Extra Chapter: Keep You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#35 of The Mating Season: A Life of Dreams

WARNING: Long Ass Rant Ahead.

This chapter was originally going to be right before Roan and Theo's wedding and after Zaldon received Bayne's letter. I was going to write it . . . but I was so overworked by school and life that I just wanted to post the story and stop working on it.

I wanted to do this chapter because, despite the fact that they're supposed to be so in love, we never see Zaldon and Kel alone much. Name five times when they had scenes alone (off the top of your head, don't go look it up).

See? You can't do it. Because they are almost never frikkin alone.

To add more nerdy trivia, Zaldon and Kel were never supposed to become the main characters of this series (I don't even believe in soulmates).

Aliona was the main character. But as I continued to write, Kel began to develop into this insecure bisexual male, and it became more interesting to explore why he was insecure rather than to explore Aliona, who has less issues with her sexuality. She was always more secure in her sexuality than Kel because I have not known many insecure bisexual women in my life - but I have known plenty of bisexual men who were fully aware that the world is less accepting of them.

The fact that Aliona didn't have issues is what made her less interesting as a character. She had everything she wanted, which was basically Kel and a family and a good life. But Kel didn't have everything he wanted. And that's what made him more interesting.

And that's why there are so many male characters. Because of Kel. And because I think gay sex is hot. -shrug-

It's not because I wish I was a man. It's not because I suffer from penis envy. Or any other offensive crap you people can come up with. If you take a step back, you'll notice that half the Mating Season Series consists of FEMALES as main characters. It began with Aliona, then picked up with Lea, Zalia, Enya, Yuri, Wynn, Seleste, and lastly Tala.

Lea was not just an object for Kilyan to rescue, she was a person all on her own. As are all my female characters.

So there's the end of my rant concerning Zaldon, Kel, and why there are so many male characters in this series. If you read through that whole thing, here's a cookie and good for you!

No. This was not directed at anyone person. I have received numerous comments and insinuations from male members of the website over the years. This is simply a statement debunking the myth that every woman secretly wants a penis.

I mean seriously? If a guy on here writes about two females having sex (because he obviously thinks two females having sex is hot) no one is accusing him of vagina envy. =/

Enjoy the chapter. And thanks for reading.


Extra Chapter: Keep You

It was the middle of the night. Zaldon halted in the kitchen door. He could see Kel out in the garden. He was standing in the moonlight, looking at the sky, and his back was to the house.

Zaldon took a deep breath and clenched his fist on the little gold ring. He had spent the day on his rounds only to come home fairly late into the night. As a result, he was still wearing his belt with the pouches of herbs and medicines. In one of the pouches was also the letter Bayne had left for him. His father's letter had given him the courage he needed to finally ask Kel . . . but he didn't know how he was going to do it. They hadn't spoken since the fight with Lynny. That was two nights ago.

During the last two days, Kel hadn't seemed angry. Just ashamed. He kissed Zaldon good morning and was pleasant enough to him, and Zaldon was just as pleasant - though inside, his heart was burning with quiet rage. Though he hadn't shown it, he had been furious with Kel the last two days. Kel had agreed to never let Lynny touch him again, and though Zaldon was well aware that Kel hadn't known who was touching him that night . . . he still felt the fury burning.

Zaldon took a few steps into the garden, letting the kitchen door shut behind him. Kel's ear twitched when he heard the door shut. He looked over his shoulder and smiled hesitantly.

"Can't sleep?" Zaldon said. He came to Kel and stood beside him. He smiled. "My little worry wart. What are you worried about now?"

Kel smiled back, and Zaldon thought he looked relieved. He felt a sting of guilt to realize that Kel was perfectly aware of just how angry he'd been. Zaldon put a reassuring arm around Kel's shoulders, and Kel dropped his head against him.

"I can't sleep when you don't come home," Kel admitted.

Zaldon smiled: Kel had waited up for him. He nuzzled his cheek against Kel's mane. "You smell good. You trying to make me crazy?"

Kel laughed softly. "I smell like the public gardens . . . and Roan's garden. He dragged me through it a couple times. . . . Zaldon . . . what's the matter?"

Zaldon's black eyes darted to their corners. "What? Nothing's the matter . . ." he said nervously. He stuck the big fist holding the ring behind his back.

"You're all stiff and nervous," Kel said with a laugh. He pulled away, looking up at Zaldon in amusement. ". . . what are you hiding behind your back!"

Zaldon looked away. He could hear his father's voice calling him a pussy for wussing out. But he suddenly couldn't do it. He couldn't ask Kel to marry him!

Before Zaldon could protest, Kel grabbed his paw and pried the large fingers open. Zaldon murmured a quick spell. The ring disappeared from his paw and reappeared in one of the pouches on his belt. As Kel's stared with pricked ears at Zaldon's empty paw, he gave a long sigh.

