Rapture and Closure (Chapter7, book8)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#7 of Twilight of the Gods Book8

See? I toldja I'd write you guys a sex scene. Rufus and Karla, the werewolf and the succubus. A match made in hell. And with all they've put each other through, she needed this, and he needed this, but for very, very different reasons as you're about to see. Enjoy.

Chapter -7- Rapture and Closure

Thursday, August 5, 2049 - 4:30am PDT San Francisco, California ...

Karla fidgeted with a whiskey bottle. The label read, "Gentleman's Jack," etched into the glass. She stood in the doorway of the sublevel training facility beneath the Parker Mansion. Her glistening green eyes remained transfixed on a black-furred werewolf at the far end of the room, fighting virtual attackers programmed by a computer display adjacent to Karla's hiding spot.

She glanced down at the screen. The level of difficulty was set at 'seven' out of ten. The succubus cut her mint gaze back to the werewolf, barreling through the sand-filled bags loaded over mechanical bodies.

From where she stood, she could see that the floor was covered in sand, where he'd clawed through several of the bags used to pad the robotic body parts. She imagined what it would look like if they were real people - blood instead of sand.

The werewolf picked up one of the robotic sentries and threw it into a slew of others, knocking the group down.

Karla remembered the ones she fought in Aris Falcon's laboratory, about twenty-five years ago. These units appeared to be of a similar design quality, perhaps stolen technology from Falcon's prototype electric goons.

A housemaid-looking robot came out of the wall with a wide push broom. It struggled to move the heap of mangled robots across the floor to a hole in the wall. Karla decided it looked a bit like something out of a bowling alley. A machine came down and swept the remains from the mouth of the pit. It remained in place to prevent access to the hole in the wall.

A wry grin tugged at the corner of her lips. She levitated the whiskey bottle adjacent to herself and clapped, walking across the room.

Rufus looked up at her. A wolfish grin found his muzzle. He bowed in a melodramatic way, swaying his right hand across his waist. "Hope you enjoyed the show."

"Absolutely," she said. Karla snatched the whiskey bottle from where it hovered at her side. She passed it to him. "A peace offering."

Rufus grinned and pointed to another bottle, against the far wall, which was near empty. "Add it to the collection."

Karla's grin broadened. She waved her hand at the bottle. The whiskey vanished, reappearing across the room by the other. "You fight that well when you're drunk?"

Rufus laughed. His ears lay back upon his head, and his whiskers eased back, conforming to his maw. "Y'uns must be drunker'n me to think that was good fightin'."

"Two shots, mate. Had to make sure it was quality. Didn't wanna bring you some cheap shit, cause that's always the way it is if ye don't check, innit?"

Rufus replied with a Cheshire smile. "You _are_drunk. I hear yer Welsh dialect, Blondie."

"I was drunk when you carried me to bed. I'm better now."

"Naw, you weren't slurring yer words. You were just tired and the wine relaxed you to sleep, I'm thinkin'. Right now? You right toasted."

"Aren't I just?" She walked a circle around the werewolf, looking him over. "I woke up and watched some Dr. Who reruns on the tele. It must be coming out from that, y'know?"

"Maybe. Dialect is programmed in ya' head, Karla. Part of yer first language. It's how ya' talk when you're not thinkin' about it. Instinct 'n all that. Actually, the Brit accent is hot."

She replied with a giggle of amusement. "You like that, do ye?" She brought her index finger to her nose then closed each finger to her thumb-tip, one at a time, on each hand. "See? Not that sodding ripped, bloke."

"Didn't you once tell me that it comes out strong when you're drunk as hell?"

"Oi, I'll tell you when I've 'ad enough, roight?" She approached Rufus and placed her hands on her chest. "The question, luv, is 'ave you?"

"I'm sweating it off," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "That's the difference between werewolves 'n real wolves. We sweat a lil' bit."

"You'd sweat more without the fur."

"Metabolic rate's higher with th' fur, Blondie. I'll metabolize it faster."

She lowered her hand down and gave a playful tug at his sweat pants then ran her fingers up through the lush, soft fur over his abdomen. "Are ye drunk enough to make a dumb mistake?"

