Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 5

Story by Contrast on SoFurry

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"Food? I don't want food!" Banno said, not sure if any of his words were even breaking through the haze. It felt like he was underwater again, but dirty water, stagnant water that's been left to breed mosquitoes in some shady corner of the forest, looking up at a warped world, out of focus, shifty and bubbly...

"Of course you do, you just don't know it yet."

Was that the Fox? James? Banno squinted, but the corner of this weirdly angular room no longer made sense. The splotch of red and black over there could be a Fox, he supposed, but it was at least a hundred feet away.

I know what I want, you festering pustule. I want to peel your throat open and suck the marrow out of your bones. Now that would be a meal. That would hit the spot just fine... just come closer...

Wait, did he say that aloud just now? He wasn't sure. If he did, then he could just kiss this wonderful opportunity goodbye. The world belonged to him, yes, and all the life inside it, but there were still rules, rules that even he couldn't change. They existed to make things challenging, and therefore the reward more delicious. Just like everything else, the rules existed for his benefit. If he said something to spook his prey, it would flee. That's a rule. If his body got damaged, he would feel pain (that was an annoying rule, but a rule nonetheless).

The reddish blob with the black limbs was still there, so he supposed the game was still on. If he could kill every member of this little family, he would win. If any of them got away, then... Well, he'd still win, but it wouldn't be as delicious.

And speaking of delicious... what was that smell?

"Dad? We're here."

"Ah, kids! Come in, come in. I'd like you to say hello to our new guest, Banno."

Banno blinked his eyes a few times, and the haziness gradually started to fade. He could see the three Fox children crammed shoulder to shoulder in the hole left by the - what did they call it? A door? Some funny word like that.

"We've met," the tallest one said, taking a big, exaggerated step backwards.

"Hi," the other boy said, put an oddly shaped pot down on the ground and scooted back to join his brother, leaving the girl standing all alone in the middle of the doorway, holding a big rectangular plate in her hands.

Banno breathed deeply. There was indeed a nice smell coming from the lumpy white thing on that plate, and the round bowl sitting next to it, the smell of meat, and something he couldn't quite place, something like wood shavings, but that wasn't the smell he was interested in. No, what he was really interested in was the scent coming from her, the girl. It wafted out of her in waves: the warm, earthy aroma of her yellow-golden fur, the slightly salty tang of the wetness in her eyes, the fragrance of her breath in the air. It was the smell of her body, so juicy and tender, only just starting to ripen, but that made it even better.

"H-Hello, Mr. Banno," she said, and her voice carried even more of that heavenly perfume to his waiting nostrils. "I um... I made you some food, if you're hungry."

Oh yes, I'm very hungry. I could just eat you up...

"Thank you, Vee," James said. "I'm sure Banno will love it. Why don't you go over there and give it to him, hmm? Make him feel welcome."

"Oh, but Dad, I..." She shot a nervous glance Banno's way, her ears flattened against her head. She was just the cutest little thing, and Banno couldn't keep from licking his lips.

"See? You're making our guest even hungrier, just standing there with a big ol' sandwich like that."

"Couldn't you do it, Dad? I mean... it's just..."

"Don't be scared, honey. He's quite friendly. I've been around him for quite a while and I'm still perfectly fine, see? I know you're not as rude as your brothers." James raised his voice a little on that last bit, and the tall boy rolled his eyes. "And I also know you're much_, much braver_ than them to boot." And now it was the shorter boy's turn, but he didn't just roll his eyes, he rolled his entire head. "So why don't you show them how silly they're being and serve our guest the food you worked so hard on?"

"Don't do it, Vee!" the tall boy said. Banno thought his name might be 'Luke' but he's never been very good with names.

"Yeah! You can just throw it from here!" the little brother added.

"Luke! Timothy! Be nice!" James scolded. "Go ahead, Vee. I wouldn't ask you to do something like this if I thought there was even the slightest bit of danger, you know that."

"Oh yes, I'm perfectly safe," Banno said, his eye slowly travelling up and down from her face to the plate in her hands, but what he was really looking at was everything in between, especially the two little bumps underneath her throat where her collarbones came together...

