying," Christopher started, "That they were just being dicks...but its true, isn't it?"

Zig Zag nodded, "Yeah, kiddo...I'm not just a porn star, I produce them."

Chris felt like his Aunt just dropped a cinder block on his head. He had always pictured his aunt as some glamorous starlet in some award winning movie, maybe even walking the red carpet at the Oscars; but, the only thing he could see now was his Aunt naked and being used by men and women in front of a camera. All his preconceptions of his beautiful aunt shattered, leaving him nauseous.

Zig Zag leaned forward, "I'm sorry, Chris. We were going to tell you..." was all she could think of.

Chris stood from the sofa and grabbed his shirt from the arm. Silently he started for the back porch when Zig Zag reached out an arm for his shoulder, "Chris, wait...I wanted to..."

Chris's shoulder pulled away and he whirled about, enraged, " do what? Explain yourself? Justify yourself? I thought you were a respectable actress! Now I find out you're nothing but a..." The word "whore" stuck in his mind and lodged in a lump in his throat, but he couldn't blurt it out. He was confused, hurt and felt betrayed by the woman he thought shared a bond because of their fur. Now that bond was crumbling, and it took all he had to keep from saying words he know he would regret but his rage demanded; but, she was still his Aunt, and he loved her despite feeling betrayed and deceived.

Zig Zag stepped back, eyes watering, "Chris...I..."

"Don't!" He held up his hand to stop her, "I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear anything any of you have to say!" he let his words linger for several moments, then after swallowing the building anger added, "Not now....not yet...." He turned and pulled his shirt on, going out back and slamming the door loudly.

All three adults didn't speak for several moments, the silence doing more to convey the feeling of hurt they feel.

"It's my fault" Tabitha finally broke the silence, her hands covering her face and sobbing, "I was sheltering him too much. I shouldn't have babied him so much." Sobbing, Zig Zag sat down next to her and tried to comfort her.

"We knew this might happen." Jacob added, running his hand through his hair. "We wanted to bring it out, but this was too much. Must feel like he's been stabbed in the back."

No one disagreed with Jacobs assertion. They all were worried that Chris when he got older wouldn't understand. He had grown to bond so deep with Zig Zag that knowing she was involved in such a amoral career might shatter the young man's ideas about her and the trust of his parents. Despite that, they wanted to keep Chris away from the past they were both hiding, the world they had to endure to get to this point where a young boy was born to bring a ray of joy into their lives.

"I need to talk to him." Zig Zag spoke up aggressively, "I gotta explain this." She started to stand.

Tabitha looked up at her sister, eyes streaked with tears, " don't have to..."

"Nah...I got to, sis. I think its time."

Jacob looked between them and suddenly pieced it together, "You sure about this, Sis?" He asked Zig Zag, "I hardly know about your past and I had to pry it out of Tabitha to get that..."

Zig Zag let out a loud breath, "He needs to know why, Jake. He already thinks of me as a liar and a slut... He deserves to know why I am."

Standing up, Jacob placed a hand on Zig Zag's shoulder, "Let me go soften things up first, okay? Man-to-man..."

The sisters both smiled up at Jacob, "Have I ever told you how grateful I am for you being in my sister's life?"

Jacob flushed and scratched his ear, "Not nearly enough, Sister-in-law. But I know you do." and with that, he turned and went out to the back porch to confront his son.


Jacob stepped outside in the back porch, seeing the sun already starting to set. The sky changed from blue to orange to purple, and darkening slowly. He scanned across the wooden porch and found his son sitting in one of the wicker chairs, knees pulled up and his face inside his thighs.

Walking up to his son he turned to the short fence along the edge of the porch and leaned over it, watching the sky slowly darkening. Neither one of them spoke for several minutes, the presence enough to get his attention.

"You know, son.." Jacob finally spoke, "I met your mom in College. My god, you should have seen her back then. I mean, yeah, she had an odd fur pattern...not like yours, but it was what attracted me at first."

Not getting a response, Jacob continued, "She was beautiful...still is...and it took me a while to finally get her to go out with me. I don't know about her, but I like to think we hit it off. We went through college dating and having fun together, but we never...well...we never got it on."

"Ugh!" Chris groaned, "Please don't talk about mom like that..."

Jacob laughed turning around to look at his son, "That's just it, Son. I mean, it was considered expected of adults in college to have sex, but your mother never had any of it. I was really into your mom and wanted her, but she kept it only to kissing and cuddling. I didn't realize it until I met Zig Zag.