"Tha's exactly what it is, Blondie. A mistake."

Karla shrugged, looking up at him. "So? It's my mistake to make. We need to make mistakes, luv, else how can we learn anything?"


"Shh. Just let it happen," she whispered. The succubus trailed her right hand down to the hem of his sweatpants again. They dipped within, closing her fingertips around the softly furred sheath within. "C'mon..." It was easy to coax him to life. In mere seconds she felt the heat of his cock fill her palm. "You want this. So do I. Drop the pretenses. Drop the sodding manly honor act. This is instinct."

"Is it?" he replied in a breathy tone.

A coquettish smile found Karla's lips. "You're a wild animal, Rufus."

"Reckon I'm a bit more domesticated, sum' fierce, Blondie," he whispered against her forehead. His cool, moist nose pressed against her hairline, drawing in her scent.

"Mm, don't fight this, RueBear. The heart is a wild animal. Why else would God have made our ribs into cages?"

Rufus swallowed down his pride and said, "Just this once."

Karla beamed with delight. She held her hand up. "High five, wolfman."

Rufus eyed her hand for a moment. He stared at her then looked back at her hand. After a moment of deliberation, he reached his forepaw up to her palm.

Karla jerked her hand back and ran her fingers through her long blond hair, slyly. "Too slow."

Rufus reached down and snatched her by the waist. He lifted her up, pivoted, and pinned her to the wall. He leaned in, brushing his muzzle against the side of her face. His hot breath spilled out over her ear. "So're you."

Karla arched her feet down, unable to reach the floor. She placed her feet against the wall and slid them up, so that her knees rested on either side of his waist. "Fuck, that is so fucking hot."

Rufus grinned deviously. "So are you, Blondie. Reckon tha's why I'm burnin' for ya'." Well, it sounded clever in his head at least.

"I can't wait to show you just how hot you make me," she whispered back. Karla pushed her feet into the hem of his sweatpants then pushed her legs downwards, until they dropped to his ankles. "This is the same skirt I wore the first time we did this. Found it in my storage space ... Funny innit?"

Rufus reached his paws down and places them against the soft skin of her bare ass, beneath the skirt. "No panties, hmm?" His velveteen-padded paw pads were smooth and silky soft against her flesh. "You been plannin' this all along, haven't 'cha?"

"Since I woke up." She placed her palms against his chest again and reveled in the sensation of his heart pounding against her palm. "I like having an effect on you."

"You like having control?"

"I like feeling attractive." She brought her left hand back up and tugged at a leather lace. "I haven't worn this since the Victorian era." The thread slid through the fabric until it came free. The blouse opened in the front, exposing lush perky globes with pert pink nubs standing at the ready. She dropped the leather string to the ground then brought her hands up and cupped either side of his face. "Just once, then, luv?"

"Just once," he agreed. Rufus tilted his head a bit and pressed his lips against hers.

She shuddered beneath his grip and arched her hips a bit, squirming with need. "God, please."

"Be patient," he whispered in return. Rufus reached down, between their bodies, and placed his cock against the smooth, dew-drenched slit of her petals. He ground himself, playfully, against her.

"God, don't tease me, Rue!"

"Shh. No use rushin', Blondie. Everyone's asleep. We got time." He thrust his hips again, grinding the length of his cock along her hot, needy slit. "I ain't no minute man, after all."

"Mm, true. I remember."

"That's what I like to hear, Princess."

That was a new one. Karla quivered at the word. It made her feel small and beautiful in his large hands. She caught herself panting with anticipation and, instead, held her breath.

Again, the werewolf arched his hips, grinding his length along the moist lips of her passion-bruised petals. She ground herself up against him, pushing her flower against his body, full of need. Her emerald eyes lifted, full of hunger. "Please," she whispered.

"Soon," he promised.

"God this is such a bad idea, RueBear."

A breathy sigh. "I know."

"We shouldn't even be entertaining this..."

Rufus eased her down the wall, to the floor, and released her.

Karla swallowed. "No, wait, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just..."

