Changes Part 1

Story by Kenfox on SoFurry

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An Ever Changing World

by Kenfox

email [email protected]

copywrite 2009

I lay on the bed and watch the movements of people around me the nurses that look at me from time to time. Years of waiting saving and planning coming to a head in this room and at this time, all the Years of saving for this one moment to make my dreams become reality. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, do I really want this.

"Hell Yes!"

I look round just in time to watch a man walk up carrying a small covered tray in his hands. I watch as he sits down beside me and putting the tray down. "Hello sir, I going to be your anaesthetist, I have few things to ask you. Do you still wish to proceed with the process, as after this it will be impossible to reverse?"

I nod as he continues "Please read this and follow the instructions." As he hands me a small data pad. I take the pad and look at its small display reading the text.

*This process is a gene modification and is irreversible if you wish to continue please enter the word yes on the key pad.*

I type the word and hit enter. I see the words flash and change.

*This process will alter your Genetic structure leading to a change in Physical and Biological form please input your thumbprint to activate your records and then key yes.*

I press my thumb to the pads biometric scanner and heard the small confirmation beep as the pad accepts my print and type yes and enter again.

The pad asks again, if I understand about the process and again I say yes.

The man looks at me and smiles "its OK I understand but the law requires us to perform this last check and give you three more chances to change your mind. Please look at the pad and check your details are correct" I scan them and nod then say "Yes" he looks at the pad and says a "Custom Design looks nice, As the Law states your personal records will be sealed from today and your new identity will become active once your genetic and all other records are confirmed after the process is complete. Until then you will have to be fitted with an ID chip anyway let me be the first to use your new name and say good night Jonas Steel we will speak again in a few months".

A small sting as a local is injected into my forearm and then the large needle is slipped in the implant chip is slid into my body. I watch as he runs the pad over my arm and the beep sounds again and he shows me that it read the chip in my arm correctly. As he readies his equipment I rub my arm and feel the Rice grain sized bulge in the flesh of my arm. And then continue watching the people in the room.

"This may sting a little" and I look round as a sharp pain stabs into my arm and see him fixing a large needle into my arm. He then pulls a large syringe from the tray and connects it to the needle and slowly depresses the plunger and a cold numbness enters my arm I feel the cold from the drug flowing into me. I know that this is just the beginning with in a short time I feel several IV tubes have been fitted and then the worst the thick snake of a tube is slowly slipped into my moth and throat I feel the machines slowly taking over from me as my body slows. My senses dull and the last feeling I remember is of being lifted and then lowered into a warm liquid place.

First Day in a New Life

I feel nothing, who am I, what am I, where am I, there is only a dim voice I remember this. It's me thinking, speaking to myself but why is there nothing else no sound, taste, smell, why can I feel nothing what is wrong. I start to panic I feel the fear build but I can not do anything I am just a mind my body has gone. I hear a distant click followed by a buzzing, then a quite voice saying words I can not understand but as struggle to the sounds begin to form word at last I can hear and understand.

I hear a feminine voice speaking to me "Please do not be afraid this is normal, rest be calm in a short time you will have your physical sensations restored to you" I think on this as the voice carries on "you are quite safe and everything is all right we have a neural link fitted to you and are slowly bringing your sense back to you to avoid shock in a moment your eyes will be returned to you do not try to speak as you can not yet."

I feel a strange feeling as I see darkness change to a dim view of the world and just as slowly the colour bleeds in to my vision. I wonder why it is dark I can hear the buzz of fluorescent tubes yet everything seems dark.

I hear movement and try to look towards it and find that my eyes will not move that I am paralyzed. "We are about to return your other senses to you now but these will be turned down the same as your hearing and vision are, we are doing this as you have undergone a medical procedure that will have enhanced them. To levels above that which your brain is used to dealing with, to avoid a shock we will gradually remove the neural blocks we have in place over the next few days to allow your brain to become used to the increased stimulation and information it will be receiving." that explains why the sounds are distant and why my vision is dimmed. They are all being filtered and controlled by a computer. They are only letting me sense what they want me to.

