A Learning Experience Pt. 5

Story by Lithier on SoFurry

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#5 of A Learning Experience

Another 5000 words two weeks later? It's almost like the old days! I doubt I'll be quite as consistent, but I have hope things will be starting to roll up more from here with my new writing schedule. For those curious, I'm nearing the bottom of the commission pile at long, long... long last. It feels great! Keep an eye out for new entries and journals from me, I've been sitting on a lot of ideas on how to handle commission-type work from here on. I've got some less conventional ideas that I think could be really rewarding for everyone involved. But for now, enjoy more fun times with Ardanis and the gang! And don't worry, there's one more in this series :P Hopefully coming soon!

It's been a long night for Ardanis, but it looks like the lovely ladies smiling on every side have no intention of slowing down now. Can he give his girlfriend the make-up sex she deserves? Can he possibly hope to keep up with the three of them as things start to heat up?

All characters are (c) Sinister

In the mouth of a giggling, sultry stranger. Between the immense breasts of another, shamefully submitting to a mere thought. And, again between them, but reeling from being taken from behind. Ardanis had emptied his balls three times tonight already, and on any other night he would have been more than ready to roll over and black out.

But in the thick haze of arousal utterly enveloping him, he found himself aching hard even now, and soft fingers were guiding him, brushing along wet fabric and silky smooth hide. Hot juices kissed to his tip, and with a single motion, his dick was buried once more in warm flesh-- this time, at last, his girlfriend's soaking wet snatch, devouring him in an instant and seizing close around him, milking him with shameless desire. The rest of him might have felt drained and leaden, a soft groan dragging from his lips, but his dick was utterly revitalized in that molten, churning core.

Her lips were pressing eager kisses to his neck, to his cheeks, to his lips, and he found a fresh smile curling there, his breath deepening with new vigor. Her hands coursed over his sides, along his arms, squeezing at him affectionately, pulling his paws up and over her generous form as she straddled him, and her touch left warm prints in his hide, energy spreading through him. He took hold of his beautiful lover, grinning with stupid giddy affection, and he rolled to grind through her, the heightened sensitivity of his recently spent shaft only helping him feel out every delicious ridge in her ravenous cunnie. He moaned with her, arms winding tight around her back to pull her against him, and they rolled against each other in waves of grinding need.

To one side, Ginger was crawling up onto the bed, a faintly giggling shape in the corner of his eye slowly sliding atop the looming form of Mina. He could faintly hear the two of them exchanging warm affections, wet little kisses and murmuring conversations, likely about the pair now sharing their bed. Ardanis could spare little attention for them just now, though. He was too busy being buried alive.

A fat, luscious booty slapped to his thighs as his beloved cowgirl rode him, soaking him to the balls in her juices as her plump thighs clung to his hips, calves hugging down his legs as she swung to swallow him up again and again. Her belly pressed snug to his, and her breasts rolled lush and heavy over his chest, massaging the raw heat of her body into him even through the rumpled fabric of her dress. And even with how soft, how luxurious and yielding her curvy form was wrapped around him, her lips were the most delicate, yielding touch on his body, wandering over him, often claiming his mouth in a deep kiss only to leave him panting out the next moment as she poured her affection down his neck or up over his ears. He could only grin senselessly under the bovine, throwing his body into meeting the greedy downswing of those broad hips with each blow, to drill just a little deeper into her overflowing core.

When she finally pulled up and free of his grasping, groping arms to sit upright astride his hips, the rush of air chilled him suddenly, the rest of the world much too cold and barren for his lusty sensibilities. He sighed out sharply, eyes finally focusing to fall on her slowly gyrating form as she smiled down on him, peeling her dress up and off at last with a sigh of relief. His lips curled in a hungry smirk as he leered, taking in those heavy globes swaying on her chest with her constant lusty motions as her broad hips rolled sinuously around in every direction to grind him along her every hidden recess, driving his twitching meat to explore her walls with overbearing thoroughness. His paws lunged for her greedily, groping at every part of her in reach but inevitably latching onto those lush mountains to knead his fingers in deep, drawing lusty moans from her throat.

This was... yes. This was what he needed. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he dimly recognized how foolish he'd been-- moments before, he was convinced he'd be best off taking it himself, mounted and bred by the strange women now watching the two of them with warm smirks. And it had felt amazing. But that didn't diminish the satisfaction of a sweet, hot cunt-- especially not that of his love, his Naira, the one that had managed to convince him he'd need no other woman to satisfy him. Which had been true. But now... now he had more than what he needed for satisfaction. On one paw he had his wonderful girlfriend, and on the other a whole new realm of pleasure, and now... now things were really going to get interesting for this lucky feline.