"You were holding something a moment ago!" Kel accused. He looked into Zaldon's guilty face and laughed. "What was it? A new flavor of lube?" He rubbed Zaldon's chest and kissed the round pectoral.

Zaldon's nostrils flared a little as he felt the lust coming on strong. "I wanted to give you something," he admitted. He touched Kel's mane and his eyes softened. "But it can wait."

Kel smiled slowly. "Wait until we go upstairs?"

Zaldon smiled to see the warm lust in Kel's green eyes.

Looking Zaldon deep in the eyes, Kel closed his fingers slowly on his cock. "Is this what you wanted to give me?" he whispered as Zaldon stiffened.

Zaldon's eyes fired as he hardened in Kel's paw. "You can always have that," he whispered, backing Kel against a tree.

Kel liked it rough, but Zaldon had always enjoyed being gentle, kissing, cuddling, making tender love. For Kel's sake, he allowed the full strength of his big paws, grabbing Kel by the neck and turning him to face the tree in the brutal, overpowering way that always made him hard.

Zaldon drew close, kissing Kel's neck as he stroked his cock. Kel swelled in his fingers and moaned. Zaldon fumbled in one of his pouches. There was a medical balm inside and he smoothed it over his huge pink erection, his eyes burning bright with hunger as they took in Kel's hard ass cheeks. With a deep sigh, he sank his cock between that hardness and heard Kel groan as his clenching ass took him in.

"Z-Zaldon . . ." Kel reached back and squeezed Zaldon's ass hard, fumbling to pull him near as their muscular bodies flexed against the tree.

They made love, rocking the tree until leaves cascaded. Zaldon licked Kel's neck tenderly as he came in his paw. He hunched his muscular back and stabbed in hard as he came in turn. Weak and content, they sank to the flowers together and lay there, holding each other under the stars.

Zaldon's heart was soaring. It was always soaring after being with Kel. He stroked Kel's long black mane as his lover cuddled close. Kel smoothed his fingers through Zaldon's chest fur, and Zaldon closed his eyes, relishing in his touch.

"I love you, Kel."

"Oh, Zaldon . . ."

"So much . . . I promised to say so everyday that you were here."

"Hold me tighter . . . not that tight!"

Zaldon chuckled.

"Julyan's going to be mad. We crushed some of his flowers."

"I'll put them right later. Mmm . . . look at me."

Kel looked at Zaldon, and they kissed. Kel happily dropped his cheek on Zaldon's chest again, and they lay in happy silence for a long moment. But Zaldon felt it when Kel's face twisted in a frown and he held back a groan: Kel was going to ruin the content.

"Zaldon . . . about Lynny . . ."

"It's over and done, Kel. Forget it."

"Forget the two of you hitting each other?! Zaldon, you were bleeding!"

"And now I'm not. It's over, Kel. Lynny is going to try to move on. For his sake and Idella's sake as well."

"I'm sorry I . . ."

"You didn't know, Kel."

"No . . . I knew," Kel admitted sheepishly. "After a while, I realized it wasn't your scent . . . but I let him keep going. I pretended I didn't know."

Zaldon's ears flattened. "Why!"

Kel glanced at him miserably. "Because I like being with him. Because I'm an idiot? Because when I look at him, I remember that night so many years ago, when we were just boys . . . when he made love to me."

Zaldon sighed heavily. "I knew I never should have let him . . . It's not all your fault."

"I'm not in love with him, Zaldon," Kel whispered and kissed Zaldon's chest to assure him. "I had a moment of weakness, I know. But you're the one I love. You and Aliona mean everything to me."

Zaldon glanced down and felt reassured when Kel smiled at him warmly. He looked at the stars and laughed weakly. "You've got me wrapped around your damn finger. I'm not even angry any more."

"I hate it when you're mad at me . . ." Kel whispered sadly and snuggled closer.

Zaldon laughed weakly again. "I'm never mad at you, Kel. Maybe frustrated. For the better part of our lives, there's been a lot of frustration. The sexual kind."

Kel laughed, glancing up at Zaldon fondly. "If we were married, you might have divorced me," he said in amusement.

"If we were married," Zaldon repeated, thinking of the gold ring hidden on his belt. He bit his lip.

"I've never seen you so mad," Kel went on. "I know you tried to hide it, but you can't hide from me."

Zaldon smiled slowly. "No. I never could hide my feelings from you, could I? You always knew when I was upset growing up . . . but you never knew I loved you."

"I'm a walking conundrum," Kel said with a shrug.

Zaldon chuckled and hugged Kel close in his big arm. He kissed him hard on the cheek and they rubbed noses as they laughed.

They fell silent, and eventually, Kel fell asleep, listening to the steady thrum of Zaldon's heart.

"I was going to ask you to marry me," Zaldon whispered, stroking Kel's mane. "I was going to ask if you would move here with Aliona, marry me, be mine . . ." He leaned close and whispered in Kel's ear, "Can I keep you?"

Zaldon fell asleep, but lying on his chest, Kel's eyes opened . . . and he smiled.