With this I slowly become aware that I can now dimly feel that I am lying down on a slightly angled bed so that my feet are lower than my head, and then a stench of antiseptic hits me God I am in hospital, what's wrong with me why do I not know who I am. What happened to me? I feel something large in my throat and a strange bulge under my butt and running down between my legs. My body feels fine I can not feel any pain or drug numbed pain, so why am I here.

No I remember, I know who I am and why I am here.

No that's wrong I am not that person any more I am new this is my second birth today I have become something new to myself when will they let me see myself. Every thing before was another lifetime, this is a whole new life for me.

A nurse comes into view and asks me to cough and then the lump in my throat slips free I gasp and choke and a funnel shaped mask is held to me I feel the hiss and flow of oxygen and get my breathing under control. I look and see the length of tubes that have been in my throat breathing and feeding my body whilst I was unconscious. I weakly manage to glance at my right arm and see an IV taped to my white furred arm.

I hear a voice say "you need to rest" and watch a nurse inject something into the IV and I slowly slip into a deep sleep. The last thought I had was "White fur!"

I am sitting in an office listening to the Doctor who is explaining what had gone wrong it seems that some small error had been in the transformation code when I had woken up I had the physical form of a fox as I had wanted. But the error had given me white fur like an artic fox in winter; I was white from head to toe. I was not an albino just that my own bodies gene code and the new morphic overlay had resulted in an unforeseen mutation. It was not a harmful change just an unforeseen characteristic change and all tests showed this change was not going to be harmful. I had undergone a Genomorphic process my entire genetic code had been taken apart and rewritten transforming me from a human into an anthropomorphic Fox a Hybrid organism

I admitted to myself that I liked the look but the company that had done my change for me had been worried in case I had sued so this was the final rounds of talks in the out of court settlement. I wasn't bothered much as they cut me the cheque I was coming out of this on top I had paid half a million dollars for this and thanks to a freak accident I was walking away, better looking than I had hoped for and with a 5 million dollar pay out not to sue and a free health care package in case any other problems ever showed up.

A Win, win situation for me, I had just kept my mouth shut and let them do all the talking, the company was worried about negative impact from the change and had asked me to sign a gag order, I didn't see a problems as I must admit I preferred the new look to the one I had requested. I also had a deal with the company for the new colouration gene sequence so when any other person decided to use the sequence I would earn a small percentage.

I signed the papers and stood up and walked out of the office and left the building now came the fun part, I hailed a cab and asked for him to drive me to my bank Deposited the cheque and collected my new plastic and cheque book. I also picked up some cash and headed to what would be my new home for the next six months whilst I underwent the last few tests on my new body and my new DNA. But today was the day; I was leaving the centre and moving into the new apartment that had been rented in my new name.

I was now officially dead as a human and my records had been sealed, I was now Jonas Steel an anthropomorphic White Fox my age was put down as being 17. Today was the beginning of a new life for me; I could start over and take a different path from what I had before. I was wondering about what to do, should I go to collage or use some of the skills I had been taught, any way it was time for me to leave. I picked up the new laptop I had, had purchased for me whilst I was a patient at the Centre. The other bag I had little more than a sports bag that held the few clothes I had. I knew that some point later today I had to hit the stores and buy more as well as a decent grooming kit.

The Taxi pulled up and I stepped out at the apartment complex and made my way inside, I found my way to the apartment I had rented, opened the door and let myself in.

I walked around the partly furnished apartment although not exactly brilliant, it was better than some of the places I had stayed in. I checked my watch and looked out of the bedroom window down at a pool and see a few humans and a couple other morphs lounging around in the sunshine. Yes it looks as though this private complex will be a good place to live for the next 6 months or so.

I smile to myself and pick up the bag I had with me, tip it out on the bed and choose black shorts and a white shirt. A quick change and I slip my wallet into my pocket and head down stairs. A short walk across the park out in front of the complex and I get to the small mall, I hit a few stores and picked up some more clothes towels and a few other items, and then, headed for the market, a gallon of milk some meat and vegetables a few ready meals and some other basics and I head back home about half way back I come to the conclusion that I need a car fast as I was carrying too much shopping.

