Winter Breeze Ch. 3

Story by Otiak on SoFurry

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#3 of Winter Breeze

Please excuse my very poor attempt in breaking the fourth wall, and a lame pun...

Chapter 3: Kotatsu

"Whaat!!? What do you mean they're sold out?"

"I'm sorry sir, but the last one has been bought recently by a wolf-looking guy."

"W-wolf-looking guy? Wait, does this person wear a dog tag around his neck?"

"From what I can recall, yes. Is he a friend of yours?"

I replied in silence

"Well in that case, we'll just try to call the manufacturer and have another batch of those delivered here, if you like. B-but it will take about two to three weeks."

"No thanks. I'll be taking my leave now."

"O-or if you want, I can sell you these nifty-!"

About an hour earlier, I stormed in the shop where I will look for Kouya's gift. Only to find out that he already bought it.

"S-Shit. Joke's on me." I thought to myself. "Who would've thought that he would buy it before me? I guess I ran out of options for buying his gift."

I sighed to myself in defeat of searching for his present. Just then, a knowing greeting, joyful voice is heard behind me. Turning around, I saw a familiar round tanuki wearing a yellow jacket and a camera slung around his neck. It was Kounosuke.

"Yo! Hiroyuki-kun, why the long face?" he asked.

There, I explained to him about my earlier ordeal, the x's and y's, of course omitting Kouya's name for less suspicion.

"I see then. Is there something else he's concerned with?"

"Sadly, no. Like I said, I ran out of options since we don't spend some time together often."

"Well that's bad news." Kounosuke sympathized. "Say, how about I treat you something? Will that help you freshen up?"

"Wow Kounosuke, that's really unusual of you. If I remember correctly, you rarely treat me something out of the blue. Is there something you want to share?" I sneered.

"I-idiot!" Kounosuke jumped. "What makes you think that there's something special in it? Fine, if you don't want it, I may as well treat someone else!"

"Nope, I take back what I said! I kid Kounosuke. Ehehe..."

Then Kounosuke suddenly started to walk away and turned around.

"Well, you coming or what?" He insisted.

"Oh, ah- sure, I'll go."

Together, we went to a burger joint near Kazenari high and Kounosuke asked me if I like something in the menu as he prepared his wallet. Of course, being a freeloader as I am, I decided to pick whatever filled me up. After that, we ate our lunch there.

"Mmm... This is the most delicious burger I've eaten!"

"Bet Tora can make a better one than this?" The Tanuki made a stupid grin on his face.

Meanwhile, back in Minasato...


Damn Tora! I never knew you had so many admirers out there talking about your handsome face! BAHAHAHA!!! Sorry ladies, but this one has already someone else in your place!" Torahiko boasted while pounding his own chest lightly.

"Oi, Tora! Get-off your lazy ass and help me out in the kitchen!"

"Yeah Dad! Be right there in a minute!"

"I don't think I would ever doubt that." I deadpanned.

"I know right?" Kounosuke nudged me.

"By the way, I still haven't figured out why you treat me something out of the blue."

"Oh that? Well let's just say I got my first bonus of the year... As a photographer!" He crowed.

"Really? That's great! Although instead of treating me food, shouldn't you be saving for something like, I dunno, a gift perhaps?"

Then the Tanuki jumped out of sudden realization.

"Wha-?! You're right Hiroyuki! We shouldn't be wasting time! Let's go back to the store immediately!"

"Well I'm completely aghast about you forgetting about our secret Santa, but I think you're overlooking the obvious part. If your money is still capable enough to support your expenses, that is."

"Oh don't worry Hiroyuki, the money I used was straight from my old savings. The real deal is in the envelope, right here in my-"

"Right where exactly?"

"I know it's in my pocket, unless..." Then he searched all of his visible pockets.

"Unless what? Don't tell me you lost it?"

"I'm afraid I did." Kounosuke looked at me in the eye with a desperate look on his face. Then his frown got gradually bigger and from my point of view, tears started to form on his eyes.