She shifted the tray to balance on her left hand, then bent her knees and picked up the pot with the other. Without a word, she slowly started to come closer, her wary gaze locked onto Banno's remaining eye.

Banno watched her come closer, his heartbeat speeding up with every step she took. It made him feel hot and tired, and his headache was getting so bad it felt like his skull would burst wide open, but he forcefully kept his breathing low... calm... the picture of innocence.

Her brothers still wouldn't enter the room, but they were leaning so far inside it was a wonder they didn't go sprawling. Their eyes were as wide as the tray in their sister's hands, but James just sat back with a small smile on his face, perfectly content in his knowledge that Banno was completely harmless.

The fool.

As the one they called 'Vee' passed the halfway mark, Banno wondered what he should do. The world no longer blurred up without his permission. He was getting some of the feeling back in his arms. His hunger was getting stronger, his thirst more intense, but not for food or drink. Ander had robbed him of that wonderful, wonderful taste, that feeling of euphoria, that sense of perfect peace, that blissful sensation, first of tasting the life, and then taking it in, becoming one with it... He could grab her, sink his teeth into her before her family could react, he was sure about that. But there's no way they'd just stand back and let him enjoy the taste of her death after the shock wore off. They'd definitely interfere (or at least the father would) and then he'd be forced to cut short an experience that could be even more delectable than Vallah.

This girl actually reminded him of her quite a bit. They didn't look anything alike, but they were close to the same age, and they had that same spark of life in their eyes, slightly turned up as they looked at him, practically begging to be ravished. It was almost as if she were talking to him in a language only he could hear. She wanted him. She needed him, a burning, aching desire. Maybe she didn't know it consciously just yet, but the reason she was alive was so that her life could flow over his lips. But once she feels it happening, it will dawn on her, and her eyes will widen and she'll gasp with pleasure. Her whole body will rock against him, caught in the throes of mad ecstasy as her life slips away... and she will look so beautiful... just like Vallah did...

"Here you go, Mr. um, Banno," she said, holding out the tray with the strange white lump on it. She was shaking, the poor thing. But he'd take care of that. He'd make everything go away... until only he was left...

Banno sat up against the wall, feeling neither pain nor exhaustion, took the plate from her trembling hands and put it down on his lap. She hastily put the pot down on the wooden block next to his bed (Banno could smell water inside of it), but before she could turn tail and run back to her brothers, he stuck out his hand and flashed her his most friendly smile. "I'm very happy to meet you," he said, his mouth salivating.

The girl stood frozen in place, looking at his hand as if it might turn into a giant spider at any second.

"It's okay," her father urged with a gentle nod of his head.

"I won't bite," Banno said, staring deep into her pretty eyes. They were a very light blue, just like the sky after heavy rain.

She reached out to him, and when her palm lightly brushed against his, Banno almost moaned out loud with pleasure. He curled his fingers around her hand, marvelling at the warm softness of her fur.

Despite the fear he could see so plainly in her eyes, she put on a brave smile (so beautiful) and she said: "Hello, my name is -


Images flashed through Banno's mind, hitting him with even more force than the arrow that had punched a hole in his eye, images of a poor defenceless little Wolf girl, looking up at him with hope in her eyes and a smile on her face, her hot breath against his cheek, his tongue slowly running across her neck, struggling in his arms, useless and sensual, her gasps, first of pain, then of pleasure, her body torn apart, ripped open, blood flowing out in beautiful streams, her face, staring up at the sky, her purpose fulfilled, forever grateful for the wondrous gift he had bestowed upon her, his own hands, red and dripping, shaking, knowing that this was the start of something eternal, his first, but not his last, his Vallah, she'll always be his first, she'll always be a part of him, forever and ever, his precious Vallah, Vallah, Vallah...

No, she was looking at him strangely, like a twig which might just be a twig, or maybe a cleverly disguised snake.

"Um... Mr. Banno? You're grip is a bit tight..."

The tone and pitch of her voice... by the Cora she even sounded like Vallah. What was going on? What was happening? Was this happening to the world, or to him? Was this coming from the inside out, or the outside in? What did this mean?

