Milked for Mr. Zance

Story by SilverKitsune on SoFurry

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Eva gets more than she bargained for when she goes out for the night...

Groggy and incoherent, Eva's eyes fluttered open as she slowly came back to consciousness. Her vision was blurred and her surroundings indistinct, and her memory started to materialize from the mental haze first.

She had been out dancing at one of the many local clubs--a typical Friday night, same as any, out and about being a social butterfly. She had been approached by a charming stranger, a tall, handsome stallion who had struck up a conversation with her and offered to buy her a drink. Blushingly she accepted his offer, sipping on some classy cocktail and that's when her memory had started to disperse. She'd made the mistake of letting her guard down, and the strange stallion had seized the opportunity to take advantage of her. Little did she know she'd been in someone's sights that entire night.

As she came to, she now began to make out her surroundings. The room was mostly dim but bright lights illuminated her where she was positioned, and now that she noticed, that position was very strange indeed--her arms were restrained up over her head and her body secured in a leaned-back seat, straps across her chest and waist to keep her still...she couldn't move. To make matters more mortifying she realized she had been stripped completely nude. She couldn't help but blush as she looked down at her legs, similarly restrained in stirrups, forcing her legs spread and putting her delicate package on display. She tried to yell in protest, desperate to call for help to be freed, but her pleas were hopelessly muffled, her mouth stuffed full with a thick ball gag. Her stomach sank as the reality of her plight hit her...she had been kidnapped, and clearly was due to be subjected to someone's sexual whim.

"So you're awake, good..." cooed a voice, and a female vulpine in a white labcoat stepped into the light. Her face was obscured by a mirrored pair of safety goggles and a surgical mask, giving her an unsettling air of mystery about her. Eva struggled and squirmed against her restraints, murmuring subdued, unintelligible protests, but the shackles held tight.

"Don't worry, little girly boy..." the woman said, chuckling as she came to stop just in front of Eva. "You're not going to be harmed, oh no, quite the opposite. You've been selected to undergo a new sexual treatment, to put on a show for Mr. Zance, the fine gentlemen who selected you to come here tonight."

Eva's eyes widened, darting left and right, but it was hopeless. All she could do was watch whatever she was going to be subjected to for the amusement of this...Mr. Zance.

"Yes, you immediately caught my eye when I saw you in the club tonight, my little lemur toy..." came a deep voice, and the same tall muscular stallion from earlier stepped into the light as well. A twisted, devious grin came over his face. "Val, if you'd do the honors and get our cute little catch properly suited up...I want to put this bitch through her paces." Zance turned and stepped back into the darkness.

"You got it, sir," Val murred, slinking close to Eva and stroking a fingertip underneath her chin. "You just hold still, little girl." Eva looked on helplessly as Val snapped a pair of clinical gloves on her paws, withdrawing a small plastic bottle from her coat pocket. She squeezed a dab of what Eva imagined must be lube onto her fingertip and slipped the bottle back into her pocket, stooping down and taking Eva's sheath between her fingertips, massaging and rolling her soft member to coax it out of its hiding place. Eva's cheeks flushed red, unable to help herself and horribly embarrassed to be so exposed and to be touched by strange paws down there. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt her cock begin to slide out of its sheath, slowly growing hard at Val's touch. Eva opened her eyes and looked down, watching as Val gripped the tip of her cock between her fingers and with her other paw dabbed the dollop of lube across her cock head. She let out a barely-audible moan around the gag, shuddering softly as she felt Val's finger rub gently across her cum slit. Val then moved her attention lower, sliding another lubed fingertip against Eva's tailhole, getting it nice and slick and slipping the end of her finger into Eva's tight entrance. Eva gasped and tensed up, only blushing brighter as Val continued to prep her for whatever she and Mr. Zance had in store.

"Such an adorable little cock," Val said with a slight chuckle. She gave Eva a few light taps under her balls, causing the lemur to groan softly as her delicate package bounced. Val then slipped a thick steel cockring around Eva's balls, tugging her half-hard member through as well.

"Mmffff..." Eva moaned, feeling the tight ring constricting her cock now as well, her shaft twitching as it pulsed, growing harder and harder until it had swollen fully erect.

"Perfect..." Val murred, reaching upward and grabbing part of the machine to which Eva was lashed. Eva followed her with her eyes as she pulled down on a device hooked to a long hose, open on the end, with a translucent tube with a long, thin, hollow rod down its middle.

"You're going to be milked for Mr. Zance," Val explained, raising the device in her paws toward Eva's face. "This suction device will go on your lovely little cock...and this..." She murred as she slid her lubed fingers along the thin tubing inside the milking device. "This sounding tube will slide riiiight inside your sweet little cum-hole. Mr. Zance won't be happy until we suck every last drop out of those balls of yours. Now, just hold still, little toy."