"'YAH GOTTA HELP ME HIROYUKI!!!" He cried at me, throwing his half-eaten sandwich in a random direction.

Out of disappointment, I slammed my palm to my forehead and finally decide to help him.

"Fine, I'll help you. You can be such a handful sometimes, you know that? Now calm down, retrace your steps and tell me everything in detail right from the beginning."

Kounosuke then inhaled deeply and regained his composure, "Alright, here it goes. You see, I was at the ATM machine, and then I withdrew my bonus the company sent me. After that, I do a little window shopping for my Mom and Yukiharu, and then there's where you came in..."

"Hmm... Do you remember all the places you've gone shopping into?"

"Yep, I still remember. Let's go there and see if anyone saw something."

Then we walked back to the store and asked every salesperson available in sight.

"I'm sorry, but I haven't seen any brown envelope around here."

"Nope, I haven't seen those. Even if I did, I would give it to the manager."

"Our apologies, there are no recent reports about a lost valuable item for the past two hours. Now if you excuse me, I'll go make an announcement regarding this matter."



"Ooo, I do believe that's a burn for you Kounosuke." I snickered.

"Cut me some slack wil'ya? I'm trying to think here!" The Tanuki snapped.

"Well how am I supposed to cut you some slack if you keep messing things up?"

"I don't know okay?! Now shuddup and let me think!"

For the next five minutes, we received a good news from the store manager.

"Excuse me Mr. Kuri, I believe we have someone here who has something to do with your missing belonging." The manager entered. "Come here now Igasu-san, there's no need to be afraid. Just give Mr. Kuri's envelope and you'll be free to go."

Just then, a familiar Hare beastman wearing a white polo shirt, a yellow visor, and a green apron entered the office. From what I can recall, I just met him recently. But where?

"U-um, excuse me for the intrusion, b-but I have something for you Mr. Kuri." Then he gave the brown envelope back to Kounosuke.

"Th-this is my envelope! Thank you so much!" Kounosuke cried.

"Y-you see, I found this thing in front of our stall where I usually take my break. Coincidentally, that's also the place where you two sat and talked for a while. Just when I saw what's inside of that I still never blinded by the temptation that was before me. A money that much was hard to earn for so I knew how much hard work you've done for your job too."

"And because of that, I'm giving you a promotion and a salary raise. Starting right now, you'll be the sales manager of the music stall!" The manager said.

"Thank you very much! And I promise to keep up my good work as written in my contract." He replied.

Music stall? That's it! I remember now, he was the same guy from earlier. Seeing that I'm getting into an awkward situation, I have to compensate for my actions earlier towards him.

"Oh, how could we both able to repay you?" Kounosuke asked.

"I've got an idea Kounosuke. We'll buy something from him and give a nice tip as a reward for his honesty."

"Splendid! Then I may offer you our finest headphones, great for any kind of music settings you set on your player. From rock to country songs, you name it! And since we're on sale, I'll give you twenty percent off!" Igasu-san advertised.

"How about we pay the actual price and take that 'twenty percent' as your tip? And same goes for anything Kounosuke buys from you. Wadd'ya think?" I offered

"Then it's settled." The manager concluded.

After both parties have both agreed, we then headed to the stall and Kounosuke picked three CD albums from the shelves. He said those were Christmas gifts for his mother, Yukiharu, and the person he picked in secret Santa. And as for me, I looked up the headphones he was offering and search for another CD album that he might like. Then we both took our leave and rode the bus back home to Minasato.

Brr~! It's past 4 and it's gotten a bit colder out here. Since when did Minasato set up a giant air conditioning system? Bah! I'm complaining the same thing from last summer. All this cold has gotten my mind hasty. Maybe if I can find something warm enough to snuggle with. Surely Kouya's fur is out of the question, even though I desperately wanted to. Hmm...

"Hiro-chan," My grandma called. "Will you please come here for a minute? I have some errand for you."


"Sorry to disrupt your afternoon Hiro-chan, but will you please take this receipt and get the kotatsu from Tappei-san?"