"Shh." He reached up and touched a padded fingertip against her lips. He lowered in front of her, then leaned down and guided her knees apart. Rufus eased forward and brushed his moist nose against her sensitive lips, causing her to squirm with delight.

"Th-this doesn't mean we're together, y'know."

"I know," he said. Hot breath teased those luscious folds, throbbing with anticipation for him.

"This is such a bad idea," she murmured softly. "What are you waiting for?"

Without another word, Rufus thrust his tongue between those pink folds, pushing them apart with ease. His lengthy tongue tip curled up, brushing against the sensitive, textured flesh of her g-spot. His tongue waggled a bit, playfully lapping at the spongy button. His ears perked at the sound of her gasp.

"Oh my God," she whined, holding her breath again. "Oi, just like tha', luv."

Rufus didn't reply. He thrust his tongue into her again, enjoying her taste. The sound of her cries sent a jolt of yearning down his spine.

Meanwhile, the sensation of his tongue deep inside of her sent a similar rush up her back, followed by a tightening in her abdomen. She felt his padded digits encompass her clitoris, hugging the hot little button. His tongue spread her slick little lips. Her pussy parted like a butterfly's wings, glistening with dew, delicate and precious, softly caressing his lengthy tongue.

Karla's breath caught - a hot rush of release came right from her core. She arched her back and curled her toes. The rush of nectar drenched his tongue, coating his muzzle. The succubus reached down and grasped the fur behind his ears and pulled him towards herself. First she felt that moist nose brush her slit and then gasped in shock and surprise as his svelte canid maw pushed into her. "Rufus!"

He began to bob his head, muzzle-fucking Karla's hungry little snatch. His tongue pushed out, between his clamped lips, and flicked it against her cervix. She writhed wildly, never having experienced such a sensation before. Every little strand of short facial fur tickled her insides, yet stroked the fire burning within, stoking the flames. Her desire burned hotter by the second.

"Fuck me," she pleaded. Then, all at once, she felt the pressure disappear between her thighs. And, in reply to his withdraw, she moaned at the loss of being penetrated.

Rufus rolled her firmly about, until she was face down. He placed his palms against her hips and guided her rump up then moved his knees between hers, forcing her legs further apart.

Karla reached back and captured his swollen cock in her hands but he brushed her fingers away.

Taking control of the situation, Rufus guided himself up and placed the throbbing tip against the pulsing lips of her pussy, soaked with her prior release. He arched his hips and shoved himself into her, plunging deep from tip to the thick hilt. The sudden and complete penetration of her body caused the succubus to gasp long and loud.

She pushed her forehead against the padded floor of the workout hall, shoving her body back against his. "I need this so bad," she whined. "To be desired."

Rufus' paws moved up over her, exploring her figure, and trailing her hips. His palms slid down, beneath her, and glided up her tummy until cupping over her breast.

"Christ," she panted, "how could I ever forget those hands?"

Rufus eased his hips back then thrust forward again, cramming that fat, hard cock deeply into her aching little pussy again. He took up a cadence, immediately rutting her hot little hole with a delightful sexy squishing sound. It was pleasing to the ears, causing his to perk up as if beckoned by the squelching.

She bucked back, hungry to be stuffed by the wolf's enormous girth. It had been twenty-five years since he last fucked her, and it was every bit as passionate as she remembered. "God yes, fuck me. Please, baby, cum in me - I need this so bad."

His paws clutched at her breast, holding onto her firmly. He pistoned his hips, pumping her gooey cunt with every inch it could take. His knot swelled up, grinding against her moist twat, which clinched his cock so perfectly, as if milking him for seed.

"You like fucking your little princess don't you?"

"Just be a good little bitch and cum on my dick," he said with a commanding tone.

"Yes, sir," she whined with need. "Anything you want," she added, panting again. "Just don't stop."

His wolfish paws moved down to her hips, holding her steady while he rhythmically bucked against her, forcefully. The hormones and aggression began to take over. His anger with her, the betrayal he felt ... fucking her felt so wrong. Yet he felt vindicated, as if he deserved every bit of this. Rufus cupped her needy little cunt in his right paw and reached his left up, along her torso, and held her by the throat.

