Dealing with the Gypsies

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is nothing more frustrating than putting a lot of work into something and then

having it stolen away from you a piece at a time.  Ever since the horde of gypsies had moved

into the area, my belongings were disappearing faster than good wine at a

wedding feast.  As a tax paying member of

the realm, I was furious that something wasn't being done. I finally went into

town and took the matter up with the magistrate. He was none too helpful.                "Look

Cornelius, we would love to do something about it. But the law is very

carefully worded to protect strangers who might not know the rules. Besides, we

have jailed some of them before and they make such a mess and racket while

being held that the constable finally gave up and let them go."                "This

is bullshit your honor!"                The old

badger knit his fingers together and stared down his nose at me. "I agree! But

there is nothing I can do. My paws are literally tied in this." He shuffled

though a book and jotted down a few lines. "Here. This law was passed over a

hundred years ago. People tend to forget it's on the books. I'd suggest you

read it and memorize it. You may find it helpful in dealing with them in the

future."                I took

the slip of paper and stomped out, slamming the great door behind me. If it

wasn't tied down, I was losing it to these thieves. I went to a small tavern,

ordered a pint or two and sat down to read this note. "Be it known, from

this date forward, that when confronted with lawlessness not able to be

properly dealt with by the kingdom and it's agents, a legitimate landowner may,

under certain conditions, defend his property in any manner he finds suitable,

until such time as the kingdom responds to said threat with swift and immediate

action."                I knew

where that passage was from. It was from an old declaration of war. It allowed individuals

the right to protect their property from ransacking during tumultuous times. As

of today, we hadn't had a war in decades. How was this passage supposed to help

me? I mean, quite honestly, the country would have to declare war before this

would even apply. That is..." I smiled as I finished my third pint before paying

my tab and leaving to return home.                Now I'm

a bit of an inventor. I mostly tinker, but a few of my creations I actually

sold for a profit. All the money I could get went into my house and grounds. I

lost my wife to the plague a few years ago, and it was my intention to keep the

place as it was, if not better, on the day she died. It was bigger than I

needed, this old house, with rooms for a dozen wolf cubs. We never got the

chance to start our family. And now, there were those who were out there

stealing it away, a piece at a time.                I knew

a few things about my antagonists. Some were built like me, on a reduced scale.

The footprints in the garden looked a lot like mine, only smaller...sometimes a

lot smaller. So I set snares here and there, rigged with bells. When they got

tangled, I'd know it. Since they came mostly at night, I got some rest during

the early evening and then set watch.                I threw

on the black robe I had worn to my dear wife's funeral and sat as still as a

rock. Eventually I heard rustling, and then, all at once, multiple ringing.

From the sounds of it, someone had tripped a trap, which spooked the others

into doing the same. I would be content with capturing just one.                I found

the closest of the intruders, and while I couldn't see well in the moonlight, I

could tell where the neck was. I clamped on a collar and secured the line to a

tree. By the time I was done I had three of the little cretins. And cretin is

being nice, because I was then confronted with dealing with their teeth and

claws. It was a good thing the rope tying them had been crafted by me, because

it had metal wire inside. Otherwise they would have gnawed their way loose in

no time.                I

grabbed a thick branch and knocked one of them silly. I was normally a pretty

calm guy, for my species, but you simply didn't mess with my stuff. I grabbed the rope

and dragged the little shit into the house. I quickly tied him down and

returned for the rest. By the time I was done I had all three in one room. I

purposely moved the little cots I had built in expectation of future family

into my bedroom. I struck a match and lit the lamps.

The noise from these intruders was getting to be close to deafening. I turned to look

at them and sadly shook my head. Two were foxes and one was a ferret. I almost

felt bad knowing full well that they were hardly adults. Even a full grown fox

was only the size of an adolescent wolf. Ferrets were smaller still. And I'm

talking adults.                "Well,

you little creeps. What do you have to say for yourselves?"                One particularly

feisty one tore against his bonds. "You can't touch us! If the law can't touch

us, you can't touch us!"                I

smiled as I drew off my boots. "The law can

touch you. It has chosen for the moment to not deal with you, because even in

the realm of criminals, you and your kind are the lowest. So instead, I have

been given permission to deal with you as I see fit, because you trespassed on my

property, which in my eyes makes you an invading force. So I have declared war

on you, and as the saying goes, all is fair in love and war."                The

little gypsy boy was still fighting his bonds all the while cursing, both in

our language and his own. The boots dropped to the floor, as did my trousers.

You see, I figured I'd never get the stuff back that they stole, so I was going

to need to have war reparations instead. Sadly for these kids, I knew their

kind well enough to know that the adults would consider them to be collateral

damage. That meant that as of this moment, they belonged to me.                I

pulled off my shirt and stretched my muscles. Sitting still out in the cool damp air

had been a chore. Now it was time to stretch them and give them a proper

workout.                 I was a

pretty typical wolf, but in my youth had been engaged in all kinds of fun

activities. My mates and I would abscond with a few bottles of wine, sneak to

the woods, and have ourselves a little party. We would drink until we were on

the silly side of reason, strip and then engage in all sorts of depravity. I

was older and wiser now, but having been denied the comfort of a wife, my loins

where feeling like they were back in the same condition as they were in my

youth.                The

mouthy fox was the first one I grabbed, hauling his pants down to his calves.