A growl of raw, virile hunger rose in Ardanis' throat as his smile widened, and Naira's eyes lit up in delight as his hips drove upward, heaving her forcefully from her seat only to drag down and let her crash in atop him again as he pushed up a second stroke. Body flooding with heat, with the hedonistic rush of a whole new future of endless, wanton sex opening before him, he drilled into his sweet cowgirl and finally knocked her off balance, pulling her forward by those teats to collapse atop him again.

He hardly let her land before he heaved her over, though, rolling her on her back-- shoved snug against Mina's heavy form as he mounted her with a snarl. The minotaur snickered and slung an arm up, out of the way of the cowgirl's back, sliding round her shoulders behind her head to hold her as the feline pushed her legs high and spread.

Prone, pinned, and folded in half, she couldn't do a thing to stop him as he claimed that hot cunt on his own terms, balls slapping sloppy wet to her plump cheeks, churning furiously as he prepared a fresh batch, drained but determined. His paws latched to the backs of her thighs just under the knees, heaving down, pushing her spread and folded tightly, rolling her hips up to make her sweet sex nearly the highest point on her body. Loose snarls spilled from him with every breath as he scrambled over her, feet scrabbling at the bed even as he rutted away at his beautiful, milky maiden. Every stroke was so intense it almost hurt, but he only wanted more, more of her, more of this night of insanity and warped pleasure. He barely even realized when his balls seized tight yet again.

Seed slopped down between her cheeks, dragged out, shoved out of her as he fucked her right through his orgasm, an insensate roar spilling from his throat as he threw every ounce of his strength, of himself into ramming into her again and again until there was nothing left, and his body crumpled even as his hips managed a tottering thrust or two more. Her own juices were overflowing around him, and he sank to firmly hilt in her core as he came crashing down atop her, his landing well-cushioned by her warm pillows and welcoming arms.

Naira was panting heavily, eyes hooded, legs slowly pulling free of his nerveless paws to curl slowly around him and pull him close, snuggling with the utterly spent feline. He barely managed windy little breaths, a tremble occasionally spreading through him from his shaft as it throbbed slowly within her in answer to her milking, pulling squeezes. A moment, and he groaned faintly, eliciting a breathy giggle from his lover as she stroked over his head and back. "Thank you..." she murmured affectionately, her voice still shaky. "Even after all that, you were saving up for me, huh? It's okay... you can rest now..."

Ginger giggled faintly, and the two came into existence at Ardanis' side again-- the heavy warmth brushing his leg was Mina's powerful thigh, the weight on his useless arm her breast. They were stirring slowly, and the feline found his head rested at just such an angle on Naira's plump mounds that, if he dragged his eye open, he could spy their intertwined forms.

Mina was grinning slowly, her body just rolling in the slowest grinds, setting the bed swaying subtly like a ship at sea. Ginger was sprawled across her belly, nibbling over her other breast, licking up some of the juices Ardanis had left and occasionally leaning up to share them with the minotaur, who had to stoop down to meet her sloppy kisses. A big, powerful hand was scooping tight into the mousegirl's ass, pulling her cheek spread taut as the immeasurable bulk of bullcock ever looming over affairs on the bed ground in just under those fingers, throbbing slowly as she toyed with her girlfriend's backdoor. Ginger was leaking shuddering squeaks with every firm push and relaxing into a giggling sigh as the bullgirl eased, but the feline could see that flesh was digging ever so slowly deeper between those cheeks.

Engrossed with the preposterous idea that that totem pole could ever fit inside anyone's rear, it took Ardanis a moment to notice Naira's soft, inquisitive coos, and a moment further to realize what had her stirring slowly under him. It seemed almost impossible, but somehow, something had gotten him hard again! Or at least, enough to stir up her sloppy cunnie a little, and his hips gave a lazy grind as soon as he noticed, weakly stuffing a little deeper in her sweetness. His muscles were burning just contemplating moving right now, but damn it all, that felt good. He groaned faintly into her breast, drawing a deep breath straight from her cleavage as he turned his eye back to the couple, managing a slow, intimate grind into his lover as her hands ran tenderly over him.

