
Story by Scorndog on SoFurry

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Mean husky dom has fun teasing his poor helpless sub

The dog whined apprehensively as his naked form was tied to the bed via the cuffs on his wrists and ankles. Unable to do much else, he watched the husky, his master, work, pulling rope through the loops on each cuff and tying them to the bedframe with practiced ease.

This dog wasn't the first he'd tied in this very position to be teased and tormented, and it wasn't the first time this dog in particular had been his victim. His cock would have been fully erect already were it not for the chastity cage, which had been locked there for the better part of the last month. He'd been allowed to take it off every few days for cleaning and such, but he was never unsupervised and never allowed to pleasure himself.

Pulling the last knot tight, the husky stepped back to admire his vulnerable prey.

"Comfortable, pup?" He asked, devious grin on his muzzle. The dog grunted once, their code for 'yes', unable to form words through the muzzle enveloping his mouth, keeping it shut tight with a space only for his nose. He tugged at his bindings, finding them secure and unyielding. Not that he'd expected anything else, but he was sure his master enjoyed seeing him struggle. Hell, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it too.

Satisfied with his work, the husky approached the bed, crawling onto it and towards the bound dog. He reached out and ran his fingers through the fur along the dog's side, lightly brushing areas he knew were sensitive and smiling as the dog instinctively shuddered at his touch.

His paw moved lower, reaching the dog's thigh, before curving inward to caress the inner thigh and lightly graze his balls. The dog moaned, leg jerking and pulling at the rope before falling still again.

"Such a sensitive little puppy," the husky teased. "Wonder what's got him so worked up?"

Again his paw moved, cupping the dog's caged junk, eliciting further needy moans.

"Ahhh, that's right. You've got this little thing keeping your dick all locked up and useless. How long has it been now? About a month?"

They both knew exactly how long it had been, but the dog nodded weakly regardless.

"Little puppy must be all pent up after that long. Look at that, poor thing's trying to get hard."

The dog couldn't see it from his position, but he could feel his dick was indeed straining in the cage. It was a feeling he'd gotten well used to over the past month. Normally he'd deal with it by focusing on something else, but here, tied up and at his master's mercy, it was difficult to think of anything else. A drop of pre leaked from the hole at the tip of the cage, a prelude to a load a month overdue. He hoped tonight would be the night he'd be allowed to release it.

Uncaring of his predicament, the husky continued to heft and fondle the dog's package, coaxing more pre to leak from the cage and using it like oil to massage his full balls. The dog could only moan and writhe and hope his master would soon have had his fill of teasing.

Finally, after what felt like forever to the poor dog, the husky stopped.

"Must be so restrictive all worked up in that little cage. How about we let it out while we play?"

The dog felt the husky leave the bed, excitement overflowing him at the idea of the cage being removed. He was getting a little ahead of himself, he knew, as his master had said nothing about getting to come, but desperate as he was he couldn't help but entertain the thought. Maybe this time...

The husky returned, key to the dog's salvation in hand. Again his paw cupped the dog's junk, who struggled to keep still as the cage was unlocked. First he heard the click of the padlock, then the husky began to disassemble the cage bit by bit, maneuvering the pieces off.

As soon as it was able, the dog's cock began to rise to it's full length. More pre leaked from the tip, running slowly down his shaft before pooling around his crotch. The dog moaned and rolled his hips. He'd give anything to have his paws free to grip that shaft and bring himself to orgasm. Just a few strokes would set him off at this point. But his master had other ideas.

"There, is that better? Whoops, looks like you've gotten all messy. Let me clean that up for you, pup."

The husky moved on the bed, raising his leg over the bound dog so as to straddle his chest. He then leaned over so he was on all fours and began to lap at the pre on the dog's crotch.

The dog moaned loudly at the stimulation, gritting his teeth under the muzzle at his master's 'innocent' gesture. To make matters worse, the position offered him the perfect view of his master's ass, taint and balls. In his lust addled state he found himself leaning forward, hoping to bury his face in there and take a few licks, but tied as he was he couldn't quite crane his neck far enough. The dog whined pitifully.

"What's wrong, pup?" The husky cooed, sitting upright and turning to look at the dog. His view was obstructed until he moved his curly tail, and he could see that he was essentially sitting on the dog's muzzle. "Ooooh, poor thing. You really like this stuff right? You must want that muzzle off so you can lick my ass, huh?"

Breathing through his nose, the dog could smell nothing but his master's musk. He wanted desperately to have a taste. Whining again, he pushed his muzzle into his master's taint, nuzzling at it greedily and trying to silently convey his desire.

The husky chuckled, that devious grin showing again. "Well, too bad. This isn't about what you want."

The dog whined shakily as his master went back to licking at his shaft. His teasing was methodical, always enough to keep him leaking but never putting him over the edge.

The dog pulled futilely at his bindings, desperate to get at what he wanted. He could still smell the musk on his muzzle and his view was dominated by his master's ass. Both it and his orgasm were so tantalizingly close and equally unattainable, no matter how much he wanted either. After all, it wasn't about what he wanted.