I make my way inside look at the stairs and start climbing up them. On the way up I heard that sound and felt that feeling you dread. A bag was beginning to tear and I started praying it would last. Just as I got to my door it died cans and packets dropped to my feet, I growled loudly as I heard them rolling away.

I opened the door rushed in and dropped the bags on the counter of the small kitchenette and headed back to round up my shopping. I spun out the door and hit something large black and furry, and fell backwards on my butt hard letting out a loud yelp of pain from landing on my tail.

"Oh god sorry that must have hurt it was my fault" said a strange voice. As I rolled over and off my bruised tail bones I looked up and saw a large wolf morph looking down at me who continued "I saw your bag split and knew you were the new person moving in today and was coming to help you, I am so sorry".

I got up and said "Don't worry about it I should have looked where I was going it's my fault" as I started collecting tins and loose packets. The wolf helped and followed me inside and put his armload down on the counter.

He looked around and said "I guess the rest of your stuffs due to arrive later".

I shrugged and said "it will arrive as I buy it, I lost all my old stuff before I moved here "which was almost true, I had arranged for every thing to be sold and the funds paid into my account, I hadn't wanted anything left over from my old life, That was something I wanted to leave behind and forget.

He looked at me and before he could say a word I saw his face and body show what he was about to say, I cut him off and said "don't worry about it, they were only things I am alive that's what is important"

I start putting the food I had brought away most of it I left out on the counters as I wasn't in too much of a hurry to put it away. I had been like this since the Centre had taken me off the medications they had had me on, They explained it as being a side effect of the process my body was adapting to the new form and I was filled with a boundless energy to experiment and move around to learn what I was now capable of with its new form. Problem was I now lacked the concentration to really accomplish anything; I grew bored quickly and kept moving onto something else.

But a down side was that I regularly over did it and crashed hard. I had been told that it was normal for a Recom like me to run around all day then suddenly feel tired and have to sleep to rest as they had over done it, that I would get used to my new limits within a year at the longest.

I took a glass from the cupboard and looked at the hovering wolf and asked "You want something to eat and drink, I haven't eaten all day and I am starving."

He looked at me and then at his watch "I would love to but I have to run I have a class at collage to get to, but its Friday and I am having a party tonight down by the pool, feel free to join us a few of the furs who live here will be there and a couple from collage as well. Sorry I can't stop I got to run I was 20 minuets late when I saw you, anyway it starts at 7 see you there"

I thanked him and we parted me going to cook something to eat, and him heading to his class. I looked around and wondered if I had made a mistake in choosing this place, students and parties could be a problem. I later found that I didn't have much to worry about. After I had eaten I sat down with my laptop and did some shopping from the net.

Feeling free at last from the ever prying eyes and unpredictable interruptions of the medical staff. I typed in a few addresses from memory and logged into a few sites. The last opened up into a forum board, I skipped most of the sub boards whilst reading my personal messages and went to a thread I had looked at a lot. And opened up from where I had last gotten too.

Skimmed the chat and drama and found a few new pictures I had missed 4 months ago of a fox I had been chatting with, He had finally posted pictures of himself, no more subtle teasing I looked at his sheath and balls his pink poking out of his sheath and closed the site after saving the pictures.

I undid the buttons of my shirt and examined myself again this time not being worried about some one walking in on me. I found and traced with a claw then opened the fur to see my nipple following the fur down and popped the button at the waist of my shorts sliding them and my underwear down, Wiggled and moved it down to my knees and then kicked them off.

I looked at the thinly furred area around my navel and noticed again how what was once a small dipped belly button had changed to mirror an animal no longer showing the typical human belly button. My fingers moved lower skipping my sheath to my nuts. I was amazed by their size and weight compared to what they had been.

Yes I had provided a couple semen samples before I had left but I hadn't been able to relax and enjoy myself of admire what I now had they were both about the size of a chicken egg and felt heavy probably so seeing as I had only masturbated twice both had been rushed with no time to examine or enjoy what I was doing as I knew that outside the cubical were waiting nurses and doctors. I know some people would get off on that but it wasn't my scene.

