Giving Matty Milk

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Three things:

  1. 2074 words

  2. I will not try and mangle or cheapen a story with trying to squeeze in a sex scene.

  3. If enough people ask I will resubmit this story with another 500+ words even though it makes it ineligible for the contest. We can submit several stories.

Sorry I tried to remake the story some taking out and adding. I've always known my personal style of writing does not work well with limits on length, believe me I tried. The story is cute I think and is maybe one of those where it should be left to the imagination on what comes next.

Finally Inspiration came from Squiggles Quote of the day: And ScottyKat's reply which was discussed in stream.

"Yes Mrs. Evant." I said dutifully every few sentences trying not to stare a her chest while she smiled at me. She reached out and pat my head as I wiggled my tufted ears, I knew she found it cute. I'm Chris a fourteen year old lynx living three houses down and about to start my first ever babysitting job, well not really I was just watching Matty for four hours and getting thirty bucks for it.

"Let a mother have a little peace alright? I'm sure you'll be fine and Matty just loves it when you come over. Why don't you take him out and play with the little pool first. Roger will be home before five and remember, I don't mind if you call me." She said as she moved to the front door. When she looked back and smiled at me I was a little lost, looking at one of the hottest vixen in the neighborhood smiling at me. Mom and her were best friends and our families did lots of things together and I was excited that she had asked me to come over. I would have an afternoon free of my little sister, make some money, and be doing a favor for Mrs. Evant.

"Splash Splash SPLASH!" Matty cried bouncing around as the door closed. Before I could even reach down the stop the two year old cub he had latched onto my leg grinning up at me.

The next two hours were spent outside on the large concrete patio which quickly became drenched from the garden hose as we played with the small plastic pool and sprayed each other with the hose. When I finally pulled Matty inside I was soaked to the waist and he was drenched. It was no surprise to me when he tried to shed his wet shorts and shirt getting stuck and needing my help. I had been over several times and the Evant's didn't allow anyone past the back entry way when they were wet but the young cub had run around naked a few times anyways and I had been told it was normal.

"Hold still." I said grabbing one of the plush towels on the chair by the door. He stayed still long enough for me to rub his chest, arms, and part of his legs before he bolted through the kitchen into the house.

I took a few minutes for myself to really dry off and was left with two towels, a set of dripping toddlers clothes and my own wet shorts. Normally I would have just put them back on and head home but I still had a few hours before Mr. Evant would come. "CHRISSSS!" The cry came from the front of the house.

"Just a minute!" I hollered back sliding the folding doors back and shoving everything into the dryer, there was a six foot redwood fence around most of the yard and I was pretty sure the front curtains were closed. Although maybe not really appropriate I walked through the house feeling more than just a little awkward as I went to find Matty in nothing but my tee-shirt.

I found him dancing in front of the television to some colorful kiddie show. "Hey Mats you want a snack?" That got his attention as he yipped running up and grabbing my leg. What I didn't expect was the small paw that reached up and gently lifted my sack.

"HEY!!" With a shout I jumped back. "You Don't touch me there!" My voice was probably a little loud and Matty had fallen to his hands and knees as I jerked away.

He was grinning back up at me and I figured it might be a good time to try and explain boundaries. "Matty it's not right to touch people there. It's a private place." I wasn't sure he fully understood but his smile dropped to that sad little puppy face. "You can still hug me Mats, just be careful with your paws." I waited as he stood up and hugged my leg again but was left with uncomfortable feeling as he stared straight at my sheath the whole time.

I peeled him off my leg and spun him towards the kitchen. "Come on let's get a snack." I followed behind until he climbed up in his chair and sat down. "What shall we have?"

"Cookies!! And MilkMilk." I smiled heading for the cupboard. It was no surprise that there was a child proof strap on the upper cupboard since I know the little guy was more than ready to climb a chair to get what he wanted.

"What kind the green box, chocolate chip, or Oreos?" I asked.

"Black and white." He quickly answered.

I pulled out two small plates putting a half dozen cookies on each, made two glasses of milk, and went back to the table. I had eaten two Oreos dunking them as Matty barely nibbled on one. "MilkMilk." He finally told me.

"You have your milk." I said pushing the glass a little closer.

"No MilkMilk!" He said again pushing the glass away.

"Mats that is milk." I responded.

"NO MILK!" With a swipe of a paw he sent the glass over dumping its contents out.

"Matty!" I jumped up grabbing a rag off the counter and throwing it on the spreading white puddle. I dashed back to the table with several hand fulls of paper towels soaking up the mess looking at the kit who glared back at me with his arms crossed.