Chris's ears twitched up as Jacob continued, "I never met Zig Zag in person at first. I saw one of her porn movies she starred in...can't remember the name..but she was doing this thing with this big cougar guy..."

A groan came from the young male and his dad chuckled, "Anyway...when your mother found out, she almost dumped me then and there. I had no idea why she was so angry with me for that until I found out that Zig Zag was her sister." He rolls his eyes, "I apologized several times and swore a dozen promises never to watch a movie of her again. I've kept that promise to this day."

Standing upright he walked up to his son and sat next to him, "Your mom never told me directly, but I think she was always jealous of her sister. She was the free spirit, the daring one, going out there and doing the dangerous things and stuff that people were calling taboo. But I think Tabitha wanted to be like her sister, cause she loved her so much."

Chris lifted his head to look at his dad, "It wasn't until I married her that we finally had sex. I got to tell you son...Zig Zag may be the hottest sister-in-law in existence, but nothing compares to being the husband to her sister. She may have secretly wanted to be a porn star, but I think your mom makes a much better wife and mother instead."

"Where are you going with this, dad?" Chris finally said.

Jacob put his hand on his son's head, "I'm just saying that those two women are complicated creatures...hell..all women are complicated. You need to understand that and try to realize that there are reasons for why they are acting like this."

Chris looked at his father for a long time. "What could possibly cause Aunt Z to become a porn star?"

Sure she was gorgeous and good looking, he thought, but an adult movie?

"What is it about Zig Zag's profession that upsets you so much, son?" Jacob finally asked. "Any other guy in this world would dream of the chance of having a woman like her as family, much less in their bed."

Chris grimaced "Dad! GROSS!" Jacob chuckled at his son's remark.

"It's just that..." Chris finally replied, "It's a lot to take in, I guess. I figured Aunt Z was an actress and producer. Mom kept me at home most of my life and never got to see any of her films." He shrugs, "I guess now I know the reason why...but it kinda hard to imagine Aunt know?"

They sat out there until the sun finally set and the lights under the porch suddenly popped to life, reacting with their photo-reactive sensors. The two men sat under the dim lights and said nothing for a long time.

"Hey boys."

Chris and Jacob turned to see Zig Zag at the door, hands on her hips, "Jake...mind if I have a talk with my nephew now?"

Jacob looked at his sister-in-law and nodded. "Sure thing, Sis." He turned to his son and ruffled up his mop of silvery hair, "You mind your manners now, boy." he said with a smirk, then walked up towards the door. As he passed by Zig Zag she whispered, "Dreams come true, don't they, bro?" He felt his muzzle turn hot and ducked behind her and into the kitchen.

Zig Zag stepped towards Chris, "Mind if I sit?" She asked, running her finger along the wicker chair beside him.

"It's a free country." Chris replied.

Jacob stepped into the Kitchen and saw Tabitha there. She looked up at her husband with watery eyes and before he could react, she rushed to him and kissed him hard on the lips, her arms wrapping around his waist. He returned her kiss and embraced her, relishing the feel of the woman he loved against him.

She broke the kiss and rested her head on his shoulder, "You are the most amazing man ever, Jacob." she said warmly.

He stroke his wife's hair and held her close, "You heard, huh?"

She looked up at him then punched him on the arm, "Dreaming about my sister in bed?" She accused mockingly.

Jacob flinched playfully, "Hey! I'm a guy! Blame the hormones!"

The two laughed as they held each other, then proceeded back into the living room to give the others their private time.


Zig Zag and Chris sat on the porch and just watched as the sky turned from bright orange to dark blue, the porch lighting dimly keeping themselves visible to one another.

"I love it out here." Zig Zag said, breaking the awkward silence, "It's peaceful here. I'm sure Tabitha had a paw in that decision."

Chris turned to look at Zig Zag, "Why adult films, Aunt Z?" The boy was direct as always, Zig Zag thought.

"Why porn?" She replied back. Letting in a deep breath and exhaling she steadied herself, knowing the answer was going to dredge up a lot of emotions; mostly all bad ones. She was intent on explaining herself, but knew it was going to hurt. "Well...its kinda complicated, Chris."

"I got time." He replied

Chris became enraptured as Zig Zag started to speak, talking about how she was the eldest of three, his uncle Zachary and mother, Tabitha. Uncle Zach looked like a skunk, with black on white stripes, whereas his mother's fur was inverted, a white fur with black stripes. Zig Zag was the only one who had the more unusual furpattern, thanks to his great grandfather, a Siberian Tiger. What Chris was never told was that their father was an abusive man, aggressively hurting Zig Zag constantly both verbally and physically.