Eva tried to scream in protest but the gag did its job, keeping her relatively silenced. She shook her head and turned to look away as she glimpsed Val lower the milking cup to her member. Eva squeezed her eyes closed, unable to do anything to stop Val's invasion of her privates. She absolutely did not want that thing inside her--nothing was supposed to go _inside_her cock!

She felt Val grip her throbbing shaft, holding it steady. Ultimately, Eva's curiosity got the best of her and she opened one eye, glancing down at the inevitable fate of her poor penis. Val guided the end of the tube inside the milking cup and Eva tensed as she felt the tube touch the tip of her cock. The generous amount of lube Val had applied allowed the hollow sound to slip slowly into her cock slit.

"Mmrmrrrff!!" Eva moaned in alarm, curling her toes and still struggling in vain against the restraints on her limbs. She squirmed to what little extent she could as the tube overcame the slight resistance and slipped further down her urethra, inch after inch of the sound disappearing into her cock. At the same time, her erect member was engulfed by the slick, plush embrace of the material lining the milking cup itself. It squeezed around her swollen head and hugged her shaft snugly, forming a good seal as it slid lower. Eva shuddered and couldn't help her hips rocking forward out of sheer strangeness of the feeling--this just caused the tube to slide even deeper into her poor cock.

"There we go...almoooosssst...." Val murred, cupping Eva's balls as she guided the milking cup down the final couple inches onto Eva's cock. Eva whimpered at the strange, stretched feeling in her cock as the cup sat fully on her length. Her chest rose and fell with her stressed breathing. The device didn't exactly hurt, but it felt absolutely strange, a mixture of pleasurable and uncomfortable, a feeling of fullness that she'd never felt anything like before. She could feel her member absolutely quivering around the device.

Val leaned back up and removed the gloves from her paws, slipping them into her coat pocket as she looked at Eva. "Now you just sit back and enjoy this special treatment...hehehe..."

Eva grimaced as she continued to get used to the feeling of wearing the milking device, every little twitch and throb of her cock sending weird new sensations through her. The cockring she wore ensured that her member remained absolutely rock hard, and she could feel the weird fullness deep into the root of her penis.

Val stepped aside and flipped a light switch and Mr. Zance could now be seen standing at the edge of the room, having been watching from the darkness the whole time.

"One last thing, little girl," he murmured, a deep husky whisper that sent shivers through Eva. The stallion raised a small object he was holding so Eva could see it--a hefty metal butt plug, tapered at the tip but at least two inches wide at the base and maybe four inches long down to its flared base. Eva's eyes went wide, knowing full well Mr. Zance intended to insert that into her tailhole. She shook her head, moaning feebly. All Mr. Zance did was chuckle, smirking as he held a paw out to Val and she passed him the bottle of lube. Drizzling it over the toy, he aligned its narrow tip with Eva's tight, puckered rear entrance. Eva instinctively tensed as she felt the cold tip of the plug against her hole, grasping her paws into fists as Mr. Zance pushed the toy in, quickly burying inch after inch into Eva's body until the last bit slid perfectly into place, the lemur's tight tailhole gripping the narrow neck of the plug tight. Eva let out a muffled moan as the toy stretched her from the inside, its weight and girth making her feel positively stuffed full. Her cock throbbed hard at the sensation, and she panted softly. The toy might be absolutely huge, and the milking sounding tube very strange, but even though she had been taken here against her will tonight, these sensations were starting to prove rather interesting, to say the least...dare she say pleasurable? She hated to admit it...

Val had gone a short distance to the side, with her back now turned to Eva and Mr. Zance. She was adjusting the controls on some sort of illuminated console as she glanced toward Mr. Zance. He gave a short nod and Val began turning the main knob on the control panel.

Eva gasped as the milking cup jumped slightly, sucking tighter around her erect cock as the machine it was connected to whirred into action. Her toes curled as the device slid up along her shaft slightly, sealed with suction to her member and then releasing, sliding down an inch before repeating the process, rhythmically and mechanically beginning to milk her cock, slowly gripping and stroking her as it sucked. The slick sleeve around her shaft hugged her flesh firmly and sent shivers of pleasure through her as it sucked and moved, and it caused Eva to squirm as much as she could against her restraints as the sounding tube wiggled inside her cock with each tug of the milking head.

Val wasted no time in slowly turning the knob higher and higher, and Eva moaned deeply as the machine began picking up the pace to a steady clip. The stallion and vixen stood and watched as the machine worked Eva's poor penis faster now, Eva's moans mixing with the machine's noises filling the lab. Eva's chest rose and fell with her heavy breath as she became more and more aroused, whimpering helplessly as her cock throbbed hard within the tube.