I rolled my nuts around gently feeling how they felt how they had changed in shape and size and the now shiny grey toned skin of my sack. Pulling back I moved to my sheath that had been a slim tube before but now had thickened a little. I now possessed an Os Penis, a Penis bone like real dogs. I stroked my sheath up and down and felt how slick it felt as my new shaft started immerge from it thin and very pale pink in colour with a pointed tip that started to pulse in time with my heart swelling, lengthening and thickening.

With every beat of my heart it grew in size as I worked my sheath down to its base, the bulge of my knot holding the sheath back as I slowly picking up my cock lacking lube I spit onto my hand and stroked. The feeling was indescribable, I was so sensitive. I gripped and squeezed around my knot rubbing and tugging on it as my cock surged. I knew it was possible now and didn't waste any time as I curled up and over aiming to take my tip into my mouth as I started licking myself. I was rewarded with a surge along my length and a powerful spurt of pre shot across my chest and muzzle some landing over my nose and in my open mouth. The taste was new and I decided I liked it, as I moved my hand to grip my shaft the other squeezing around the throbbing bulge of my growing knot

I felt my knot surging, pulsing, and growing larger and harder in my hand. I grunted and made a loud yelp as I shot into my mouth and collapsed backwards. I felt hot wet warmth landing on and soaking into the fur of my chest and stomach as I lay back licking my lips enjoying the taste in my mouth.

I looked down and was surprised with the amount of cum that has sprayed across my chest and stomach a good pile was even pooled below the tip of my cock. I looked at myself a thin shaft coming from the bunched up skin of my sheath about an inch thick. The rock hard fist sized bulge of my knot and then what was at a guess 7 inches of shaft ending in a flattened pointed tip. It wasn't the raw looking red of a dogs but a nice pink humanised yet still sensitive organ, a cross between animal and human.

I guessed I was probably a little above average for my new species and smiled as I grabbed my laptop opened the software and snapped a few pictures showing off the mess I had made and my new organs I smiled and picked up my underwear and used it to mop up the cum from my fur. I sat at my laptop my still hard twitching cock hanging between my legs as it still dripped fluids to the floor as I posted the pictures to the thread in the forum and edited my profile to show I was a male fox when it came to sexuality I paused then entered Bisexual covering my bases.

I stood up leaving my laptop running and went for a shower to cleanup coming back to the room damp and with four very wet towels I noticed how thick the smell was in the room and decided to air it out. Opening the windows to let in air and then padded around naked getting a drink. Wiping up the mess on the floor and throwing my dirty clothing into a bag. Taking out some of the new clothes and got dressed, the rest I stuffed into a bag after removing the labels hating to wear new clothing off the shelf. I went to wash and dry them coming back from the laundry I sat down in my chair and picked up the book I had been reading and didn't pay attention to time. Also surfing the Fur forums looking at the replies to the pictures I had posted from humans who were into the scene and furs.

I was still reading my book when the scent of grilled meat blew in the window, and to my new heightened sense of smell it was almost irresistible. I was surprised at the fact I had managed to tune out the sounds of the voices and music from outside, I must be getting used to my new senses at last. What had actually caught my attention was the urge to grab food and run off with it.

I stood up and looked down at the pool and saw a mixed selection of furs and humans some lounging on deck chairs others swimming. A few gathered around grill cooking food, nearby a table was covered with cold meats, salads, pasta and other dishes I couldn't identify from this range.

What the hell I thought to myself, might as well go and check it out I checked my fur and head down, step out and hear a shout "You came glad to see you, I am sorry but I don't think I introduced myself, John Carver."

I took his hand and replied "don't think either of us did, Jonas Steel."

He then led me around introducing me to every one, I soon lost track of all the names and faces as we ended up back at the table near the grill. A Red fox had joined us on the tour one of the few whose name I could remember. John and Mike headed off to collect some drinks as I looked round think that for a collage party this wasn't like any I remembered but it was still early yet. The music could get louder and so could the people.

I turned back and my ears picked up a few soft tones "see I told you he was sexy" I coughed and looked to where John was talking to Mike and a cheetah morph I hadn't met yet, as they waited inline at the grill. I had still to get used to just how sensitive my new ears I was constantly being surprised at just how well I could hear now. I guess that having the large movable ears that collected and funnelled in more sound than my old human ears did was part of it.