"Of course grandma. I was getting a bit cold in my room so I guess a kotatsu would be fine. By the way, where's grandpa?"

"He's in our room. His back suddenly gave up after boasting that he can fix the kotatsu by himself."

"Aw c'mon dear, there's no need for our Hiro-chan to do this." Grandpa interjected as he tried to stand. "See? I'm still as strong as an ox beastma-"


Just then, grandpa's back gave up on him the second time. I hope he's alright.

"Yet you're stubborn as a bull." Grandma continued then she looked back at me. "Now go on, I'll be taking care of your grandpa."

"Will do. I'll be on my way now."

"Hello?!" I called out. But nobody replied.

"Tatsu-nii, I'm here to pick-up the kotatsu!!" And again, silence countered.

"Guess there's no use then" I entered the Midoriya household without any permission. As I went inside, a very familiar scenery approached me. The woods piled on one side, tools neatly arranged at the shed and the same old swing Tappei-san made for us to play with. It's been a while since I last came here. And out of the blue, a Kitsune in his mid-thirties, came by and asked if there's something I need help with.

"Oh um, I'm here to pick up the kotatsu my grandparents brought here earlier."

"Ah yes, the kotatsu. Let me ask the young master if he's finished with it. By the way, you must be Hiroyuki-san, am I correct?" He asked.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Well, I've been hearing a lot about you from the young master. Even Chuukichi-san is fascinated by you. Oh, I'm sorry to be rude, my name's Tetsuya Inoue, but you can call me Tetsu-san if you don't mind."

"I'm fine with it, Tetsu-san. Say, where's Tatsu-nii?"

"The young master? He's at the back working on the kotatsu. Should I call him for you?"

"No thanks, I'll just greet him there."

"Suit yourself, young lad. And be careful for the tools around you."

"Will do, Tetsu-san!"

Thanks to Tetsu-san, I dashed my way to the back yard of the Midoriya Residence. As I was about to take my last right, a flying object, or more likely a person, suddenly hit me from behind.



Owowow... I can see stars swirling around my head. And yet my consciousness is almost fading away due to the impact

"Chuukichi-kun! Are you alright?" Said by someone with a feminine voice.

"Yeah I'm fine Yukino-san! But I think there's someone else who needs medical attention more than me."

"Oh dear! Quick! Akira-kun, Tatsu-chan, bring him inside!"

Just after the conversation ended, my consciousness finally gave up on me. Last thing I heard was Tatsu-nii calling out my name.

Owww, my head still hurt from the impact. But at least my consciousness is regaining on me. By the way, where am I exactly? Last I remembered was being hit by something, or someone, and Tatsu-nii calling out my name. Wait, Tatsu-nii? Shit! I forgot I was running an errand for grandma! I jolted up from where I lie as my eyes try to adjust from the light bulb's brightness.

"Oh hey, Hiroyuki-chan! You're finally awake!" A voice greeted me.

It's no use. My eyes are taking too long to process the brightness. I can't see a thing!

"T-Tatsu-nii? Is that you?" I asked.

"Yep, it's me alright."

"The kotatsu... Must return... Grandma..."

"It's fine now. I delivered the kotatsu while you're still knocked out. And I also told them what happened to you earlier. So on behalf of my father's reckless actions, I'm sorry for what had happened."

"That's a relief. And yeah, no hard feelings, consider it accepted. By the way, what time is it?"

"Around quarter to six. Almost an hour since you've been hit."

"QUARTER TO SIX! Sorry for the quick climatic exclamation Tatsu-nii, but I really need to head back home!"

"Actually, when I told them what happened to you, they agreed that you can stay here for dinner. As a part of compensating to you, that is."

"Tatsu-nii, you really don't have t-"

"GAHAHA! No need to be modest! We insist you stay with us for dinner."

Again, being a free loader as I am, I accepted another offer from one of my friends and coincidentally under special reasons. We both walk out of the room and saw the whole Midoriya group eating in one table. I can see Tappei-san smoking his usual pipe, Yukino-san serving seconds to a mouse beastman, and a horse beastman eating in solitude and sprinkling something on his rice.

