Emotional Bonds Part I: Secret Passions

Story by MechWolf on SoFurry

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(note) Ok this is my first Yiff story, the first part dosent have alot of Yiff in it, but the other 2 parts after it do...so dont expect much out of this, just read this so you can get an idea of who the characters are and how they feel towards eachother.

A new morning arrived to the town Crescent Forest, the suns rays shown through the trees of the nearby park and off the tops of the tall skyscrapers. Inside a duplex just a block from the park, in a medium sized room, vixen...her fur was crimson red with a white stripe of fur going down from the lower part of her neck to between her thighs, then spreading out over the inner parts of her arms to her elbows, and legs to her knees. Her fur lock under her neck was pressed against her breasts. She may be only 19, but she had a very impressive size rack. Her red tail poked out of the dark blue covers, its white tip easily seen as the tail drops down from the far end. She had a long mussel and long ears, being a fennec fox, these things were natural then most fox's, besides, she always enjoined the sensitivity they had...it was fun in some ways too. As her digital clock changes to 8am, it turns on the radio "Good morning Crescent.... this is DJ Zeek saying a wakeup call to all you sleepy heads...that's right is a beautiful Fall morning and I'm gonna give yah some great tunes today, but first for some news you can use here's reporter Alex with the local weather..." The fox moans as the radio goes on about the usual day things, she gets up out of bed, opening her emerald green eyes and looking around the room, white painted walls with black wooden cupboard, drawers, and a desk near the window. A computer was next to her bed against the wall with a lamp near it and out the window with a balcony, and through it she could see the park nearby. She climbs out of the dark blue bed covers draping the white sheets off with her as she walks to the window. Her white silk top glistened in the morning sun as she walked to the window, she always slept in panties and a silk top...was most comfortable for her, and she never felt so free with silk. As she walks into the bathroom the radio starts to play music, some of her favorite songs come on and she hums to the tune as she removes her clothing and steps into the shower, shaking her long fox tail to the beat. As she stands in the small bath/shower she lets the hot streams of water patter against her fur, she felt heaven all over again as she lets it run down her breasts, over her stomach and dripping off from her pink pussy, the warm feeling was enticing as she started to drift off in pure pleasure, she then slowly rubs her own breast, softly feeling them under the war water and moaning softly to herself, she hadn't felt true love, she was still with her virginity and sometimes would play with herself. As she's rubbing her breasts she slowly moves one hand down to her pussy, softly stroking it and inserting one finger, her body flows with a heat wave of pleasure as she fingers he pink pussy, moaning a bit louder to herself. As she removes her fingers she starts to nod off it wasn't a full pleasure but it felt good as she breathed heavily...she closed her eyes to left the feeling linger, traveling off in her thoughts... Suddenly she snaps back to reality as she hears a knocking at her door. "One moment!" She calls out as she cleans herself off with the water. Turning off the shower, she wraps a towel around herself, covering her body as she answers the door. The water dripping off the three red spread out bangs in the front of her head and the long weaving hair that fell down the back to her shoulders. As she opens the door she gets a surprise...there standing at the entrance was a Crystal Blue fur fox, he was wearing black jeans, a matching t-shirt under a dark blue vest, which was printed with large yellow letters S.W.T.S on the shoulders with an Sword atop a Shield insignia on the right chest pack. He wore black boots with matching fingerless gloves and had darkened sunglasses, which he pressed down onto his nose so his golden/blue eyes could be seen. Tanya gasps "Mitch...what are you doing here?" she says both shocked and happy "I stopped by to say good morning, besides I do live next door," he says chuckling a bit. He notices she was only wearing a towel "a little skimpy for work I must say" he says smiling at her as Tanya blushes and giggles. "Well you caught me at a bad time, I was in a shower!" she exclaims. "Oh id love to see that!' Mitch says jokingly as Tanya nudges him "Ok big boy, I think you should head to work," she says smiling as Mitch nods, he was an officer for the local military force, the S.W.T.S (Special Weapons Tactical Squad), he was strong, well built and always there to lend a hand. Tanya knew he was a great friend since he always liked to check up on her, or invite her for coffee. As he walks away he salutes her with two fingers while he walks down the stairs to the lobby below. Tanya waves quickly and sighs. Closing the