"That woman", Zig Zag told, referring to her mother, "wouldn't lift a finger. Either she was getting drunk or too scared of that man to stop him. So she just drank herself to the point where she couldn't see or hear a thing he did."

That answered a great deal of questions to Chris: why he never heard from his grandparents, or even knew where they were. Why they never called or wrote during holidays. Every time he asked about his grandparents, the subject was changed or no one bothered to answer him.

Zig Zag reached back to grab her long tail and held it out against her, pointing at the striped marks on it,

"This gave me no end of trouble when I was a kid, Chris. I grew to hate it as my worthless parents abused me and my classmates teased me." Her voice started growing quavery as she tried to continue, "It was only cause of your mom and Zach that I held on. If I gave up, that man would have turned on them next."

The thought of his grandfather made Chris's fur bristle with anger. Apparently, his body language was transmitting to his Aunt, as he felt her hand on his gently. The anger subsided as he looked up at Zig Zag, seeing the compassion on her face. That look alone made the anger fade and he relaxed.

She let out a loud sigh and seemed to hesitate before saying, "What happened later...I rarely ever talk to anyone...even your mom. I think you deserve to know though."

"Why, Aunt Z?"

She pointed back at his own tail, "Cause unlike me, you got a mother and father who love you. They are giving you what I never had, Chris and I want you to appreciate how really lucky you are."

Chris turned his hand over and embraced Aunt Z's fingers with his. She responded in kind but he couldn't help but feel her hand tremble in his grip.

"If you can't do it, Aunt Z, I..."

She shook her head, "I need to tell it to someone, Chris." She closed her eyes and looked down, then finding the words began.

"When I got older...about your body changed...I grew up...and..." she paused, finding the words a lot harder to speak, "...that man decided I needed...another form of abuse..." She looked up at Chris and her eyes told the rest of the story.

Chris's mind reeled and felt rage returning. _Her own father?_He thought in astonishment. His imagination tumbled into dark avenues of bedrooms where her Aunt cried out as her father used her in ways that while seemed to sate her father's carnal appetites, no doubt left a wound deeper than any slap or punch he might have used on her before.

"It...was later," She continued, her voice breaking and pausing in several places as she tried to compose herself. "He finally went too far, and struck me so hard, I started bleeding. I had had enough. I ran away from home that night and swore I'd get Tabby and Zack out of there."

"That....Son of a bitch!" Chris found himself surprised he said it aloud. Aunt Z's hands clasped around his and he could hear her fighting a sob. He felt his own eyes grow moist, his mind reeling at the macabre fantasies that such a depraved person would do to their own flesh and blood.

"Aunt Z...I don't know what to say..."

"The rest..well...I tried to find real acting jobs. Busted my ass to find anything, but because of this.." she pointed at her tail, "They kept turning me down every stinking time." She looked up at him, eyes welling up as she felt the memories sting like cold ice in her heart.

"Wasn't until one of the agents I had befriended suggested I try a adult movie."

Chris twitched at that, his mind racing over all she'd said.

"I was at my last rope, kid." Zig Zag choked out the words, "I didn't like it at first, but once I got into it, I never looked back. I became one of the greatest porn actresses ever. I had fame, money..enough to start my own business. Once ZZ studios became famous, I came back to save Tabitha and Zach. I fought for custody and won. Cut off all ties with those two and never seen or heard from them since."

Zig Zag felt herself growing vulnerable; she had never let herself get this way since those teen years. She had built up years of mental and emotional walls to cover up the pain and abuse that she had covered up in a veneer of confidence and raw sexuality. Now, in the presence of her nephew, she felt those walls crumbling, and the wild and vivacious porn actress was slowly breaking down into a crumbling mass of emotion. She had never opened herself up so much as she did right now, not wanting to show that dark part of her life. Now she was feeling all that ethos welling up inside her and her body began to rack with growing sobs.

She felt the Chris's arms around her and was surprised that he pulled her into a strong and loving hug.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Z. I didn't know."

That was it; the final walls fell and the older Zig Zag covered her face in the young male's chest and used it to muffle the cries of decades.


It had been like a dam had broken and a flood of pent up emotions spilled out in the span of a half hour of cathartic release. She had unleashed years of bottled up anger, frustration, and loneliness into the arms of her nephew, leaving her more exhausted physically and emotionally than any of her numerous sexual encounters with the most virile of lovers. She rested on the boy's young chest, sniffling and wiping the tears off her face while Chris stroked her head. Even he was now stifling his own sobs, consoling his Aunt in the only way he could.