"Oh Hiroyuki-kun, you're awake now. Glad to see you're alright." Yukino-san greeted me.

"Hm? Well if isn't Hiroyuki-kun!" Tappei-san followed. "Why don'cha join us and have some dinner?"

"Oh, um, sure. And thank you for taking care of me, I'm sorry if I caused you some nuisance."

"You don't have apologize. In fact, I should be the one apologizin' to you!" Tappei cut in. "Honey, bring me and Hiroyuki-kun some sake! Tonight, we'll be drinkin' to our heart's conten- OOOF!"

Just then, a large hand soon met Tappei-san's head.

"OW! What was that for?! And I bit my tongue!"

"What was that for?! Pa, Hiroyuki is not old enough to drink yet!" Tatsu-nii exclaimed.

"Of course he is! Just look at his body, a fine body built for fieldwork and outdoor activities! And surely he is also old enough to drin-"

*BAM!* I wonder if the floors can handle the impact.

"Why you little-!"

As these two dragons fight, the mouse beastman fidgeted himself close to me.

"Say, you're Hiroyuki-sama am I correct?" He asked.

"More or less, yeah."

"Oh wow! It's nice meeting you Hiroyuki-sama! My name's Chuukichi Mori. I've been hearing a lot from young master and master! And can I call you aniki?"

"It's nice meeting you too, Chuukichi-san. And please drop the '-sama' part, it's embarrassing. Also, Tappei-san is telling stories about me?"

"Yeah, especially whenever he's drun- KYAAAAH!!!" A foot soon hit Chuukichi's behind sending him towards the dark sky until a twinkle remained.


A large hand soon followed, hitting Tappei-san once again in the head. *BAM! CRASH!* And there goes the floors.


"Hiroyuki-kun, over here." Said by a beckoning, gentle voice. I turned around and saw Yukino-san and the horse beastman both eating peacefully as if nothing is happening around them.

"Come sit with us. I'm sorry if these two idiots were creating a ruckus, happens very often. Oh and by the way, this is Akira-kun. Akira-kun, this is our guest, Hiroyuki-kun. He used to live here in Minasato five years ago and is good friends with Tatsu-chan."

"N-nice meeting you, Akira-san." I greeted. Then my eyes spotted a sachet of Furikake beside his bowl. What the hell is Furikake for? That is the most disgusting combination I've ever seen!

"Hmph..." Akira-san grunted, probably noticed the disgust on my face.

"Now, now Akira-kun, you don't have to be rude to our guest here" Yukino-san kindly scolded. "Hiroyuki-kun, why don't you sit here?"

"Ah- sure. But shouldn't we worry about Chuukichi-san?"

"Nonsense. He should be fine." Akira-san replied. "As a matter of fact, he should be showing up in three, two, one..."

"Hey guys, I'm back!" Chuukichi-san greeted.

Since when-? How did he-? I give up.

"Welcome back, Chuukichi-kun. Please join us and eat your seconds before it gets cold."

"Will do, Yukino-sama!" Then he sat down and munched on the food like there's no tomorrow. "It'sh delishous!"

"Whatever. Yukino-san, thanks for the food. I'll be taking my leave now. And I'll be taking care of my bath." Akira-san finished, returning the sachet of Furikake to his breast pocket.

"Sure, Akira-kun. Now Hiroyuki-chan, don't be so meek, there still a lot more left."

"Y-yeah. Thanks again for your concern and hospitality, Yukino-san."

And so, I ate to my heart's content and my long and quite eventful day ended inevitably. Everyone in the Midoriya household are both wild and crazier than it seemed. But I enjoyed every bit of moment there from the never ending bickering of two dragons, Yukino-san's great cooking, to Chuukichi-san's ever lively atmosphere. I sure do wish this moment could last longer but I really have to get back to my grandparent's house eventually.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for tonight?" Tappei-san asked.

"Pa, how many times do I have to tell you that he's only staying for dinner as compensation for what you did to him earlier?"