door and then leaning against it "He's so cute!" she thinks with a sigh as she gets back into the shower, it was odd to her, she felt a warm feeling when Mitch was around. She couldn't put her finger on it but she always felt a sense of warmth and comfort with him...standing there, his strong body, his muscular arms, his beautiful eyes...NO!! He was a friend and that was it...but still, was it just friendship...or something more? She kept this in mind as she continued to clean herself...looking down at her body, with a sigh; she soaps up, washes her hair, rinses down and gets out. She quickly does her morning routine, brushing her teeth, combing her hair and getting her clothing on, the usual dark green short sleeve t-shirt with black pants. She worked only a few blocks away at the nearby Coffee Shop...wasn't the best job but she needed the money. She quickly slides down the railing to the lobby, grabbing her leather jacket, and climbed onto her red motorcycle. Quickly revving it up and driving to work, as she drove she listened to the radio... the usual sports and weather came up along with traffic which she really didn't need to know about, but what really was interesting was that one news story noted that two girls were found in the park, raped and killed, covered in their own white cum along with another type of liquid, a silver/white color liquid which police have yet to identify. "Reports say eye witness say a female figure carrying the two girls into the bush were the sounds of screams and moans were heard before they were silenced with a slicing of necks...more at 11" Tanya stops...for once she feels afraid, but relaxes knowing the police may find her soon, but still, the fear in her heart was there and she couldn't let it go. She arrives to work soon after, her boss wasn't to happy she was 20 minutes late, but she noted that traffic was bad and he allowed her to slide. As her shift went on, she did the usual tasks of serving the customers, wasn't to busy since most of the people were at work. Yet during her work time she had a guest drop by, who else's but Mitch, he always came to the coffee shop Tanya worked at and every time they would talk about their days or something they read in the paper. "Did you hear about the two girls?" Tanya asks as she serves Mitch his usual espresso, brown with two sugars "Yeah...I'm stumped about it myself, I went to the crime scene and whatever the culprit did, she made sure she wasn't found out." He says, Tanya gets a chill down her spine, if Mitch wasn't sure about something, then this was big news, Tanya shivers as her shaking hands give Mitch his coffee, the blue fox notices she's afraid. "Tanya...are you alright?" he asks, the fox shakes her head "I'm scared Mitch...I'm really scared now" she says looking at him "don't worry Tanya your perfectly safe, besides, the crime scene is at the other end of the park, that's almost a mile away from were we live, trust me your going to be ok, Police and S.W.T.S alike are on double patrols, and if you want, I can check up on your room at night" he says, Tanya smiles "That would be really sweet of you," she says as Mitch smiles back and sits on a stool. For the rest of their shift Mitch comforted Tanya, they talked about together things to take their mind off the bad feelings to allow for more cheerful speaking. After Tanya's shift ended, Mitch walked with her to her bike. "Thanks for being here Mitch, I feel much better when your around" she says blushing slightly, Mitch rubs the back of his head "Hehe, consider it nothing Tan, I'm just doing my job, here just to be safe take this" he says handing her a black plastic key chain with a red button on it, a decal of the S.W.T.S Sword and Shield Insignia lay on the button which was under a blue light. "That's a Panic button, if something ever happens, just press it and I will come right away" he says as he looks at Tanya "I just want you to be safe Tanya, I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you" he says taking her hand and placing the key chain into it. Tanya close her hand with the key chain in it...pocketing it, she blushes. "Thank you Mitch" she says as she gazes into his eyes, she slowly leans towards him but as they were about to kiss she stops and quickly kisses him on the cheek...she was embarrassed and flushed red "ehehe sorry bout that" she says giggling as Mitch just looks at her. "I guess ill see you tonight right?" she asks as Mitch nods walking towards his Black Cruiser and then pulls away. As he drives off, Tanya curses at herself for being so quick to kiss him on the lips...she did like him as a friend...but ever since she say "hi" this morning she's been feeling very odd around him...a sensational feeling, was it love? Does she truly love him? She leans against her bike for a while and looks at the setting sun then at the key chain, sighing at herself...she did love him, it was so obvious...but did he love her? Or doing what she just did make it better...or... worse if he didn't. She gets onto her bike she keeps this in mind, unknowing of a shadow watching her every move from the darkness.