He leaned down and nipped his teeth against the flesh of her neckline, pounding his body against hers. He stretched those little lips, threatening to force the knot at the base of his cock inwards, despite the proper lack of depth of her pussy. He didn't care how deep she was, he only wanted to go as far as he could, and continued to grind at the end of each thrust.

Karla cried out, wildly, in pleasure and with a hint of discomfort, but she didn't care. She needed this and she knew he needed it, too. "Fuck me, Rufus!" she goaded him.

And the animal in his heart complied. He pulled her body back against himself while thrusting himself forward, stuffing her slit, roughly, with needful abandon.

All his emotions rushed back, flooding his mind like a wave of lust, love and hurt. The fact she chose someone else. The fact she ruined something good with someone more important than him. With every thrust, the anger and aggression, mixed with the whiskey from earlier, caused him to grow more dominating and feral.

Karla felt his heart thudding wildly in his chest, hammering against her back. She bore down, clenching those slick walls around his cock in an attempt to get him off. "Fucking cum in me," she begged. "C'mon, luv, do it. You know you want to. Own that pussy, baby," she said, trying to talk him up.

Rufus ignored the words. All he cared about now was this revenge fuck. All he wanted was to punish her for hurting his heart all those years ago. The werewolf clung to her body, wantonly slamming his body against hers. A frothy geyser of hot seed painted her inner walls.

She writhed wildly beneath him. The sensation of his release triggered her own climax, which she sorely needed. Yet, to her surprise, he didn't slow. Instead, he tightened his grip, making it difficult for her to breathe, although not impossible.

The werewolf, overcome with rage, desire, and passion, continued to rail her drooling cunt until their mixed cream dribbled down her inner thighs.

Now, wet enough and loose enough from being pummeled, Karla gasped again at the sudden foreign sensation of thickness sinking into her body. A wet, fleshy sounding POP! filled her ears, from his knot, nearly the thickness of a tennis ball, stretching her hot little pocket. She clawed at the padded flooring, flailing from surprise.

Rufus continued to ram his hips forward, unable to dislodge that fist-like knot, fully swollen inside of her. He felt her grow wild beneath him and tightened his arms to keep her steady. Every time he jerked his hips back, she gasped. Each time he thrust forward, she exclaimed with a squeaky grunt.

Words failed her. She pressed her forehead against the padded floor again, feeling dizzy from the rush of blood to her brain. "T-too much," she finally managed, but the succubus' instincts kept her hips in motion, bucking against him to try and finish him off.

Yet she knew he'd already filled her. How was he still going? What was driving him now, if not the need to achieve release? In all her years, she'd never been fucked so long and hard.

His body, and his cock, throbbed inside of her with a hot energy, and intensity of sorts, that she never felt before. She sensed his yearning, but with that knot corking his release, and trapping it inside of her, she couldn't help but wonder what it was he needed at this point.

Rufus never slowed. Every thrust was fueled by passion, by aggression, and testosterone. He crammed himself against her insides, mashing the swollen head of his cock against her cervix.

It was then that everything dawned on her. For Rufus, it was an angry conquest. He was being possessive, almost vengeful. She was afraid. But more than that, she was ... delighted. The thrill energized her body; she came again, drenching his cock in a fresh coating of gooey juices - a mixture of their previous release.

She was at a loss, disarmed by the intensity and power radiating from his body. He was forceful, aggressive, impassioned and she cried out between groans with every dominating thrust. Karla felt as though she could burst from the thickness of that knot buried in her body. He swelled to full size; it felt like a softball inside her.

"Say you're sorry," he huffed against her ear from behind.

"Wh... what??"

"Say it!" he growled. He pummeled that gooey little fuckhole, causing her legs to cramp up, making them become rock hard on either side of his knees. "Say you're sorry."

"Just fuck me, baby," she panted.

"No, say you're fucking sorry, Karla. Say it." He dialed up the intensity, slamming his hips into her. The knot popped free of her pussy, causing her to gasp, only for him to cram it back into her in one swift move, which elicited a cry of pleasure spiked with pain. "Say it!"