This made me stare back just as hard with what I believed to be a stern face. As I reached for his plate of cookies the phone rang, it was probably for the best because I would have had a screaming brat on my hands if I had taken them. "Hello Evant residence." It was none other than Mrs. Evant. "No everything's alright we just had a little problem with some milk."

"No Milk!" I turned at Matty's cry seeing him kneeling on the chair and slapping my glass over. I dropped the phone yelling, maybe saying some things I shouldn't. I don't think I cussed unless you count hell as a bad word. I slid to my knee barely catching the glass before it hit the floor. It was to late though to stop the while fluid running off the table, over the chair, and onto the floor.

"Bad Matty! Your moms gonna be mad." I told him suddenly remembering that I had dropped the phone. "Hello?"

"What's wrong." She demanded.

"It's not that bad Matty just knocked over my glass." I tried to play it down while he was screaming out MilkMilk in the background.

She obviously heard him because she asked me, "Did you promise to give him MilkMilk instead of Milk?"

"Well I figure Milk and MilkMilk are the same thing." I responded.

"Well dear you're going to have to either give him what he wants or figure out something else." She informed me. At the time I knew Matty was out of his chair but I didn't sense him near until his paw now made contact with my privates. Needless to say I freaked a little pushing him back and yelling while trying to tell his mother that everything was fine. "Chris stop and listen!" Her voice took the commanding tone that EVERY kid knows. "Matty never liked milk not even mine, he was a very fussy infant. However his father found a interesting way to feed him, one that he enjoys every chance he can get. Since his father won't be home for more than an hour you might as well try and feed him yourself."

I was young and didn't understand what she was hinting at but I was struggling more trying to hold Matty away from my leg as he gripped my fur and tried to pull himself closer. With the phone tucked against my shoulder I tried to ask what he needed to be fed.

"Well you see, MilkMilk is his word for his father's semen. I'm afraid dear that he wants to suckle on you. I'm not surprised he's likes you a lot and he might even find your difference down there fun." My mind instantly grasped on to basic anatomy differences between canine and feline since it still wasn't capable of dealing with what she was implying. "And don't worry, your mother knows all about this and she understood that something like this might happen. I just have to ask you to never ever feed Matty outside the house." She told me several more things and that her husband could talk with me later but I was still caught at the beginning of the idea.

"You mean you want me to..." I couldn't finish.

"Chris just take him into the living room and let him play around with you. No one's going to get upset and I promise if you don't want to do it again than you don't have to." By this point Matty had fought his way to my leg and had latched on tighter than a leech and even with me trying to hold his head away his tongue had made a slobbered mess of my paws. "I'll throw in an extra ten bucks." She said enticingly.

My mind was all about money and the fact I had none, and ten bucks. "Are you serious?" I finally asked.

"What's he doing right now?" She asked me.

"Umm he's grabbing my leg and licking all over my hands." I answered.

"Listen I want you to just lift your hands out of the way and tell me what he does, don't try to stop him just let it go." She instructed.

I was being told what to do, by an adult no less. My hands went up and Matty seemed to sense the change. One paw again, ever so gently, cupped my sack lifting them as his tongue reached out and made contact. "What's he doing?" The voice near my ear asked.

"He's touching me, and licking me?" 'Where?' came the prompt. "My nuts."

"That's right he plays with your balls and gets them ready. He wants to suckle off you just like he does daddy. You would like to suckle off my breasts wouldn't you?" She asked.

"I uhh..." There was no way I could answer that, no way I could even trust myself to make another noise.

"Chris put the phone down by Matty's ear." I almost dropped the receiver as I lifted my neck feeling the kink as I moved the muscles. I couldn't hear what was being said but his paw and tongue stopped while he listened. There was a little whine followed by several loud yapping barks of happiness as he let go and began bouncing in front of me nearly knocking the phone from my hand.

Carefully I put the receiver to my ear again even as he grabbed my free paw and tried to pull me out of the kitchen. "Chris just go to the couch, Matty knows how to do everything so just let him." There was a little pause or maybe it was a long one. Either way I was expecting her to say something, anything, this couldn't be real right? "Have fun...*click *"

Those little impatient paws didn't even want to let me put the phone back on the charger before he was pulling me back towards the living room. I was excited, shocked, I admit a little scared I mean this was a two year old, and I was aroused there was no way I could deny that.

Matty pushed me back into the couch giving a happy little shake with a little yip as he stared at me. I could see his tail waggling like made behind him as he touched my knee. Somewhere in that touch it seemed something changed, he smiled at me like, well like my father does at times and I was the one who blushed and looked down. Those little paws pushed my legs apart, and I let them.

"I luv you Chris." He told me.

"I love you to Mats." What else was I supposed to say.