"Turn it up, Val, don't go easy on the little girl," Mr. Zance said, smirking as he watched Eva squirm in her pleasurable overload. "Push her to the limit. I want to exhaust her and squeeze those little balls of hers dry."

Eva responded with a feeble, unintelligible groan as the results of Val's adjustment came through, the milking device sucking and bouncing atop her cock harder and faster still, pulling on her cock with each rapid burst of suction. Her member was swollen so large and sensitive inside the machine, every motion of the tube sending waves of bliss through her. It was almost too much for the poor lemur, but she was powerless to stop it. She moaned and huffed a wordless protest in vain, and the machine just chugged along mercilessly. Val had maxed out the speed setting and had no intention of lowering it any time soon.

"Mfffmmmhhfff!!!" Eva groaned, panting and whimpering heavily as the milker pulled her over the edge to climax. Her cock pulsed and twitched, her balls tightening as her body tense and her member erupted with cum. The sounding tube quickly filled with her thick spurts of seed, and it siphoned her load from within her cock, sucking it away and out of sight down the tube just as fast as it came out of her. Her hips bucked and she thrashed against her restraints--she would have been screaming in orgasmic throes if not for the gag.

"Don't let up. Keep it going," Mr. Zance ordered, and Val nodded.

Eva moaned with each continuous tug of the milking head as the flow of her cum slowed, but the machine did not. Her member throbbed almost painfully now, squeezing the sounding tube within it with each twitch. Her sensitive flesh was still engulfed by the machine's powerful suction. Each pull of the milking cup now sent a twinge of painful sensitivity through her overloaded shaft, and her whole body writhed at the sensation. It felt like forever now as the machine tortured her poor penis, systematically disallowing her to grow soft. She panted heavily, knowing full well Mr. Zance didn't intend to let her stop until she came several times...who knew how many he would want from her?

Tug after tug slid along her shaft, and soon Eva felt the pressure building inside her again. This was insane, she thought to herself. She never ever came so quickly in a row, but this machine was relentless. It didn't give her a chance to relax or rest--her cock now operated on the machine's terms. If Mr. Zance wanted more cum from Eva, he was certainly going to get it. Eva's back arched as she orgasmed again, gripping her fists and curling her toes as another load burst forth from the head of her cock into the tube and was sucked up and away. Eva shivered as the machine pulled another batch of cum out of her--it was so strange to have her seed _extracted_instead of merely shooting it off as she might normally do.

"Gooooood," Mr. Zance murred, eyes not moving from Eva as she squirmed. "Keep it up."

Eva could hear Val laughing as she stepped away from the console, coming to stand in front of her and watch her more closely. Eva's face was already flushed out of arousal but if she could blush more, she did--her situation didn't change that she was still mildly mortified to be put up so in front of these strangers.

"Nggghhhfff..." she groaned, still nearly hyperventilating as she struggled to keep her breath, unable to hold still as she was milked for all she had, her cock swelling and throbbing harder and harder until the machine managed to slurp a third load out of her aching balls. The machine worked tirelessly as Val and Zance looked on, subjecting Eva to still more of this torture, eliciting a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, even a seventh load from her poor overworked cock. Eva moaned deliriously, her body quivering out of a combination of pained pleasure and exhaustion. She could barely see straight as the machine milked an eighth load out of her, and then--she could hardly believe there was any more cum inside her body--a ninth.

As the tenth load was whisked away down the milking cup's tube (such a tiny amount compared to the first few) Mr. Zance nodded once more and turned the knob down to zero. Eva sighed in relief, still panting so heavily, out of breath. Val approached her and gripped the milking cup, carefully sliding it off of Eva's cock. Eva let out a slight gasp and groaned as the sounding tube slipped out of her urethra. As Val tugged the cock ring off of Eva's package, Eva could almost feel her member pulsing with her heartbeat, quivering and feeling so empty and abused. Just the tiniest bit of cum still dripped from her slit, and Eva looked up at Mr. Zance wearily as he stood in front of her as well.

"A very good performance, little girl," he said, reaching out and patting Eva's balls, then slipping his fingers lower and pulling on the base of the butt plug in Eva's tailhole, sliding it out and setting it aside. "I do hope you realize this is just the warm up. You'll be staying with us for a little while now, as I have many other toys for you to test out..."

Eva moaned, mumbling incoherently as her eyes drooped. The lab faded to black as all Eva could hear was Val and Zance chuckling.

"We're going to have so much fun using you..."