Because I had him secured at all four corners, they stopped before reaching his

manacled ankles. It would be far enough for now. I grabbed a little jar of balm

and rubbed it on my cock. I climbed aboard and grabbed his tail. I think it was

at that moment that he realized that he was really in trouble. So did the other

two, because I had the beds arranged so that the occupants could see one

another.                The

little mouthy one started back pedaling, apologizing for the stuff he had done.

His apology flowed like a geyser right up until I shoved the head of my cock

into his ass. Then he erupted into a volcano of epitaphs.  That was, of course, in between his screams.                As

youths, our cocks were more matched to our bodies. A teen on teen was no big

deal. Not only was there an age difference here, there was a species

difference. So this little fox was about the size of a wolf youngster. I never

would have done such a thing to my own kind, but since I was given the freedom

to do things my way, this was my choice. Really, the only other thing I could

think of was to kill them like any other vermin. This seemed the least

permanent and the most satisfying method at my disposal. I mean, if it came

down to it, I could still kill them whenever I wanted. As I presently saw it, there

was no particular rush.                His ass

was a tight constriction of supple pink tissue. It was so damn tight I nearly

lost myself just trying to get in. I jokingly laughed to myself that if he

didn't spout so much shit out of his mouth, his ass might be a little looser for taking a full load.

But I was glad for the disparity in sizes. I wanted him to know who was boss.                 I

wiggled it in, pressing down and forcing him open. He was difficult to

understand, for in this moment of stress he had reverted to his native tongue.

I hardly cared what he was saying.  He

was in this position because of his actions, and I was doing what the law could or would not do.                 I

pushed and pushed, feeling his opening stretching tighter and tighter. Luckily

for him I knotted up on the outside, limiting how much of me was going to go in

and saving his rectum a few inevitable splits. As it was, I was soon stuck fast.

I mean I couldn't even slip and slide despite the lubrication. I figured I'd

wait it out until he loosened up. I was hardly discommoded by the holdup. This

was the most enjoyment I had had in a long, long time, sadistic though it might

be.                He was

still struggling against me. He had fight; I'd say that about him. Then again,

having an adult wolf cock in a juvenile fox butt just might be a bit

uncomfortable. That was part of my point. I was getting even for their crimes

against me. So I just keep applying pressure and waited.                 While I

waited, I examined the other two. The other fox was similarly dressed, but much

quieter. From the higher pitched voice, I was guessing female, maybe a sister.

If there was any family loyalty, I had a feeling that when I did her, it was

really going to piss him off. I felt a twinge of doubt at that moment, but

remembering everything that had been stolen, it faded pretty quickly. The

ferret was also questionable as to sex. We didn't have many around here, and

the clothing was as much boyish as anything.                For

several minutes I debated with myself over my actions, all the while waiting

for his muscles to give up. It was hard to think over all the noise. My morals

tried to make me feel bad several times, but it got to the point where I knew

they weren't going to win. As for this little foxy backside, it

wasn't loosening up at all. I think he was too freaked out to relax it, and it served him

right. Yes, I know it was the parents that put him up to this, but I caught

these three red handed and so they were the ones to suffer. But then, if anyone

came looking for the little shits; I had plenty of room for them here. In fact,

I could clear out the cellar...                My harden

cock got a little harder. I had definitely become more jaded over the years. It

was a good thing I didn't have a lot of regular work to do anymore, because I

had just found a new hobby. I grabbed this fox kit by the shoulders and pressed

my hips in hard. I could feel my length slipping in inexorably . It felt

wonderful. His vocals cords nearly ruptured. So too, did his ass.                When my

knot reached his hole, I quit pushing. Even if I were able to force it, I

didn't think his body would survive. There are cleaner ways to die, and

besides, I was just beginning to see the possibilities of having these little

miscreants around.                 I pressed

down on him with my paws and pulled my cock back. I could feel the confines of

his insides pull backwards as the tip of my cock retreated. I stopped just

before exiting and pushed back in. If it weren't for the ointment I wouldn't be

moving at all. Even as a teen, I had never fucked something this intense.

Technically, there were laws in place prohibiting this type of behavior, but

since the gypsies weren't members of the kingdom, as was pointed out to me, our

laws didn't apply.                My cock

was a huge red intrusion in the kit's ass. His opening was stretched beyond any

limit it had heretofore known. I moved my hold to his bushy red tail, with one

paw grasping a hip. I ground in fiercely, wanting to get my money's worth out

of his punishment. His toes curled up, digging his claws into his feet as I

worked away.                 I had

no qualms about pushing my cock in until the knot was pressing against his

hole. I smiled, knowing that if I kept him here long enough, one day that portion

of my anatomy was going to fit inside him. I closed my eyes and imagined that big hard thing slipping past his rectum. That, coupled with the present feeling of having a tight place to stick my cock was enough to do it.  The thought triggered my climax, and I flooded his ass with hot wolfy

cum.                I was

thankful for being out of the city, because when I cut loose, this kit's vocal

chords went into overdrive. I soon had him singing the songs of his ancestors. It

didn't take me long to feel a few songs coming to my head either, only it was

the lower one that was soon spouting off.  I felt the sweet release as I filled his

tender tight ass with my fluids. It had been a long time since I had been able

to do so in a more natural way.                I was

panting like a marathon runner. The cub was still squealing like a poked

piglet.  I looked to his companions as

saw wide eyes in the dim light of the flickering lanterns. I was faced with the

decision as to continue getting my recompense from this one for the rest of the

night, or breaking in a few new ones. I had time to figure it out.