Ginger was arched, her immaculately smooth, tanned form drawn into a sensuous complex of curves that would have instantly trumped any centerfold. Her hair thrown back, her lips just parted in the beginning of a moan, barely revealing the teeth behind her plump lips, she was silent, straining wonderfully, a low tip just visible behind her shapely thigh, twitching and drooling on the minotaur's belly. Endless inches of fat shaft connected the bullgirl's nethers to that wide-spread ass, where the impossible girth of her head was firmly buried. They were connected, and for just this perfect moment, they lay in repose, familiar yet still having to grow re-accommodated to the delicious intensity of their interlocking. Ardanis was simply astonished they could fit it in there at all. He could see the fat cumvein on the underside of that monster twitching and bulging, likely already flooding her with those salty sweet juices... he licked his lips, and Naira cooed.

He was definitely hard now, he found. His hips had fallen to a stop, though, exhausted-- and Naira was picking up the slack, a sly smile on her face when he managed to peek up at her. Her feet were folding down close, and with a little careful flexibility, two soft soles clamped to his rear and pulled him in, grinding his rod deep into her and stirring it around. A weak groan surged from him, and his paws found their way to her again, just grasping at her sides as she used him for a toy, stirring his seed around and around her cunt with low, intimate moans, her hands combing through his fur. He sighed and kissed into her breast, wading in easy waves of ecstasy and utterly relieved that she seemed happy to take over and let him rest a few moments. A tight pant and gasp drew his eye around again as his body rolled slowly atop his lover's.

Inch by inch, that pillar was disappearing. It nearly looked like a magic act, especially considering how easy Ginger made it seem. Her body rolled back and forth firmly, easing an inch up that shaft, just barely letting a glisten of pre peek from between her cheeks before she swept down to take two or even three inches at once, her face intent, teeth biting firmly into her lower lip. Mina's hands were tight on her arms now, and they wrestled together almost languorously, each swaying into the other in time to drive that monstrous creature home with little more than the combined inertia of their bodies, moving in synchronicity. Their intimate understanding of each other humbled Ardanis a little. There was no word or signal that he'd glimpsed, just... a deep knowledge of one another.

A soft moan over his head jerked his attention back to the woman he was balls deep inside. Something was stirring her-- besides his fatigued rod. He rolled his head, and found that in his fascination with the point of penetration between their new friends, he hadn't even noticed as Mina's arm had drawn close around her fellow bovine to grab up the plump teat Ardanis wasn't using for a pillow. He'd wandered over to one side for a better view of the other couple, and in leaving the one mound unattended, Mina had found a new toy to sink her fingers into, kneading in deeply and wringing soft whimpers and moans from Naira. Ardanis wondered distantly if he should have felt slighted, but the way she was tightening around him, her feet jerking and shoving at his rear to grind him in all the tighter, he knew she was helping more than he was. If it made Naira feel better, then it was fine with him.

"Fffuck..." The word broke across the intimate silence of pants, sighs, and moans, and Ardanis followed the spike of urgency, Mina's voice low and throaty with strain. She was tensing steadily, her plentiful padding taking sudden definition with the powerful muscle underneath, her smooth belly suddenly hard under her lover, her arms and legs trembling with power. Ginger was smiling serenely, her rear hanging low over those powerful hips. Her own arousal bobbed over that taut belly, occasionally just kissing wetly to it. The bullgirl was nearly bottomed out, but something was wrong.

Whimpering noisily, Naira started to squirm under him. He could feel that powerful hand mauling at her breast, focusing the minotaur's boiling energy on that poor, supple mountain, rocking it against his own roughly with every squeeze and mash and twist. And more, he could feel the brutish treatment rolling through her, through muscles quivering and tensing, hands clinging and squeezing at him, feet digging at his rear, her tunnel rippling and wringing at him with growing urgency. It felt amazing, but even this couldn't summon another orgasm from his utterly depleted nuts. He could only watch on, and feel what Mina was doing to her... with just a hand.

Hanging in the most terrible suspense, the two almost seemed to be playing a game together. Ginger was leaning forward ever so slowly, a playful smile on her lips as her own arousal ground against her tight-panting lover. The massive bullgirl was baring her teeth, her jaw tightening until a cord rose in her neck, but her lips were drawn in a loose grin. What little he could see of that fat shaft still suspended between the two of them was throbbing constantly. Ginger's mouth opened over the broad, pink tip of one of Mina's faintly glistening udders, still smeared with his seed yet now bearing a faint sheen of sweat. Mina's eyes were bolted to that lowering mouth, wide open, teeth bared, and Ginger's body tensed at last, her tail whipping intently behind her as her hands drew down her lover's broad form. Every sharp breath the minotaur puffed out counted an agonizing tick, one more second on the edge.

