My Element: Prologue

Story by Willis Read on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. _________William couldn't see anything over the dark black hell that was the battlefield. It hung low, like a blanket blocking out all light. Only the sounds and cries of the men dying on the battle field could be heard and by the gods there were so many. William could only cringe as he heard the sickening thwack of a war axe cleave it's way into a body. "Why me?, he thought,"This is hell, Why am I here?" His thoughts were interrupted by the approach of a messenger. For some reason William couldn't see the messenger's face but his voice carried clearly across the space between them, "Sir the enemy have broken through the eastern line. It's now in disarray and all manner of chaos is in order" "So much for the plan," William thought, "but I knew this was going to happen." He sighed. He shouted to the messenger, "Get all the survivors and wounded evacuated! Order the archers and cannon to fire into the enemy and sound the retreat!" The messenger nodded and vanished from Williams sight. Groaning inwardly, William went to his tent and grabbed some essential items. After grabbing his things he left his tent and made his way to the center of the camp. suddenly a huge earthquake shook the ground, knocking William off his feet. The ground heaved and rolled for several minutes and then stopped as quickly as it started. William picked himself up and looked around. nothing was damaged but how could that be?! He also noticed that he could hear the sounds of the battle no longer. "Not a sound, not even a breeze." He thought. He suddenly felt a change in the air and whirled around with his pistol drawn but that soon fell out of his hands as he realized what he was seeing... himself. Only it wasn't himself, this one was dressed differently. But what caught his attention was the strange crystals his copy held. One was red and appeared to have a burning flame inside. Another one was green and had a leaf inside it. The third and last one was clear as crystal and had a shining light inside. William couldn't take his eyes of the strange event before him. The crystals seemed familiar. William found his eyes to become very heavy and he collapsed onto the ground below, as a voice called out to him, "Sir? Sir? Please wake up sir." ________William woke with a start, wide eyed and blurry vision. He heard a feminine voice say to him with a slightly humorus tone, "Sorry to wake you sir but the library is closing

now." Library? What library? Oh wait... William's vision cleared enough now that he could take in his surroundings. He was in the local public library, name of which escaped him at the moment, sitting at a table littered with books while a middle aged woman stood nearby with a grin. "No I should be the one to apologise, I should have been long gone by now," said William rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The woman kept smiling and said," It is okay. Don't worry about your books. I'll clean them up, you go home and get yourself a real sleep." William simply nodded and proceeded to go grab his backpack sitting next to his chair, stuffing in his papers from the table and walked out the door of the library into the cool, Pacific Ocean are that swept through Seattle in the evenings. As William walked home his mind turned to the dream he had. He had been studying about famous military commanders and having an active imagination he knew it was bound to happen that he would dream himself into some role in the battle. That did not explain why he had seen himself though in that strange clothing, nor why he had those crystals. At the thought of those crystals his hand instinctively went to his neck and the necklace that hung around it.As far back as he could remember he had worn that necklace around his neck. It's was a simple thing really, made out of some shiny metal that after all these years had shown no sign of rust. He had never taken it off, not that he wanted to really. It would kind of be difficult to considering the fact that it had no clasp on it. Still as William thought about it the more he tightened his grip on the centerpiece of the necklace. A thin piece of metal that had etched on it a picture of a dragon in mid flight on it. He felt that that was the closest thing to his family he had left.The air grew colder and William drew his coat closer to his body. "Bloody hell. I'm overthinking this!" He said outloud to no one. Still as he walked up the steps of his apartment building everything about his future suddenly felt much more uncertain. And as William walked up the stairwell to his floor he failed to notice the pair of eyes watching him._______Authors note: Finished the prologue finally! Didn't realize that it would be that hard to put my ideas on paper, uh... I mean in digital writing. I will try to go and finish the first chapter soon. Please comment and use constructive criticism.