"No! Say you're fucking sorry!" He closed his left paw around her neck and grasped her shoulder in his right, holding her body for maximum leverage. Rufus put his right hind-paw against the nearby wall, pushing off of it. "You left me to die, you chose a man who you never loved, and you broke my fucking heart."


"Now say it!!" he snapped. He drew his hips back, forcing himself from her body, hilt to tip, then crashed his hips back against hers, careening into her body. He shoved his cock into her quivering little slit all the way to the base, stretching those walls with the reinsertion of his knot.

She cried out, unable to think or control her actions any longer. "I'm sorry!" Karla drew in a deep, quick breath, and shouted, "I'm so sorry, Rufus! I'm SORRY!!"

Rue shuddered. A second release, smaller in volume than before, spurt into her, flooding her with lava-like pearl. Her passion-bruised pussy responded in kind, gushing with a final release. She coated his cock, making it easy for him to slip out of her now-gaping, well-fucked pussy.

She felt the heat of his cum drooling down her inner thighs. Next, she felt his weight roll off of her body.

Rufus eased onto his side, staring at her. He panted hard, every so often drawing in a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds to calm his heart. "Was that so damn difficult?"

"Christ ... what was that?"

"My temper. Been bottled a while."

"No," she said, and rolled onto her back. She draped the backside of her forearm across her forehead. "How do I get you to fuck me like that more often."

"Hell no," he panted, his labored breathing beginning to slow. "You said this is the last time. There won't be some goddamn round two. Dayum, woman. Whatever, we're done. That ain't happenin' again. I was mad; I needed closure. I got it outta my system. No more fuckin'. It'll complicate shit, sum' fierce."

"What if I take back the apology?" she said with a lame half-grin. "Not right now, though. I don't think I can move. I'll be bowlegged for sure." Now that the adrenaline was thinning out she reached down, gingerly, and cupped her crotch with a wince. "Actually, I think I'll be sitting on a bag of ice. Jesus, RueBear."

"Let's hold off on the pet names while I get my head on straight, Karla."

"Christ, you give me the most emotional shag I've had in decades, then tell me we're taking two steps back?"

"I need to make sure you don't get the wrong idea."

She replied with a breathless laugh. "You think I'm going to be clingy? I'm a sex demon, dumbass. I don't get clingy. I've only been in love with two men my whole life. Marcus Howard and Eric Loupe. And it took a long time to realize I love my husband. And you know what? Every goddamn man that I love ... dies. So don't you goddamn worry. I'll never let myself fall in love again. It's better for everyone if I keep the wild creature in its cage." She brought her right hand up and patted herself just above the bust-line. "Forever. I came close to loving other people. Close. I loved Nathan. I loved Topaz. One died, the other hates me and she's gone, now. I loved Kalen. But only just. And I was starting to love you when I wound up pregnant. Why do you think it was so hard to make that fucking decision?"

"I shouldn't have fucked you just now."

"Oh, you regret it now?" She sat up, winced, then eased back down, flat on her back. "Given enough time, I could get used to sex being that rough. I heal, y'know. I'm not made of glass, Rue. I won't break very easily."

"Yeah, I know. But yanno what else?"


A tired grin tugged at the corner of the werewolf's muzzle. "You's back to speakin' in tha' there American dialect."

She snorted with amusement. After a brief pause, she added, "So I am. You fucked me sober. That's a first." Karla turned her head towards him. "We good? No fighting?"

"We're good ... Blondie"

She reached down and pushed the hem of her skirt down to the top of her knees. "Good. So, now what? Do we pretend like that never happened?"

"Nah, it happened. I ain't ashamed. Just frustrated."


Rufus scoffed. "Not like that, goofy girl." He gazed up at the lights in the ceiling and closed his eyes. "I could never trust you enough to have something more. Hell, I dunno. Maybe this-here ole 'wild animal' shit is just a bunch'a bull. Some part'a me wants a woman at my side. But it ain't you. Sorry to say it like tha', but I ain't never gonna forget that look in yer eyes when Falcon tol'ja to choose them pills or me. Haunting eyes. That look would haunt me forever if we tried to have something between us. Understand?"