It was then that she felt the dark side of her come through. She could probably do it now; this young buck of a nephew. She would give herself to him, allow him to let his teenage hormones run wild on her. She could feel the craving going through her now: wanting him, needing him. She wanted to feel him inside her, to feel his youthful energy as he...

Zig Zag suddenly pushed back, her eyes wide in shock as Chris looked at her confused. What the hell am I thinking, she accused herself in her mind. She was actually entertaining the thoughts of having sex...with her own nephew! She could almost hear the maniacal laughter of 'that man' as she felt revulsion at herself. She had lived in a world of adult fantasies so long, could she actually, this was not from her adult porn world but something deeper. She suddenly realized that she was no doubt thinking about Christ like her father thought about her when she was his age. Her father had given in to those dark thoughts and imaginations and would use them on her without hesitation. She began to wonder if he felt remorse afterward or disgust before at the idea of molesting her. The fact that she felt these things gave her some sort of moral high ground but it did little to comfort her swelling libido of the fact that she could have easily become her father tonight.

"Aunt Z?"

She turned, looking at Chris's confused face. "Sorry...I..." She couldn't say it, let alone think it. He was such a beautiful boy; young, attractive, with those deep penetrating eyes and face. If he was only her age or she was his and they were not related...

Stop it Tanya!

The enraged thought snapped her back and she covered her face in her hands. She steeled herself as Chris's hands came to hers. Tabitha would never forgive her if she had done such a thing, nor would she forgive herself--that much was certain. Zig Zag felt a swelling of pride as she took Chris's hands in hers and smiled. The final definite blow against that man that she'd never call 'father' had been struck. She would NEVER be like that man--never!

"Sorry kid," Zig Zag said, her voice now composed and confident again, "Moment of weakness."

Chris smiled back at her, "Thank you Aunt Z. That couldn't possibly be easy on you."

She nodded, "No...but it feels easier now."

As the sky grew dark, Aunt and Nephew sat in the porch, the air growing a bit cooler, and they talked. She would talk more about what happened after, but felt there was enough drama for the night. For now, the two tiger-skunks, generations apart, bonded deeper than ever, united not just in appearance, but in spirit.

The next few days, Chris, his parents and Aunt Z would visit the school's Dean, a large brown bear with glasses and a stone gray suit and tie. With his parents and his Aunt watching Chris offered to publicly apologize for his behavior, but the Dean refused politely.

"Toby has been a troublemaker for some time," he said calmly, "and while I hate to have to expel any kid, this one had to go." Chris felt a bit guilty for that, even though Toby brought it on himself.

"And our son?" Tabitha asked.

The Dean thought a moment then nodded, "Mr. Cross did break school policy and should be punished. However, because of extenuating circumstances, I think a few days off of school is enough to insure we won't be having trouble again."

Tabitha sighed in relief and Jacob held her close. Zig Zag gave Chris a hug as well, both smiling.

"I'll do my best to make sure this is the last time this happens, Mr. Cromwell." Chris said respectfully. The Dean smiled.

After a series of handshakes all around, Tabitha, Jacob, Chris and Zig Zag left the office and into the hall. Once out there, the foursome were suddenly besieged with students and faculty, all staring slack-jawed at Zig Zag and even at Chris beside her.

"Whoa!" one student exclaimed, "It's really her!"

"My God!" A female student gushed, her girlfriends giggling excitedly. Several cellphone cameras were raised and were snapping pictures. As if by reflex, Zig Zag struck a sexy pose and winked, which would illicit several gasps and more clicks of camera phones.

"So this is your world, Aunt Z?" Chris said looking up at her.

She nodded, "Get used to it, kid." She replied, "It could very well be yours someday."

At any other time in his life, the idea of him being a sex symbol was beyond his imagination. It was then that he saw the eyes of the girls around him that it suddenly dawned on him. They were looking at him with excitement and, dare he say, lust? He shook the idea from his thought. He might be desirable, but he would NEVER think that about himself. He would never become what his parents and Aunt feared he would become. He'd become a professional photographer; respected and admired. Loved? Lusted over? Maybe..but not today.

A few of the students came up to Chris excitedly, "Is she really your Aunt?"

Chris looked at Aunt Z and beamed with pride. Without hesitation, Christopher Cross slipped an arm around Zig Zag's waist and smiled broadly, "Yeah...this is Zig Zag. The coolest Aunt any guy could have!"

Zig Zag's slid her own arm around his neck and kissed him on the forehead, confirming not only his claim, but their mutual affection towards each other not just as tiger-skunks...but as family.

The End.