A ferocious bite sank deep into that fat tit, and hands seized to haul the mousegirl down all at once, burying the minotaur to the balls in her lover even as those unstoppable hips finally plowed upward, the collision an audible crash of flesh that drove Ginger right back up again as a broad bulge punched out in her belly-- hard flesh, throbbing, and suddenly it was a swelling dome of seed, giving the mousegirl a quickly growing pudge. A grating snarl finally burst free in a roar that set Ardanis' every hair on edge-- he was in bed with a monster! The window-rattling bass finally dropped out, leaving his ears ringing, and he barely realized Naira was crying out herself, clutching at him.

Juices surged around his length, a fresh, thick wash rolling right down his balls as she massaged him in thick waves, hips rolling to roughly grind him around her depths with desperate moans and soft squeals, her breast a reddened and bruised creature half-mangled under the minotaur's grip when he finally turned his head to find it. Ardanis shuddered, ears folding back. For just a moment, in the deep of her orgasmic squeezing, he almost thought he could... but... no. He sighed, and somehow, he found some relief in it. She might have been using his dick for the toy, but it was Mina that had gotten her off-- and that was okay.

He drifted in the warmth, the waves of coital heat radiating all around him as the panting creatures slumped and relaxed, the idea still developing in his mind. Naira was his, and he was Naira's. But there were things Naira couldn't do for him --though a toy was still pretty nice-- that these two could. And there were things he couldn't do for Naira --though he did a decent job at least-- that these two very well could. And that was alright. Hell... His eyes slipped shut. If he could count on these two to make sure his girl was satisfied when he was too blackout tired from emptying his balls, wasn't that a lot more than alright? It was a special kind of perfect.

And if he felt a little... smaller... for being overtaken sometimes by... well, by a freaking minotaur? Maybe that was okay too. Maybe it was a little more than--

The bed lurched slowly, creaking and rising dramatically. Ginger cooed and giggled. "We're gonna go wash up. It looks like you two could use some rest."

Naira hummed bemusedly and stroked over Ardanis' head. "Poor thing. I guess we didn't think this through so much, we went and used him up all right at the start, huh?"

Ginger's voice was distant, but he couldn't tell if she was actually further away or if it was him that was sinking away, now that he was buried in heat and the excitement had stopped for a moment. "Ohh, I think we'll get a little more out of him tonight. He's gonna have to build up his stamina fast, after all-- he's got three girls to please now." Her giggling wound around his brain as he sank rapidly into darkness. The very thought of trying to satisfy all three rambunctious vixens was enough to summon an overwhelming wave of exhaustion...

A strange, intense sleep brought him fragments of thoughts and dreams. His heart still wanted to race, but he was so desperately exhausted, he slept deeply yet stirred often. Fears, uncertainties, false confidence fluttered by. Warmth, seductive pleasure, the promise of absolute fulfillment taunted him, slipping away when he reached out. There might have been flashes of his night in the club, of his past life as a club crawling manslut, from before Naira had found him.

But the image that stuck, that settled firmly into a proper dream, if only for a moment, was his dad's garage. Ardanis was seven, and his dad was still the coolest guy in the world. All that bullshit hadn't gotten between them yet. Ardanis was sitting on his dad's motorcycle pretending he was speeding down the open road, when his father slid in behind him and put his big, dark, callused paws over the tiny grays of Ardanis'. He said some things about how to ride, and showed him where to put his paws, though Ardanis couldn't reach that far very well. A lot of it was fuzzy, he couldn't remember the details.

But he remembered the feeling. In this moment, he was surrounded by someone larger than him, and stronger than him, and it felt right. It felt like the natural order, and it was a relief that he had someone he could count on to know better than he did. To be more powerful, and to be better at everything. The warm scent of musk and leather.

"...still cleaning up..." The thought lingered with him even as the outside world began to creep into his head, words trickling in his ears and slipping past, occasionally resolving into meaning. "...taken the edge off, should be a little safer..." The warm security of having someone above you. He'd almost forgotten. He had to be a man now, and real men didn't let anyone get the better of them. But... what if that was a load of bull? "...little game we play. Seemed like a great chance, he already got her so worked up..."

"But... didn't that hurt? I mean, your stomach..." The ground under him heaved and rumbled with the voice: his love, his partner. She was here.