She sighed. "Yeah. I understand. That doesn't mean we can't be friends with benefits."

"Actually, as nice as that sounds, I had feelin's for you. So ... yeah ... shit's complicated between us, Karla. There cain't be an us. At least no time soon."

Karla watched him for a moment then eased up onto an elbow. "There's someone else on your mind, isn't there?"


"I can see it on your face." She rolled onto her side with a wince. "You didn't fuck me like an angry werewolf. You fucked me like you would fuck another of your kind. Who is she?"

Rufus turned his head away, feeling betrayed by his facial expressions. "You're a sharp eye, Blondie."

"Who is she?" Karla repeated.

"Ulfey. I didn't know she was still around. She was a one-night-stand, years 'n years ago. I think it was before I met you, actually."

"I thought all the werewolves were hunted to extinction?"

"Apparently not. I found out she's still alive and I been thinkin' about her for the last few days. I wanna find her. Hell, she might be able to help the team."

"Rufus, you and I are linked."

"Heh. No, we were tied. Don't get it twisted, sister."

"Very funny. I mean ... I knew Peri."

Rufus rolled over and turned to face her directly. "You knew my sister?"

"Yeah. Tamamo kind of repressed those memories back in 1999. I remembered Chance because I was really, really in love with him. But Peri was pushed down into my head so far that I didn't remember anything about her until this year. I think it's why I have this silly sense of humor. I think I might have, maybe, like, somehow..."

"Spit it out, Karla."

"I think I subconsciously adopted her zaniness. It was my way of remembering someone I really cared about. One of the last things she ever said to me was I should shag a werewolf. She said 'Don't knock it until you try it,' or some such. And when I met you ... I tried it, as though it were somehow on my bucket list. Up until memories of her were repressed, I always thought it would be repulsive. I mean, you know, to 'fuck you like an animal,' as the lyrics go. It's just ... when she died, I was so upset. I adopted parts of her personality or something."

"How'd she die, Karla? Please, don't tell me it was somehow your fault."

"What? No!"

Rufus sighed, looking relieved. "A'ite. How'd she die?"

"She was fighting this psychotic group of firemen called Volunteer 606. They hunt supernatural people and call themselves 'crusaders.' They attacked her with napalm, and it didn't stop her. One of them used a grenade. She ... couldn't recover from that."

Rufus rubbed his face. He tensed up. His fur sloughed off in large patches. He rolled over, leaving the clumps of fur on the padded mat that covered the floor. Rue reached for his sweatpants, pulled them on, and tightened the drawstring. "Karla, she never transformed. It never happened for her. She left the tribe and got hitched up in Michigan."

"It happened for her in 1999, Rue. We met in Las Vegas in July. Someone shot her in the gut. She transformed almost immediately and ripped the gunmen apart. Literally." Karla reached both hands up and pushed the heel of her palms into her eyes. "Fuck."

"What?" He sat up and stretched. Rufus ran his hands through his hair roughly, shaking lose the last vestiges of fur. "What, Karla?"

"Both times she nearly died protecting Chance. The guy I loved. His real name was Marcus, but I called him Chance - long story. She was shot protecting Chance. And she took that grenade to protect him, too. You can't begin to realize how important she was to me."

"Where, uh ... where were you when she died?"

"I was fighting one of Falcon's freaky super-powered friends. This psycho vampire bitch named Elizabeth. I came outside of the warehouse and found Peri dead, and Chance hanging on, loosely. But she died like a warrior, hon. Fur, fangs, and honor. She died in combat."

"I always wondered."

"Chance said she felt a lot of heat, quick pain like a wasp sting, and then nothing."

"How'n the fuck would this kid know what she felt? Napalm? A grenade? Jesus, Karla. She suffered for you 'n your beau."

"Chance was murdered by the fucking Esoteric Council, okay? Because he was telepathic. And he was with Peri when she died. He felt everything she felt. Everything. He experienced every goddamn detail. She gave her life to keep him alive, and then those assholes took him from me. Reinhardt made her sacrifice worthless with the prick of a needle. That bastard put him down like an animal." Karla narrowed her eyes. "Come to think of it, I only_just_ remembered that."