James had tensed up in his chair and the boys had retreated down the tunnel, their eyes wide with fear. Vallah -

No she's not Vallah!

Yes she is!

She's not!

They're the same!

No Vallah is inside of me this is not the same girl!

  • was shaking, her pulse was racing, the bitter sweet smell of fear was seeping from her pores. He realized he was squeezing her hand too tightly, her beautiful little hand, and he eased up on his grip.

Concentrate, Banno! You can't have heard what you thought you just heard! Don't mess this up! You'll only get one chance at this!

"I'm sorry, girl," Banno said, reapplying his smile. "I have a terrible headache. What did you say your name was?"

"It's Valery," she answered, her eyes constantly flickering down at their clasped hands.

"Oh, that's such a pretty name."

Valery!? Why did he hear her name as Vallah!? Banno didn't like that. Vallah and this girl were two separate entities. They weren't the same. They were not one, they were two. They were not the same being! And yet...

Maybe this was something new? The next step of his existence? Perhaps the start of something... wonderful...?

He needed to know more. He needed to know everything.

He needed to know her...

It pained him to let her go, to break their little connection of touch, but Banno knew there would be better sensations to come. He opened his hand and watched her go back to her father's side, a cute little thing with no idea what the true purpose of her life was. But she'd know soon enough. All of them would know.

"See, boys?" James addressed his sons. He was doing a good job of hiding the relief in his voice, but Banno could hear it. "Nothing to be scared of. Banno is perfectly friendly. Aren't you, Banno?"

"Of course," Banno said, knowing he'd have to be extra careful from now on. Holding this smile for so long was starting to get on his nerves, but he was beginning to see so much potential in this little word he had woken up in, so many possibilities... if he played his part juuuust right. "I thank you very much for this food."

"Think nothing of it," James said with a wave of the hand. "I'm sure you've got lots of questions, and I'll admit there's quite a number of things I'd like to ask you as well, but for now we'll leave you to enjoy your meal in peace, and perhaps have a nice long rest afterwards. You've been through a lot, but don't worry, we'll take good care of you. Won't we, children?"

"Yes," little Valery said immediately, warming Banno's heart. The boys, however, needed a stern glare from their father before they grunted their acquiescence.

"Good. Now run along, Mr. Banno needs his rest now." James ushered his children out the door, then turned around. "Please just yell if you need anything. There'll always be at least one Fox within earshot."

"I shall." Banno flashed his smile again, all the while thinking: Just leave me alone you chipper little piece of filth I need to think!

"All right then."

James closed the door with a click, and Banno sighed long and hard. Exasperation, exhaustion, anticipation, all of it mixed together in a roiling cauldron of feelings.

There was so much he had to think about, so many questions, so many things he had to find out, so many plans to scheme in advance if he wanted this to end in the most perfect scenario.

But first...

He looked down at the tray in his lap, at the shreds of meat and the odd white lump that smelled vaguely of wood shavings... and the hands of one almost ripe vixen...

His stomach growled, and a true smile spread across his lips.

"I think I'm going to like it here," he whispered to the empty room. "I think I'm going to like it a lot..."

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Donation Progress $80 / $100 (Unlock Wednesday update)

How and Why: The Story behind "Ander" (Journal):

Special thanks go out to the following furs for helping me keep this project afloat with their generous donations. I couldn't do it without your support.

  1. Mystery fur
  2. PyrePup
  3. KmlRock
  4. Faan
  5. Sunny-Fox
  6. Mystery fur #2

Thank you! You guys are the best! ^_^

Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 81

81 Nilia's muscles ached and her lungs burned with every inhale. She was cold and tired, but the weight on her back was a constant reminder not to slow down. She could feel his blood running down her spine, the smell of it so thick and cloying she...

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 80

80 Dorin knew something was wrong the moment he saw that column of smoke rising up from beyond the village walls. It was too thick and black to be a cooking fire, the scent too acrid. He recognised that smell. It was a smell he had breathed into his...

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 79

79 Sorrin was huffing and grunting like a bear, but that wasn't what woke Danado up. He had felt something in the depths of sleep. It wasn't a dream, just a sense of urgency. He felt like he needed to wake up, and do it right away, before it was too...

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