A gentle laugh answered. "It takes a little getting used to, I'll admit. She hasn't stuffed that much in me in quite a while now. Seems she likes you two." The tittering voice of a new friend, always gently teasing yet praising, bringing joy to everything she touched on. This wasn't what he thought right out so much as the general sense of the warmth rising in him, a similar happiness found in realizing that this strange new companion was near. The evening's events were slowly filtering back into his memory.

"She did seem a little excited to meet me." Naira gave a fretful little chuckle. "We did have a lot of fun... but, I'm still kind of worried about my baby getting jealous." A hand stroked over his back.

"With all the dick and booty he's gonna be getting from us? He'd have to be pretty greedy to want to keep you to himself. And he'd have to last a lot longer than this." Her humor had turned just a touch darker.

"Not that, not really. I think he'll be okay with it, for now, but in the long term... well, we'll see. But I mean... Mina is... bigger. And well, in a way, she's... you know..."

"More manly?"

Naira was silent under him.

"Well, why not? He's not exactly Duke Beardsworth himself, he's kind of got that flitty girlish side to him, it's what makes him cute." The smile, whether fond or bemused, was audible in Ginger's voice. "I knew he had potential as soon as I saw him. But if he's going to play with dick as much as he seems to want to, he's gonna have to learn there's more to life than men that put things in holes and women with holes for putting things in." The bed shifted slowly under his knees and draped paws, reminding him that they existed. "He already enjoys being dominated. If he can't accept that, it'll only be trouble for him."

That gentle hand slowly curled its fingers to comb through his fur, ruffling it up then smoothing it down. "You think so...? I guess he did seem... pretty happy... I didn't really think about it too much." There was uncertainty in her voice.

A throaty chuckle. "Not sure you want a boyfriend that likes being a subby little slut?"

"Not that. No!" She shifted, and he could feel a stir around his shaft-- he was inside her! "I... I didn't know I could feel so turned on. Although part of me really wanted you or Mina after all that. But... he's mine, and I love him, and I want him. Seeing him like that was amazing, but... I don't know." Worry trickled through the sleepy feline's mind, his heart starting to pick up.

"You still want to feel like he can be your big man." Ginger's words only hinted at a question. "Like he can take charge and fuck you like always."

Naira's voice was small. "Well, I guess he already proved that pretty well, didn't he?" She gave an embarrassed sigh. "I guess I'm just worried something will go wrong. It's the first time we've tried anything like this, you know?"

Humming softly in answer, Ginger shifted close-- he could smell her, and he thought he could feel the warmth of her nearing as the bed shifted. "Well. Just be honest and open with each other. And with yourself. As long as you keep things simple and healthy, the only question is, does fooling around with us make things better between the two of you, or does it pull you away from each other?"

Drawing circles in his fur, Naira fidgeted and sighed. "I... I don't know. I mean, it's exciting, but how do I know if it's better for us?"

"Well... does it help cover any problems you might have had? Does it make good things better?"

This sounded familiar to him. He stirred slowly, though he couldn't remember just yet what he might have added to the conversation. "Cover... I think it does, yes. I could think of a few things you two can kind of smooth over for us. I'm not sure if it makes any good things better, though." Her hand slid up to stroke over his head as it rolled slowly to emit a sigh.

"Well, besides the crazy sex you just had." Ginger was teasing again. "I'm assuming it's not quite so dramatic every time between you two." A shy coo from the cowgirl seemed to be enough of a response. "Well... maybe we could help you two out, then. I've got some things to show you I think you might enjoy... But, for now, it looks like our favorite boy is waking up!" She shifted again, and a soft weight pressed to his arm-- a breast, by his reckoning. "So, ways we can help you two. I can think of one simple way you can get him up and running again now that he's had his little nap..."

"You really think he'll be able to keep going after all that?" Naira was starting to shift, stretching a hint under him. He found himself a little reluctant to wake properly, but it did seem to be the way he was drifting.

Another hand was sliding over him now. "Let's find out..." Feather light fingertips glided down his back and over his rear before pressing his cheeks open. His fur bristled just a hint, and a faint grunt caught in his throat when she touched to his tailhole. It felt rather odd... sticky, and a little sore, but... good, in a way. Was he getting used to all these girls trying to put things inside him?

Her finger pushed firmly, and he shuddered out, body coming slowly alive in a moment of tension. But she broke through, sliding inside-- and touched to sudden, thick, slippery warmth. The mousegirl hummed appreciatively and worked her finger around slowly before taking a few easy pumps in and out. A half-voiced groan trickled out of the feline as she worked that slick substance up out of him, letting it soak up into his ring again to smooth her passage. What was...?