"Reinhardt is workin' with Falcon. I found that out when hiding out down there, after you and the crew escaped."

Karla sat the rest of the way up with a wince. She pressed her thighs together then shifted her weight so that it was less painful. "He's still alive? You're sure of it?"

"You didn't know that?"

"I can't recall for sure! You're sure he's still alive?"

"Yeah, Karla. Reinhardt was the sum'bitch behind the attacks on the supernatural. I can't prove it, and I dunno why he'd order somethin' akin to genocide, but he's the one who had supernatural people wiped out."

"I thought it was Justus Loupe?"

"You thought wrong, Karla. That guy was blamed for it, but Reinhardt faked his death and quietly ordered anyone who'd ever crossbred with a human to die. And then he ordered any supernatural not loyal to Falcon's little grand plan ... to die. And now they're starting over, pretending to be gods over the humans down there. Some people even started praying to those bozos. And when Sire died, Reinhardt made some grand speech, sayin' he'd find a way to kill everyone in the Celestial Realm one day."

Karla rubbed her face again. "Shit."


"Sinopa said that's basically what happened recently. There was an attack up there, and that's why Tamamo had to flee."

"Shit's more jacked up than I thought."

"Yeah." Karla sighed. She crawled over to Rufus, brushed the pile of fur away, and dropped her head on his lap. "It's customary to hold a girl after plowing her that hard."

"Karla, that ain't a good idea."

She shrugged. "Yeah? I'm cold, I'm bruised, and I'm emotional. So shut the fuck up and hold me like a proper man. I won't tell anyone ... Jesus. Just stop being a bitch and wrap your arms around me."

Rufus smirked and rolled her onto her side, then he moved down, behind her, and spooned her. He put his arms around her and said, "This is the last time. I mean it. I cain't get get Ulfey off my mind, Karla. I shouldn't've stuck it to ya'."

"Then pretend like you didn't, and hold me because I'm cold. I'm hurting. Kinda raw right now. I got a better idea. How about you carry me upstairs, and tuck me in. Again."

"Last time," he said. "I mean it. This is the very last time." He got to his feet then eased down and lifted her up into his arms.

Karla winced and arched her hips a bit, trying to get some sort of relief from the raw feeling between her thighs. "Yeah. You better find this lucky bitch and she better treat you like a goddamn prince."

"Karla, it was a one-night-stand. We need to find her for the team. We need another werewolf."

Karla rested her head against his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. I saw your face. I saw your eyes when you were talking about her. You want to find this girl because you want to try and be with someone like you."

"I left all that shit behind me when I ran off to Australia for my walkabout in the late '90's."

"Just shut up and carry me up to my bed. I need to sleep."

Rufus scoffed. "You need sleep?"

"Goddamn right I do. I've been dealing with your wishy-washy ass all night," she said, grinning. "I promise. I won't feed on you anymore."

"I thought you get hyper after a shag?"

"I usually do. But I'm drunk, I'm exhausted, and, other than sleeping for two hours, earlier, I've been up for about thirty-six hours. I'm tired. Take. Me. To. Bed."

"Goddamn you're pushy."

"You're stubborn," Karla replied.



Rufus grinned. "Bitch."


The two went back and forth with sharp quips all the way upstairs. He dropped her onto her bed then pulled the covers out beneath her and pulled them up over her body. "Scumbag liar."

"Shithead," she murmured, rolling over and curling her arms and legs around a body-length pillow that was beneath the covers, long-ways, from earlier.



He made his way to the door. "Ditzy blond."

"Douchebag." She closed her eyes.

Rufus smiled a bit. "Jerk." He pulled the door shut.

"Ta, loser." Karla relaxed into sleep. The pain between her thighs faded to a dull ache, pushed out of her mind for the time being. Whatever. She still got laid, and goddamn did she need it. A weary smile spread across her lips.

Next chapter: https://www.sofurry.com/view/737792