"I wish aniki can stay here for a little longer. Maybe just for the night. Yeah, that would be nice." Chuukichi-san mumbled.

*WHAM!* A large fist hit Chuukichi-san's head. I can literally see a trail of smoke from his head right now.

"Now, now. Hiroyuki-chan needs to go home now and it's best for you two to keep some distance from him. Especially you, Tappei Midoriya." Yukino-san reprimanded with a death glare on her face.

"Yeah, yeah I get you." Tappei-san tried to look away. Is he avoiding something from his wife? "Anyways, Hiroyuki-kun, I'm again sorry for what happened earlier. It was irrational for me to throw Chuukichi in random direction. Next time, I'll throw him at the stone walls or the tree."


*WHAM!* Chuukichi-san again hit the floors.

"It's alright Tappei-san, I've already forgiven you. And once again, thank you for having me here. I had fun while it lasted."

"Now go on, Hiroyuki-kun. We don't want you blaming us if you get a cold out here. Tatsu-chan will drive you home."

"T-tatsu-nii will what?!"

"Why? Is there something wrong with it?" Yukino-san asked.

Then I put on a fake smile. "N-no, nothing wrong with that..." Of course there's something wrong with that! From what I can recall, last time Tatsu-nii drove, we almost died from heart attack! My body trembled as I walk to the infamous killer truck with its equally killer driver. I hope I can made back home alive and in one piece!

"Ah- Hiro-chan, welcome back. Did you have fun?" My Grandma greeted.

"Y-yeah." My voice trembled.

"Hm? What's wrong Hiro-chan? Your body is shaking." Grandpa asked.

"N-nothing Grandpa. I just have a bit of motion sickness lately."

"By the way Hiro-chan, Kouya-kun just called earlier saying that you should call him when you got here." Grandma reminded.

"Sure, I'll call him now."

I walk my way to the front door where the telephone rested. Picking up the receiver, I happily punched Kouya's number from memory.

Rnnng The phone buzzed.

"Hello?" Kouya answered.

"Hello Kouya? It's me Hiroyuki. You said that you've got something to tell me?"

"Oh Hiroyuki, it's you. Yeah, I was wondering if you are free by tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yep, I'm free by that time. Why?"

"Well I, uh, wanted to watch a movie together? Y'know, just the two of us?"

"L-like a date?" I whispered. Making sure my grandparents can't hear our conversation.

"Maybe. Sort of. Yeah."

"Great! What are we going to watch then?"

"Earlier, I checked the movie schedules in Kazenari and it so happens that the movie 'Chilled' is showing by tomorrow."

"Sure, I've been wanting to see that movie."

"Then it's settled. Meet me at the bus station tomorrow at one. By the way, I heard about what happened to you earlier. I'm actually worried sick, you know that?"

"I'm fine now Kouya. And thanks for worrying for me. At least I know someone cares." I sneered

"I-idiot! Still, I'm glad that you're fine. I can be at ease now."

"Ahaha! Well, see you tomorrow. 'Love you."

"I love you too Hiroyuki. More than anything in the world."



A date with Kouya, I surely need one of those. It's been a while since we last hang-out together. Oh how I could wish nothing could go wrong nor someone could ruin that day! Well, I better go back and snuggle myself in the Kotatsu.

Next Chapter, Part 1: Confessions

Winter Breeze Ch. 4 Pt. 2

**Chapter Four Part Two: Double Date** "You sure you're fine now?" He then rubbed his palm against his nape and started to blush as his other hand was affixed to his hips "Yeah, sorry if you see me in a pitiful situation. That was totally...

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Winter Breeze Ch. 4 Pt. 1

**Chapter Four Part One: Confessions** "Frankly speaking, I was really happy when he proposed. For now, we're busy about the location of our marriage and making the invitations. He was so excited when we were picking our rental clothing, I hardly...

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Winter Breeze Ch. 2

**Chapter 2: Band practice** Ah, the clouds rolling in the sky, the cold wind swaying by, and the busy people in the streets buying things for their family and friends. Winter had really started since I came back. Today, I'll be going to the arcade...

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