A career change

Story by Mosesj on SoFurry

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#9 of Transformation

Well I felt like writing a story lately and I had this story kicking around, so I finished it up and uploaded it! Enjoy

The museum was quiet, the halls dimly lit in the night, the place closed until further notice. One guard rested at the security controls, his gaze downwards while he slouched backwards as he messed with his phone. It was rather unenventful, like always, the guard simply had to sit down there and occasionally look up at the cameras for any intruders. It was an easy job but it paid the bills. Unfortunately for the lone guard, trouble was about to start on his shift. He turned on his radio "Hey Steve, you done your break yet? It's almost my turn for a break!" Shortly after, a voice responded back "Give me a few minutes, I'm about to beat my high score" Peter sighed. The Labrador shook his head. He was about to tell him when he heard a thump behind the door to the security room. "Just a moment, heard something and going to check it out."

"It's probably nothing, the alarm's on for all the doors, nobody can get in." Peter got up, trying to remain quiet. He shut off the radio and proceeded past the door. He opened the door slowly and carefully looked around the lit hallway for the source of the sound. It was a narrow hallway leading from the entrance down to storage. The door that normally stopped the customers from coming in was wide open. The canine was alarmed and turned on his radio again. "Steve, did you leave the door open?" The voice came back with a tone Peter didn't like; unsure. "oh man, I don't know. I didn't think it would have been important" Peter cursed to himself. "I'm going to investigate" "no problem, break's done and I'm coming back." The labradour felt some security. He tried to calm himself down, it was probably nothing. They only had donations downstairs at the moment. The guard went down the stairs to investiagate the storage. As he climbed down, Peter grew colder as the room tempature dropped. The storage was kept cold to help preserve any precious artifacts the museum got, (few as they may be) and nearing summer, the dog wasn't wearing warm clothing. He reached a door leading to the room and pushed it open before turning on the light. It flickered for a few moments before lighting the huge expansive room in a fluorescent light. "Hello? If anyone's here, come out and keep your hands up. You didn't steal anything yet so your fine's going to be rather small if you comply." There was silence. The dog gripped his belt closely before he went forward to investiagate further.

"I'm back, there's nothing on any of the cameras down there." Peter sighed, he relaxed for a moment before responding. "I'm still checking this out, this is suspicious" He put the radio back into his belt and went forward to investigate. Nothing was moved or taken. He was about to finish when he noticed a huge hole in the wall where nothing was. Peter frowned and came to investigate the hole, only to find it was a tunnel to a passageway. Peter quickly grabbed his radio and spoke "Steve! There's a breach to some tunnel down here, call reinforcements and tell them to come down here." "Alright, no problem. They should be there in five minutes" "Alright, I'm going to investigate." "Be careful in there, This sounds bad" Peter shook his head and put the radio back. He needed to make sure whoever made the hole wasn't escaping deeper down the tunnel. He went past the hole and went down deep into the dark tunnel. It was a short tunnel, the dog had to duck to fit in. He picked up his flashlight and turned it on to illuminate the darkness. Carefully he inched forward, his ears focused on the slightest noise ahead of him. Far away, he could hear noises as several guards came in to investigate, their boots stomping on the hallway's shiny floors. Still Peter scouted. He came across a blue light ahead of him and he quietly turned off his flash light. He inched forward to investigate what the light was in front of him. He could see a rather feminine appearance in front of him. It had cat ears, so he figured it for a feline and from the glowing light, he could tell that she was rather curvy. The feline appeared to be reading from a book that glowed. It was the source of light! The tunnel broke to a tall circular room so he could stand up with ease. "Hey there, stop what you're doing and turn around. " he said out to what he could now tell was a striped tigress. The lady seemed to instinctively turn around, the book in paw. The feline looked at peter and laughed. "oh why thank you for coming down here, I really appreciate you volunteering to be my first subject." Peter was about to ask when the tigress' eyes glowed a blinding blue. The dog's body froze, Peter in shock while his body refused to obey him.

"w,what did you do to me?" "Manners first, subject. Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine"

Peter was shocked by this. Who was this lady? Where did she come from? He certainly was not going to tell her his name! Her amber eyes stared at him in anger and once more they glowed green. "What is your name?!" Her voice rocked through Peter's body and his mouth moved on its own accord "Peter". The labradour cursed to himself, how the hell did she do that? The lady smiled a devilish grin. She was enjoying the first displays of her new power. "Excellent... my name is Eliza. That was just the start, let's see what I can really do. Hmm, how about a simple species change?" Peter could only look at her in surprise before his body began to float up in the air. He looked down at his body as a tingling sensation overrode his body. His arms and paws began to shake rather quickly before they grew thicker. His fingers grew stubbier as his hands became rather cat like, like Eliza's own paws. His footpaws thickened, going from humanoid feet to thickened paws. He grunted as they tore at his shoes before they tore, revealing his lovely feline paws to the world. To him, they seemed cartoonishly big. "Excellent! I can change certain parts of your body to my whim. This book's better than I thought~ Now to change you into a more useful shape for my needs" Once more, The transformation grew over his body. Peter looked down at the transformation moving at his thighs. His black fur gave way to a golden orange, his fur appearing far more fluffy and softer than before; the fat that stopped his muscles from showing vanished and his muscles buldged out into that of a body builder. What was going on? His body's muscles buldged out as the line of fur went upwards.

"what are you doing?" Peter said in shock and anger as the transformation continued, his body nearly gone to the glow, replaced with was a body builder tiger. "why, I'm making you into my personal guard~ You have to be nice and strong if you're going to protect me from my new subjects." "like hell if I will!" "Tsk tsk, that's no way to talk to your new mistress, is it...?" Peter opened his mouth to protest but suddenly, there was a powerful presence pushing at the edges of his mind. He tried to fight it off, his eyes going wide as the alien prescene assaulted at his mental walls, pushing into them like a soft jello. The spirit poured into his mind and left it in a haze, the tiger finding it difficult to concetrate or think on anything. "Oh good, the spell is finishing up its work, you'll soon be open to my suggestions. I believe first off, we should with the simple. " Eliza sauntered up to him and stroked his new well definied body. "Mmm, such a lovely job I did" Peter grunted and purred, the attention the lady gave him felt nice, his mind enjoyed the simple pleasure she gave him. "This feeling you feel... this is the feeling you'll always have when you obey your mistress. Remember it well, for this pleasure is all you strive for." Peter nodded. This pleasure overwhelmed him, he simply must get more of it... he must obey his mistress.... She repeated the lines to him before purring herself. "yes... you must never let your mistress come into harm. She is the source of your comfort after all, and loves you dearly just as much as you love her." Peter's mind was a blank slate, it took all this information and tried to absorb it and make sense of it. It was absolute truth and the new feline's mind corrected his old thinking. Of course, he had always protected Eliza, it was his duty as her guard. She was so thankful, she gave him attention that nobody else had given the tiger! "Now, how about you take care of those troublesome pests waiting for us? And make sure to save a couple, I do need more subjects..."

a day at the hospital

**_One trip to the doctor's room_** Thomas nervously twiddled his furred thumbs together, the fox always hated going to see the doctor. It seemed that the hospital was even more crowded today than usual, full of patients coughing and hacking as they...