I turned away and headed for the table with drinks on and noticed that most of that the alcohol consisted of beer or wine. I chose a bottle of beer for myself and picked up the drinks the others had ordered and made my way back to the table we had staked out just as the plates arrived piled with meat vegetables pasta a good selection of cooked and cold foods. They passed around the empty plates and we all helped our selves to the food piled on the others

John looked at me and I noticed his ears droop a little then he stiffened and said "This is my boyfriend James he and I share our apartment with Mike".

I said "hello pass the burgers" as I started scooping food onto the empty plate they had handed me. I gather my total lack of reaction other than a quick glance at the fox calmed him. I guessed that he had been worried about my reaction to his relationship but it didn't faze me.

I took a pull from my beer and then started eating I made a note to find out who had made the pasta dish as it was just right. We hung around chatting when I noticed John and James stripping off and Diving into the pool naked. I guess I gave away a little too much when I realised I was staring at John's sheath as he floated on his back and blushed. Just in time for Mike to walk up and see my ears flush a bright red he must have followed my gaze and he laughed and put a hand on my shoulder and whispered "He does have a full sheath doesn't he" I choked on my beer and he rubbed my back.

I got my breath back as my ears went bright red again as he asked "Want to take a swim".

I looked at pool and noticed that all the furs who were in the water were swimming nude. In fact without me noticing almost all of them seemed to have stripped off and were lounging around without a care in the world

Looking at Mike I just shrugged as he pulled his shirt over is head dropped it onto his chair. His paw moved to undo the button in his shorts above his tail then popped his fly button and pulled his zip down as he bent to take off his shorts I saw his pink finger slip out of his sheath for a couple inches and then pull back inside.

A fraction of a second later his most intimate male scent wafted up to my nose, I felt a tremble and then a throb from my own sheath and I started a panicked series of thoughts thinking of the most non erotic things I could think of to get myself under control.

Mike dropped his shorts on his chair and looked at me "Are you coming in."

I said "give me a few I need to go to the can, I think I had 1 beer too many, Back in five."

I headed off up to my place and I did use the can but I used the time mostly to get myself under control.

I glanced at my laptop and noticed the ‘You have Mail' icon was up and quickly checked it. I found a confirmation mail telling me I had Blood and Tissue tests booked for the following Monday. A couple spam messages and a pile of your order has been received goods will arrive etc, messages from my online shopping spree.

I saved them to check later and headed back down to the pool thinking to myself "Hell did I just fall in with a liberated bunch or are all furs like this". My experience with Furs was limited as the technology had only been around for the last 35 years. I had never had time to get too involved with any one as my past life had kept me on the move. I stepped out of the stairwell and walked back to the pool and the table we had been using

I saw Mike wave from the pool I striped off my shirt and folded it then my shorts followed and I told my mind shouting at myself "I CAN DO THIS!" over and over. I turned looked for where Mike was and saw he had swam over to the far side where James and John were sitting on the edge of the pool. I walked forwards and launched myself into the almost instinctual dive hitting the water with hardly any splash. I glided along the bottom of the pool and arched up to surface behind Mike.

James said "Nice dive" a few comments on my style followed I half followed the conversation as Mike had moved a little so I could hang onto the side next to him as we trod water.

I wasn't sure if he did it on purpose but at one point I was sure he copped a feel of my butt. I already knew he was sharing with a gay couple but could it be he was gay and single

The party dragged on till it got dark and then moved inside well almost it seemed that just the four of us and a few other furs followed up to their apartment it also seemed that once clothes had been taken off they stayed off folks lounged around and I noticed that everyone who had come inside was male. I hung around for a while then said I had to go sleep as I was worn out Mike said he would come down with something for me and he run off to his room and came back with a small Portable TV from his room saying I could borrow it until I got one of my own.

He left the TV on the kitchen counter and left heading back upstairs, I checked my mail and the crashed out. I spent the weekend buying more clothing and picked up some things I needed urgently for my home.