"Hmm, he's still holding on to my little gift. It's gotten a little thicker, but..." She gave a firm thrust of her finger, and he jerked, a soft groan breaking from his throat. What was more, he'd stirred inside Naira, hardening slowly at the firm, slippery penetration. He was starting to feel all sorts of slippery, gooey good back there, had that really been waiting just inside him? He shivered slowly. "That should work nicely. But... I bet we can make it one step better."

Her hand withdrew, leaving him shuddering and empty back there, suddenly left with a gooey hole ready for... for something, anything. His ears drew back, and he only barely noticed, so focused was his mind on the strange feel of ...need... when Naira reached down. He could feel another set of fingers around hers, guiding them to his rear. He drew a shaky breath.

Where Ginger's fingers were thin, nimble, and mischievous, Naira's were silky smooth and soft, graceful but powerful. He never realized it quite as thoroughly as when she tenderly pushed one pale finger to his tailhole and pushed through, penetrating him. An electric tremble ran up his spine, drawing it up in an arch as he hissed faintly.

"He-- he got bigger!" The cowgirl breathed her discovery in delight. She shifted, her arm sliding in firm around his side, and she firmly stroked through his inner walls, spreading that thick mousegirl jism around his insides. He shuddered and pressed his head down, grinding it into her breast as his body flexed, his hips grinding to hers in shaky earnest.

"It's one thing to get fingered," the mouse murmured smugly, "and another entirely for your girlfriend to stir up the load her friend's left in your ass." She stretched and sighed, sprawling out on the bed as Ardanis' eyes blinked open. "Morning, sunshine. You two have fun..." She giggled and settled back.

Naira's finger plunged deeper, and his body responded, tensing, closing around her, and he ground around her sloppy depths with a throaty groan. He had no idea where this energy was coming from, but he felt alive again! Naira was smiling up at him, her eyes glittering with an affectionate mixture of lust and delight, and he could only grin wordlessly in answer. She started pushing slowly in and out of him, and he let a tight sigh go as his hips worked in answer, fucking her sweetness at pointblank as his backdoor flexed slowly around her.

He didn't dare to pull out far, as even though she was a bit larger than him, she could only reach so far. Her fingers were spread in a tight clutch at his one cheek, her middle finger probing deep as it could stretch into him, and he found himself compelled to grind his pleasure out in her cunt, to pass on the strange, squirming sensations pushing into him. He started to form words a few times, but he only found shaky groans falling from his lips as he surged against her, grinding and digging at her inner walls, mashing their well-acquainted nethers tight together, bone rubbing affectionately on bone through her supple padding.

A door creaked subtly behind him and a heavy sigh filled the room, and though he felt a subtle jerk of surprise, his body did not falter in claiming his girlfriend or milking at her gentle yet insistent finger.

"Now that's a hunnerd times better." The bullgirl's drawl faintly surprised him-- had he heard her speak before? Maybe only... moan. He shuddered, hips heaving in to rock his girlfriend up the bed. "We gettin' started again already?"

"We're showing Ardanis and Naira how we can make the fun parts of their relationship better. I think they're off to a good start..." Ginger slid to the edge of the bed to exchange affections with her lover, who was radiating the damp heat of the shower. "Seems our dear boy does, in fact, like getting our seed fingered up inside him by his hot girlfriend."

The minotaur's voice trickled with laughter high above him. "Surprise, surprise." They shared another moment as Ardanis set up on his elbows, panting and smiling tremulously down at his love as she pulled him close. "Well... Maybe 'sbout time I help, then."

Her form was impossible to ignore circling them, even out of sight, she seemed to have a certain gravity. She drew in at the edge of the bed beside them and tossed aside a great, billowing towel. He was about to glance up at her when she imposed her presence on them-- a fat, slowly throbbing presence lurching into the space between their faces, the tip beading with fresh, clear juices. "Here's another one: it can be fun ta share somethin' while yer hard at it." Her tone was syrupy sweet, layered atop a shameless smugness.

Ardanis should have been annoyed at her sudden, rather rude intrusion, but he couldn't suppress the sudden desire that rose in him at the sight of that creature, its musk, gentle now but ever present, setting his tongue to wetting his lips. Worse, he glimpsed a lusty expression on his girlfriend's face over the broad crimson horizon of that fat head, her mouth opening under that swelling, glistening bead. Their eyes met just around the edge of that creature, and he was throbbing thick inside her just as her walls seized down around him. They leaned in together.